Just imagine for a moment that Trump wins re-election.

He got nothing done when he was there earlier. He will get even less done if he were re-elected.
That’s another reason to vote for him. The less the government does, the more people are free.
Because despite his roughness, his positions match mine closer than other people running for President?
That's a sad commentary on you.

But let's say the guy did have some good ideas (he doesn't, but let's pretend).

His malignant narcissism makes it impossible for him to actual act on them.

You see, the one thing that kept Trump's first term as being a bigger mess than it already was that he had Pence and a lot of people who knew what they were doing.

You know, next time, he's going to only appoint people willing to debase themselves.
Those are the rules. I didn’t write them. But a 34X convicted felon shouldn’t be allowed to run for political office, agreed?

You can keep repeating that all you want, it just shows that the charges were simply a setup for the sound bite.

And it doesn't seem that it's working on the electorate.
That's a sad commentary on you.

But let's say the guy did have some good ideas (he doesn't, but let's pretend).

His malignant narcissism makes it impossible for him to actual act on them.

You see, the one thing that kept Trump's first term as being a bigger mess than it already was that he had Pence and a lot of people who knew what they were doing.

You know, next time, he's going to only appoint people willing to debase themselves.

I know him being re-elected would probably cause idiots like you to implode upon yourselves. That's worth it on it's own, almost.

He's got my vote. DeSantis had it, but he dropped out.
I don’t have a blob.

But, technically speaking, you’re wrong anyway.

No conviction has been entered yet on the case you’re ignorantly commenting on.

Don't worry, once things are overturned on appeal, they will still call him the "previously convicted felon"
He got nothing done when he was there earlier. He will get even less done if he were re-elected.
First point is that Piglosi and the obstructionist congress tied the country in knots--second point, depends on congressional make up. We could see America made great again with an America First congress. Anything would be better than the train wreck/dumpster fire that is the democrats in control of government.
We will have a President who can’t get an FBI clearance to see classified data...since, you know, he’s a convicted felon.
it will be overturned if not by the NY appellate courts then the SC will definitely .. the lefts leaders and the lefts prosecution team and judge know this ... they just want to hang a felony on him to influence the election .. and lol ! its backfiring .

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