pro-myth or anti-science?


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you"....does a gay person buying something even approach being persecuted? Talk about hyper-sensitivity...and yet the same might say gay people are over-reacting about equal rights. Pathetic.

anyone else tired of being accused of being ANTI science?

It's like if you don't bow to them on Globull Warming they call you a DENIER

And these are supposed to be adults that expects us to take them seriously.

what kind of idiot sits around and thinks up these stupid names?

they have come up with birthers which has to be the dumbest one there is

but it's so boring and tiring. and so is their whine over homosexuals Constantly.

I think the majority of the ADULTS in this country has more important things to worry about. Like taking care of their families and feeding their children
Actually atheism/materialism is the myth.

Some arguments for the existence Of God:

Teleological arguments

  • What is the fine-tuning of the universe and how does it serve as a pointer to God BioLogos
  • Why is the universe so beautiful? If you don't believe in Design you think the universe is a random mess, and how can a random mess be beautiful?
  • Why can the physical world be described by elegant equations? Here's John Polkinghorne: "We are so familiar with the fact that we can understand the world that most of the time we take it for granted. It is what makes science possible. Yet it could have been otherwise. The universe might have been a disorderly chaos rather than an orderly cosmos."

Cosmological argument


Why should we discard the testimony of billions who pray and think they have encountered God?
When did the gay activists start hating freedom and tolerance?

Here's Camille Paglia discussing gay activists: “To express yourself in a magazine in an interview — this is the level of punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist, OK, that my liberal colleagues in the Democratic Party and on college campuses have supported and promoted over the last several decades,”

“This is the whole legacy of free speech 1960’s that have been lost by my own party.”

“I think that this intolerance by gay activists toward the full spectrum of human beliefs is a sign of immaturity, juvenility,”

Here's Andrew Sullivan: “The guy who had the gall to to express his First Amendment rights and favor Prop 8 in California by donating $1,000 has just been scalped by some gay activists,”

“Will he now be forced to walk through the streets in shame?” “Why not the stocks? The whole episode disgusts me — as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society.”

“If this is the gay rights movement today — hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else — then count me out,”

“If we are about intimidating the free speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies who came before us.”
Actually atheism/materialism is the myth.

Some arguments for the existence Of God:

Teleological arguments

  • What is the fine-tuning of the universe and how does it serve as a pointer to God BioLogos
  • Why is the universe so beautiful? If you don't believe in Design you think the universe is a random mess, and how can a random mess be beautiful?
  • Why can the physical world be described by elegant equations? Here's John Polkinghorne: "We are so familiar with the fact that we can understand the world that most of the time we take it for granted. It is what makes science possible. Yet it could have been otherwise. The universe might have been a disorderly chaos rather than an orderly cosmos."

Cosmological argument


Why should we discard the testimony of billions who pray and think they have encountered God?

When you look across the globe and see crazy Muslims praying 6 times a day and blowing themselves up for him it doesnt confirm that god is real it makes me ask if their stories are made up maybe yours are too.
When you look across the globe and see crazy Muslims praying 6 times a day and blowing themselves up for him it doesnt confirm that god is real it makes me ask if their stories are made up maybe yours are too.
When you look across the globe and see crazy atheists embracing nihilism and blowing themselves up in the pursuit of power it doesn't confirm that atheism is true it makes me ask if their stories are made up maybe yours are too.

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anyone else tired of being accused of being ANTI science?

It's like if you don't bow to them on Globull Warming they call you a DENIER

And these are supposed to be adults that expects us to take them seriously.

what kind of idiot sits around and thinks up these stupid names?

they have come up with birthers which has to be the dumbest one there is

but it's so boring and tiring. and so is their whine over homosexuals Constantly.

I think the majority of the ADULTS in this country has more important things to worry about. Like taking care of their families and feeding their children

When you disagree with the academies of science of every developed country, that is called anti-science. No iffs ands or buts.

Of course the real adults don't only care about hand-to-mouth concerns. They also care if their grandchildren and great grand-children will be able to eat. Perhaps it is because we are more highly evolved than the troglodytes who deny reality.
Actually atheism/materialism is the myth.

Some arguments for the existence Of God:

Teleological arguments

  • What is the fine-tuning of the universe and how does it serve as a pointer to God BioLogos
  • Why is the universe so beautiful? If you don't believe in Design you think the universe is a random mess, and how can a random mess be beautiful?
  • Why can the physical world be described by elegant equations? Here's John Polkinghorne: "We are so familiar with the fact that we can understand the world that most of the time we take it for granted. It is what makes science possible. Yet it could have been otherwise. The universe might have been a disorderly chaos rather than an orderly cosmos."
Why should we discard the testimony of billions who pray and think they have encountered God?
Sure the universe is absolutely amazing. If you want to say God did it, so what?
That concept of God, creator of the universe, does not mean that it is an entity that anyone would want to pray to.

