Pro-Male Anti-Female My Counter Argument on Emma Watson's Gender Equality

Feb 15, 2015


'Toxic feminism'. All feminism is toxic, it's only the dilution of the poison that differs. Feminism is toxic at it's core. Feminism as a whole wouldn't exist without toxic feminism. Toxic feminists are the ones infesting academia, law, government and media. It's the smiling 'they're not real feminists' and 'feminists actually just want equal rights' that are the fringe that benefit from the core shock troops while simultaneously wiping their hands clean of accountability.

Triangulation accomplishes nothing. What you call the "extreme" of feminism is the feminist mainstream without the masks.

...But women have lied about being raped are we not allowed to discuss this? and it's not anti-feminist, it's male rights... why is that distinction always being made? If male rights is women hating then what is feminism? That's how absurd the argument is.

Funny how Britain is complaining about this, but not about Rotherham and other abuses by Muslims against Muslim women AND white British girls/women.

The fact that 'feminists' in Britain don't complain about Rotherham exposes them for the frauds they are.

Women are getting pissed because they never been challenged ever before . There are about to loose their privileges .For centuries ...Men were trained to just suck it up and take the abuse like Men . Men up ...right ....Pure Misandry .Cops who come to arrest the husband used to say ....we know , we know but that's law a Men now . And by the way you have to go to the front lines in case of War and die . Young Men are waking up and staying single and happy MGTOW . They know that trying to pleas a women is just not worth it. In the end she will get fat and miserable , so why get married when you could have all kinds of women . Lots out there . Lots .

Yeah don't think about it until your son is repeatedly beaten up and bullied by girls at school and the day he fights back, he is the one suspended. Or when you find out your brother is getting beaten by his wife and has no where to turn to, no where to take the kids to escape her violent attacks, which are getting worse each week. Until you find yourself in court up against a woman who lies and who uses every female focused law as a weapon to destroy any concept of justice and innocence until proven guilty.

Is it sexist for a man to take the odd glance at an attractive woman?

Sailing very close to a quasi-Muslim construct there. Men are beasts just waiting to pounce.

"We’re questioning the very fabric of our being"

I'm not, but then I'm not a skinny latte swilling, metrosexual boyscout.

We live in a society in which 1% of the population own 99% of the wealth. Some of that 99% will spend their entire lives in or close to poverty.

We live in a society which pays a lad more to kick a football around for a week than it pays a soldier to risk his life in Afghanistan for two years.

We live in a warped and generally unequal society.

Then we see a small group of women - women who largely enjoy the privileges of being financially secure - free to pursue almost any career of their choice - with all the advantages - whining about their lot and spewing jealousy and hatred against people who happen to be male. And why? Because they are so stupid as to have been convinced that they are missing out on "rights".

A person who supports equality is not a "feminist" - he or she is an egalitarian. The notion of fighting for equality for some (and, BTW, privilege for themselves in many instances) while neglecting far worse societal inequalities is not just hypocritical - it is at best moronic.

Emma, please tell the truth, you were raised in a spoilt, privileged, upper middle-class enclave in Oxford !

She's a little girl who got a part in a film that turned out to be successful and made her lots of money.

Other than that, she's a talentless, wet-behind-the-ears posh girl lecturing people who are far cleverer than she will ever be.

Typical little rich feminist.

The vast majority of genuine, palpable and lethal sexism is suffered by men and boys. Males are the larger victims of murder, all types of violence, suicide, homelessness, parental rights, education, war, the farce of a "justice" system, child abuse, disease, stress, workplace harm, drugs & alcohol and so on. There is practically no public-funded help for men in need. It's the streets or prison, son; take your pick. Oh and don't forget you'll be blamed by the privileged for not "reaching out," despite being taught gender shame and socially programmed by the state (from age four) not to do so.

Almost all of the finite public budget for aid charities is stolen by organized criminals who don't even spend the money on helping women properly. New legislature goes on being written to further remove female accountability and ensure the Sword of Damocles dangling over the heads of young men gets heavier.

This article was written by Pornflake Cereal if you share this article please provide this threads link back to here. Pro-Male Anti-Female My Counter Argument on Emma Watson s Gender Equality
I am sick of this anti-male garbage. These people can fuck off. Stop blaming men for your own failure...Idiots.
I am sick of this anti-male garbage. These people can fuck off. Stop blaming men for your own failure...Idiots.

