Just imagine for a moment that Trump wins re-election.

If President Trump does win re-election, it seems to me that many of our liberals will absolutely implode. Many of them actually believe the stories they share about Trump as a boogeyman.

So, we will have a temporarily “convicted” felon sitting in the White House and our liberals will be once again going insane

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and crying to the heavens

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Imagining that the end of times is at hand.

Meanwhile, all it really means is that we will move toward finally securing our borders and that we will work out a way to deal with the insane debt and deficits.

Yet the fear of impending multiple tragedies will fill the minds and the nightmares of our liberals.

It’s almost enough to make me feel sorry for them.


What say you all? If Trump wins, how will our world change starting on day one?
It'll be a fucking mess, no doubt.

So much winning. :rolleyes:
it will be overturned if not by the NY appellate courts then the SC will definitely .. the lefts leaders and the lefts prosecution team and judge know this ... they just want to hang a felony on him to influence the election .. and lol ! its backfiring .
Not really. Biden has caught up to him in national polls.

We'll see about the Swing States, but when people get down to brass tacks, 'Put me in the White House so I don't go to jail" isn't a compelling reason to vote for someone.
Not really. Biden has caught up to him in national polls.

We'll see about the Swing States, but when people get down to brass tacks, 'Put me in the White House so I don't go to jail" isn't a compelling reason to vote for someone.
the national polls haven't changed much .. they are dead even ... they have been for a while ... but Trump is leading by a sizable margin in most swing states ..
Not really. Biden has caught up to him in national polls.
Which ever side loses will melt down into hysterical denial. The two-party fear machine has everyone lathered up into a frenzy. That's what they do.
the national polls haven't changed much .. they are dead even ... they have been for a while ... but Trump is leading by a sizable margin in most swing states ..
Again, with sizeable "undecideds" who don't connect until after the conventions.

By that time, we'll have gotten several months of Trump acting crazy, slurring his words, and screaming like a maniac.
Again, with sizeable "undecideds" who don't connect until after the conventions.

By that time, we'll have gotten several months of Trump acting crazy, slurring his words, and screaming like a maniac.
We've already had gobs of that. From both candidates. The zombies don't care. They'll file into the voting booths and vote for weevils. While the country burns.
First point is that Piglosi and the obstructionist congress tied the country in knots--second point, depends on congressional make up. We could see America made great again with an America First congress. Anything would be better than the train wreck/dumpster fire that is the democrats in control of government.
Meanwhile back in reality, the blob had majorities in the Senate and the House for 2 years. Your post is silly.
We've already had gobs of that. From both candidates. The zombies don't care. They'll file into the voting booths and vote for weevils. While the country burns.

Well, no, we don't.

We have one guy who stutters, and one guy who is stark raving mad.

It's like comparing Claudius and Caligula.... nobody missed Caligula when he was gone.
Again, with sizeable "undecideds" who don't connect until after the conventions.

By that time, we'll have gotten several months of Trump acting crazy, slurring his words, and screaming like a maniac.
Trump hasn't been acting crazy or slurring his words like Briben has ... are you seriously saying he has ... if you are it proves you are ruled by emotions instead of facts ... you act as though Trump claimed his uncle was eaten by cannibals !
Democracy will likely end as we have know it and judicial will lose all autonomy.

Free speech will be limited to cultists and legitimate media will be harrased and shut down.
Look to 1920 Germany. That is what is in store.
Nah. People will fight back. But it will be a mess and the country will fall further and further into political dysfunction.
Which ever side loses will melt down into hysterical denial. The two-party fear machine has everyone lathered up into a frenzy. That's what they do.
the right wont get violent if Trump loses .. the left will get violent if Briben loses .. remember the left has hung a felony on Trump with their sham Marxist lawfare and the right has remained peaceful .. the left has a monopoly on mass violence ..

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