Progressive Praises Obama's Immigration Actions and Its Impact on Elections


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
well now, they aren't even hiding how their illegal actions are going to be helping the slimy Democrat party. how is that Fair to the rest of you who didn't vote for Obama? they are allowing all these ILLEGAL immigrants in the first wave we had them climbing over our boarders AND they are shipping them in by boats and now calling them, Refugees. So how does it feel and to have YOUR OWN President stab you the LEGAL CITZENS in the back? and don't forget you are getting to PAY FOR IT ALL.

So for sure go vote that commie/progressive/slimy democrat party in power again vote for Hillary so she can put the final nail in our coffin

Progressive Praises Obama's Immigration Actions and Its Impact on Elections
Yay, Democrats! Er, Democracy!
Think Progress's Esther Lee is beaming with glee over President Obama's executive actions over illegal immigrants because of the huge impact it will have on elections in America.

In a new "Isn't That Something" video, Lee states with a smile:

Rapid demographic changes are providing voters of color with great potential to influence future elections.

"In 2016," she adds, "1.5 million of these citizen relatives will be eligible to vote." Barely able to contain her excitement, she continues: "By 2020, that number jumps to 2.25 million, as more and more children reach voting age."

Lee concludes:

And eligible voters with a direct connection to undocumented immigrants who would qualify for deportation relief, could very well swing the next election. Now, isn't that something?

Progressive Praises Obama's Immigration Actions and Its Impact on Elections
this is what we got thanks to all of you who voted for Obama
well now, they aren't even hiding how their illegal actions are going to be helping the slimy Democrat party. how is that Fair to the rest of you who didn't vote for Obama? they are allowing all these ILLEGAL immigrants in the first wave we had them climbing over our boarders AND they are shipping them in by boats and now calling them, Refugees. So how does it feel and to have YOUR OWN President stab you the LEGAL CITZENS in the back? and don't forget you are getting to PAY FOR IT ALL.

So for sure go vote that commie/progressive/slimy democrat party in power again vote for Hillary so she can put the final nail in our coffin

Progressive Praises Obama's Immigration Actions and Its Impact on Elections
Yay, Democrats! Er, Democracy!
Think Progress's Esther Lee is beaming with glee over President Obama's executive actions over illegal immigrants because of the huge impact it will have on elections in America.

In a new "Isn't That Something" video, Lee states with a smile:

Rapid demographic changes are providing voters of color with great potential to influence future elections.

"In 2016," she adds, "1.5 million of these citizen relatives will be eligible to vote." Barely able to contain her excitement, she continues: "By 2020, that number jumps to 2.25 million, as more and more children reach voting age."

Lee concludes:

And eligible voters with a direct connection to undocumented immigrants who would qualify for deportation relief, could very well swing the next election. Now, isn't that something?

Progressive Praises Obama's Immigration Actions and Its Impact on Elections

Poor republicans. They could probably take all the votes of the extremely socially conservative immigrants coming here from Central and South America, but they spend all of their time demonizing those people instead. Oh well.
It doesn't much matter - since whitey will be a minority by 2050. Praise God!!!!!
this board has become a joke because of the trolls running around sticking smilie on everyone postings. it's not a serious place anymore for debate or discussions. it's a real shame. it's like romper room on steroids

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