Progressive war on children

The republican party does everything it can to sabatoge our education system.

We used to have the best in the world UNTIL the republicans started saying "dont throw money at it".
If this countrys educational system were run by liberals we would be at the top like we were when liberals WERE running it

Of course Liberal educrats, run....the system.

And it's compounded by teacher's unions leaders.....even more Liberal.

yeah thats it, right? I guess defunding the system doesnt hurt, does it? or teaching creation doesnt hurt does it? The fact charter schools failed, that doesnt hurt........
Money is what corporations use to make a corporate change.

That is just peachy with republicans.

Now tell me do you follow the same idea in your own home?

Dont throw any money at your childs education if you think money has nothing to do with education.

You KNOW in your hearts that line is an EVIL LIE
The republican party doesnt want our kids educated.

They want them deprived on the insights education brings people.

That makes them plyable and desperate workers.

Education is about learning and requires effort and working day after day, and some people are better learners than others because some people are smarter than others. Best not let progressives hear that; progressives will it that all are equal, and thinking otherwise is biased! Education must be comforting, nurturing, and never discouraging.

a. Red pens for marking are harsh, while purple is soothing. “In a show of educational Kumbaya-ism not seen since English became Language Arts and self-esteem replaced “go to the principal’s office” as the Mantra of Discipline, teachers are dumping their red pens faster than plans for Gigli II and grading students’ papers using purple ones. They say they’re doing this because purple’s “not as scary,” “friendlier,” and “goes better with their new fall outfits.”
Grading with purple pens

b. Progressive Education aims to “level the playing field.” Translation: “lower the standards.” Everyone’s work goes up on the walls because it’s not fair to judge a child’s work as there are no wrong answers, only life experiences.

‘Lost in all the chanting for change is the core commitment to impart actual knowledge. For progressives in the Age of Obama, setting high academic standards is secondary to the self-improvement of the "whole child" and "service" to the cause of social justice.’ The Three R's in the Age of Obama: Rappin', Revolution and Radicalism - Michelle Malkin - Page 1
so, in the spirit of being constructive, what are the things that the other 47 countries are doing better?
If this countrys educational system were run by liberals we would be at the top like we were when liberals WERE running it

The libs own the education dept. Indoctrination rot. Screw public schools. Education doesnt happen there anymore.

You "conservatives" surely do seem to enjoy showing-off your English-skills.

You really have the nerve to post this, right in the middle of TM's rants?

You have a great sense of humor,
You people scream that "throwing money at it" is wrong.

Now what does that stupid statement mean in reality?

Dont give education money.

Somehow in you peoplke minds its fine for a corporation to spend money on ANYTHING but its evil to spend money on education.

Anyone who uses the "dont throw money at it" line as any kind of real policy idea is scum

We spend more per child for education than any other country. We keep sinking lower and lower in the results. What is the answer?
If this countrys educational system were run by liberals we would be at the top like we were when liberals WERE running it

Of course Liberal educrats, run....the system.

And it's compounded by teacher's unions leaders.....even more Liberal.

how can you as a christian condon taking education from children to fund unwanted military equipment and tax shelters for millionaires.

how christiany of you
you people scream that "throwing money at it" is wrong.

Now what does that stupid statement mean in reality?

Dont give education money.

Somehow in you peoplke minds its fine for a corporation to spend money on anything but its evil to spend money on education.

Anyone who uses the "dont throw money at it" line as any kind of real policy idea is scum

we spend more per child for education than any other country. We keep sinking lower and lower in the results. What is the answer?

Education spending (% of GDP) statistics - countries compared - Nationmaster

Showing latest available data. Rank Countries Amount
# 1 Cuba: 18.7%
Education in Cuba

# 2 Vanuatu: 11%
Education in Vanuatu

# 3 Lesotho: 10.4%
Education in Lesotho

# 4 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: 10%
Education in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

# 5 Yemen: 9.5%
Education in Yemen

# 6 Brunei: 9.1%
Education in Brunei

# 7 Mongolia: 9%
Education in Mongolia

# 8 Denmark: 8.5%
Education in Denmark

# 9 Guyana: 8.4%
Education in Guyana

# 10 Malaysia: 8.1%
Education in Malaysia

# 11 Cape Verde: 7.9%
Education in Cape Verde

= 12 Saint Lucia: 7.7%
Education in Saint Lucia

= 12 Sweden: 7.7%
Education in Sweden

= 14 Saint Kitts and Nevis: 7.6%
Education in Saint Kitts and Nevis

= 14 Norway: 7.6%
Education in Norway

= 14 Barbados: 7.6%
Education in Barbados

# 17 Israel: 7.5%
Education in Israel

# 18 Namibia: 7.2%
Education in Namibia

# 19 Swaziland: 7.1%
Education in Swaziland

# 20 Kenya: 7%
Education in Kenya

# 21 New Zealand: 6.7%
Education in New Zealand

# 22 Morocco: 6.5%
Education in Morocco

= 23 Finland: 6.4%
Education in Finland

= 23 Tunisia: 6.4%
Education in Tunisia

= 25 Cyprus: 6.3%
Education in Cyprus

= 25 Bolivia: 6.3%
Education in Bolivia

= 25 Belgium: 6.3%
Education in Belgium

= 28 Slovenia: 6.1%
Education in Slovenia

= 28 Jamaica: 6.1%
Education in Jamaica

= 30 Belarus: 6%
Education in Belarus

= 30 Malawi: 6%
Education in Malawi

= 30 Iceland: 6%
Education in Iceland

# 33 Lithuania: 5.9%
Education in Lithuania

= 34 Switzerland: 5.8%
Education in Switzerland

= 34 Latvia: 5.8%
Education in Latvia

= 34 Portugal: 5.8%
Education in Portugal

= 37 Austria: 5.7%
Education in Austria

= 37 United States: 5.7%
Education in United States
The republican party does everything it can to sabatoge our education system.

