Prohibiting hair styles is now racist in New York. Fine up to 250K

As a man in his 60's who currently has a pony tail almost to my ass, I kind of like the freedoms guaranteed to me by The Constitution being enforced by somebody.

Kudos! :thup:
My dad also had a midlife crisis and grew his hair long in an attempt to be something he is not.

Funny stuff. You buy a Harley too?
Good for your dad.

I grew mine out because I have really, really nice hair, and I can.

Did not buy a Harley. I need a truck in my life right now.

But if I ever do buy a bike, it will be a Harley.
As a man in his 60's who currently has a pony tail almost to my ass, I kind of like the freedoms guaranteed to me by The Constitution being enforced by somebody.

Kudos! :thup:
My dad also had a midlife crisis and grew his hair long in an attempt to be something he is not.

Funny stuff. You buy a Harley too?
Good for your dad.

I grew mine out because I have really, really nice hair, and I can.

Did not buy a Harley. I need a truck in my life right now.

But if I ever do buy a bike, it will be a Harley.

I wouldn't' mind having long hair again, I just can't afford all that Grecian Formula.
Well! Lady Clairol is exponentially higher than Grecian Formula, plus you have to cover your roots every 10 days with more. Grecian Formula is a bargain by comparison.

I can't dye it because it grows too fast and too thick. I guess I should be grateful at my age, however Grecian is the only thing that works because I can apply it easily as my hair grows.
I decided long ago never to dye my hair, but I thought men had it right, so I tried some Grecian Formula. Most of my hair is still brown, but a white zipper area turned white, so every once in a while, I dauble a little on it over 3 or 4 days. For some reason, the last time I did that, most of it washed out the next time I washed it. I guess pure white hair is harder to cover than just slightly gray. Oh, well. I'll just have to be a silver fox. :)
Old people with long hair are a hoot. Trying to relive their youthful rebellion.

Funny stuff. Some people never grow up
Under new guidelines to be released this week by the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the targeting of people based on their hair or hairstyle, at work, school or in public spaces, will now be considered racial discrimination.

The change in law applies to anyone in New York City but is aimed at remedying the disparate treatment of black people; the guidelines specifically mention the right of New Yorkers to maintain their “natural hair, treated or untreated hairstyles such as locs, cornrows, twists, braids, Bantu knots, fades, Afros, and/or the right to keep hair in an uncut or untrimmed state.”

In practice, the guidelines give legal recourse to individuals who have been harassed, threatened, punished, demoted or fired because of the texture or style of their hair. The city commission can levy penalties up to $250,000 on defendants that are found in violation of the guidelines and there is no cap on damages. The commission can also force internal policy changes and rehirings at offending institutions.

The move was prompted in part by investigations after complaints from workers at two Bronx businesses — a medical facility in Morris Park and a nonprofit in Morrisania — as well as workers at an Upper East Side hair salon and a restaurant in the Howard Beach section of Queens. (The new guidelines do not interfere with health and safety reasons for wearing hair up or in a net, as long as the rules apply to everyone.)

New York City to Ban Discrimination Based on Hair

As a white lad in the 70's, I wore my hair longer. However it did present problems when being interviewed for a job. I was told straight out at some places of employment that if hired, I had to cut my hair. In private Catholic school, if your hair touched the top of your ears, you were sent home with a note to your parents you were suspended until you got your hair cut.

Whether for safety (working with machinery) health or simply appearance, employers and schools had the right to have standards on acceptable hair styles. I was alway told with jobs working with the public, the employee customers see represents the entire company.

So now in NY, that's entirely out the window, especially for minorities. If you don't want your cable television salesperson looking like a Jamaican refugee when he goes door to door, you can be fined 250K for not hiring that person. If you are hiring a receptionist for your corporation, you must hire the girl with half her purple hair down her back and the other half shaved like a marine.

Okay, so it's New York, it's their problem? Is it? This is what all of America can look like if we don't keep people like this from running our entire country.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. What this means is that as an employer, I will be unlikely to hire anyone who even remotely looks bad, or has a questionable hair style.

For example, if they show up with their hair under a net, I'm not going to risk it. Because if I hire that person, and then they show up without the net, and their hair is insane, I could risk getting sued if I fire them. But if I don't fire them, and I lose customers because they look like a freak, then I'm screwed either way.

So instead, I'll just be less likely to hire a minority.

Brilliant job left-wingers. Screwing over the people you claim to represent, one bad policy at a time.
You need a good math test, Andy. :muahaha: I made one up myself to see who could and could not handle math while customers were talking at them. It saved me a lot of grief, because it worked and kept people from leaving after 2 weeks because the math stressed them out. And it was also geared to help out on inventory day that requires probity in accounting. I didn't realize how few people could pass my test. It seemed simple, but it really zeroed in on what special needs the business had, and very few people know how to formulate segments of a yard to the inch. It was a quilt fabric store in a small town. Oh, and I changed the test often so nobody could collect and distribute the answers.
Old people with long hair are a hoot. Trying to relive their youthful rebellion.

