Prohibiting hair styles is now racist in New York. Fine up to 250K

I will NEVER understand the Republican desire to micro-manage American Values.

Diversity is an asset. Embrace it or fade.

HUH? That post was about as anti-reality as you could get.

Here you people on the left, are directly micro-managing my life.... and then you claim Republicans are doing it? So republicans put in a law that could cause me to be sued over having a personal preference? I think that was Democraps, not Republicans.

Diversity, by the way, is not an asset. Not even close.

You people are so blind, you don't even listen to yourselves. Isn't it the left-wing that is constantly pointing to nordic countries as models to follow? You know... the countries in Europe that are by far the most homogeneous and least diversified? Why yes it is.

Left-wing-idiot: "Diversity is great! And Nordic Countries are models we should follow"

Normal non-stupid person: "You mean the countries that are least diversified and have tight immigration controls?"

Left-wing-idiot: "Dur... uh.... RACIST!"
The govt is wrong, as usual. If Im running willies nelson's waterin hole out in the desert, I'll be hiring plenty of dudes with pony tails. I won't be hiring a receptionist with teardrop tattoos or earrings sticking out of her eyebrows to run my oil company.
The govt is wrong, as usual. If Im running willies nelson's waterin hole out in the desert, I'll be hiring plenty of dudes with pony tails. I won't be hiring a receptionist with teardrop tattoos or earrings sticking out of her eyebrows to run my oil company.

Before I retired, I cut my hair using two mirrors and did a semi-professional scissor cut. After I retired I quit cutting my hair and now look like a shaggy dog.
I will NEVER understand the Republican desire to micro-manage American Values.

Diversity is an asset. Embrace it or fade.

HUH? That post was about as anti-reality as you could get.

Here you people on the left, are directly micro-managing my life.... and then you claim Republicans are doing it? So republicans put in a law that could cause me to be sued over having a personal preference? I think that was Democraps, not Republicans.

Diversity, by the way, is not an asset. Not even close.

You people are so blind, you don't even listen to yourselves. Isn't it the left-wing that is constantly pointing to nordic countries as models to follow? You know... the countries in Europe that are by far the most homogeneous and least diversified? Why yes it is.

Left-wing-idiot: "Diversity is great! And Nordic Countries are models we should follow"

Normal non-stupid person: "You mean the countries that are least diversified and have tight immigration controls?"

Left-wing-idiot: "Dur... uh.... RACIST!"

:iagree: 2 :disagree:

Beer? :beer:
I cannot relate to such an unlucky life!

Wearing a ponytail requires a little more attention than a 'kojak', sure, but with just a smidge of luck, intelligence, investment in protective gear and planning, you can do just about anything humanly possible while having ponytail-length hair.

Just ask any girl

So instead of wearing a normal hairstyle, you believe you'd pull your 9mm and shoot the guy who has your head-handle in his fist and is beating the tar out of you? Ever shot another human? Not as easy as you might think and there's always the chance you'll hit a bystander or the barmaid, or yourself given in the scenario I put forth; you can't see where you're shooting because all you can see is the floor. And even if you're claiming self-defense, a prosecutor might not see it that way. Further, if you're found not guilty of murder, at $200 an hour for a competent attorney, you're broke. Did I mention any weapon you pull might be taken away from you and now it's you in front of your 9mm. I suggest you do what I said at first....don't get in a bar fight wearing a ponytail. And if you do, carry a boot knife instead of a pistol. You can get to a boot knife from almost any position you can be put can stick your attacker in the thigh (femoral artery) or in the nuts and make his night unforgettable and one you might just survive. Lose the ain't manly and can get you in a heap of trouble you don't need.

Let's just say that I believe that I can handle everything my life is likely to throw at me, all while sporting a really nice ponytail.
If you don't like it, fuck you. This is America and my taxes are paid in full every year.
True Freedom means truly tolerating your neighbors... Even the ones you find weird.

"tolerance"? "you pay your taxes"? I don't give a shit if you want to look like a sissy....why have to prove you're not? And instead of saying "fuck you", you might want to say you appreciate my concern but you know what you're doing. Must be hard sleeping with a rope hanging off your head or do you sit in front of a mirror and brush it out at night?
As a man in his 60's who currently has a pony tail almost to my ass, I kind of like the freedoms guaranteed to me by The Constitution being enforced by somebody.

Kudos! :thup:
Dress codes are constitutional. They represent the image a company wants to project. No one forces you to work for that company.
Long or short or no hair

People should do as they please!

For stupid New York to rule about hair is beyond moronic!

Want To Puke!
Couldn't agree more
well now that Trump is President, i am no longer in fear to ask an associate at Wal Mart if the Watermelons are on sale

Nag they always have fake racial outrage. Hell I love some fried chicken

Yeah but unless somebody calls them out, the Democrats plan to use race and racism for at least the rest of our lives. The only thing that would stop them is if the black community collectively told them to quit using their race for promoting the Democrat party. Of course that would mean they would finally have to wake up and realize what's going on.

I agree, that's why they want to shit them down on social media and purge thoughts they dont like, because I think people are waking up, albeit slowly, but the House of lies the Democrats are built on will crash down.
Long or short or no hair

People should do as they please!

For stupid New York to rule about hair is beyond moronic!

Want To Puke!
Couldn't agree more
well now that Trump is President, i am no longer in fear to ask an associate at Wal Mart if the Watermelons are on sale

Nag they always have fake racial outrage. Hell I love some fried chicken

Yeah but unless somebody calls them out, the Democrats plan to use race and racism for at least the rest of our lives. The only thing that would stop them is if the black community collectively told them to quit using their race for promoting the Democrat party. Of course that would mean they would finally have to wake up and realize what's going on.

I agree, that's why they want to shit them down on social media and purge thoughts they dont like, because I think people are waking up, albeit slowly, but the House of lies the Democrats are built on will crash down.

Some perhaps, but politics is not really a widely interesting issue for the black community. If they ever took an interest, and I mean an interest like people on this service and others, they would drop the Democrat party like a hot potato.
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