Progressive/Liberal UCLA provided $100k for Radical MEChA


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
UCLA provided $100k for radical anti-American separatist group

By Josiah Ryan, on Jul 25, 2012

Click here to review the budget documents obtained EXCLUSIVELY by Campus Reform

The recipient of the funds is a student-organization, Moviemiento Estudiantil Chicano de AZTLAN (MEChA) which believes that the Southwestern U.S. states New Mexico, Arizona, California and parts of Nevada, Utah and Colorado are in fact part of a separate nation called “Aztlan.”

The national organization’s website states that their aim is “reclaiming the land of our birth” and calls the organization “a nationalist movement of indigenous gente [people] that lay claim to the land that is ours by birthright.”

“We do not come to work for the university, but to demand that the university work for our people,” reads the MEChA site.


UCLA provided 36100k for radical antiAmerican separatist group


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