Pro-illegal immigration Massachusetts judge gets indicted and it's about time!

An illegal alien was in court on drug charges (I guess he's also an Undocumented Pharmacist). An ICE agent was in the courtroom waiting for the proceedings to end. The judge ordered the ICE agent to leave the courtroom and then smuggled the "undocumented American" out the back door.

State judge charged with helping man evade immigration agent

"Authorities say an immigration agent was in the courtroom to detain the man when he appeared in the Newton courthouse in April 2018. The Dominican man had twice been deported and had been barred from entering the U.S. until 2027, prosecutors say.

Authorities say Joseph's clerk asked the agent to leave the courtroom and told him that the suspect would be released into the courthouse lobby.

Instead, after the hearing, MacGregor led the defendant downstairs to the lockup and let him out a rear door, prosecutors say."

She does have her defenders though.

"Today's indictment is a radical and politically-motivated attack on our state and the independence of our courts," Healey said in an emailed statement. "It is a bedrock principle of our constitutional system that federal prosecutors should not recklessly interfere with the operation of state courts and their administration of justice."

Carol Rose, executive director of the ACLU of Massachusetts, called the case "preposterous, ironic, and deeply damaging to the rule of law."

Look at the tears.

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This bitch should be disbarred, tried for obstruction of justice, and put in jail..

This is blatant judicial misconduct.
Fuck yes, way to go Trump!

There people are criminals and should be treated as such.
This state court judge was not acting in her capacity as judge when she acted as a "coyote" for the illegal alien. She is not immune from federal prosecution.
This state court judge was not acting in her capacity as judge when she acted as a "coyote" for the illegal alien. She is not immune from federal prosecution.
Bull Shit...

She had her clerk lie to the federal agent in an effort to aid and abet his escape from federal custody.. Fuck Her! Go to Jail, Do not pass GO, Do not collect $200.00.....She was acting in her official capacity as a judge when she had her clerk lie to the federal agent. Send her ass to federal prison for 5 years... Have a nice day!

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