Probe into Gaza homes strikes finds 60% of deaths non-militants


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Mostly civilians’: Probe into Gaza homes strikes finds 60% of deaths non-militants

An investigation carried out by AP has stated that 508 of 844 victims in air strikes on residential buildings during Israel’s Operation Protective Edge that unfolded previous summer in Gaza were women, children and elderly people.

The agency studied 247 attacks that targeted residential buildings only – out of about 5,000 strikes conducted by the Israeli forces. Under the rules of war, civilian homes cannot be used as targets for air strikes.

The probe concluded that about 10 percent, or 96, of those killed in the strikes were confirmed or suspected militants. A further 240 dead were males between 16 and 59 years old, whose names weren’t linked to any armed groups.

If this is not criminal I don't know what is, its not self protection , so please do not insult us.
I suppose that the numbers are probably pretty accurate . Same civilian casualties in 'all' wars I'd suppose . There is even a name for it as its called 'collateral damage' I think .
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pretty much agree 'Anathema' , he11 if you give aid and comfort to the enemy then I suppose that the aiders and comforters are fair game . What , the Israelis are supposed to stop going after the enemy because the enemy goes home for the night .
Mostly civilians’: Probe into Gaza homes strikes finds 60% of deaths non-militants

An investigation carried out by AP has stated that 508 of 844 victims in air strikes on residential buildings during Israel’s Operation Protective Edge that unfolded previous summer in Gaza were women, children and elderly people.

The agency studied 247 attacks that targeted residential buildings only – out of about 5,000 strikes conducted by the Israeli forces. Under the rules of war, civilian homes cannot be used as targets for air strikes.

The probe concluded that about 10 percent, or 96, of those killed in the strikes were confirmed or suspected militants. A further 240 dead were males between 16 and 59 years old, whose names weren’t linked to any armed groups.

If this is not criminal I don't know what is, its not self protection , so please do not insult us.

Probe into Gaza homes strikes finds 60% of deaths non-militants

It's awful when the Arab terrorists launch their rockets from civilian areas.
Downright criminal.
I suppose that the numbers are probably pretty accurate . Same civilian casualties in 'all' wars I'd suppose . There is even a name for it as its called 'collateral damage' I think .

In most wars both sides have armament. The Israelis essentially attack unarmed civilians with air power, armor and artillery. It is more similar to the Nazi attacks on the Warsaw Ghetto.
that's one point of view I guess . Course I think that the Israelis are just going after palistinians that lobe missles and do other attacks on Israels civilian population .
Palestinians suffer because the world hates them, no more. The only place that gave them a home, Israel, they are told to destroy.
Infact Elektra.....the world hates Israel......why do you continue to muddy the water with such Zionist Terrorist Bullshit...........that's right YOU usual ad-nausium

!!!!!!!Israel gave them a home!!!!!!!!!What after stealing are a Cretin
Palestinians suffer because the world hates them, no more. The only place that gave them a home, Israel, they are told to destroy.
Infact Elektra.....the world hates Israel......why do you continue to muddy the water with such Zionist Terrorist Bullshit...........that's right YOU usual ad-nausium
:lame2: :itsok:
Your comment Hoss merely shows how demented you have much of the worlds people support the Palestinians over the Israelis....but being as you live in a Backwater,nothing surprises me these days what comes out of you mouth....Really Hoss off to the naughty corner with you LOL ,...steve
that's one point of view I guess . Course I think that the Israelis are just going after palistinians that lobe missles and do other attacks on Israels civilian population .
I think you missed the "R" out of your should read...Pismore
that's one point of view I guess . Course I think that the Israelis are just going after palistinians that lobe missles and do other attacks on Israels civilian population .
Nice to see you "sitting on the fence"...........your spelling is ? able at best but keep trying
Palestinians suffer because the world hates them, no more. The only place that gave them a home, Israel, they are told to destroy.
Infact Elektra.....the world hates Israel......why do you continue to muddy the water with such Zionist Terrorist Bullshit...........that's right YOU usual ad-nausium

!!!!!!!Israel gave them a home!!!!!!!!!What after stealing are a Cretin
Arabs come from Arabia, they found a home in Israel. I have yet to find anything that disproves this fact.

First and foremost we see the Arab religious divide among themselves, Sunni vs Shia? Then there is the Wahabi Sunni vs. the Sunni. If we forget about the religion we have the Arab nationslism, the individual states who fight. And of course let us not forget the individual tribes that fight against one another. Of course besides all that there us that woman sexual slavery thing.

Palestinians ran from a lot of things, Jews were not one of them.
Mostly civilians’: Probe into Gaza homes strikes finds 60% of deaths non-militants

An investigation carried out by AP has stated that 508 of 844 victims in air strikes on residential buildings during Israel’s Operation Protective Edge that unfolded previous summer in Gaza were women, children and elderly people.

The agency studied 247 attacks that targeted residential buildings only – out of about 5,000 strikes conducted by the Israeli forces. Under the rules of war, civilian homes cannot be used as targets for air strikes.

The probe concluded that about 10 percent, or 96, of those killed in the strikes were confirmed or suspected militants. A further 240 dead were males between 16 and 59 years old, whose names weren’t linked to any armed groups.

If this is not criminal I don't know what is, its not self protection , so please do not insult us.
TIME FOR ISRAEL TO LET THEIR BETTERS SORT THIS OUT.....TIME FOR THE UN Forces to stand as sentinals against the barbaric brutality.....why won't the Israelis allow that Guys..............................because Israel is run by Zionists,you know that TERRORIST GROUP
Palestinians suffer because the world hates them, no more. The only place that gave them a home, Israel, they are told to destroy.
Infact Elektra.....the world hates Israel......why do you continue to muddy the water with such Zionist Terrorist Bullshit...........that's right YOU usual ad-nausium

!!!!!!!Israel gave them a home!!!!!!!!!What after stealing are a Cretin
Arabs come from Arabia, they found a home in Israel. I have yet to find anything that disproves this fact.

First and foremost we see the Arab religious divide among themselves, Sunni vs Shia? Then there is the Wahabi Sunni vs. the Sunni. If we forget about the religion we have the Arab nationslism, the individual states who fight. And of course let us not forget the individual tribes that fight against one another. Of course besides all that there us that woman sexual slavery thing.

Palestinians ran from a lot of things, Jews were not one of them.
Well despite the Zionists attempted ELIMINATION of the Palestinians.....The Palestinians did NOT run........and secondly,Palestinians did NOT come from Arabia.............only Jews (well not real Jews of course) Ilegally came to Palestine from other parts of the world "The Invasion" They have no common ancestory to people from this part of the world....they have No direct links to Abraham at all........What I should ask these wannabee Jews is.....WHO THE FCUK ARE YOU..........

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