Progressives want to tighten screws beyond Manchin and Sinema


Jul 20, 2013
Source: TheHill.COM
Original Story: Progressives want to tighten screws beyond Manchin and Sinema

ā€œProgressives say pressure on Democratic centrists over ending the filibuster needs to move beyond Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema(D-Ariz.).

Manchin and Sinema have earned headlines ā€” and barbs from the grassroots ā€” by putting brakes on filibuster reform and, in Manchinā€™s case, by opposing sweeping voting rights legislation.
But some on the left see the pair of liberal antagonists as giving cover to other moderates who are in the way, but who have not yet come to the surface with all the attention on the two most visible holdouts.

It seems like thereā€™s definitely a handful of senators who are hiding behind Joe Manchinā€™s skirts right now,ā€ said Sawyer Hackett, executive director of People First Future, a political action committee started by former Housing and Urban Development Secretary JuliĆ”n Castro. ā€œWe canā€™t afford to just sit back and not turn up the pressure on them.

Potential targets to tighten the screws arenā€™t hard to spot.

One could be Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who irritated progressives by hugging Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) last year during confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, former President Trumpā€™s pick to succeed liberal hero Justice
Ruth Bader Ginsburg.ā€

So, it appears that the Democrat circular firing squad might be starting in earnest, one wonders what the full hit list of Congress Critters-D might look like when all is said and done. The resistance to altering the filibuster by certain Democrat Senators is a boon for Democrats who would undoubtedly regret any changes to it down the road. However it seems that ā€œprogressivesā€ still havenā€™t learned a fundamental lesson that history has been trying to teach them, JUST BECAUSE THE DEMOCRATS WON AN ELECTION DOESNā€™T MEAN YOUR IDEOLOGY HAS MAJORITY SUPPORT, IT DOESNā€™T, only 24% of Americans self-identify as ā€œliberalsā€.

It never ceases to amaze how the far left continues to believe that just because the Democrats won an election that it means that they now have a mandate to foist their funky ideas on the entire population. The far left of the Democrat Party is on the path to ONCE AGAIN ensure that the GOP gets back into power sooner rather than later.
Broke down the article is saying there is no desire with politicians to end the filibuster rule.
Broke down the article is saying there is no desire with politicians to end the filibuster rule.
No I wouldnā€™t think there would be, especially among long time Senators, itā€™s too much a part of their sense of ā€œinstitutionā€. However I donā€™t expect that the far left activists will let up the pressure any time soon on their own to go through with it.

I just find it interesting that they go through this ā€œwe have a mandate now, lets go ā€˜BIGā€™ā€ exercise every time they win an election, of course the extreme on the right isnā€™t much different when crime family-R wins one.
Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Why would you characterize him as a ā€œRepublicanā€? if anything heā€™s one of the few Democrat Senators thatā€™s trying to keep the Democrats from shooting themselves in the head.
Thwarting the democratic agenda and making the senate unable to pass anything big only serves the republicans and no one else.
Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Lets hope you are correct and Joe switches parties soon, to better represent his state.
Manchin has repeatedly discounted that possibility, however one never knows what he might do if the far left continues their assault on him. I suspect he might entertain the idea of going independent but from what Iā€™ve read about him it seems even that step would take one helluva of a push.

I guess weā€™ll see, should be interesting.
Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Why would you characterize him as a ā€œRepublicanā€? if anything heā€™s one of the few Democrat Senators thatā€™s trying to keep the Democrats from shooting themselves in the head.
Thwarting the democratic agenda and making the senate unable to pass anything big only serves the republicans and no one else.
It seems itā€™s less about ā€œThwarting the democratic agendaā€ and more about keeping the Democrats from falling off the left edge of the planet again.

He represents the center of the Democrat party, if theyā€™re smart theyā€™ll listen to him and work towards compromise, if not theyā€™ll likely get nothing accomplished except firing up the GOP base and getting their asses handed to them in 2022.
Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Lets hope you are correct and Joe switches parties soon, to better represent his state.
Why would he do that? Switching would make him only another useless republican that doesn't do anything for anyone. Right now he gets a place at every bargaining table unwarranted for such a mediocre politician.
Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Why would you characterize him as a ā€œRepublicanā€? if anything heā€™s one of the few Democrat Senators thatā€™s trying to keep the Democrats from shooting themselves in the head.
Thwarting the democratic agenda and making the senate unable to pass anything big only serves the republicans and no one else.
It seems itā€™s less about ā€œThwarting the democratic agendaā€ and more about keeping the Democrats from falling off the left edge of the planet again.

He represents the center of the Democrat party, if theyā€™re smart theyā€™ll listen to him and work towards compromise, if not theyā€™ll likely get nothing accomplished except firing up the GOP base and getting their asses handed to them in 2022.
There is no compromise with the republicans. The only reason they even come to the bargaining table is to waste valuable time haggling over legislation they will never vote for no matter what.
Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Lets hope you are correct and Joe switches parties soon, to better represent his state.
Why would he do that? Switching would make him only another useless republican that doesn't do anything for anyone. Right now he gets a place at every bargaining table unwarranted for such a mediocre politician.

