Progressive war on children

So your going to PRETEND being in our government does not bring you added threats?

Ask Gabby giffords
your partys God said right out loud his aim was to kill the US government.

You refuse to help fix our education system and every time the subject comes up all the right can say is a round about line of bullpucky that in fact amounts to "our kids are not worth the money to educate them"

According to the US Census Bureau, the average cost of education per student, 2005-2006 was $9,138.

But the Cato Institute explains that the actual costs are around triple the advertised figures “The figure for the District is $8,322 per child, but the real cost is about $25,000. What accounts for the nearly threefold difference in these numbers? The commonly cited figure counts only part of the local operating budget. To calculate total spending, we have to add up all sources of funding for education from kindergarten through 12th grade, excluding spending on charter schools and higher education.

For the current school year, the local operating budget is $831 million, including relevant expenses such as the teacher retirement fund. The capital budget is $218 million. The District receives about $85.5 million in federal funding. And the D.C. Council contributes an extra $81 million. Divide all that by the 49,422 students enrolled (for the 2007-08 year) and you end up with about $24,600 per child.”
The Real Cost of Public Schools | Cato Institute

Remind me again why all the social democracies that rank higher than the U.S. don't have to factor in pensions and healthcare into the amount that they compensate teachers?

is it because everyone gets that paid for there, and the rabble doesn't sit around reading their Ann Coulter and watching their Fox News and whining "why don't I get a sweet pension and affordable healthcare. Why do I have to go to college for eight years like those artsy fartsy teachers to get some compensation. It's all the commies' faults fer chasin' away our job-Creators!"
The republican party doesnt want our kids educated.

They want them deprived on the insights education brings people.

That makes them plyable and desperate workers.
Lol, tell that to obama, he cut out school vouchers for minorities in washington. After the public outcry he reinstated them. Tell me tm, how do liberals care about education?
your partys God said right out loud his aim was to kill the US government.

You refuse to help fix our education system and every time the subject comes up all the right can say is a round about line of bullpucky that in fact amounts to "our kids are not worth the money to educate them"

According to the US Census Bureau, the average cost of education per student, 2005-2006 was $9,138.

But the Cato Institute explains that the actual costs are around triple the advertised figures “The figure for the District is $8,322 per child, but the real cost is about $25,000. What accounts for the nearly threefold difference in these numbers? The commonly cited figure counts only part of the local operating budget. To calculate total spending, we have to add up all sources of funding for education from kindergarten through 12th grade, excluding spending on charter schools and higher education.

For the current school year, the local operating budget is $831 million, including relevant expenses such as the teacher retirement fund. The capital budget is $218 million. The District receives about $85.5 million in federal funding. And the D.C. Council contributes an extra $81 million. Divide all that by the 49,422 students enrolled (for the 2007-08 year) and you end up with about $24,600 per child.”
The Real Cost of Public Schools | Cato Institute

Cato is a biased right wing source.

.....that presents accurate data.
your partys God said right out loud his aim was to kill the US government.

You refuse to help fix our education system and every time the subject comes up all the right can say is a round about line of bullpucky that in fact amounts to "our kids are not worth the money to educate them"

According to the US Census Bureau, the average cost of education per student, 2005-2006 was $9,138.

But the Cato Institute explains that the actual costs are around triple the advertised figures “The figure for the District is $8,322 per child, but the real cost is about $25,000. What accounts for the nearly threefold difference in these numbers? The commonly cited figure counts only part of the local operating budget. To calculate total spending, we have to add up all sources of funding for education from kindergarten through 12th grade, excluding spending on charter schools and higher education.

For the current school year, the local operating budget is $831 million, including relevant expenses such as the teacher retirement fund. The capital budget is $218 million. The District receives about $85.5 million in federal funding. And the D.C. Council contributes an extra $81 million. Divide all that by the 49,422 students enrolled (for the 2007-08 year) and you end up with about $24,600 per child.”
The Real Cost of Public Schools | Cato Institute

Remind me again why all the social democracies that rank higher than the U.S. don't have to factor in pensions and healthcare into the amount that they compensate teachers?

is it because everyone gets that paid for there, and the rabble doesn't sit around reading their Ann Coulter and watching their Fox News and whining "why don't I get a sweet pension and affordable healthcare. Why do I have to go to college for eight years like those artsy fartsy teachers to get some compensation. It's all the commies' faults fer chasin' away our job-Creators!"

Have you noticed how frequently you must use the phrase "...Remind me again..."?

You must have that short term memory problem looked into....
So your going to PRETEND being in our government does not bring you added threats?

Ask Gabby giffords

Again, you missed the point that the largest group who puts their children into private schools are urban public school teachers, NOT politicians numbskull. Care to ask yourself why a public school teacher (who works in an urban school) would not want their own kids going to that public school? Of course you wouldn't... Because then you couldn't blame Republicans. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Screw science! ~ my primary concern is our kids (or their parents or their teachers) obviously know very little history.

Here's why this is so important.

We don't need every person to understand science, but a people in a democratic republic who don't know real history are doomed to be screwed over by their own government.

And based on the ignorant blather I read here on this board damned few Americans know much about this nation's history or world history either.
The republican party does everything it can to sabatoge our education system.

We used to have the best in the world UNTIL the republicans started saying "dont throw money at it".

Once you get a chance to wipe the drool from your face you might realize that nothing can be solved simply by throwing tons of cash at the problem. That only causes more problems. Well thought out solutions take everything into account, not just money.
So your going to PRETEND being in our government does not bring you added threats?

Ask Gabby giffords

"Ask Gabby giffords"

Another example of how dangerous Leftists are to the public!

