Private Morality

again, reading PC"s screeds makes me wonder if she's married to Jack Chick.


Still no reference to the thread? have a new hobby, huh?

I've gotten to the point where I Just consider the content of your threads to be batshit crazy and have just moved on by mocking you by posting pictures from Chick Tracks, which give you the same nutritional value with twice the humor.

Actually, the truth is that I've beaten you so many times, exposing the falsity of your posts, that you been reduced to these non sequitur posts.

Your time would be far better spent learning something constructive, such as how to fold a fitted sheet.
So...what has been the societal effect of galloping secularism, and the commensurate marginalizing of morality in the public arena?

6. Case in point:

A major story recently has been revelations about Bill Cosby:

"Sixteen women have publicly stated that Cosby, now 77, sexually assaulted them, with 12 saying he drugged them first and another saying he tried to drug her. The Washington Post has interviewed five of those women, including a former Playboy Playmate who has never spoken publicly about her allegations."
Bill Cosby s legacy recast Accusers speak in detail about sexual-assault allegations - The Washington Post

And what has been the result among those trained in Liberal non-judgmentalism?

"Sold-out Cosby show goes ahead amid sex assault claims
Cosby, 77, took the stage to a standing ovation and gave the audience a thumbs up at the King Center in Melbourne. The 90-minute show concluded without incident."
Sold-out Cosby show goes ahead amid sex assault claims - Yahoo News Canada

A standing ovation????



"It's his personal life, and I don't really care," said Melbourne resident Russ McDonald, 62, a retired teacher."

One would think that the 'private lives' of the sixteen women assaulted would have some relevance.
"Sixteen women have publicly stated that Cosby, now 77, sexually assaulted them, with 12 saying he drugged them first and another saying he tried to drug her. The Washington Post has interviewed five of those women, including a former Playboy Playmate who has never spoken publicly about her allegations."
And what has been the result among those trained in Liberal non-judgmentalism?

"Sold-out Cosby show goes ahead amid sex assault claims
Cosby, 77, took the stage to a standing ovation and gave the audience a thumbs up at the King Center in Melbourne. The 90-minute show concluded without incident."

Now, here's a wonderful example of why I don't take the text of your screeds seriously.

Trying to blame Bill Cosby on "Liberalism".

When in fact, he's been a pinup boy for the right, happily blaming blacks and single mothers for hteir own hard times rather than the racism that is endemic in our society. He was a good House Negro who said, "Hey, I can make it, why can't you?"

But the minute that charges of sexual misconduct those wingnuts could no longer ignore came to light, you guys are more than happy to blame "liberalism' for his actions.

Yes, guess what, there are people out there who still think Bill Cosby is funny and still want to hear his comedy.

Those people aren't called "liberals" or "conservatives", they are called "Fans".
You can lead a negro to water but you can't keep him from screwing her.

So much as can be said of any man...given the chance.
"Sixteen women have publicly stated that Cosby, now 77, sexually assaulted them, with 12 saying he drugged them first and another saying he tried to drug her. The Washington Post has interviewed five of those women, including a former Playboy Playmate who has never spoken publicly about her allegations."
And what has been the result among those trained in Liberal non-judgmentalism?

"Sold-out Cosby show goes ahead amid sex assault claims
Cosby, 77, took the stage to a standing ovation and gave the audience a thumbs up at the King Center in Melbourne. The 90-minute show concluded without incident."

Now, here's a wonderful example of why I don't take the text of your screeds seriously.

Trying to blame Bill Cosby on "Liberalism".

When in fact, he's been a pinup boy for the right, happily blaming blacks and single mothers for hteir own hard times rather than the racism that is endemic in our society. He was a good House Negro who said, "Hey, I can make it, why can't you?"

But the minute that charges of sexual misconduct those wingnuts could no longer ignore came to light, you guys are more than happy to blame "liberalism' for his actions.

Yes, guess what, there are people out there who still think Bill Cosby is funny and still want to hear his comedy.

Those people aren't called "liberals" or "conservatives", they are called "Fans".

Let's get you on record.

"Sixteen women have publicly stated that Cosby, now 77, sexually assaulted them, with 12 saying he drugged them first and another saying he tried to drug her."

1. Would you give him a standing ovation?

2. In your estimation, is rape simply ignored as part of his 'private life'?
Discarding traditional morality is a sign of what historian Arnold Toynbee refers to as a disintegrating society.

7. In “A Study of History,” by Arnold J. Toynbee, in the chapter called ‘Schism in the Soul, “Toynbee observed that one of the consistent symptoms of a disintegrating civilization is that elites begin to imitate the bottom of society. Toynbee says the growth phase of civilization is led by a creative minority who have a strong, self-confident sense of style, virtue and purpose.

