Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

We lost because Walter Cronkite, the most trusted name in news went to Vietnam. He wanted to see for himself how the war was going. He was there during, possibly, the most decisive battle, the Tet Offensive. We won a huge victory. Cronkite decided that he would end war and the loss of Vietnamese life. He came back and lied. He reported that the Tet Offensive was a rout of American forces. The defeat was so profound that American military had gone on a killing spree. He labeled our fighters baby killers. The war protests became more violent.

As a result of these libelous lies, Nguyen Huu Tho, Vietnamese chairman told his armies that they didn't need to win any battles. Just hang on, the American left will hand over victory.

That is exactly what happened.
You Really Want to Cover Up for Your Republican Chickenhawks
Why don't neighboring Arab countries take them in?
They did. Jordan did. The result was the Black September civil war against the insurgent Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Lebanon did. The result was the Lebanese civil war of 1975. PLO guerrillas inside the palestinian refugee camps organized raids on Beirut. Lebanon was unable to maintain governance of the palestinian militias. The Lebanese people formed their own militias to confront the Palestinians directly. The civil war lasted until 1990.

Do you really think any thinking nation would take these people in?
They did. Jordan did. The result was the Black September civil war against the insurgent Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Lebanon did. The result was the Lebanese civil war of 1975. PLO guerrillas inside the palestinian refugee camps organized raids on Beirut. Lebanon was unable to maintain governance of the palestinian militias. The Lebanese people formed their own militias to confront the Palestinians directly. The civil war lasted until 1990.

Do you really think any thinking nation would take these people in?

And then they go around getting so much sympathy from the West....
Afghanistan was about ENRON. They needed a gas pipeline across Afghanistan to Dabhol. As soon as negotiations with the Taliban broke down Bush invaded.
Yes, 'a carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs'.
Then tell them to stop trying to exterminate the Jewish people

The United States turned away European Jews, refugees ... that Hitler was trying to exterminate.

The Palestinians were forced to accept them.

Are you for or against illegal immigrants?

Where did they come from, to need hospitality? Shouldn't they have gone back to where they came from?

Should the Jewish refugees have gone back to the shetls of Eastern Europe?


Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

14 Oct 2923 ~~ By Jon Levine

Experts predict a million refugees might flee the Gaza Strip amid the war between Israel and Hamas, and socialists and far-left lawmakers said America should welcome them.
“Fifty percent of the population in Gaza are children. The international community as well as the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine while being very careful to vet and not allow members of Hamas,” said Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a New York member of the Socialist-Democratic “Squad” who remains under investigation for pulling a fire alarm in the House Cannon Office Building earlier this month.
But Republicans have already slammed the door shut on the issue.
Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) said they would oppose Palestinian resettlement efforts here.
“The U.S. is the most generous nation in the world, but we are in no position to accept additional refugees, especially from a region with as high a risk of terrorism, given our nation’s inability to secure our own border or vet those who are already here,” Rubio told The Post.
The United States took in 25,465 refugees from around the world in 2022, a 123% increase from 2021, according to State Department records.
Approximately 170,000 Palestinians live in the United States, according to census data.

This kind of insanity is what Democrat Socialists are all about. This is the essence of today’s Democrat Socialist of America Party.
Brought to us by the same Democrat DSA “Progressive” mentality demanding defunding of police throughout America, releasing felons and murderers without bail in Blue Plantation Cities would somehow improve public safety.
“Progressives” are intellectual troglodytes and an imminent threat to all Americans.
Surely Alex Soros and the Open Society Foundation have already distributed the funds to get this done. bribing the right officials to funding the right NGOs that will do it in secrecy.
The actions and stated positions of Jamaal Bowman are indistinguishable from someone who is actively working to destabilize and destroy the United States. Its time to call him and the rest of the "Squad" out for their perfidy and commit to defeat them all in the next election.
Progressives must first clean up the mess they made with the 7 million people they let in the country! Figure out how to ensure safety and civility of taxpayers. Deport accordingly. Now is not the best time to be asking for another handout of hard earned tax dollars, take in Palestinian terrorists.
We don't need to fill the rolls nor recruits for BLM and ANTIFA so they can turn all American cities into Gaza. Why do you think not one Arab nation will take in the Palestinian wolves?
Have you forgotten that the US turned away Jewish refugees and forced them on Palestinians?