1. Jared Loughner was educated in an Obama-financed Leftist school.

2. And every presidential assassin was either Leftist, or unaffiliated. None were right-wing.

Didn't you know that?
According to the US Census Bureau, the average cost of education per student, 2005-2006 was $9,138.

But the Cato Institute explains that the actual costs are around triple the advertised figures “The figure for the District is $8,322 per child, but the real cost is about $25,000. What accounts for the nearly threefold difference in these numbers? The commonly cited figure counts only part of the local operating budget. To calculate total spending, we have to add up all sources of funding for education from kindergarten through 12th grade, excluding spending on charter schools and higher education.

For the current school year, the local operating budget is $831 million, including relevant expenses such as the teacher retirement fund. The capital budget is $218 million. The District receives about $85.5 million in federal funding. And the D.C. Council contributes an extra $81 million. Divide all that by the 49,422 students enrolled (for the 2007-08 year) and you end up with about $24,600 per child.”
The Real Cost of Public Schools | Cato Institute

Cato is a biased right wing source.

.....that presents accurate data.

Prove they do
Cato Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Cato Institute is an American libertarian think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C. It was founded as the Charles Koch Foundation in 1974 by Murray Rothbard, Ed Crane and Charles Koch,[6] chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the conglomerate Koch Industries, Inc..[nb 1] In July 1976, the name was changed to the Cato Institute.[6][7] According to the 2011 Global Go To Think Tank Index, Cato is the 6th most influential US based think tank, ranking 3rd in Economic Policy and 2nd in Social Policy.[8]
Lets give the rich bigger tax breaks and as a result have to cut more services such as public education. That'll fix everything
Perhaps OT, but I've always found arguments against vouchers/charter schools (for public schools that demostrate failure) to be ... elitist if not spurious.
Thanks to the progressive public educational system, children in the US rank 48th in math and science around the world.

Thanks to ever increasing debt, the lives of our children will be adversely effected as they inherit a country for sale.

Of course, the humane thing to do is just kill them before they are born. Not only will it prevent a life of misery from the said issues, it will be sure to reduce carbon emissions and the consumption of our finite resources. Saving the earth and maintaining our standard of living ranks higher than caring for our children, no matter the cost.

Education starts in the home. Make your kids do their homework, Help them with it if they are stuck. Have them read instead of playing video games and watching TV.

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.
Thanks to the progressive public educational system, children in the US rank 48th in math and science around the world.

Thanks to ever increasing debt, the lives of our children will be adversely effected as they inherit a country for sale.

Of course, the humane thing to do is just kill them before they are born. Not only will it prevent a life of misery from the said issues, it will be sure to reduce carbon emissions and the consumption of our finite resources. Saving the earth and maintaining our standard of living ranks higher than caring for our children, no matter the cost.

And what sort of educational systems do the 47 countries ranked ahead have?

also might be interesting to contrast their standards of living, and their environmental policies, since that was brought up for some reason.

and just for shits and giggles, we could cross reference with the percentage of people living in those countries who believe in SCIENCE. In fact, I can provide that data:


gee, how could having half the population NOT BELIEVE IN SCIENCE possibly affect the country's science ranking?!? It boggles the mind :eek:

David Mamet has the appropriate response to put you in your place:

The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?”
But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder.

How you feel now, Gnome?
Cato Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Cato Institute is an American libertarian think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C. It was founded as the Charles Koch Foundation in 1974 by Murray Rothbard, Ed Crane and Charles Koch,[6] chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the conglomerate Koch Industries, Inc..[nb 1] In July 1976, the name was changed to the Cato Institute.[6][7] According to the 2011 Global Go To Think Tank Index, Cato is the 6th most influential US based think tank, ranking 3rd in Economic Policy and 2nd in Social Policy.[8]

"....Cato is the 6th most influential US based think tank,...."

I believe you've just proven my case.
Thanks to the progressive public educational system, children in the US rank 48th in math and science around the world.

Thanks to ever increasing debt, the lives of our children will be adversely effected as they inherit a country for sale.

Of course, the humane thing to do is just kill them before they are born. Not only will it prevent a life of misery from the said issues, it will be sure to reduce carbon emissions and the consumption of our finite resources. Saving the earth and maintaining our standard of living ranks higher than caring for our children, no matter the cost.

And what sort of educational systems do the 47 countries ranked ahead have?

also might be interesting to contrast their standards of living, and their environmental policies, since that was brought up for some reason.

and just for shits and giggles, we could cross reference with the percentage of people living in those countries who believe in SCIENCE. In fact, I can provide that data:


gee, how could having half the population NOT BELIEVE IN SCIENCE possibly affect the country's science ranking?!? It boggles the mind :eek:

David Mamet has the appropriate response to put you in your place:

The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?”
But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder.

How you feel now, Gnome?

I feel fine. If I was that straw man that you keep flailing your arms at, I might be in worse shape, but hey :eusa_whistle:
And what sort of educational systems do the 47 countries ranked ahead have?

also might be interesting to contrast their standards of living, and their environmental policies, since that was brought up for some reason.

and just for shits and giggles, we could cross reference with the percentage of people living in those countries who believe in SCIENCE. In fact, I can provide that data:


gee, how could having half the population NOT BELIEVE IN SCIENCE possibly affect the country's science ranking?!? It boggles the mind :eek:

David Mamet has the appropriate response to put you in your place:

The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?”
But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder.

How you feel now, Gnome?

I feel fine. If I was that straw man that you keep flailing your arms at, I might be in worse shape, but hey :eusa_whistle:

"I feel fine."

What's that old saying....'no brains, no feelings'

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