We used to have the best in the world UNTIL the republicans started saying "dont throw money at it".

1. “Progressive Education is straight out of John Dewey's work. It's no accident that Dewey was one of the major inventors of both Progressive education and modern liberal Fascism. He was one of the triad that invented Pragmatism. (He called his version Instrumentalism.) He was also a social democrat and a proponent of doing away with classical education. All of these are intricately linked.

Pragmatism essentially teaches that there are no eternal truths, because there are no objective natural laws. Everything is in Heraclitean flux, forever shifting. All we can do is arrive at a social consensus of what is true. That view prepares the field for the educational agenda that Dewey advocated, one in which it would no longer consist of memorizing "dry facts" and performing boring cogitation with them. Instead, not just the child's mind but the "whole child" would be taught, chiefly by "socializing" him. I.e. what counts is not objective reality and what it requires of us to create values, but whatever others think is true and worthwhile. The political consequences are all around us.

Progressives are the consistent practitioners of what the Left has been preaching for three generations: social subjectivism, collectivism, and statism. “Shaving Leviathan: Dewey to Obama: Progressive Education and Politics

2. “The teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences.”
John Dewey

3. Competition is unhealthy. Grades are hurtful. Freedom over structure, and empathy over narrative. “Generations of children have been let down by so-called progressive education policies which have taught skills and "empathy" instead of bodies of knowledge, the shadow education secretary, Michael Gove, said yesterday.

A Conservative government would reinstate traditional styles of fact-based lessons, he told teachers at a conference at Brighton College in Sussex yesterday. It privileges temporary relevance over a permanent body of knowledge which should be passed on from generation to generation ..”
Children being failed by progressive teaching, say Tories | Education | The Guardian

I can see how important our children's education is to, you must agree that Liberal's must be removed from the process.

You people scream that "throwing money at it" is wrong.

Now what does that stupid statement mean in reality?

Dont give education money.

Somehow in you peoplke minds its fine for a corporation to spend money on ANYTHING but its evil to spend money on education.

Anyone who uses the "dont throw money at it" line as any kind of real policy idea is scum

We spend more per child for education than any other country. We keep sinking lower and lower in the results. What is the answer?

we are 37th in spending.

why did you lie?
Pretending that liberals get what they want for educaation in this country is a flat out LIE.

whats new, lying is about all you people do anymore
If this countrys educational system were run by liberals we would be at the top like we were when liberals WERE running it

Of course Liberal educrats, run....the system.

And it's compounded by teacher's unions leaders.....even more Liberal.

yeah thats it, right? I guess defunding the system doesnt hurt, does it? or teaching creation doesnt hurt does it? The fact charter schools failed, that doesnt hurt........


Exactly what we used after WWII in the G.I.Bill.

If you had gone to conservative, traditional schools, you might know the difference between "your" and "you're."

So tell me why you people on the right NEVER say "dont throw money at the problem" when it come to the Military?
Thanks to the progressive public educational system, children in the US rank 48th in math and science around the world.

Thanks to ever increasing debt, the lives of our children will be adversely effected as they inherit a country for sale.

Of course, the humane thing to do is just kill them before they are born. Not only will it prevent a life of misery from the said issues, it will be sure to reduce carbon emissions and the consumption of our finite resources. Saving the earth and maintaining our standard of living ranks higher than caring for our children, no matter the cost.

And what sort of educational systems do the 47 countries ranked ahead have?

also might be interesting to contrast their standards of living, and their environmental policies, since that was brought up for some reason.

and just for shits and giggles, we could cross reference with the percentage of people living in those countries who believe in SCIENCE. In fact, I can provide that data:


gee, how could having half the population NOT BELIEVE IN SCIENCE possibly affect the country's science ranking?!? It boggles the mind :eek:

What is the pay scale of the teachers in those countries? Do they belong to unions? And what are the educational requirements to obtain teaching certificates (do they even require them?)

I would bet they earn less, they are not as *well educated* in terms of picking up 5 years of indoctrination in liberal colleges which focus primarily on HOW to teach, instead of the SUBJECTS they are to teach...and they are most likely somewhat responsible towards the schools and parents where they work...instead of answering to the unions only.
Money is what corporations use to make a corporate change.

That is just peachy with republicans.

Now tell me do you follow the same idea in your own home?

Dont throw any money at your childs education if you think money has nothing to do with education.

You KNOW in your hearts that line is an EVIL LIE

Corporations were quasi-private institutions....before Obama, that is.

The, education system is both mandatory and government run.

See the dif?
Because you dont want to get rid of the military but you do what to finish off our education system.
If this countrys educational system were run by liberals we would be at the top like we were when liberals WERE running it

Of course Liberal educrats, run....the system.

And it's compounded by teacher's unions leaders.....even more Liberal.

how can you as a christian condon taking education from children to fund unwanted military equipment and tax shelters for millionaires.

how christiany of you

Hold on a moment while I consult the DaVinci Code to translate that post.....
Money is what corporations use to make a corporate change.

That is just peachy with republicans.

Now tell me do you follow the same idea in your own home?

Dont throw any money at your childs education if you think money has nothing to do with education.

You KNOW in your hearts that line is an EVIL LIE

Corporations were quasi-private institutions....before Obama, that is.

The, education system is both mandatory and government run.

See the dif?

so you prefer an uneducated population Unlike the founders?

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