For switching he would get the moon handed to him. Maybe even the inside track to the GOP nomination. He isn't switching but switching wouldn't lose him any power.
Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Lets hope you are correct and Joe switches parties soon, to better represent his state.
Why would he do that? Switching would make him only another useless republican that doesn't do anything for anyone. Right now he gets a place at every bargaining table unwarranted for such a mediocre politician.

Sen. Manchin doesn't seem so "mediocre" to me. He is a former governor as well, and successfully reached across the aisle on many occasions. Why don't you care for maverick politicians? Sounds like you are just prejudiced against Italians.
Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Why would you characterize him as a ā€œRepublicanā€? if anything heā€™s one of the few Democrat Senators thatā€™s trying to keep the Democrats from shooting themselves in the head.
Thwarting the democratic agenda and making the senate unable to pass anything big only serves the republicans and no one else.
It seems itā€™s less about ā€œThwarting the democratic agendaā€ and more about keeping the Democrats from falling off the left edge of the planet again.

He represents the center of the Democrat party, if theyā€™re smart theyā€™ll listen to him and work towards compromise, if not theyā€™ll likely get nothing accomplished except firing up the GOP base and getting their asses handed to them in 2022.
There is no compromise with the republicans. The only reason they even come to the bargaining table is to waste valuable time haggling over legislation they will never vote for no matter what.
Er.. umā€¦ compromise is a TWO WAY STREET and capitulation isnā€™t on it. Manchin appears to at least understand that, itā€™s too bad the extremes in both parties donā€™t.

The Democrats DO NOT HAVE A MANDATE TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANT, they won one election, if they want to win a second one they had better learn to start listening to Manchin and start negotiating in good faith to figure out deal points that will be acceptable to most voters. I havenā€™t seen them doing much of that, they seem to think that most people see things exactly the same way as they do.

Granted the Republicans arenā€™t doing much good faith negotiation either but the fact of the matter is the Democrats arenā€™t giving them many reasons to do so.
Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Lets hope you are correct and Joe switches parties soon, to better represent his state.
Why would he do that? Switching would make him only another useless republican that doesn't do anything for anyone. Right now he gets a place at every bargaining table unwarranted for such a mediocre politician.
Why should Manchin switch to the GOP?
Because his WV voters only went 28% for Biden.
That is 72% for Trump.
Because WV is one of the reddest states, so why is Joe still a democrat?
Very true Joe has tremendous power now being the deciding vote, but if the democrats push him out, he would be very welcome as a Republican.
Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Lets hope you are correct and Joe switches parties soon, to better represent his state.
Why would he do that? Switching would make him only another useless republican that doesn't do anything for anyone. Right now he gets a place at every bargaining table unwarranted for such a mediocre politician.
Why should Manchin switch to the GOP?
Because his WV voters only went 28% for Biden.
That is 72% for Trump.
Because WV is one of the reddest states, so why is Joe still a democrat?
Very true Joe has tremendous power now being the deciding vote, but if the democrats push him out, he would be very welcome as a Republican.
Iā€™m sure Manchin would be ā€œwelcome as a Republicanā€ and heā€™s well aware of his states voting record in national elections, however my impression is that he still has a strong loyalty to the Democrat Party and to the memory of his predecessor (Robert C. Byrd), seems to me heā€™s cut from the same cloth as the ā€œold timeā€ WV Democrats.

I could be wrong but thatā€™s the impression Iā€™ve gotten from reading about his background.
Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Why would you characterize him as a ā€œRepublicanā€? if anything heā€™s one of the few Democrat Senators thatā€™s trying to keep the Democrats from shooting themselves in the head.
Thwarting the democratic agenda and making the senate unable to pass anything big only serves the republicans and no one else.
It seems itā€™s less about ā€œThwarting the democratic agendaā€ and more about keeping the Democrats from falling off the left edge of the planet again.

He represents the center of the Democrat party, if theyā€™re smart theyā€™ll listen to him and work towards compromise, if not theyā€™ll likely get nothing accomplished except firing up the GOP base and getting their asses handed to them in 2022.
There is no compromise with the republicans. The only reason they even come to the bargaining table is to waste valuable time haggling over legislation they will never vote for no matter what.
Er.. umā€¦ compromise is a TWO WAY STREET and capitulation isnā€™t on it. Manchin appears to at least understand that, itā€™s too bad the extremes in both parties donā€™t.

The Democrats DO NOT HAVE A MANDATE TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANT, they won one election, if they want to win a second one they had better learn to start listening to Manchin and start negotiating in good faith to figure out deal points that will be acceptable to most voters. I havenā€™t seen them doing much of that, they seem to think that most people see things exactly the same way as they do.