Funny stuff. Some people never grow up
Grampa! You naughty boy. Some of us were so busy raising kids and working our cans off we didn't have time for long hair. When you retire, you can not only have the patience and time to grow hair, you can enjoy it too, which you couldn't when you had to rush and brush to get the kids to school, piano lessons, ball games or shopping for sports shoes and miscellany of things they lost and needed new ones, not to mention working when they got older to keep up with inflation.. I love my long hair, even if it's not as beautiful as it was at ages 20-50. And if it ever gets long enough, I'm going to plaid it into pigtails. Not sure I'll do anything but wrap it into a bun, but I'm with Joe, it's because now I can.

You need a hobby, Grandpa.
Old people with long hair are a hoot. Trying to relive their youthful rebellion.

Funny stuff. Some people never grow up
Grampa! You naughty boy. Some of us were so busy raising kids and working our cans off we didn't have time for long hair. When you retire, you can not only have the patience and time to grow hair, you can enjoy it too, which you couldn't when you had to rush and brush to get the kids to school, piano lessons, ball games or shopping for sports shoes and miscellany of things they lost and needed new ones, not to mention working when they got older to keep up with inflation.. I love my long hair, even if it's not as beautiful as it was at ages 20-50. And if it ever gets long enough, I'm going to plaid it into pigtails. Not sure I'll do anything but wrap it into a bun, but I'm with Joe, it's because now I can.

You need a hobby, Grandpa.
I have several hobbies.

Talking shit on here is one of them.
Going to Chiefs/Royals games.
Going to concerts.
Fishing with my kids/grandkids
Making lots of money at work
Winter time sucks for the things I enjoy.

Long hair after a life of short hair is the biggest sign of self worth/esteem issues. Trying to become something you never were. It's like the guys who buy their first motorcycle or vett at 60 lol.
Do you feel lucky?
Incredibly lucky.

From a violent life as a youth to a self employed successful business owner.

Life couldn't be much better. At 50 years old EVERYTHING I own is paid for in full except for my home. I owe no one for anything. I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not because I love what I do and who I am.

Simple as that
Old people with long hair are a hoot. Trying to relive their youthful rebellion.

Funny stuff. Some people never grow up
Grampa! You naughty boy. Some of us were so busy raising kids and working our cans off we didn't have time for long hair. When you retire, you can not only have the patience and time to grow hair, you can enjoy it too, which you couldn't when you had to rush and brush to get the kids to school, piano lessons, ball games or shopping for sports shoes and miscellany of things they lost and needed new ones, not to mention working when they got older to keep up with inflation.. I love my long hair, even if it's not as beautiful as it was at ages 20-50. And if it ever gets long enough, I'm going to plaid it into pigtails. Not sure I'll do anything but wrap it into a bun, but I'm with Joe, it's because now I can.

You need a hobby, Grandpa.
I have several hobbies.

Talking shit on here is one of them.
Going to Chiefs/Royals games.
Going to concerts.
Fishing with my kids/grandkids
Making lots of money at work
Winter time sucks for the things I enjoy.

Long hair after a life of short hair is the biggest sign of self worth/esteem issues. Trying to become something you never were. It's like the guys who buy their first motorcycle or vett at 60 lol.
Go ahead, pick people who don't deserve it to death. I did my time in this world, and I still spend half a day every day of the week doing for other people, long after retirement set in. My work concerns what is discussed in the sixth chapter of Micah the prophet, and it does not include evangelism nor judging other people as work/esteem issues. I do what I do because I love God in spirit and in truth. Nobody's perfect, but if you want to put everyone in a fishnet who loves to have long hair, fine. I waited a lifetime to grow my hair out, and I'm not cutting it off because some ol' grouch thinks I have no sense of self-worth. Truth is more likely I have no worth to you. That I can easily live with, buster.
Under new guidelines to be released this week by the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the targeting of people based on their hair or hairstyle, at work, school or in public spaces, will now be considered racial discrimination.

The change in law applies to anyone in New York City but is aimed at remedying the disparate treatment of black people; the guidelines specifically mention the right of New Yorkers to maintain their “natural hair, treated or untreated hairstyles such as locs, cornrows, twists, braids, Bantu knots, fades, Afros, and/or the right to keep hair in an uncut or untrimmed state.”

In practice, the guidelines give legal recourse to individuals who have been harassed, threatened, punished, demoted or fired because of the texture or style of their hair. The city commission can levy penalties up to $250,000 on defendants that are found in violation of the guidelines and there is no cap on damages. The commission can also force internal policy changes and rehirings at offending institutions.

The move was prompted in part by investigations after complaints from workers at two Bronx businesses — a medical facility in Morris Park and a nonprofit in Morrisania — as well as workers at an Upper East Side hair salon and a restaurant in the Howard Beach section of Queens. (The new guidelines do not interfere with health and safety reasons for wearing hair up or in a net, as long as the rules apply to everyone.)

New York City to Ban Discrimination Based on Hair

As a white lad in the 70's, I wore my hair longer. However it did present problems when being interviewed for a job. I was told straight out at some places of employment that if hired, I had to cut my hair. In private Catholic school, if your hair touched the top of your ears, you were sent home with a note to your parents you were suspended until you got your hair cut.

