Pro Antifa students give the finger to victims of communisim


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Antifa-supporting students from Clemson University recently expressed their political sentiments by openly mocking the Victims of Communism Memorial on social media.

“Victims of Communism Memorial (2017),” and “#NewProfilePic,” Clemson Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) President Dawn Lifsey captioned a photo, via Facebook and Twitter respectively, waving an Antifa flag in front of the memorial.

Pro-Antifa students give the finger to victims of communism

Oh ANTIFA we need to round these losers up and ship them all to N. Korea with a one way ticket.
Antifa-supporting students from Clemson University recently expressed their political sentiments by openly mocking the Victims of Communism Memorial on social media.

“Victims of Communism Memorial (2017),” and “#NewProfilePic,” Clemson Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) President Dawn Lifsey captioned a photo, via Facebook and Twitter respectively, waving an Antifa flag in front of the memorial.

Pro-Antifa students give the finger to victims of communism

Oh ANTIFA we need to round these losers up and ship them all to N. Korea with a one way ticket.
No, we need them to stay around, reminding the US citizen how fucked up the liberal leftwing nutjobs really are. The more the thugs do violence, the more the moderates will move to the right. Dimbocraps wont see power for 100s of years. Kudos to ANTIFA for being the tards that they are.

Anyone with a sense of history would weep at the injustice that Communism hurled onto humanity. I can only think that someone is either poorly informed or a dirty animal to dare insult those who perished under this vile system.
Anyone with a sense of history would weep at the injustice that Communism hurled onto humanity. I can only think that someone is either poorly informed or a dirty animal to dare insult those who perished under this vile system.
a dirty animal

poorly informed
About 30 % of the voting age is this..
No, we need them to stay around, reminding the US citizen how fucked up the liberal leftwing nutjobs really are. The more the thugs do violence, the more the moderates will move to the right. Dimbocraps wont see power for 100s of years. Kudos to ANTIFA for being the tards that they are.

You keep telling yourself that, but Trump is more unpopular now than when he got "elected".
No, we need them to stay around, reminding the US citizen how fucked up the liberal leftwing nutjobs really are. The more the thugs do violence, the more the moderates will move to the right. Dimbocraps wont see power for 100s of years. Kudos to ANTIFA for being the tards that they are.

You keep telling yourself that, but Trump is more unpopular now than when he got "elected".
You keep telling yourself that,
Yep, Joe, you keep telling yourself that. Just like President Trump didn't stand a chance against Hillary. ROTFLMAO, you so funny Joe..

GOP insiders: Trump can't win
The KKK and NeoNazis are far from liberal; I will not insult American conservatives deither, they are NATIONALIST TOTALITARIAN.
The KKK and NeoNazis are far from liberal; I will not insult American conservatives deither, they are NATIONALIST TOTALITARIAN.

I agree. ANd if we were talking about the Bush family, they'd have actually challenged these guys. I remember when David Duke ran in 1992, and Bush denounced him at every turn.

Trump, on the other hand, welcomes these mutants.
The KKK and NeoNazis are far from liberal; I will not insult American conservatives deither, they are NATIONALIST TOTALITARIAN.

I agree. ANd if we were talking about the Bush family, they'd have actually challenged these guys. I remember when David Duke ran in 1992, and Bush denounced him at every turn.

Trump, on the other hand, welcomes these mutants.
Trump, on the other hand, welcomes these mutants
Now just because you say it Joe doesn't make it true, you lying piece of excrement.
Donald Trump denounces David Duke, KKK - CNNPolitics

maybe Joe if you pulled your head out of your ass you would of heard it..

The KKK and NeoNazis are far from liberal; I will not insult American conservatives deither, they are NATIONALIST TOTALITARIAN.
Anyone who wants to fuck with other peoples lives are liberals. Cut and dry, end of discussion.

Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.

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