Imagine Matthew once again didn't do research that was put on his nose at notice 2:10.

Political research is time consuming. But when someone posts something and you just spit at it before watching/reading it is bias ignorance.
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Feminism, like all organized groups, gain a select few that taint the brand. Not all Government is bad and it's important for smart people to determine good from bad Government. Not all Unions are bad. Not all women are bad.

Almost every fight against women is Religion based, most know that. My Bible opens up with the statement, "Men will rule over women" because Eve ate an apple. Also women for CENTURIES will have labor pains because Eve ate an apple a talking snake told her to eat.

She is correct. The "Men are pigs" approach to Feminism is not smart. Her strategy of simply trying to recruit men wasn't smart either. She should use statistics, numbers, history and facts to recruit. Not abortion, it's too polarizing and obsolete (If you are smart).
What the feminist and progressive movements are missing is INCLUSION instead of equal and opposite rejection.
Also a sense of humor....


[inspired by NIN Mr. Self-Destruct]

Who built the bomb and made it drop [Can't you control yourself]
Because they "ticked" each other off
The babies dead or born deformed
What would they say about your wars

Is there a planet you can go
And leave us peaceful folks alone
Can't live with your testosterene
Gee, you men are so "messed up"

You've nailed your Savior to the cross [Can't you control yourselves]
With every genocidal holocaust
You rape your daughters 'n' beat your sons
In castles that you guard with loaded guns

Is there no planet big enough
For horny men to strut their stuff
Can't keep your penis to yourselves
Go move to Venus, Mars, or someplace else
Hell, yes

[spoken break]
The world is not a playground for you
It does not revolve around you
Women weren't put on earth to serve you
Our only fault is that we birth you

When corporations have more legal rights
Than struggling workers, fighting to survive
Any woman climbing to the top
Is called a "bleep" if she won't . . . [lick your sock]

You pay for girls to show their [chest]
More than the ones who teach your kids
How many women're in the pen
Running drugs for men who squealed on them

Is there a planet you can go
And leave us womenfolk alone
Till you control your own testosterone
Goddang! Men are so "messed up"!

You smash guitars and bash your brains
Then claim that women are insane
No race on earth is more to blame
Cuz black or white, you're all the same!

Is there a sweatlodge you can go
And leave the rest of us alone
Why did God invent testosterone
For men to blow this planet up?
You men, you men are so -- [...sirens wail...]
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My problem with the modern feminist movement is it aims to rip down men. Just like the black movement thinks it has a right to have its own t.v channels, mags, colleges, etc...It is called special rights and they will never accept true equality.

The goal isn't about equality but destruction of male success. I think is stupid as success should be seen as a good thing.
I am sick of this anti-male garbage. These people can fuck off. Stop blaming men for your own failure...Idiots.
My problem with the modern feminist movement is it aims to rip down men. Just like the black movement thinks it has a right to have its own t.v channels, mags, colleges, etc...It is called special rights and they will never accept true equality.

The goal isn't about equality but destruction of male success. I think is stupid as success should be seen as a good thing.

Hi Matthew after the projected anger and antics with Anonymous, accusing me of White male oppression,
I clearly felt that the male-against-male combatitiveness to outgun each other as top dog
is what is being protested. When men complain about other men, it goes back and forth.

But when this starts projecting onto women, then it starts a whole added level of mess.

What if the real issue is male on male violence, oppression and aggression.
And if men could straighten out their own issues, there doesn't have to be this mess over
who is the victim and who is the oppressor.
Emma is hot. :thup:

(I can say that now, she's over 18)
Mary-Kate and Ashley used to be so wholesome
Now they're getting older, they're starting to grow bum bums
Hilary Duff is not quite old enough so
I ain't never seen a butt like that
Maybe next year I'll say ass and she'll make my pee pee go
Doing, doing, doing
The vast majority of genuine, palpable and lethal sexism is suffered by men and boys. Males are the larger victims of murder, all types of violence, suicide, homelessness, parental rights, education, war, the farce of a "justice" system, child abuse, disease, stress, workplace harm, drugs & alcohol and so on. There is practically no public-funded help for men in need. It's the streets or prison, son; take your pick. Oh and don't forget you'll be blamed by the privileged for not "reaching out," despite being taught gender shame and socially programmed by the state (from age four) not to do so.

How is that "sexism"?

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