Principles vs. the future


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
"I won't vote for Perdue or Loeffler! I'm not voting for them because of my principles!" you say? Oh? Are you saying your 'principles' are more important than the longevity of this republic? More important than my future?

The short answer to that fit of arrogant thinking is this: No they aren't. I live in this republic too, and I will not sacrifice it to sate my 'principles'. I want it to tolerate and allow my principles and others to exist. I will do what is necessary, perhaps in the smallest manner, to ensure this republic endures and remains tolerant of YOUR so-called 'principles'. They may have done some shady things, but if they have the ability to preserve tolerance of particular beliefs and ways of thought in this republic by their actions in the Senate, then so be it. Don't expect me to have much mercy on you if you contribute to its downfall.

One day you will cry out that "nobody tolerates my principles or my way of thinking!", and at that very moment I will explain:

"Perhaps you should have been thinking of that before you put yourself before your country. You succumbed to a pyrrhic way of thinking. You won your personal battle but sacrificed the future and wellbeing of the republic you lived in. Your personal victory to maintain your principles cost me the freedom to hold my own.

When this society eventually grows intolerant of your 'principles', you will have only yourself to blame. You will not only have my contempt but the contempt of millions of others who lost that same freedom. Moreover, I would add, principles like that --which require you to act in adherence to those same principles--aren't principles at all. That was an act of selfishness."

Please, my conservative friends, don't be foolish. Vote for your future, not your principles. If not, in the future, you may not be allowed to hold them.
If you're convinced the election is rigged, you shouldn't take part. Why would you? If your vote won't count...why cast it?

This is what the blob wants you to believe...that the election was rigged.
If you're convinced the election is rigged, you shouldn't take part. Why would you? If your vote won't count...why cast it?

This is what the blob wants you to believe...that the election was rigged.
The election was rigged before it occurred. Our elections have long been rigged.

Does anyone with a brain think a nation of 330 million people voting for just two candidates illegitimately elected by two criminal gangs, is not a rigged election?
"I won't vote for Perdue or Loeffler! I'm not voting for them because of my principles!" you say? Oh? Are you saying your 'principles' are more important than the longevity of this republic? More important than my future?

The short answer to that fit of arrogant thinking is this: No they aren't. I live in this republic too, and I will not sacrifice it to sate my 'principles'. I want it to tolerate and allow my principles and others to exist. I will do what is necessary, perhaps in the smallest manner, to ensure this republic endures and remains tolerant of YOUR so-called 'principles'. They may have done some shady things, but if they have the ability to preserve tolerance of particular beliefs and ways of thought in this republic by their actions in the Senate, then so be it. Don't expect me to have much mercy on you if you contribute to its downfall.

One day you will cry out that "nobody tolerates my principles or my way of thinking!", and at that very moment I will explain:

"Perhaps you should have been thinking of that before you put yourself before your country. You succumbed to a pyrrhic way of thinking. You won your personal battle but sacrificed the future and wellbeing of the republic you lived in. Your personal victory to maintain your principles cost me the freedom to hold my own.

When this society eventually grows intolerant of your 'principles', you will have only yourself to blame. You will not only have my contempt but the contempt of millions of others who lost that same freedom. Moreover, I would add, principles like that --which require you to act in adherence to those same principles--aren't principles at all. That was an act of selfishness."

Please, my conservative friends, don't be foolish. Vote for your future, not your principles. If not, in the future, you may not be allowed to hold them.
To which "principles" are you referring?

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