How many people, on this site, have been asked to be on Trump's advisory board.

I know it is tough to accept you are a cult member.
It seems to be for you. But accept it. You are.
Get the help

Adhere to your own advice. You know. Where it has any applicability.
They can walk you through the steps.
Not needed. You know; since you’re the one in the cult.
Do it for you family. Do it for our country.
Do it to spare us from having to put up with your cultish retardation.
10 Signs You're In A Cult

  • The leader is the ultimate authority. ...
  • The group suppresses skepticism. ...
  • The group delegitimizes former members. ...
  • The group is paranoid about the outside world. ...
  • The group relies on shame cycles. ...
  • The leader is above the law. ...
  • The group uses “thought reform” methods. ...
  • The group is elitist.

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Did the Biden administration know that you got their list of requirements for President?

Everything on that list I have seen promoted by Democrats.

Republicans/Patriots believe the people are the ultimate authority
--believe the people should be skeptical of authoritarian dictators
--believe that those who betray the people's trust should be delegitimized
--believe those in the world should be encouraged to look to their self interests instead of depending on the USA or anybody else to provide that for them
--believe people should be allowed to be who are what they are and not in everybody else's face about it
--believe those who weaponize government and make up crimes to eliminate their political opponents are far more lawless and dangerous and unacceptable than any of those political opponents
--believe culture, common sense, decency chosen by the people should govern speech and to dictate to people and even make criminals of them if they are politically incorrect or use the wrong pronoun or gender etc. is totally opposite of what our constitutionally protected right to free speech is.
--believe nobody in the world except maybe radical extremist Islam and Democrats consider themselves to be so righteous and morally superior to everybody else that they should be totalitarian dictators for life.
We're just about there now ...and the useful idiots just cheer it on and keep telling themselves they're on the right side of history .....they're in for an extremely rude awakening
If it must be that they get their way, I am 100% confident they will hate what they have brought upon us all.
It seems to be for you. But accept it. You are.

Adhere to your own advice. You know. Where it has any applicability.

Not needed. You know; since you’re the one in the cult.

Do it to spare us from having to put up with your cultish retardation.
you are awfully defensive. You know what that means.
Did the Biden administration know that you got their list of requirements for President?

Everything on that list I have seen promoted by Democrats.

Republicans/Patriots believe the people are the ultimate authority
--believe the people should be skeptical of authoritarian dictators
--believe that those who betray the people's trust should be delegitimized
--believe those in the world should be encouraged to look to their self interests instead of depending on the USA or anybody else to provide that for them
--believe people should be allowed to be who are what they are and not in everybody else's face about it
--believe those who weaponize government and make up crimes to eliminate their political opponents are far more lawless and dangerous and unacceptable than any of those political opponents
--believe culture, common sense, decency chosen by the people should govern speech and to dictate to people and even make criminals of them if they are politically incorrect or use the wrong pronoun or gender etc. is totally opposite of what our constitutionally protected right to free speech is.
--believe nobody in the world except maybe radical extremist Islam and Democrats consider themselves to be so righteous and morally superior to everybody else that they should be totalitarian dictators for life.
very weak come back
How many people, on this site, have been asked to be on Trump's advisory board.
Below is a copy and paste of my invitation.
I am glad to see Trump is willing to have someone on the advisory board who thinks he is aborting the principles of the Founding fathers in moving the US toward an authoritarian government.
Usually he only has yes men and ass kissers around him.


I need your advice.

Will you join the 2024 Trump Advisory Board? >
Now is the time to help me SAVE AMERICA and chip in >
The TRUMP ADVISORY BOARD is an elite network of patriots that I know STAND WITH ME no matter what the RADICAL Democrats throw my way.

Will you be one of them, Friend?

My team is locking in the OFFICIAL list of Trump Advisory Board members!​
So asking voters and regular citizens for their input is somehow authoritarian? How does that work?
How many people, on this site, have been asked to be on Trump's advisory board.
Below is a copy and paste of my invitation.
I am glad to see Trump is willing to have someone on the advisory board who thinks he is aborting the principles of the Founding fathers in moving the US toward an authoritarian government.
Usually he only has yes men and ass kissers around him.


I need your advice.

Will you join the 2024 Trump Advisory Board? >
Now is the time to help me SAVE AMERICA and chip in >
The TRUMP ADVISORY BOARD is an elite network of patriots that I know STAND WITH ME no matter what the RADICAL Democrats throw my way.

Will you be one of them, Friend?

My team is locking in the OFFICIAL list of Trump Advisory Board members!​
I got a robocall invitation to J6!

So asking voters and regular citizens for their input is somehow authoritarian? How does that work?
It is a conman looking for money. From, anyone. He could care less about who they are.
On multiple emails they ask questions like will you support me.
I say no then I have a screen that is asking for money.
OK, you are not buying these bullshit emails I send out but why don't you donate.

The man has no decency.

You are being conned. Maybe you will know it some day.
It is a conman looking for money. From, anyone. He could care less about who they are.
On multiple emails they ask questions like will you support me.
I say no then I have a screen that is asking for money.
OK, you are not buying these bullshit emails I send out but why don't you donate.

The man has no decency.

You are being conned. Maybe you will know it some day.
I don’t think a con man would hang in there through all of the democrat lawfare just to grift a few bucks. The cost analysis doesn’t add up.
First off, Trump needs advice on how to handle Biiden's war against Russia. What to do? Americans have always traditonally supported their presidents' wars!

The only wild card with this one that Trump might be able to use is that this one isn't winnable and it's asking the American people to face the prospect of MAD.

Otherwise, Trump's odds are long against him now. His appeals will now become disguised appeals to violence unless he can play the antiwar card. Sadly, Trump has allowed the system to box him in with a presidential war against him.

And fwiw, there's little possibility that the state would allow him to win anyway, on account of him promising to end the war in Russia's favour.

What to do??

Can he even rebuild his bridges with the establishment after condemning the dead soldiers?
I don’t think a con man would hang in there through all of the democrat lawfare just to grift a few bucks. The cost analysis doesn’t add up.
Bullshit. Trump has never made more money and received more attention than he is currently.
That is what Trump lives for.
He is the pissy little whimp that comes arooound and pushes you. When you push him back, you get in trouble.

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