Zone1 Pro-White Flyers Labeled as "Hate".."Neo-Nazi"..and "White Supremacy". But Why ?

Think National Socialist. Then look again at their name. So clever and precious they are. 🙄

There is another one of their flyers (shown below) where they have the stylized N at an oblique angle adjacent to the stylized but angular S. Not at all subtle but instead a rather blunt play on “SS.”

View attachment 667527

Also, See: Nationalist Social Club-131 - Wikipedia
Wikipedia has never been celebrated as exactly bi-partisan (being partisan to the left) but this write-up is a blatant hit job. Out of hundreds of members of an organization, they spotlight on TWO, who have pedophilia problems. Now why would they do that ? :rolleyes:

I dont know too much about this organization, but it is SOP for leftists to brand anybody who speaks up for white people as being "racist", "Nazi", or "white nationalist" (whatever that means)

Getting back to the TOPIC (remember that ?) I still see nothing in the FLYER that could be deemed "hateful", nor has anybody shown that. Are we to now see defending whites from discrimination, as being "hateful" ?
Wikipedia has never been celebrated as exactly bi-partisan (being partisan to the left) but this write-up is a blatant hit job. Out of hundreds of members of an organization, they spotlight on TWO, who have pedophilia problems. Now why would they do that ? :rolleyes:

I dont know too much about this organization, but it is SOP for leftists to brand anybody who speaks up for white people as being "racist", "Nazi", or "white nationalist" (whatever that means)

Getting back to the TOPIC (remember that ?) I still see nothing in the FLYER that could be deemed "hateful", nor has anybody shown that. Are we to now see defending whites from discrimination, as being "hateful" ?
I usually mock Wiki. But it can be useful if only as a point of departure. In any event, I reviewed Nationalist Social Club fucking flyer. And if you don’t see their obvious effort to insinuate themselves as a Nazi type group, that’s on you. But it’s so clear to me that I don’t understand how you could miss it.

By the way, my posts have been perfectly on topic. 👍
I see no reference to anything "Nazi"

I usually mock Wiki. But it can be useful if only as a point of departure. In any event, I reviewed Nationalist Social Club fucking flyer. And if you don’t see their obvious effort to insinuate themselves as a Nazi type group, that’s on you. But it’s so clear to me that I don’t understand how you could miss it.

By the way, my posts have been perfectly on topic. 👍
No, I dont see anything in the flyer that shows "hateful", but I've moved on to a bigger thread >>

I have heard the phrase “I am a proud black man” so often, I take it as a given. To be black is to be proud based on color. My thinking is “while being black is obviously nothing to be ashamed of, it also shouldn’t be a basis for pride.” I’m not ashamed of being a paste-y white guy. But being white also isn’t a point of pride. Neither is my right handedness or my brown eyes.
I find it odd to be proud of one’s race. People have no choice in that. Pride should be about the accomplishments people make.
No, rural/urban right wing whites own racism. The KKK is now republican.

Calling out racism is not racism no matter how much you try to gaslight.

Suuuure it is...



I just PROVED that wrong. And here ya are. Putting words in my mouth I never said and putting beliefs in my head -- I never believed. Sayonara.
You proved that 1 white supremacist said something. As a whole, white supremacists did not support Obama. I get real tired of you disingenuous republicans trying to pretend your party is the party of racial euality and only democrats are racists. Your party has been playing identity politics since thhe 60's and when you look at the white vote in 2008 McCain won the white vote by a landslide. So white supremacists did vote for McCain. Obama got more than 90 percent of the black vote so black nationalists, which should not be compared to white supremacists because the beliefs come from opposite experiences, voted for Obama. You have a real bad habit of posting misinformationn and claiming it to be fact of something. You said 3 out of 4 white supremacists supported Oama. There are millions of white that hold white supremacist views who are not members of a white supremacist "organization."
You proved that 1 white supremacist said something. As a whole, white supremacists did not support Obama.

Actually TWO of them and they JUSTIFIED IN WORDS why they preferred Obama over McCain. And there was another one in the link. These were NOT random white supremacists, These 2 are the LEADERS of the BIGGEST white hate groups in the country.

You MISSED a HUGE opportunity to understand how white haters THINK. They RESPECT black pride and black SEPARATISTS. Because they UNDERSTAND devotion to "your own people". ONE of the dudes is ex Grand Dragon of the KKK. You dont want insight. Dont seem to want to learn anything here.

So black nationalists/separatist groups are fine and respectable organizations to them. And if black leaders think thats' the way to COUNTER white hate groups -- they are playing RIGHT INTO THEIR OPPOSITIONS' hand.

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