

Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I'm not sure I can make this succinct enough for the short attention span typical political hack- but, I'll try, though it may turn out to be a 10,000 word essay or even a book length explanation of what I see happening it needs to be pointed out- yes, needs to be,

In light of the recent events, which do have historical references, it seems we are headed into a NWO- it's now called Globalization (replace the "z" with an "s" for our across the Atlantic participants).

Consider, if you will, a lot of my responses recently have been Follow the Money, see the Agenda, or even this one from back in June and this one, Global Reset, or Who/what has the most to gain?

Why do I say "it needs to be pointed out"? It is what I do. That's why.

We, the stinky tourists, world wide, are in for a change. All this left/right paradigm bullshit is just that. It's a created smoke and mirrors effect to keep our attention away from what is going to happen. See the above Global Reset.

Why do I say that? It makes perfect sense. It's a logical explanation for all the havoc creating bullshit going on. The *political* aspect is for show only. Think about it. Biden doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of being elected. He's too fucking STUPID. And while there are a lot of STUPID people here the mask is being removed. The STUPID don't out number the not STUPID. The STUPID are just more vocal and get more *press* and TV time-

The talk of "crypto currency" has been minimal and many of the STUPID try to marginalize it
. But, folks, printing money is not cost effective, nor is coining it- our coins are already worthless as far as "precious metal" goes, never mind almost valueless- and the fact that places of business have signs that say there is a coin shortage, blah, blah, blah. Our fiat currency takes up too much space on our person- as an aside. Coins are too heavy yada yada yada-

The US has gone out of its way to create a world wide hegemony and colonization (military bases)that pays in federal reserve notes to saturate the world with those notes. The pretext of the colonizations are Rapid Deployment. That is quite plausible- but I don't recall that being constitutional- but, that is a different thread.

It IS going to happen. Probably sooner (than I first expected, maybe within the next 4 years) rather than later. I say the next 4 years because of Biden- he is unelectable AND it gives *the other side* blame it (the Reset) on Republicans for the next campaign, which BTW, we're in a twofer cycle so a Democrat after 2024 is inevitable. But, it's still fodder for "the other side" in the next campaign.

Now, is this *nefarious*? I don't know. I guess that depends on the definition applied- it does mean the world, as we know it, is gone.

So, what about all this flu crap going around? Well, in spite of how brilliant Bill Gates is perceived to be- he's way down the ladder of influencers. He's a tool. Period. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by the alleged plot to vaccinate the world. Not for a long time to come- probably after my grand kids have maybe grand kids and they are 8, 6 and under 2 years with another due in November.

The "lock downs" are to intentionally slow the economy. That will make people more open to UBI. Universal Basic Income. It's already happening with the Bank bailouts- we, the stinky tourist, are being *given* a stipend of pretense. But, with access to everyone's bank account it's easy to put more there- all that is needed is an excuse- well, fewer jobs is a pretty good one.

So, what can be done about it? Absolutely nothing. Then why does this need to be told? Prepare yourself. How? That's YOUR choice.
It is coming- as we speak.
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Words mean things- Universal Basic Income- that's not, United States Basic Income. Although, since the Federal Reserve is based here (we're led to believe) this is the perfect place to begin it. The "universe" already uses/accepts Federal Reserve Notes as "Legal Tender". There are hold outs for sure, as there always is with any change - and some always consider change significant or insignificant- change is change. Personal (sigificant or insignificant) impact is just that. Personal.

Some will fare worse than others. That is life. That can't be stopped, but, the hurt/harm can be minimized-
There are myriad circumstances/scenarios/questions that I've not addressed. Because attention spans are short.
But, there is, and/or, can be answers to most questions. Intentionally obstinate, not so much. That too is "personal"-
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And, for the intentionally obtuse- FREE is UNENCUMBERED- we have NEVER been "free"- we have exercised Liberty- and had it greatly restricted. There is a difference.
And, for the intentionally obtuse- FREE is UNENCUMBERED- we have NEVER been "free"- we have exercised Liberty- and had it greatly restricted. There is a difference.
Dude youre going to strain yourself ......
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The talk of "crypto currency" has been minimal and many of the STUPID try to marginalize it.

ALL transactions done with plastic ARE a form of "crypto currency"- ALL loans by banks are "leveraged"- the MONEY/CASH is a number on a computer screen. It doesn't exist.
I got as far as the word "succinct" ... had to look it up in the dictionary ... saw the word "saccharine" ... I've always been curious how that was made ... but I had to review my basic chemistry to understand ... which lead me to the metal hydrates and all their colorful expressions ... and who can look at metal hydrates and not listen to some old Pink Floyd music ... listening to Meddle I realized that mushroom season is upon us and I don't have my Matszy permit yet ... definitely going to need new tires so I'm off to get those put on ...

Can you post a TL;DR version with smaller words for me ... please ...
I got as far as the word "succinct" ... had to look it up in the dictionary ... saw the word "saccharine" ... I've always been curious how that was made ... but I had to review my basic chemistry to understand ... which lead me to the metal hydrates and all their colorful expressions ... and who can look at metal hydrates and not listen to some old Pink Floyd music ... listening to Meddle I realized that mushroom season is upon us and I don't have my Matszy permit yet ... definitely going to need new tires so I'm off to get those put on ...

Can you post a TL;DR version with smaller words for me ... please ...
Fuck you- remain STUPID. That's YOUR choice.
Fuck you- remain STUPID. That's YOUR choice.

You want to fuck me ... sorry, I'm not gay ... try elsewhere ...

Ummmm ... Universal Basic Income is great for landlords ... we can raise rents and have an easier time collecting ... an excellent resource for garnishments ... economic downturns drive folks out of their homes ... which landlords can pick up on the cheap ... and raise rents even more ... [ka'ching] ... then recycle the extra income through capital gains and pay a farthing in taxes ...

I'll be filling out all my tenants' mail-in ballots this October ... either they sign or they're homeless in November ...

... and you call me stupid? ...
Words mean things- Universal Basic Income- that's not, United States Basic Income. Although, since the Federal Reserve is based here (we're led to believe) this is the perfect place to begin it. The "universe" already uses/accepts Federal Reserve Notes as "Legal Tender". There are hold outs for sure, as there always is with any change - and some always consider change significant or insignificant- change is change. Personal (sigificant or insignificant) impact is just that. Personal.

Some will fare worse than others. That is life. That can't be stopped, but, the hurt/harm can be minimized-
There are myriad circumstances/scenarios/questions that I've not addressed. Because attention spans are short.
But, there is, and/or, can be answers to most questions. Intentionally obstinate, not so much. That too is "personal"-
Why do right wingers have a problem with solving simple poverty? Don't care about the Poor only the Rich?
Prognosis- "a medical term used in predicting the development of a disease". I thought you were talking about Biden's mental health.
Prognosis- "a medical term used in predicting the development of a disease". I thought you were talking about Biden's mental health.

Learn to pronounce

noun: prognosis; plural noun: prognoses
  1. the likely course of a disease or ailment.
    "the disease has a poor prognosis"
    • a forecast of the likely course of a disease or ailment.
      "it is very difficult to make an accurate prognosis"
    • a forecast of the likely outcome of a situation.
      "gloomy prognoses about overpopulation"

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