Progressive war on children

Lets give the rich bigger tax breaks and as a result have to cut more services such as public education. That'll fix everything

Hammering them with the biggest tax hike in history ($600 billion) last November wasn't good enough for you????

When will you figure the rich have paid their fair share?

When they have.

The unspoken assumption is that there is something morally wrong with inequalities. Where is the explanation of what would be a ‘fair share’ for the wealthy to give up? Irving Kristol, as editor of ‘Public Interest,’ wrote to professors who had written about the unfairness of income distribution, asking them to write an article as to what a ‘fair distribution’ would be; he has never gotten that article.
Irving Kristol, “Neoconservative: the Autobiography of an Idea,” p. 166
Lets give the rich bigger tax breaks and as a result have to cut more services such as public education. That'll fix everything

Hammering them with the biggest tax hike in history ($600 billion) last November wasn't good enough for you????

When will you figure the rich have paid their fair share?

When they have.
When will the people that don't pay income taxes pay their fair share.
The purpose of Obama's class warfare isn't to raise revenue, it's simply to punish.

If he drives the rich out of the country he can accuse them of being greedy to want to make a profit.

Obama doesn't understand profit as a motive because he's never earned a dime in his life. He's one of those politicians that comes to Washington dirt poor and leaves rich as shit.
We spend more per child for education than any other country. We keep sinking lower and lower in the results. What is the answer?

we are 37th in spending.

why did you lie?

U.S. Education Spending & Student Performance vs. The World Infographic | MAT@USC

Seriously, you equate percentage of GDP as spending amount.

Maybe we should outsource education and send American students to Cuba to get educated. :badgrin:
The purpose of Obama's class warfare isn't to raise revenue, it's simply to punish.

If he drives the rich out of the country he can accuse them of being greedy to want to make a profit.

Obama doesn't understand profit as a motive because he's never earned a dime in his life. He's one of those politicians that comes to Washington dirt poor and leaves rich as shit.

Well said. In fact, anytime there is talk of a reduction of spending, Obama insists on higher taxes for the rich before any reductions in spending can be contemplated. He defends this by saying we need a "balanced" approach.

The kicker is that if you took 100% of the wealth from the rich, it would only be a drop in the bucket to the debt and spending, so the balanced approach would be to dramatically decrease spending before ever contemplating increasing taxes, but you never hear this in Washington because neither party really wants to reduce spending. Obama knows that the GOP will fight the increased taxes on the "rich", which gives him an easy out not to reduce spending.
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so, in the spirit of being constructive, what are the things that the other 47 countries are doing better?

I really have not sat down to compare the US with other nations other than spending in education. What I do know, however, is that one of the biggest culprits is the segregation of inner city school children from the "rich" folk in the US.

I know a couple who sold their house because they lived in a poor inner city school district and moved into a cramped apartment so that their kids could have a fighting chance in life in a richer school district. These inner city schools are an equivalent to prisons for children with rampant drug use, sex, and violence. If you somehow survive till your 18th birthday, more than likely you will have dropped out of school at some point. However, if you somehow survived and graduated, you will not be prepared to compete with other kids who have been given a decent education in college.

Of course, we all know that the majority of those in the inner city schools are minorities, so essentially the public education system has become the greatest culprit for racial segregation in the US today. No doubt, it's all the GOP's fault. God forbid that we give children vouchers to escape the mandated condemnation of these children to a life of poverty and misery like many in the GOP advocate.
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Hammering them with the biggest tax hike in history ($600 billion) last November wasn't good enough for you????

When will you figure the rich have paid their fair share?

When they have.

The unspoken assumption is that there is something morally wrong with inequalities. Where is the explanation of what would be a ‘fair share’ for the wealthy to give up? Irving Kristol, as editor of ‘Public Interest,’ wrote to professors who had written about the unfairness of income distribution, asking them to write an article as to what a ‘fair distribution’ would be; he has never gotten that article.
Irving Kristol, “Neoconservative: the Autobiography of an Idea,” p. 166

The beautiful thing about "fairness" is that it cannot be achieved, simply because it does not exist. That way you can always beat the drum of the pursuit of "fairness" in defense of any actions you take for any given cause. It would be akin to trying to raise money to pay for the Easter Bunny to come deliver Easter eggs to your house. The fundraising drive will never end no matter how much money you raise because the Easter Bunny will never come.
so, in the spirit of being constructive, what are the things that the other 47 countries are doing better?

I really have not sat down to compare the US with other nations other than spending in education. What I do know, however, is that one of the biggest culprits is the segregation of inner city school children from the "rich" folk in the US.

