Prince's Trust Survey & The Voices of the Voteless (Children) in Gay Marriage Debate

What is your view of the voice of children in the gay marriage/marrige equality debate?

  • I think they are a mere afterthought, this debate is about adults and their rights

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • I think they are important, but always subdominant to adult considerations

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • I think they are equally important as adults in this conversation.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Kids are more important than adults. They cannot vote; marriage is by, for & about them ultimately.

    Votes: 6 50.0%

  • Total voters
The study doesn't have to study the adults to find out what is happening already to the kids. The survey doesn't say "well did you have two gay parents?". It just asked about missing their own gender as an adult role model; a thing that happens to 50% of kids in gay marriage AUTOMATICALLY, by virtue of its physical structure....So, (I know how much the Rainbow-APA enthusiasts HATE numbers and raw data), the physical structure and statistical raw data states that with 50% of kids in gay marriage will fall prey to the woes found for kids without their gender as a role model. Period. There can be no other interpretation.

Except that it asks about positive same-gender role models, not simply same-gender role models, and it doesn't specify that a parent must be that role model. Of course, since this has been pointed out to you over and over by multiple people, it's clear that you are willfully ignoring it since it doesn't advance your anti-gay marriage agenda.

If you take two situations, a happy single parent home and a happy gay "parent" home, the happy gay "parent" home is every day sending the message to 50% of the kids in it that "your gender NEVER matters in a functioning adult world". Whereas the single hetero parent is still dating, still flirting with and "making matter" the opposite gender (the child's gender) "in a functioning adult world". So all things being equal, the gay home still damages the child's self-esteem (as per the findings of the Prince's Trust survey, the largest of its kind) more than even the single parent home.

Your "gay marriage is the lesser of two evils" argument doesn't pan out, not from lack of potentials, but from lack of the necessary structure to give a reflective mirror to 50% of kids caught up in it.
The study doesn't have to study the adults to find out what is happening already to the kids. The survey doesn't say "well did you have two gay parents?". It just asked about missing their own gender as an adult role model; a thing that happens to 50% of kids in gay marriage AUTOMATICALLY, by virtue of its physical structure....So, (I know how much the Rainbow-APA enthusiasts HATE numbers and raw data), the physical structure and statistical raw data states that with 50% of kids in gay marriage will fall prey to the woes found for kids without their gender as a role model. Period. There can be no other interpretation.

Except that it asks about positive same-gender role models, not simply same-gender role models, and it doesn't specify that a parent must be that role model. Of course, since this has been pointed out to you over and over by multiple people, it's clear that you are willfully ignoring it since it doesn't advance your anti-gay marriage agenda.

If you take two situations, a happy single parent home and a happy gay "parent" home, the happy gay "parent" home is every day sending the message to 50% of the kids in it that "your gender NEVER matters in a functioning adult world". Whereas the single hetero parent is still dating, still flirting with and "making matter" the opposite gender (the child's gender) "in a functioning adult world". So all things being equal, the gay home still damages the child's self-esteem (as per the findings of the Prince's Trust survey, the largest of its kind) more than even the single parent home.

Your "gay marriage is the lesser of two evils" argument doesn't pan out, not from lack of potentials, but from lack of the necessary structure to give a reflective mirror to 50% of kids caught up in it.
Where is the proof I asked for about how a parent dating is good for the mental health of the child?
The study doesn't have to study the adults to find out what is happening already to the kids. The survey doesn't say "well did you have two gay parents?". It just asked about missing their own gender as an adult role model; a thing that happens to 50% of kids in gay marriage AUTOMATICALLY, by virtue of its physical structure....So, (I know how much the Rainbow-APA enthusiasts HATE numbers and raw data), the physical structure and statistical raw data states that with 50% of kids in gay marriage will fall prey to the woes found for kids without their gender as a role model. Period. There can be no other interpretation.

Except that it asks about positive same-gender role models, not simply same-gender role models, and it doesn't specify that a parent must be that role model. Of course, since this has been pointed out to you over and over by multiple people, it's clear that you are willfully ignoring it since it doesn't advance your anti-gay marriage agenda.

If you take two situations, a happy single parent home and a happy gay "parent" home,.