Have you forgotten that Spain was prepared to accept them with ransom money?

Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

14 Oct 2923 ~~ By Jon Levine

Experts predict a million refugees might flee the Gaza Strip amid the war between Israel and Hamas, and socialists and far-left lawmakers said America should welcome them.
“Fifty percent of the population in Gaza are children. The international community as well as the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine while being very careful to vet and not allow members of Hamas,” said Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a New York member of the Socialist-Democratic “Squad” who remains under investigation for pulling a fire alarm in the House Cannon Office Building earlier this month.
But Republicans have already slammed the door shut on the issue.
Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) said they would oppose Palestinian resettlement efforts here.
“The U.S. is the most generous nation in the world, but we are in no position to accept additional refugees, especially from a region with as high a risk of terrorism, given our nation’s inability to secure our own border or vet those who are already here,” Rubio told The Post.
The United States took in 25,465 refugees from around the world in 2022, a 123% increase from 2021, according to State Department records.
Approximately 170,000 Palestinians live in the United States, according to census data.

This kind of insanity is what Democrat Socialists are all about. This is the essence of today’s Democrat Socialist of America Party.
Brought to us by the same Democrat DSA “Progressive” mentality demanding defunding of police throughout America, releasing felons and murderers without bail in Blue Plantation Cities would somehow improve public safety.
“Progressives” are intellectual troglodytes and an imminent threat to all Americans.
Surely Alex Soros and the Open Society Foundation have already distributed the funds to get this done. bribing the right officials to funding the right NGOs that will do it in secrecy.
The actions and stated positions of Jamaal Bowman are indistinguishable from someone who is actively working to destabilize and destroy the United States. Its time to call him and the rest of the "Squad" out for their perfidy and commit to defeat them all in the next election.
Progressives must first clean up the mess they made with the 7 million people they let in the country! Figure out how to ensure safety and civility of taxpayers. Deport accordingly. Now is not the best time to be asking for another handout of hard earned tax dollars, take in Palestinian terrorists.
We don't need to fill the rolls nor recruits for BLM and ANTIFA so they can turn all American cities into Gaza. Why do you think not one Arab nation will take in the Palestinian wolves?

The US turned away Jewish refugees after WW2. Don't you remember?

Netanyahu doesn't care what the US or Biden says. He'll still be killing Palestinians next year or the year after.

The Likud is not exactly intelligent.

The Arabs have been taking in Palestinian refugees for 70 years.

Israel makes trouble stealing land and killing people year after year. But, remember the dumbasses had nowhere to go except Palestine. What ungrateful snakes they are.
The United States turned away European Jews, refugees ... that Hitler was trying to exterminate.

The Palestinians were forced to accept them.

Are you for or against illegal immigrants?
You keep quoting from that page full of historical errors. Most Arab "Palestinians" (AKA children or grandchildren of Arab immigrants) never accepted the Jews returning to their historic land.

The non-native "Palestinians" in the land...

And here's from:
"Police Agree Arab Illegal Immigrants Match Jews Fifty to One," The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, Oct 19, 1945.:

"JERUSALEM (JPS-Palcor) — Assistant Superintendent of Police, Matthews, a Briton, confirmed charges by Jews that every Jew crossing the Syrian-Lebanese frontiers into Palestine, fifty Arabs have entered the country without permission.

Mr. Matthews confirmed the Jewish charges at a conference attended by him, of Jordan Valley settlers and Assistant District Commissioner J. F. Cornes at Safad. The settlers pointed out that the Trans-Jordan Frontier Force, comprised mainly of Arabs, made no effort to halt the engaging in provocative acts against Jews crossing the frontier and Jewish settlers in Galilee."

And more:

Palestine. (1946). United States: AZC, p. 71.

The Palestine press reports a constant influx of illegal Arab immigrants from neighboring lands.
" Zionist menace " notwithstanding , Palestine's higher wage level and general development attract citizens of the large and decidedly underpopulated Arab states. It is significant that King Abdullah of Transjordan is reported by a Palestine Arab paper to have issued an order permitting free immigration of Arabs, particularly Bedouin tribes, with a view to overcoming the present sparsity of population.
Palestine apparently has no need to issue orders permitting free Arab immigration.


The Smoking Gun: Arab Immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931

by Fred M. Gottheil
Middle East Quarterly
Winter 2003, pp. 53-64

When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel—Period of British Rule, 1918–1948: Volume Two


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Have you forgotten that the US turned away Jewish refugees and forced them on Palestinians?