I know a couple who sold their house because they lived in a poor inner city school district and moved into a cramped apartment so that their kids could have a fighting chance in life in a richer school district. These inner city schools are an equivalent to prisons for children with rampant drug use, sex, and violence. If you somehow survive till your 18th birthday, more than likely you will have dropped out of school at some point. However, if you somehow survived and graduated, you will not be prepared to compete with other kids who have been given a decent education in college.

Of course, we all know that the majority of those in the inner city schools are minorities, so essentially the public education system has become the greatest culprit for racial segregation in the US today. No doubt, it's all the GOP's fault. God forbid that we give children vouchers to escape the mandated condemnation of these children to a life of poverty and misery like many in the GOP advocate.

all vouchers do is defund schools
Hammering them with the biggest tax hike in history ($600 billion) last November wasn't good enough for you????

When will you figure the rich have paid their fair share?

When they have.

The unspoken assumption is that there is something morally wrong with inequalities. Where is the explanation of what would be a ‘fair share’ for the wealthy to give up? Irving Kristol, as editor of ‘Public Interest,’ wrote to professors who had written about the unfairness of income distribution, asking them to write an article as to what a ‘fair distribution’ would be; he has never gotten that article.
Irving Kristol, “Neoconservative: the Autobiography of an Idea,” p. 166

there is a reason the founders didnt just set up a NEW monarchy in this country.

Because they didnt like the INEQUITY of such a system and had a DREAM of a better way.

Now idiots like you pretend none of that history exsists
so, in the spirit of being constructive, what are the things that the other 47 countries are doing better?

I really have not sat down to compare the US with other nations other than spending in education. What I do know, however, is that one of the biggest culprits is the segregation of inner city school children from the "rich" folk in the US.

I know a couple who sold their house because they lived in a poor inner city school district and moved into a cramped apartment so that their kids could have a fighting chance in life in a richer school district. These inner city schools are an equivalent to prisons for children with rampant drug use, sex, and violence. If you somehow survive till your 18th birthday, more than likely you will have dropped out of school at some point. However, if you somehow survived and graduated, you will not be prepared to compete with other kids who have been given a decent education in college.

Of course, we all know that the majority of those in the inner city schools are minorities, so essentially the public education system has become the greatest culprit for racial segregation in the US today. No doubt, it's all the GOP's fault. God forbid that we give children vouchers to escape the mandated condemnation of these children to a life of poverty and misery like many in the GOP advocate.

all vouchers do is defund schools

They defund the failing schools. So what?

Let me guess, the failing schools are like GM.
The purpose of Obama's class warfare isn't to raise revenue, it's simply to punish.

If he drives the rich out of the country he can accuse them of being greedy to want to make a profit.

Obama doesn't understand profit as a motive because he's never earned a dime in his life. He's one of those politicians that comes to Washington dirt poor and leaves rich as shit.

Well said. In fact, anytime there is talk of a reduction of spending, Obama insists on higher taxes for the rich before any reductions in spending can be contemplated. He defends this by saying we need a "balanced" approach.

The kicker is that if you took 100% of the wealth from the rich, it would only be a drop in the bucket to the debt and spending, so the balanced approach would be to dramatically decrease spending before ever contemplating increasing taxes, but you never hear this in Washington because neither party really wants to reduce spending. Obama knows that the GOP will fight the increased taxes on the "rich", which gives him an easy out not to reduce spending.

Notice how they use these warm and fuzzy words. They all mean pretty much the same thing:

Balanced approach = Increased Taxes

More revenue = Increased Taxes

Taxing the rich = Increased Taxes

Investment = Increased Taxes

Investment = Higher spending = Higher taxes = You and I get screwed while politicians are getting fat having dinners and parties on our dime
your partys God said right out loud his aim was to kill the US government.

You refuse to help fix our education system and every time the subject comes up all the right can say is a round about line of bullpucky that in fact amounts to "our kids are not worth the money to educate them"

"NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — It’s an education bombshell.

Nearly 80 percent of New York City high school graduates need to relearn basic skills before they can enter the City University’s community college system.

The number of kids behind the 8-ball is the highest in years, CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer reported Thursday.

They had to re-learn basic skills — reading, writing and math — first before they could begin college courses."
Officials: NYC High School Students Entering CUNY Need Remedial Help « CBS New York

Still think that it's a good thing to have Liberals in charge of 'education'?
The tragedy is, that these students will enter college with their newly learned skills at a 4th grade level and wonder why they cannot perform at a college level.
The tragedy is, that these students will enter college with their newly learned skills at a 4th grade level and wonder why they cannot perform at a college level.

The left's answer is affirmative action. Affirmative action is the equivalent of putting a 4rth grader in college.

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