Granted the Republicans arenā€™t doing much good faith negotiation either but the fact of the matter is the Democrats arenā€™t giving them many reasons to do so.
Our current crop of republicans are the most ruthless cutthroat back-stabbing bastards that ever held office in this country. They are absolutely counting on democrats to play nice and seek compromise.
Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Why would you characterize him as a ā€œRepublicanā€? if anything heā€™s one of the few Democrat Senators thatā€™s trying to keep the Democrats from shooting themselves in the head.
Thwarting the democratic agenda and making the senate unable to pass anything big only serves the republicans and no one else.
It seems itā€™s less about ā€œThwarting the democratic agendaā€ and more about keeping the Democrats from falling off the left edge of the planet again.

He represents the center of the Democrat party, if theyā€™re smart theyā€™ll listen to him and work towards compromise, if not theyā€™ll likely get nothing accomplished except firing up the GOP base and getting their asses handed to them in 2022.
There is no compromise with the republicans. The only reason they even come to the bargaining table is to waste valuable time haggling over legislation they will never vote for no matter what.
Er.. umā€¦ compromise is a TWO WAY STREET and capitulation isnā€™t on it. Manchin appears to at least understand that, itā€™s too bad the extremes in both parties donā€™t.

The Democrats DO NOT HAVE A MANDATE TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANT, they won one election, if they want to win a second one they had better learn to start listening to Manchin and start negotiating in good faith to figure out deal points that will be acceptable to most voters. I havenā€™t seen them doing much of that, they seem to think that most people see things exactly the same way as they do.

Granted the Republicans arenā€™t doing much good faith negotiation either but the fact of the matter is the Democrats arenā€™t giving them many reasons to do so.
Our current crop of republicans are the most ruthless cutthroat back-stabbing bastards that ever held office in this country. They are absolutely counting on democrats to play nice and seek compromise.
The ā€œcurrent crop of republicansā€ may be as you characterize them to be, thatā€™s of course a subjective evaluation. I suspect though that what theyā€™re counting on is that the Democrats WONā€™T seek compromise in good faith and thus give them a good excuse to dig in their heels and claim that the Democrats are ineffective and extremists that are incapable of governing.

Same script that happens every election cycle, the crime family in power does the ā€œtake it or leave itā€ act and those in the minority respond accordingly, leading to the pendulum of power swinging back in the other direction.

Itā€™s the same exact behaviour that the Democrats displayed during the Trump Regime when the Republicans held both chambers of Congress.
Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Why would you characterize him as a ā€œRepublicanā€? if anything heā€™s one of the few Democrat Senators thatā€™s trying to keep the Democrats from shooting themselves in the head.
Thwarting the democratic agenda and making the senate unable to pass anything big only serves the republicans and no one else.
It seems itā€™s less about ā€œThwarting the democratic agendaā€ and more about keeping the Democrats from falling off the left edge of the planet again.

He represents the center of the Democrat party, if theyā€™re smart theyā€™ll listen to him and work towards compromise, if not theyā€™ll likely get nothing accomplished except firing up the GOP base and getting their asses handed to them in 2022.
There is no compromise with the republicans. The only reason they even come to the bargaining table is to waste valuable time haggling over legislation they will never vote for no matter what.
Er.. umā€¦ compromise is a TWO WAY STREET and capitulation isnā€™t on it. Manchin appears to at least understand that, itā€™s too bad the extremes in both parties donā€™t.

The Democrats DO NOT HAVE A MANDATE TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANT, they won one election, if they want to win a second one they had better learn to start listening to Manchin and start negotiating in good faith to figure out deal points that will be acceptable to most voters. I havenā€™t seen them doing much of that, they seem to think that most people see things exactly the same way as they do.

Granted the Republicans arenā€™t doing much good faith negotiation either but the fact of the matter is the Democrats arenā€™t giving them many reasons to do so.
Our current crop of republicans are the most ruthless cutthroat back-stabbing bastards that ever held office in this country. They are absolutely counting on democrats to play nice and seek compromise.


A lot of the current GOP are hardcore ultra-Moderates who even supported the Fake Impeachment of President Trump. If Biden can't reach anti-trump extremists like Toomey, Cassady , Burr and Romney, he isn't trying.
Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Lets hope you are correct and Joe switches parties soon, to better represent his state.
Why would he do that? Switching would make him only another useless republican that doesn't do anything for anyone. Right now he gets a place at every bargaining table unwarranted for such a mediocre politician.
Why should Manchin switch to the GOP?
Because his WV voters only went 28% for Biden.
That is 72% for Trump.
Because WV is one of the reddest states, so why is Joe still a democrat?
Very true Joe has tremendous power now being the deciding vote, but if the democrats push him out, he would be very
welcome as a Republican.

Manchin is the most powerful republican in the senate right now.
Lets hope you are correct and Joe switches parties soon, to better represent his state.
Why would he do that? Switching would make him only another useless republican that doesn't do anything for anyone. Right now he gets a place at every bargaining table unwarranted for such a mediocre politician.
Why should Manchin switch to the GOP?
Because his WV voters only went 28% for Biden.
That is 72% for Trump.
Because WV is one of the reddest states, so why is Joe still a democrat?
Very true Joe has tremendous power now being the deciding vote, but if the democrats push him out, he would be very welcome as a Republican.

In 2016 WV voted for Trump (R), Justice (governor) (D) and elected Manchin (D) in 2018.

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