Again- how does preventing same gender marriage change any of that?

The only thing preventing same gender marriage accomplishes is ensuring that those children don't have married parents.
The study doesn't have to study the adults to find out what is happening already to the kids. The survey doesn't say "well did you have two gay parents?". It just asked about missing their own gender as an adult role model; a thing that happens to 50% of kids in gay marriage AUTOMATICALLY, by virtue of its physical structure....So, (I know how much the Rainbow-APA enthusiasts HATE numbers and raw data), the physical structure and statistical raw data states that with 50% of kids in gay marriage will fall prey to the woes found for kids without their gender as a role model. Period. There can be no other interpretation.

Except that it asks about positive same-gender role models, not simply same-gender role models, and it doesn't specify that a parent must be that role model. Of course, since this has been pointed out to you over and over by multiple people, it's clear that you are willfully ignoring it since it doesn't advance your anti-gay marriage agenda.
So all things being equal, the gay home still damages the child's self-esteem (as per the findings of the Prince's Trust survey, the largest of its kind) more than even the single parent home..

That is entirely your fiction. Your lie. Your invention.

The survey doesn't say- or suggest any of the lie you just posted.
If you take two situations, a happy single parent home and a happy gay "parent" home, the happy gay "parent" home is every day sending the message to 50% of the kids in it that "your gender NEVER matters in a functioning adult world".

The Prince Trust Study never says this up, or even suggests it. You're literally making this shit up as you go along. And of course, you don't address any point Montrovant used to destroy your argument;

Except that it asks about positive same-gender role models, not simply same-gender role models, and it doesn't specify that a parent must be that role model. Of course, since this has been pointed out to you over and over by multiple people, it's clear that you are willfully ignoring it since it doesn't advance your anti-gay marriage agenda.

Try again. This time not ignoring what you're responding to.
I already said that between these "positive" situations, a single hetero parent, married hetero parents and homosexual "married" "parents", that homosexuals were damaging to children not by virtue of their being basically decent people, but insteand by virtue of the structure of their relationship as embodying the complete exclusion of the opposite gender as part of a functioning adult/society system. THAT is how a child's mind perceives that daily lesson. THEREFORE, 50% of children caught up in so-called "gay marriage" would be saddled with that psychological burden that the Prince's Trust survey found with those without ANY adult role model of their gender ...a sense of not belonging at all to any system...

There is nothing more empty and woebegone for homo sapiens to experience than the pain of exclusion. In fact, in ancient times it was used as a punishment worse than death: banishment...exclusion from a clan or settlement. It was a slow form of death, an annihilation of being of the soul as well. That's powerful shit. And shit I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. These 50% of kids will be sentenced to a cousin-form of that soul death.
I already said that between these "positive" situations, a single hetero parent, married hetero parents and homosexual "married" "parents", that homosexuals were damaging to children not by virtue of their being basically decent people, but insteand by virtue of the structure of their relationship as embodying the complete exclusion of the opposite gender as part of a functioning adult/society system. THAT is how a child's mind perceives that daily lesson. THEREFORE, 50% of children caught up in so-called "gay marriage" would be saddled with that psychological burden that the Prince's Trust survey found with those without ANY adult role model of their gender ...a sense of not belonging at all to any system...

There is nothing more empty and woebegone for homo sapiens to experience than the pain of exclusion. In fact, in ancient times it was used as a punishment worse than death: banishment...exclusion from a clan or settlement. It was a slow form of death, an annihilation of being of the soul as well. That's powerful shit. And shit I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. These 50% of kids will be sentenced to a cousin-form of that soul death.
You'd have a point if gay couples adopted opposite gendered children and kept them locked away with no interaction with other members of their gender AND they willfully told the child his or her gender was useless.

But since that doesn't happen, you have no point. Except proving that you are rabidly homophobic.
I already said that between these "positive" situations, a single hetero parent, married hetero parents and homosexual "married" "parents", that homosexuals were damaging to children not by virtue of their being basically decent people, but insteand by virtue of the structure of their relationship as embodying the complete exclusion of the opposite gender as part of a functioning adult/society system.