Have you forgotten that Spain was prepared to accept them with ransom money?
The United States turned away European Jews, refugees ... that Hitler was trying to exterminate.

The Palestinians were forced to accept them.

Are you for or against illegal immigrants?

Problem is that there was a return to Israel beginning in the 19th Century

Israel should wipe them out to the last man, woman, and child. Treat Gaza like Carthage.

The Palestinians have a well-earned reputation as human locusts.

You are subhuman.
You right wingers are a murderous bunch huh?
You should be able to refute it. I'm open to criticism. Where did I get it wrong, be specific.

Pretty much everywhere. Your ramblings are on the level of the dude in the park arguing with the trees.

You obviously can't refute anything I said, hence your silly remarks.

There's nothing to refute, it's gibberish. It would be like you trying to refute, "Boomerang flashbulb sapphire catnip bubble Andromeda foosball."

That “Christian Man” is one of two things:

1) A Jew-hating Evangelical Christian
2] A Jew-hating Muslim

Either way, if there’s a hell….he’s going there.

3} Nuttier that squirrel shit.
You're making a lot of sense there..NOT. Dumbass. WW3 is coming and you're going to lose everything. Russia and China are going to turn America into rubble. They're going to give it to you, GOOD.

That's the stupidest thing you have posted. Russia is a paper tiger (at best). China has no interest in screwing up their best customer.

IDF is getting its ass kicked, just like it did in 2006. It needs big daddy Uncle Sam with his two aircraft carrier groups. All of those aircraft carriers can easily be sunk with hypersonic missiles. We're living in the 21st century, not the 20th century. Aircraft carriers are just big targets, waiting to get sunk. The IDF are wimps compared to these Arabs. They're going to get their asses handed to them, just as it happened in 2006, when Hezbollah prevented them from invading Lebanon. They were stopped in their tracks, by Hezbollah anti-tank rockets. think hypersonic missiles are new? I understand it is a scary-sounding word to the ignorant...but hypersonic anti-ship missiles are ancient. The first one was fielded in the Kennedy administration!

House to house gets ugly. Why they should just flatten the place.

Since 48 you fucks been trying. Israel is still there.

Blanket every square inch with Phosgene.

Still there thanks to the US. They would've lost in 73 if not for that massive weapon's airlift from the US, restocking their arsenal with tanks and ammo. They were out of weapons. The same thing happened in 2006. The US resupplied them with ammunition because they were running low. They wouldn't have been able to fight Hezbollah if not for those supplies. IDF is a paper tiger, especially today. Back in the day, they were tougher, now they're wet-bread.

Uhh, no. Without Operation Nickel Grass, the next step for Israel was nuclear weapons. And Nixon knew it.

And yet the muzzie world never wins.

Personally I think we should have stomped iran into the ground under Peanut Head. Right now would be a great time to hurt them. But alas a drooler is ij office.

They should have been given 48 hours to release all hostages. (Over the border into Turkey would work, or to a neutral embassy-say, Switzerland.) If they did not, at 48 hours and thirty minutes, Tehran should have vanished in nuclear fire.
Your ignorance is astounding----Arabic did not have an alphabet until about 200 AD. How many "palestinians" or even arabic speaking people have you encountered in your life? As to your grasp of the genetics and your concept of "the levant" which you term "the holy land"--beyond idiotic. Your vocabulary
is also limited. Even your Sunday school education is
or was, apparently, sketchy

He's not ignorant. He is dishonest.

You can't win as an imperialist occupier. It doesn't matter how powerful your military is. You can be a nuclear power and even then you can't win. If you're occupying a country, where the people are willing to fight you in a guerilla war, you're toast. Sooner or later, the natives will wear you down, and you'll have to leave. Militarily, politically, economically..etc, you will lose. This is good news. This applies to any government that is undermining people's sovereignty and freedom. Your enemy can have all of the big guns, but if you and your fellow freedom fighters have the support of the people and the grit and willingness to lay down your life for the cause, that tyrannical government or occupying force is toast.

That's ludicrous. You absolutely can win, if you're willing to do what it takes. Most are not.

Thank you Captain Obvious! I note you didn't address any of the points I made in the post you quoted. Are you incapable or incompetent?

Yes. He is also evil and dishonest.

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