Creating a universe doesn't imply he will have personal involvement with you.
That is the myth.

If there is a God I claim that studying science is a far greater liturgy than saying a thousand Hail Mary's.
When you disagree with the academies of science of every developed country, that is called anti-science. No iffs ands or buts.
Actually following the facts against established opinion is what science is all about.

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Sure the universe is absolutely amazing.
Glad we agree.
That concept of God, creator of the universe, does not mean that it is an entity that anyone would want to pray to.

Creating a universe doesn't imply he will have personal involvement with you.
If God loves us so much he created a wonderful universe for us to live in why wouldn't he want to establish some sort of connection?
That is the myth.
If there is a God I claim that studying science is a far greater liturgy than saying a thousand Hail Mary's.
Why not both?
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If God loves us so much he created a wonderful universe for us to live in why wouldn't he want to establish some sort of connection?
The universe follows mathematical laws which are an inanimate process. That has nothing to do with love. There is no evidence that the big bang came about by “love”.

Sparking a big bang is far easier than sorting through the chaos of uncountable events to allow a personal connection. We can make a hand grenade and blow it up, but we have no idea where the chaotic shrapnel will go.
Why not both?
Hail Mary's or prayer are pointless unless you derive comfort from doing it. But prayer cannot change the course of events. It has nothing to do with the natural laws of the universe. Don't be lured into thinking that.
Wuwei cannot speak with certainty anymore than Thunderbird.

What both can do is relax and allow the other his beliefs without censure.
When you disagree with the academies of science of every developed country, that is called anti-science. No iffs ands or buts.
Actually following the facts against established opinion is what science is all about.

This is why I smoke 3 packs a day. What evidence does science have that cigarettes are bad for me? Science has been proven wrong so many times.

If I get cancer it isnt smoking its gods will.

I can show you scientists who say cigarettes are safe. I dont care if scientific consensus says I'm wrong. Science is never suppose to be certain so there is a chance they are wrong about their conclusions.
Wuwei cannot speak with certainty anymore than Thunderbird.

What both can do is relax and allow the other his beliefs without censure.
On a forum that is easy to do. But in the real world religion, science, and politics start intermixing and cause difficulties for everybody. Myth and anti-science run rampant
Guys guys calm down. Social conservatives don't hate science! They just think evolution should be dismissed as nonsense and that pollution and depletion of resources doesn't matter because God will handle everything!

^ that
anyone else tired of being accused of being ANTI science?

It's like if you don't bow to them on Globull Warming they call you a DENIER

And these are supposed to be adults that expects us to take them seriously.

what kind of idiot sits around and thinks up these stupid names?

they have come up with birthers which has to be the dumbest one there is

but it's so boring and tiring. and so is their whine over homosexuals Constantly.

I think the majority of the ADULTS in this country has more important things to worry about. Like taking care of their families and feeding their children

When you disagree with the academies of science of every developed country, that is called anti-science. No iffs ands or buts.

Of course the real adults don't only care about hand-to-mouth concerns. They also care if their grandchildren and great grand-children will be able to eat. Perhaps it is because we are more highly evolved than the troglodytes who deny reality.

^ and that
Wuwei cannot speak with certainty anymore than Thunderbird.

What both can do is relax and allow the other his beliefs without censure.
On a forum that is easy to do. But in the real world religion, science, and politics start intermixing and cause difficulties for everybody. Myth and anti-science run rampant

So does mistaken science and militant atheism hiding behind supposed science.

Thus, emilyngheim is correct on methodology: calm discussion and reasonable conclusion.
Wuwei cannot speak with certainty anymore than Thunderbird.
What both can do is relax and allow the other his beliefs without censure.
On a forum that is easy to do. But in the real world religion, science, and politics start intermixing and cause difficulties for everybody. Myth and anti-science run rampant
So does mistaken science and militant atheism hiding behind supposed science.
Thus, emilyngheim is correct on methodology: calm discussion and reasonable conclusion.
If you have examples of "militant atheism hiding behind supposed science", I would like to hear it. If, for example, you think keeping evolution out of science classes is militant atheism, I strongly disagree.
Your preconceptions demonstrate evidence for my points, I believe, that we need a calmer approach and a respect for each other's beliefs.

I am pro-evolution in the biology classroom, and genesis and creation myths in the humanities classroom, and so argued as a School Board president and member for years.

A place to begin is to define "militant theism" and "militant atheism."

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