The Prince Study never says this. You do. Citing yourself. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

THEREFORE, your comments are baseless opinion. And of no substantive value when determining the health and well being of any child. And of course, contradicted by more than a dozen studies measuring the health of the children of same sex parents and finding they were fine. All of which you ignore, regardless of source.

You're willful ignorance doesn't magically make those contradictions disappear.

THAT is how a child's mind perceives that daily lesson.

Says you, pretending to be every child who has same sex parents. And you pretending to be a child isn't actually evidence of anything. You simply don't know what you're talking about.
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I already said that between these "positive" situations, a single hetero parent, married hetero parents and homosexual "married" "parents", that homosexuals were damaging to children.

And this has what to do with gay marriage?

All that preventing 'gay marriage' accomplishes is to ensure that those children do not have married parents.
I already said that between these "positive" situations, a single hetero parent, married hetero parents and homosexual "married" "parents", that homosexuals were damaging to children not by virtue of their being basically decent people, but insteand by virtue of the structure of their relationship as embodying the complete exclusion of the opposite gender as part of a functioning adult/society system. THAT is how a child's mind perceives that daily lesson. THEREFORE, 50% of children caught up in so-called "gay marriage" would be saddled with that psychological burden that the Prince's Trust survey found with those without ANY adult role model of their gender ...a sense of not belonging at all to any system...

There is nothing more empty and woebegone for homo sapiens to experience than the pain of exclusion. In fact, in ancient times it was used as a punishment worse than death: banishment...exclusion from a clan or settlement. It was a slow form of death, an annihilation of being of the soul as well. That's powerful shit. And shit I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. These 50% of kids will be sentenced to a cousin-form of that soul death.
You'd have a point if gay couples adopted opposite gendered children and kept them locked away with no interaction with other members of their gender AND they willfully told the child his or her gender was useless.

But since that doesn't happen, you have no point. Except proving that you are rabidly homophobic.

Even then, Silo's point is muted by the fact that every example cited in the Prince Trust study of a child without a good same sex role model had a single parent. Which is known to have bad outcomes. When this is pointed out, Silo insists that the Prince Trust Study doesn't measure anything about single parents, despite citing single parenthood explicitly.

Yet bizarrely, insists that the Prince Trust Study does measure same sex parenting, despite making no mention whatsoever of same sex parenting, gays, or gay marriage in any way.

How one can hold both positions simultaneously boggles the mind.
I already said that between these "positive" situations, a single hetero parent, married hetero parents and homosexual "married" "parents", that homosexuals were damaging to children not by virtue of their being basically decent people, but insteand by virtue of the structure of their relationship as embodying the complete exclusion of the opposite gender as part of a functioning adult/society system. THAT is how a child's mind perceives that daily lesson. THEREFORE, 50% of children caught up in so-called "gay marriage" would be saddled with that psychological burden that the Prince's Trust survey found with those without ANY adult role model of their gender ...a sense of not belonging at all to any system...

There is nothing more empty and woebegone for homo sapiens to experience than the pain of exclusion. In fact, in ancient times it was used as a punishment worse than death: banishment...exclusion from a clan or settlement. It was a slow form of death, an annihilation of being of the soul as well. That's powerful shit. And shit I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. These 50% of kids will be sentenced to a cousin-form of that soul death.

You'd have a point if gay couples adopted opposite gendered children and kept them locked away with no interaction with other members of their gender AND they willfully told the child his or her gender was useless.
But since that doesn't happen, you have no point. Except proving that you are rabidly homophobic.

Society (later) and family (immediate) are two very different worlds for the young formative child.. No expressed message at all need be uttered in the presence of the 50% of unfortunate children without their gender represented in their FORMATIVE VIEW (Introduction to the world at large) of the world (their immediate family)

These hypothetical gay parents could not say one disparaging word about the child's gender at all (though with my experience knowing lesbians especially, good luck with that one!). Their living structural example means to the child's excruciatingly logical and candid mind "Your gender doesn't matter". The formative child reads that as "YOU don't matter".. The fact that the "parents" are lesbians says "we have rejected men/males so utterly that we attempt to copulate with females only instead" (The child's logical mind will learn in biology where babies come from and what sex is for.) Same with gay men, "we have rejected women/females so utterly that we attempt to copulate with males only instead".

