Prom queen tranny wants fantasy name read at graduation

He has something you will never have - courage.

But, hey, katzenKreep is right. There are a lot of frightened little girls like you and katzen, lot of people who are so afraid of their own sexuality that they have no problem at all attacking others.

You and katzen are both sick little twitches. Mind your own business, and get some counseling.

He has something you will never have - courage.

But, hey, katzenKreep is right. There are a lot of frightened little girls like you and katzen, lot of people who are so afraid of their own sexuality that they have no problem at all attacking others.

You and katzen are both sick little twitches. Mind your own business, and get some counseling.
If she has courage why doesn't she bother to have her name legally changed? She can't do all the histrionics then if she did.

He has something you will never have - courage.

But, hey, katzenKreep is right. There are a lot of frightened little girls like you and katzen, lot of people who are so afraid of their own sexuality that they have no problem at all attacking others.

You and katzen are both sick little twitches. Mind your own business, and get some counseling.
If she has courage why doesn't she bother to have her name legally changed? She can't do all the histrionics then if she did.

Because there has been no sex change. It is still a girl with a male nickname. The school has to give the diploma under the child's legal name. The school is obligated to read thst legal name when it hands out the diploma. Allowing the use of nicknames for one means allowing them for all. The next name will be Razor Gonzales or Porky Smith.

I understand your consternation. It is the time of Alice Through The Looking Glass where reality is changed by painting the roses red. Reality is fluid. It is no longer what you see but what you are told. The hedgehog becomes a croquet ball simply by saying it is now a ball. The girl becomes a boy by declaration.
No amount of self mutilation or cross dressing changes a person's sex.
Bodey should weigh in on this...she is a woman trying to be a ugly fat white dude in a kilt.

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