Whether for safety (working with machinery) health or simply appearance, employers and schools had the right to have standards on acceptable hair styles. I was alway told with jobs working with the public, the employee customers see represents the entire company.

So now in NY, that's entirely out the window, especially for minorities. If you don't want your cable television salesperson looking like a Jamaican refugee when he goes door to door, you can be fined 250K for not hiring that person. If you are hiring a receptionist for your corporation, you must hire the girl with half her purple hair down her back and the other half shaved like a marine.

Okay, so it's New York, it's their problem? Is it? This is what all of America can look like if we don't keep people like this from running our entire country.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. What this means is that as an employer, I will be unlikely to hire anyone who even remotely looks bad, or has a questionable hair style.

For example, if they show up with their hair under a net, I'm not going to risk it. Because if I hire that person, and then they show up without the net, and their hair is insane, I could risk getting sued if I fire them. But if I don't fire them, and I lose customers because they look like a freak, then I'm screwed either way.

So instead, I'll just be less likely to hire a minority.

Brilliant job left-wingers. Screwing over the people you claim to represent, one bad policy at a time.

That is another twist. However with these idiotic laws we have, a business owner in NY who was accused of discrimination could make the claim that the applicant had unacceptable hair that either presented a danger to him or herself, health reasons, or simply because their appearance was unacceptable for customers.

Now they can't do that if this becomes law, it's considered racial discrimination.

Sorry.....but if some salesman comes to my door looking like a criminal, I'm not answering it. Businesses understand that which is why they have dress codes. It's not all that uncommon that a criminal gets a gas company uniform, an electric company uniform, and posed as a repairman or salesman simply to gain entry to a home to rob it.

I mean if you see flashing lights behind you on the road, pull over, and some clown in a police uniform with dreadlocks approaches your car, you know to get the hell out of there and call the real police, because real police don't accept that kind of hair style.
I cannot relate to such an unlucky life!

Wearing a ponytail requires a little more attention than a 'kojak', sure, but with just a smidge of luck, intelligence, investment in protective gear and planning, you can do just about anything humanly possible while having ponytail-length hair.

Just ask any girl

So instead of wearing a normal hairstyle, you believe you'd pull your 9mm and shoot the guy who has your head-handle in his fist and is beating the tar out of you? Ever shot another human? Not as easy as you might think and there's always the chance you'll hit a bystander or the barmaid, or yourself given in the scenario I put forth; you can't see where you're shooting because all you can see is the floor. And even if you're claiming self-defense, a prosecutor might not see it that way. Further, if you're found not guilty of murder, at $200 an hour for a competent attorney, you're broke. Did I mention any weapon you pull might be taken away from you and now it's you in front of your 9mm. I suggest you do what I said at first....don't get in a bar fight wearing a ponytail. And if you do, carry a boot knife instead of a pistol. You can get to a boot knife from almost any position you can be put can stick your attacker in the thigh (femoral artery) or in the nuts and make his night unforgettable and one you might just survive. Lose the ain't manly and can get you in a heap of trouble you don't need.
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I cannot relate to such an unlucky life!

Wearing a ponytail requires a little more attention than a 'kojak', sure, but with just a smidge of luck, intelligence, investment in protective gear and planning, you can do just about anything humanly possible while having ponytail-length hair.

Just ask any girl

So instead of wearing a normal hairstyle, you believe you'd pull your 9mm and shoot the guy who has your head-handle in his fist and is beating the tar out of you? Ever shot another human? Not as easy as you might think and there's always the chance you'll hit a bystander or the barmaid, or yourself given in the scenario I put forth; you can't see where you're shooting because all you can see is the floor. And even if you're claiming self-defense, a prosecutor might not see it that way. Further, if you're found not guilty of murder, at $200 an hour for a competent attorney, you're broke. Did I mention any weapon you pull might be taken away from you and now it's you in front of your 9mm. I suggest you do what I said at first....don't get in a bar fight wearing a ponytail. And if you do, carry a boot knife instead of a pistol. You can get to a boot knife from almost any position you can be put can stick your attacker in the thigh (femoral artery) or in the nuts and make his night unforgettable and one you might just survive. Lose the ain't manly and can get you in a heap of trouble you don't need.

Let's just say that I believe that I can handle everything my life is likely to throw at me, all while sporting a really nice ponytail.

If you don't like it, fuck you. This is America and my taxes are paid in full every year.

True Freedom means truly tolerating your neighbors... Even the ones you find weird.

I will NEVER understand the Republican desire to micro-manage American Values.

Diversity is an asset. Embrace it or fade.
Long or short or no hair

People should do as they please!

For stupid New York to rule about hair is beyond moronic!

Want To Puke!
Couldn't agree more
well now that Trump is President, i am no longer in fear to ask an associate at Wal Mart if the Watermelons are on sale

Nag they always have fake racial outrage. Hell I love some fried chicken

Yeah but unless somebody calls them out, the Democrats plan to use race and racism for at least the rest of our lives. The only thing that would stop them is if the black community collectively told them to quit using their race for promoting the Democrat party. Of course that would mean they would finally have to wake up and realize what's going on.

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