Profound Stupidity, or Something Else?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Is it even possible that Leftists (Democrats, the MSM, the Never-Trumpers) are too stupid to understand the basic facts around Comey's firing?

(1) He was fired for a number of reasons, the accumulation of which led to the actual firing. It is not a "lie" when the President cites more than one reason when addressing the firing at different times. The reasons are not "conflicting" or deceptive, any more than would be a baseball manager who says his team lost because (a) the pitching stunk, then later, (b) we didn't score enough runs, then even later (c) because our defense sucked. All can be true, and not conflicting.

(2) President Trump has the Constitutional and legal power to PARDON Michael Flynn, for anything he may done with "the Russians" or otherwise. Furthermore, he has the legal authority to ORDER the FBI Director to stop any investigation into possible misconduct by Flynn. Is it too obvious for even Leftists to understand that his statement to Comey about Flynn was a personal request and not a demand? Apparently so. (And Comey's failure to ask Trump to clarify what he was saying is inexplicable).

(3) Trump KNOWS that the Russia-Collusion "story" is entirely made-up, fake "news." Therefore, is it not understandable that he would be highly irritated that Comey would not SAY THAT PUBLICLY and move on to other things? That alone would have been enough to get Comey fired, but the MSM has taken this up to imply that Trump wanted the investigation to end because Trump has something to hide - which is at complete variance with the facts.

To anyone not wearing blinders, the Comey testimony destroys 80% of the anti-Trump "news" that has been published since January. The continuing harping on "obstruction of justice" is journalistic malpractice.

And they go on and on about Trump lying. Incredible.
Is it even possible that Leftists (Democrats, the MSM, the Never-Trumpers) are too stupid to understand the basic facts around Comey's firing?

(1) He was fired for a number of reasons, the accumulation of which led to the actual firing. It is not a "lie" when the President cites more than one reason when addressing the firing at different times. The reasons are not "conflicting" or deceptive, any more than would be a baseball manager who says his team lost because (a) the pitching stunk, then later, (b) we didn't score enough runs, then even later (c) because our defense sucked. All can be true, and not conflicting.

(2) President Trump has the Constitutional and legal power to PARDON Michael Flynn, for anything he may done with "the Russians" or otherwise. Furthermore, he has the legal authority to ORDER the FBI Director to stop any investigation into possible misconduct by Flynn. Is it too obvious for even Leftists to understand that his statement to Comey about Flynn was a personal request and not a demand? Apparently so. (And Comey's failure to ask Trump to clarify what he was saying is inexplicable).

(3) Trump KNOWS that the Russia-Collusion "story" is entirely made-up, fake "news." Therefore, is it not understandable that he would be highly irritated that Comey would not SAY THAT PUBLICLY and move on to other things? That alone would have been enough to get Comey fired, but the MSM has taken this up to imply that Trump wanted the investigation to end because Trump has something to hide - which is at complete variance with the facts.

To anyone not wearing blinders, the Comey testimony destroys 80% of the anti-Trump "news" that has been published since January. The continuing harping on "obstruction of justice" is journalistic malpractice.

And they go on and on about Trump lying. Incredible.

It's possible they are that stupid.
too bad for the democrats, now that Comey has testified they need to make up more fake new and allegations.

Comey admits to being a leaker, what a pathetic thing for the head of the FBI to admit to. He didn't have the guts to release the information himself so he puts his minions in jeopardy. Sounds like a true democrat to me.

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