8. The uncreative majority follows along through attempts to imitate the creative minority.
In disintegrating civilizations, the creative minority (elites) are no longer confident and setting the example. They "lapse into truancy" (reject the obligations of citizenship) and "surrender to a sense of promiscuity" (succumb to vulgarization of manners, the arts and language). Until a few decades ago, the groups we used to call "low-class" or "trash", are now called the underclass.

The upper-class, instead of challenging trashy behavior, often imitates and placates it.

a.… four-letter words were unknown in public discourse and among the elites and were used sparingly even in private discourse. Today, vulgar language knows no class, sex, age or place. As late as 1960, sleeping with one's boyfriend was mostly a lower-class thing. It was deemed sluttish and something to be kept secret; today it's open and assumed to be normal…. In some instances, unwed mothers proudly hold baby showers celebrating their illegitimate offspring. Homosexual marriages were unheard of; today, in some jurisdictions, homosexual marriages have legal sanction.
Of course, to be judgmental about the new codes of conduct is to risk being labeled a prude and possibly a racist, sexist or a homophobe. " America s New Role Models

Toynbee wrote " A Study of History" a quarter century ago.....

...since then, the decline. Shortly thereafter, the people actually voted for a rapist for President....twice.

Talk about "a disintegrating society."
Let's get you on record.

"Sixteen women have publicly stated that Cosby, now 77, sexually assaulted them, with 12 saying he drugged them first and another saying he tried to drug her."

1. Would you give him a standing ovation?

2. In your estimation, is rape simply ignored as part of his 'private life'?

Probably not, and it shouldn't be...

But that wasn't my point. My point was, you Rightwingers have been reposting his "Yessah Boss, we Sho Be shiftless" crap telling black people they are to blame for hteir own problems for years. He was a good house negro to conservatives. But now you want to fob him off back on Liberals now that he's been caught (or at least accused of) doing things he shouldn't be doing.

Again, why I don't take your screeds seriously about "private morality". You guys squeal morality all day until your guys get caught slipping someone a roofie or passed out with a boy hooker and a pile of crystal meth.

THen you all find Jesus...
7. In “A Study of History,” by Arnold J. Toynbee, in the chapter called ‘Schism in the Soul, “Toynbee observed that one of the consistent symptoms of a disintegrating civilization is that elites begin to imitate the bottom of society. Toynbee says the growth phase of civilization is led by a creative minority who have a strong, self-confident sense of style, virtue and purpose.

are you fucking serious?

Hey, news flash. We are a LOT more prude now in 2014 than we were in 1986. In 1986, you could still see pretty explicit sex scenes in movies.
Let's get you on record.

"Sixteen women have publicly stated that Cosby, now 77, sexually assaulted them, with 12 saying he drugged them first and another saying he tried to drug her."

1. Would you give him a standing ovation?

2. In your estimation, is rape simply ignored as part of his 'private life'?

Probably not, and it shouldn't be...

But that wasn't my point. My point was, you Rightwingers have been reposting his "Yessah Boss, we Sho Be shiftless" crap telling black people they are to blame for hteir own problems for years. He was a good house negro to conservatives. But now you want to fob him off back on Liberals now that he's been caught (or at least accused of) doing things he shouldn't be doing.

Again, why I don't take your screeds seriously about "private morality". You guys squeal morality all day until your guys get caught slipping someone a roofie or passed out with a boy hooker and a pile of crystal meth.

THen you all find Jesus...

You "guys"???

"Probably not"????
7. In “A Study of History,” by Arnold J. Toynbee, in the chapter called ‘Schism in the Soul, “Toynbee observed that one of the consistent symptoms of a disintegrating civilization is that elites begin to imitate the bottom of society. Toynbee says the growth phase of civilization is led by a creative minority who have a strong, self-confident sense of style, virtue and purpose.

are you fucking serious?

Hey, news flash. We are a LOT more prude now in 2014 than we were in 1986. In 1986, you could still see pretty explicit sex scenes in movies.

"We are a LOT more prude now in 2014 than we were in 1986."

In a constellation of erroneous comments....this one is one of your best.
As I said, Toynbee wrote his opus some quarter century ago.

He pointed out that the actions of the upper class, the elites, mirror that of the lowest element in a disintegrating society.
They took the advice of the 60s radicals, "if it feels good, do it."

But among the elites....there was some sort of dead-cat bounce....but they kept it a secret.

9. There is a certain kind of obfuscation involved, as when the upper class, the elites, recognize the truth in traditional morality....but pretend that they endorse the "if it feels good, do it" morality of Leftism.

In his best-seller, "Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010,"
Charles Murray points out the subterfuge, and demands, for the sake of society, that the elites point out the errors of poor life choices, and speak up!

