prominent FL family were in plane that flew over DC no fly zone & crashed


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

There are still a lot of questions.

Why did the pilot start to go the destination point, then turn around?

Maybe he didn't have enough fuel.. Maybe he knew that and didn't care..?

weird story

kind of weird how, for a long time after this story first broke, cnn didn't cover it... tht I could see. ,.but then, they don't cover a lot of important stories (corruption of dimrats, etc).

Since these people on the plane were NRA involved... makes u wonder...
There are reports that they might have suffered from lack of oxygen due to high altitude and the plane becoming decompressed.

As far as CNN reporting it? They reported it pretty much as soon as it happened. Saw a report on the 'net about fighter jets being scrambled, and went to CNN to find out why, which is where I got the full story.

Pilot was unresponsive, so fearing another possible aircraft attack, fighter jets were scrambled and freaked out everyone in DC when they heard the sonic booms. Fighter jets were unable to contact the aircraft and followed it until it crashed.
There are reports that they might have suffered from lack of oxygen due to high altitude and the plane becoming decompressed.

As far as CNN reporting it? They reported it pretty much as soon as it happened. Saw a report on the 'net about fighter jets being scrambled, and went to CNN to find out why, which is where I got the full story.

Pilot was unresponsive, so fearing another possible aircraft attack, fighter jets were scrambled and freaked out everyone in DC when they heard the sonic booms. Fighter jets were unable to contact the aircraft and followed it until it crashed.

why was there no response from ANYONE at all?

I suppose all 4 of the people in the plane were messed up all at once? Well, if it had to do with pressurization (whch I can't say I u/stand perfectly)... maybe

foul play should be suspected until ruled out by evidence
why was there no response from ANYONE at all?

I suppose all 4 of the people in the plane were messed up all at once? Well, if it had to do with pressurization (whch I can't say I u/stand perfectly)... maybe

foul play should be suspected until ruled out by evidence

According to reports, the plane was at high altitude and then all of a sudden nose dived into the ground at a high speed. Enough to leave a crater and spread debris over a 150 yard area.

And yeah, depressurization will affect everyone in the aircraft, rather suddenly and all at once. It's because there isn't enough oxygen in the air at high altitude and they will all just pass out.

According to the reports, it was a Cessna private jet, and the primary cause (so far) is figured to be depressurization of the cabin. Unfortunately, small jets like that don't generally carry a "black box", so the real reason may never be known.
why was there no response from ANYONE at all?

I suppose all 4 of the people in the plane were messed up all at once? Well, if it had to do with pressurization (whch I can't say I u/stand perfectly)... maybe

foul play should be suspected until ruled out by evidence
Loss of pressurization is probably the cause, just like Payne Stewart.
There are reports that they might have suffered from lack of oxygen due to high altitude and the plane becoming decompressed.

As far as CNN reporting it? They reported it pretty much as soon as it happened. Saw a report on the 'net about fighter jets being scrambled, and went to CNN to find out why, which is where I got the full story.

Pilot was unresponsive, so fearing another possible aircraft attack, fighter jets were scrambled and freaked out everyone in DC when they heard the sonic booms. Fighter jets were unable to contact the aircraft and followed it until it crashed.

Probably the same as the Payne Stewart Accident. Didn't that one start in the Sout and end up in the upper Midwest by the time the plane ran out of fuel?
According to reports, the plane was at high altitude and then all of a sudden nose dived into the ground at a high speed. Enough to leave a crater and spread debris over a 150 yard area.

And yeah, depressurization will affect everyone in the aircraft, rather suddenly and all at once. It's because there isn't enough oxygen in the air at high altitude and they will all just pass out.

According to the reports, it was a Cessna private jet, and the primary cause (so far) is figured to be depressurization of the cabin. Unfortunately, small jets like that don't generally carry a "black box", so the real reason may never be known.

Depending on the condition of the bodies they can probably tell if the people were dead before impact.

Trump donor whose family died in Washington plane crash lost other daughter in diving tragedy

John Rumpel said daughter and granddaughter were among crash victims, and another daughter was killed in 1994 diving accident

A leading Republican donor whose family members were killed in a plane crash in Virginia on Sunday following a pursuit by US military jets lost another daughter in a scuba diving tragedy almost 30 years ago, it was reported on Monday.

John Rumpel, a Florida businessman and frequent contributor to Donald Trump’s political operation, said his daughter Adina Azarian, 49, and two-year-old granddaughter were among four victims of the crash that caused a security scare when the plane flew over restricted airspace in Washington DC.

