Progressive Equal Outcome Ideology

My perception is that an older guy in a nice car burning rubber loudly with his young blonde gf at his side represents insecurity

Your obsession with the "niceness" of his car and the youth of his companion reflect an insecurity of a different kind.

"Bottom line" is an accounting term ... the balance of each ledger shows the totals ... not a gambling expression.

Bottom line in my context is "the morrow of the story", "final result" etc, I could use it for any number of examples.

"Bottom line, you don't need to be a person of solid character to be a cop"

"Bottom line, you're a grammar nazi who doesn't like me" (and I am honoured by this)

"That's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so".

None of these comments are even remotely related to accounting and they all make sense to anyone who speaks commonplace colloquial English.
Your obsession with the "niceness" of his car and the youth of his companion reflect an insecurity of a different kind.

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Jealousy isn't the right term, I enjoy seeing others succeed on merit. I have a high level of confidence that doesn't lend to jealousy. In fact, I smile in the face of bragadicious people, they entertain me. Even when they are dicks, I'm entertained, but it doesn't change my opinion.
Jealousy isn't the right term, I enjoy seeing others succeed on merit.

I believe it is the precise term and it would seem, at least in the case of this man, you don't seem to enjoy it.

Perhaps you only enjoy seeing people enjoy things when they live and act according your standards.
You see many youtube videos of college kids talking about the evils of capitalism and the beauty of communism. There are polls showing how young people are favorable to communism. How do people who believe in progressive ideals justify equal outcomes? Do they believe that students who do well in school have an unfair advantage? Do they believe that two parent homes have an unfair advantage? Do people who work 60 hour weeks to 'get ahead' have an unfair advantage? Doesn't progressive ideology discourage attempts to better people's own lives? Doesn't it give power over people to the ruling class, who gets filthy rich? The classical liberal arguments made sense, and were geared towards the working class. Safety Net arguments are fine, but the progressive arguments against bettering one's own life doesn't appear to make any sense?

Once deemed radical but now mainstreamed into the democratic party, Derrida's Postmodernism is a suicide cult. That's all it is. Seems like you have awakened to the same realization. Congratulations and join the party.
Once deemed radical but now mainstreamed into the democratic party, Derrida's Postmodernism is a suicide cult. That's all it is. Seems like you have awakened to the same realization. Congratulations and join the party.
I can't see why people would think keeping people from bettering their lives makes a bit of sense. They have gone so far beyond safety nets that they are destroying people while chanting fairness.

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