10. "One change in societal attitude has been the “ecumenical niceness”…don’t fight, share toys, take turns….and never, ever be judgmental. As a result, the upper cultural class, which has stabilized by returning to more traditional ways, survives, yet these individuals will not criticize the behaviors which are destroying the lower cultural class."
Charles Murray

a. Low class morality:
“For Women Under 30, Most Births Occur Outside Marriage”

b. What the elites do:
“One group still largely resists the trend: college graduates, who overwhelmingly marry before having children. That is turning family structure into a new class divide, …”

Murray uses a phrase that incorporates the wisdom of traditional morality:
"The elites must preach what they practice."

That means not only epitomize traditional morality in their own behaviors....but have the courage to criticize the aberrant behaviors that are the cause of poverty and crime. judgmental.
Everything has it's time for the simple minded folks like Joey and the other pea brian liberal who posted on this thread we have advanced beyond some of the instructions laid out in the Torah (old testament)

, King Solomon in Ecclesiastes:

Everything has an appointed season, and there is a time for every matter under the heaven.
A time to give birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot that which is planted.
A time to kill and a time to heal; a time to break and a time to build.
A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time of wailing and a time of dancing.
A time to cast stones and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing.
A time to seek and a time to lose; a time to keep and a time to cast away.
A time to rend and a time to sew; a time to be silent and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace.

Life, true life, does not thrive at any one pole. Life, as with beauty and truth, must contain at least some small dose of each and all things.
The biggest issue I have with this concept of Bible-based morality is that there isn't any philosophical basis for the Bible-based morality. It's all commandments from on high with the "...or else" attached at the end. Don't steal...or else. Don't blaspheme...or else. Don't wear poly-cotton blends...or else. There's no discussion of the basis for rights, no discussion of why we shouldn't lie, steal, or kill, no discussion of why it's wrong for me to kill my neighbor but perfectly okay for the Tribe of Israel to kill the shit out of their neighbors. It's morality by proclamation from an outside power and even then only because of threats. Say what you will about Marx and Hegel, but at least their particular philosophic bases go a bitt deeper than "because God said so."
Everything has it's time for the simple minded folks like Joey and the other pea brian liberal who posted on this thread we have advanced beyond some of the instructions laid out in the Torah (old testament)

I'm sorry, I don't think there was ever a time or place where it was okay to stone a woman because her hymen wasn't intact on her wedding night, or to stone your neighbors because they were gathering sticks for a fire on a Sabbath day.

The fact is, the laws of the Torah were written by savages for savages. Most Christians and Jews like to pretend that shit isn't in their bible, but it is.
You "guys"???

"Probably not"????

You're still avoiding the point.

Okay, one more time. Conservatives were PERFECTLY HAPPY with Cosby when he was talking smack about single mothers and shit. You just stopped liking him when he got caught being rapist.

You sound more like a fool with every post.

1. "You're still avoiding the point."
Au contraire.....this was the point, and you have attempted to avoid it:
"Sixteen women have publicly stated that Cosby, now 77, sexually assaulted them, with 12 saying he drugged them first and another saying he tried to drug her."

1. Would you give him a standing ovation?

2. In your estimation, is rape simply ignored as part of his 'private life'?

Answer the two questions.
Do it now!

2. "Okay, one more time. Conservatives were PERFECTLY HAPPY with Cosby when he was talking smack about single mothers and shit."

I posted on this very board that he was both correct and brave when he came out and admitted the problems in the black community.
And he was attacked by the cur Dyson when he did so.
And watch your language.

But that has no relationship to this situation.

What...he gets a pass for rape because he correctly commented on the social scene earlier???

3. If you only knew anything about history you might have read this:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong."
Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

You have heard of Abraham Lincoln, haven't you?
"We are a LOT more prude now in 2014 than we were in 1986."

In a constellation of erroneous comments....this one is one of your best.

I'm just going to assume that before you came over here from wherever th ey brought you over from, you had no idea what things were like in the 1980's.

And there is the glaring difference between us.
I know how to read, study, research.....and learn.

Hey...I even know about things that happened before I was born.
Imagine that?
Answer the two questions.
Do it now!

I did, is your reading comprehension that poor?

I posted on this very board that he was both correct and brave when he came out and admitted the problems in the black community.
And he was attacked by the cur Dyson when he did so.
And watch your language.

But that has no relationship to this situation.

What...he gets a pass for rape because he correctly commented on the social scene earlier???

No, but I think that when someone says misogynistic things about single mothers and THEN gets caught drugging and raping women who trusted him, I'm not even a little bit surprised. He's obviously got issues with the poonany.

It's unfortunate conservatives were too eager to embrace yet another Uncle Tom saying "We shore is shiftless, boss" to take a closer look at this guy.

"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong."
Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

You have heard of Abraham Lincoln, haven't you?

Yes, he also said something about labor should be given greater consideration than capital.

But back to Cosby. He was WRONG about single mothers and he was wrong about drugging women and banging them. He was a misogynistic, self-loathing black guy, and your side couldn't wait to embrace him without questioning some of the shit he said because it validated your worldview that 'those people' are only poor because they aren't trying hard enough.

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