Another daughter, Victoria, 19, was killed in a diving accident in 1994, the Daily Beast reported, and Rumpel and his wife, Barbara, an executive with the National Rifle Association, later named an assisted living facility in their home town of Melbourne, Florida, in her honor.

On Sunday, Rumpel, 75, millionaire owner of Florida’s Encore Motors franchise, said nobody could have survived the crash of the Cessna Citation twin-engine jet near Montebello, Virginia, on Sunday afternoon.

It is believed the pilot of the jet, who was also killed alongside the Rumpel family’s nanny, lost consciousness en route from Tennessee to Long Island, New York, causing it to stray into airspace over the capital.

The North American aerospace defense command (Norad) scrambled two F-16 fighter jets to intercept the Cessna, but they did not shoot it down, military officials said.

Sonic booms from the jets were heard in Virginia and Maryland as they raced to catch up with the light aircraft, sending some residents into a brief panic.

“They all just would have gone to sleep and never woke up,” Rumpel, who is also a pilot, told the New York Times in a brief emotional interview.

“It descended at 20,000ft a minute and nobody could survive a crash at that speed.

He said his family members were returning to their home in East Hampton, New York, after spending four days with Rumpel and his wife in North Carolina.

Joe Biden was playing golf with his brother near Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, at the time, and was briefed on the crash, the Washington Post reported.

The White House said the sonic boom was “faint” where the Bidens were golfing, and referred questions over security arrangements for the president to the Secret Service.

Records show that the Rumpels are regular donors to conservative political causes, including Trump’s failed 2020 campaign for re-election to the White House, and Ron DeSantis’s re-election as Florida governor last year.
An NTSB rep suggested that the pilot was dead and when the plane didn't land at the designated airport the auto-pilot turned it around and went back to other GPS checkpoints until the plane ran out of gas. Since nobody in the plane was responsive to radio calls it seems to have been a decompression incident that killed everyone aboard.
why was there no response from ANYONE at all?

I suppose all 4 of the people in the plane were messed up all at once? Well, if it had to do with pressurization (whch I can't say I u/stand perfectly)... maybe

foul play should be suspected until ruled out by evidence
You've got about 5 seconds with rapid depressurization.
I’m guessing the return toward their flight origin was an auto programming that a jet might do if it gets no input response from its pilots. Kinda like one of those rumba robotic floor vacuums.
this is what I could never understand about plane crashes.. (some of them)

As soon as the passengers see the plane is going down.. why don't they jump when the plane gets close to the ground?

if that sounds like a dumb question, please remember I don't know anything about planes.. don't like them.. never been in one..

and if there indeed was depressurization... then never mind...

that explains why they didn't jump
An NTSB rep suggested that the pilot was dead and when the plane didn't land at the designated airport the auto-pilot turned it around and went back to other GPS checkpoints until the plane ran out of gas. Since nobody in the plane was responsive to radio calls it seems to have been a decompression incident that killed everyone aboard.

i didn't know autopilot could actually turn the plane around.. thought it just kept going straight ahead..

but... modern tech.. What would I know about that?

I had been wondering why the plane did a U turn.. thought the pilot did that... thanks for the info
this is what I could never understand about plane crashes.. (some of them)

As soon as the passengers see the plane is going down.. why don't they jump when the plane gets close to the ground?

if that sounds like a dumb question, please remember I don't know anything about planes.. don't like them.. never been in one..

and if there indeed was depressurization... then never mind...

that explains why they didn't jump

Why don't they jump when the plane gets close to the ground? Short answer.......................speed and inertia.

Most planes are cruising at around 450 to 500 mph, so the chances of you jumping out of the aircraft just prior to it hitting the ground is slim to none, as your reflexes aren't fast enough to accomplish that.

The inertia part is explained by physics. An object in motion tends to stay in motion until acted upon by an outside force. You got on the aircraft with a soda. Both of you gain inertia with the aircraft while riding it. You can pour a soda at 450 to 500 mph without it trailing behind you because both you and the soda are traveling at the same rate, and to you, the soda pours straight down, not behind you. That's the short answer.

If you want a good example of the physics involved, watch Mythbusters "Elevator of Death", where a similar suggestion is proposed..............if the elevator is falling to the ground, can you jump just before it hits and be okay? They demonstrate quite nicely what that won't work. If you ARE caught in an elevator where the cable snaps and the brakes don't work, and it's free falling to the ground, your best bet is to lay flat on the floor and hope to distribute the impact over as much of your body as possible. You'll still get quite badly injured, but might not die.

And, that's traveling at a significantly slower rate than an aircraft in the sky that is falling to the ground to crash.

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