Kids are very probing and scathingly honest creatures; whereas adults are mired in layers upon layers of deception by the time they reach adulthood/parenthood. So there's going to be a problem in Houston..

A single parent hetero home is never preferable to a married hetero home; unless the marriage is in shambles and the state reluctantly grants divorce for the sake of the children. But a single parent hetero home pitted against a gay "marriage" home would be in interesting horse-race to see which would be more damaging...the financial struggles of the single parent who still is trying to make those 50% of kids matter in her home by reaching out still to the opposite gender; or the gay home that "tells" the kids daily "your gender NEVER matters".
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I already said that between these "positive" situations, a single hetero parent, married hetero parents and homosexual "married" "parents", that homosexuals were damaging to children not by virtue of their being basically decent people, but insteand by virtue of the structure of their relationship as embodying the complete exclusion of the opposite gender as part of a functioning adult/society system. THAT is how a child's mind perceives that daily lesson. THEREFORE, 50% of children caught up in so-called "gay marriage" would be saddled with that psychological burden that the Prince's Trust survey found with those without ANY adult role model of their gender ...a sense of not belonging at all to any system...

There is nothing more empty and woebegone for homo sapiens to experience than the pain of exclusion. In fact, in ancient times it was used as a punishment worse than death: banishment...exclusion from a clan or settlement. It was a slow form of death, an annihilation of being of the soul as well. That's powerful shit. And shit I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. These 50% of kids will be sentenced to a cousin-form of that soul death.
You'd have a point if gay couples adopted opposite gendered children and kept them locked away with no interaction with other members of their gender AND they willfully told the child his or her gender was useless.

But since that doesn't happen, you have no point. Except proving that you are rabidly homophobic.

Even then, Silo's point is muted by the fact that every example cited in the Prince Trust study of a child without a good same sex role model had a single parent. Which is known to have bad outcomes. When this is pointed out, Silo insists that the Prince Trust Study doesn't measure anything about single parents, despite citing single parenthood explicitly.

Yet bizarrely, insists that the Prince Trust Study does measure same sex parenting, despite making no mention whatsoever of same sex parenting, gays, or gay marriage in any way.

How one can hold both positions simultaneously boggles the mind.

Well Silhouette is also obsessed with wolves raising children....apparently equating wolves to gay couples...
I already said that between these "positive" situations, a single hetero parent, married hetero parents and homosexual "married" "parents", that homosexuals were damaging to children not by virtue of their being basically decent people, but insteand by virtue of the structure of their relationship as embodying the complete exclusion of the opposite gender as part of a functioning adult/society system. THAT is how a child's mind perceives that daily lesson. THEREFORE, 50% of children caught up in so-called "gay marriage" would be saddled with that psychological burden that the Prince's Trust survey found with those without ANY adult role model of their gender ...a sense of not belonging at all to any system...

There is nothing more empty and woebegone for homo sapiens to experience than the pain of exclusion. In fact, in ancient times it was used as a punishment worse than death: banishment...exclusion from a clan or settlement. It was a slow form of death, an annihilation of being of the soul as well. That's powerful shit. And shit I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. These 50% of kids will be sentenced to a cousin-form of that soul death.

You'd have a point if gay couples adopted opposite gendered children and kept them locked away with no interaction with other members of their gender AND they willfully told the child his or her gender was useless.
But since that doesn't happen, you have no point. Except proving that you are rabidly homophobic.

Society (later) and family (immediate) are two very different worlds for the young formative child.. No expressed message at all need be uttered in the presence of the 50% of unfortunate children without their gender represented in their FORMATIVE VIEW (Introduction to the world at large) of the world (their immediate family)

These hypothetical gay parents could not say one disparaging word about the child's gender at all (though with my experience knowing lesbians especially, good luck with that one!). Their living structural example means to the child's excruciatingly logical and candid mind "Your gender doesn't matter". The formative child reads that as "YOU don't matter".. The fact that the "parents" are lesbians says "we have rejected men/males so utterly that we attempt to copulate with females only instead" (The child's logical mind will learn in biology where babies come from and what sex is for.) Same with gay men, "we have rejected women/females so utterly that we attempt to copulate with males only instead".

