Progress at last!

Pbel, I know you genuinely want peace. But honestly, do you really believe that releasing Palestinians prisoners will help ?
I personally don' think so. I hope it will, but in my mind, I feel like it will accomplish nothing. Hopefully it proves me wrong
It is a peace gesture because they are seen as Palestinian Heroes no differantly than PM Begin who was seen as a Terrorist by the British and Arabs, but a Hero to Zionists...

It will make Israel in no less danger and I'm sure Mossad will keep tabs on them. More impotanly, I bet and hope the Palestinians will recipocate in some way to start the process.

Do YOU see them as heroes?
I honestly don't know their crimes and hate Terrorist acts, so I would have to look at the facts individualy and search their acts and hearts. Occupations create an inner insanity where death is preferable to near slavery.
It is a peace gesture because they are seen as Palestinian Heroes no differantly than PM Begin who was seen as a Terrorist by the British and Arabs, but a Hero to Zionists...

It will make Israel in no less danger and I'm sure Mossad will keep tabs on them. More impotanly, I bet and hope the Palestinians will recipocate in some way to start the process.

Do YOU see them as heroes?
I honestly don't know their crimes and hate Terrorist acts, so I would have to look at the facts individualy and search their acts and hearts. Occupations create an inner insanity where death is preferable to near slavery.

I understand, but in my view, NOTHING justifies murder of an innocent person. I am talking about the prisoners who have blood on their hands
It is a peace gesture because they are seen as Palestinian Heroes no differantly than PM Begin who was seen as a Terrorist by the British and Arabs, but a Hero to Zionists...

It will make Israel in no less danger and I'm sure Mossad will keep tabs on them. More impotanly, I bet and hope the Palestinians will recipocate in some way to start the process.

Do YOU see them as heroes?
I honestly don't know their crimes and hate Terrorist acts, so I would have to look at the facts individualy and search their acts and hearts. Occupations create an inner insanity where death is preferable to near slavery.

Please take notice to my last post to you
If you call me a far right wing sympathizer, you obviously don't know what is "far right" here in Israel.

You categorize what I say and think without trying to think of this from an Israeli point of few.

What we know so far is that-

1. Israel has started up a so called "negotiation" with the Palestinians

2. Israel is banned in Europe.

3. Israel has agreed in some way to freeze settlements building

4. Israel has agreed to free more than 350 Palestinian prisoners with blood on their hands.

THAT is no negotiation, Mr. Pbel, any negotiation should start without any condition. And the only thing I can see in here is Israel GIVING things without being given anything in return.

Where is the promise of no terror activities from the lands in conflict?

Where is the promise of Not attacking southern lands?

Where is recognizing Israel's right of existence INSIDE the green line?

So far, I try and try, and really find it hard to see any GOOD thing here, for us.

What I do see, is what is going to happen next.

Hamas is not happy those "peace talk" start now. And we have seen what Hamas does when Hamas is not happy. It calls ending of the truce and start firing rockets.

That is what they did last time.

I am more than ready to bet my head on, that the alarms will sing in the next days, and seeing all the giving, without being promised to be given ANYTHING in return, so yeah, that is pretty sad.

And One doesn't have to belong to ANY political wing to see it.

I live here, all I have to do is wait for the next launch
I never called you Far right...Even Sharon knew that Occupations fail in the long-run, that's why he invented the Kadima Peace Party...Even if Israel Expels the Palestinians, she would only be moving the battle lines...Israel is a ME superpower today but occupations are very costly as America found out in Vietnam, Iraq, and now Afghanistan...

Learn from History!

Exactly - it's costly in terms of money, lives, politics and international goodwill. Israel has made important concessions towards the process - will the Palestinians reciprocate now?
It is a peace gesture because they are seen as Palestinian Heroes no differantly than PM Begin who was seen as a Terrorist by the British and Arabs, but a Hero to Zionists...

It will make Israel in no less danger and I'm sure Mossad will keep tabs on them. More impotanly, I bet and hope the Palestinians will recipocate in some way to start the process.

Do YOU see them as heroes?
I honestly don't know their crimes and hate Terrorist acts, so I would have to look at the facts individualy and search their acts and hearts. Occupations create an inner insanity where death is preferable to near slavery.
If your statement was true about insanity, then we would be seeing the Tibetans killing the Chinese occupiers almost every day. instead, it appears they only set themselves on fire and do not try to blow up a group of Chinese.
I don't see how releasing Palestinian terrorist prisoners is a gesture for peace. Only more deaths on both sides can result from such a drastic mistake.

MJB, et al,

Sometimes, compromise involves a little sacrifice and pain.

When will Israel stop fueling this endless conflict with peace offerings to Palestinians, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinian squatters can remain in Israel? No Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated the Palestinians like Israel does. Face it folks, the one & only lasting peace ever achieved from Palestinians was Jordan's Black September. When will Israel ever learn it's all just a matter of communicating with Paletinians in the only language they understand & respect? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

It appears that Israel is going to make the first overture for the process to be rekindled.

If it backfires, that is the risk you take and the consequence.

I noticed that the Palestinian did not make any substantial offer of compromise.

Most Respectfully,
Here's and idea to mull over. Why not give Detroit to the Palestinians? They would finally get there own state, and there are plenty of boarded up buildings there for them to blow up. :evil:
As can be shown by the terrorists released in the Gilad Shalit deal, when they went back to their terrorist ways.

I don't see how releasing Palestinian terrorist prisoners is a gesture for peace. Only more deaths on both sides can result from such a drastic mistake.

MJB, et al,

Sometimes, compromise involves a little sacrifice and pain.

When will Israel stop fueling this endless conflict with peace offerings to Palestinians, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinian squatters can remain in Israel? No Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated the Palestinians like Israel does. Face it folks, the one & only lasting peace ever achieved from Palestinians was Jordan's Black September. When will Israel ever learn it's all just a matter of communicating with Paletinians in the only language they understand & respect? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

It appears that Israel is going to make the first overture for the process to be rekindled.

If it backfires, that is the risk you take and the consequence.

I noticed that the Palestinian did not make any substantial offer of compromise.

Most Respectfully,
Do YOU see them as heroes?
I honestly don't know their crimes and hate Terrorist acts, so I would have to look at the facts individualy and search their acts and hearts. Occupations create an inner insanity where death is preferable to near slavery.
If your statement was true about insanity, then we would be seeing the Tibetans killing the Chinese occupiers almost every day. instead, it appears they only set themselves on fire and do not try to blow up a group of Chinese.
Tibetians are a tiny minority in a Goliath State, Isralelis are a tiny minority in a sea of Islam...
I honestly don't know their crimes and hate Terrorist acts, so I would have to look at the facts individualy and search their acts and hearts. Occupations create an inner insanity where death is preferable to near slavery.
If your statement was true about insanity, then we would be seeing the Tibetans killing the Chinese occupiers almost every day. instead, it appears they only set themselves on fire and do not try to blow up a group of Chinese.
Tibetians are a tiny minority in a Goliath State, Isralelis are a tiny minority in a sea of Islam...
What has that have to do with what I stated? The Buddhist Tibetans set themselves aflame when they want to protest. They don't go around suicide or car bombing the Chinese. Maybe Phillip thinks it is OK to kill those you hate because they are a minority living among the majority of another group. Perhaps this is the reason for the Shiites and Ahmadis being killed by the Sunnis in Pakistan -- because these sects are the minority in a sea of Sunnis.
Here's and idea to mull over. Why not give Detroit to the Palestinians? They would finally get there own state, and there are plenty of boarded up buildings there for them to blow up. :evil:


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