Kids are very probing and scathingly honest creatures; whereas adults are mired in layers upon layers of deception by the time they reach adulthood/parenthood. So there's going to be a problem in Houston..
Kids aren't stupid. That their parents are gay doesn't mean that the other gender doesn't matter. It simply means that the parents are gay.

And in fact it is only YOU that is trying to tell these kids that they don't matter. And that really sucks.

Please do not reproduce.
Wolves have raised kids too, should they be married?

And this has what to do with gay marriage?

All that preventing 'gay marriage' accomplishes is to ensure that those children do not have married parents.
I think she's gone off the deep end.

Just wait until June. You will think that Armageddon, the Civil War and a nuclear holocaust all started on the same day from the way Silo is going to shit his proverbial pants.

And maybe his literal ones.
I already said that between these "positive" situations, a single hetero parent, married hetero parents and homosexual "married" "parents", that homosexuals were damaging to children not by virtue of their being basically decent people, but insteand by virtue of the structure of their relationship as embodying the complete exclusion of the opposite gender as part of a functioning adult/society system. THAT is how a child's mind perceives that daily lesson. THEREFORE, 50% of children caught up in so-called "gay marriage" would be saddled with that psychological burden that the Prince's Trust survey found with those without ANY adult role model of their gender ...a sense of not belonging at all to any system...

There is nothing more empty and woebegone for homo sapiens to experience than the pain of exclusion. In fact, in ancient times it was used as a punishment worse than death: banishment...exclusion from a clan or settlement. It was a slow form of death, an annihilation of being of the soul as well. That's powerful shit. And shit I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. These 50% of kids will be sentenced to a cousin-form of that soul death.

Gay people raising children is exactly like banishment and exile punishments common during The Bronze Age. lol. I didn't think you could get any kookier and every day you prove me wrong.
I already said that between these "positive" situations, a single hetero parent, married hetero parents and homosexual "married" "parents", that homosexuals were damaging to children not by virtue of their being basically decent people, but insteand by virtue of the structure of their relationship as embodying the complete exclusion of the opposite gender as part of a functioning adult/society system. THAT is how a child's mind perceives that daily lesson. THEREFORE, 50% of children caught up in so-called "gay marriage" would be saddled with that psychological burden that the Prince's Trust survey found with those without ANY adult role model of their gender ...a sense of not belonging at all to any system...

There is nothing more empty and woebegone for homo sapiens to experience than the pain of exclusion. In fact, in ancient times it was used as a punishment worse than death: banishment...exclusion from a clan or settlement. It was a slow form of death, an annihilation of being of the soul as well. That's powerful shit. And shit I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. These 50% of kids will be sentenced to a cousin-form of that soul death.
You'd have a point if gay couples adopted opposite gendered children and kept them locked away with no interaction with other members of their gender AND they willfully told the child his or her gender was useless.

But since that doesn't happen, you have no point. Except proving that you are rabidly homophobic.

Even then, Silo's point is muted by the fact that every example cited in the Prince Trust study of a child without a good same sex role model had a single parent. Which is known to have bad outcomes. When this is pointed out, Silo insists that the Prince Trust Study doesn't measure anything about single parents, despite citing single parenthood explicitly.

Yet bizarrely, insists that the Prince Trust Study does measure same sex parenting, despite making no mention whatsoever of same sex parenting, gays, or gay marriage in any way.

How one can hold both positions simultaneously boggles the mind.

Well Silhouette is also obsessed with wolves raising children....apparently equating wolves to gay couples...

Romulus and Remus were raised by wolves and they went on to found Rome. So maybe being raised by wolves isn't so bad after all. :biggrin:
Wolves have raised kids too, should they be married?

And this has what to do with gay marriage?

All that preventing 'gay marriage' accomplishes is to ensure that those children do not have married parents.
I think she's gone off the deep end.

Just wait until June. You will think that Armageddon, the Civil War and a nuclear holocaust all started on the same day from the way Silo is going to shit his proverbial pants.

And maybe his literal ones.
I just wonder who she would obsess over if gays suddenly all went back in the closet.

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