[PROOF] Information about ALL of Douglas Shulman's 157 visits to the White House


Silver Member
Oct 26, 2012
After reading a thread started by [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] claiming that Douglas Shulman had only been to the White House 11 times, I decided to do a little research myself.

Turns out with a little bit of looking around I was able to find information regarding ALL of Shulman's visits to the WH - Even the ones without a TOA/TOD listed.

Here's the link to look him up yourself:

Visitor Access Records | The White House

And this one (full screen, the one I used):


  1. Look up "Douglas Shulman"
  2. Click any of the entries
  3. Click the red square that appears next to the entry number
  4. Click the "View Single Row Data" popup

A box will open up below showing information about the meeting such as what it was about, how many people attended, what room it was in, ect..



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After reading a thread started by [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] claiming that Douglas Shulman had only been to the White House 11 times, I decided to do a little research myself.

Turns out with a little bit of looking around I was able to find information regarding ALL of Shulman's visits to the WH - Even the ones without a TOA/TOD listed.

Here's the link to look him up yourself:

Visitor Access Records | The White House

And this one (full screen, the one I used):


  1. Look up "Douglas Shulman"
  2. Click any of the entries
  3. Click the red square that appears next to the entry number
  4. Click the "View Single Row Data" popup

A box will open up below showing information about the meeting such as what it was about, how many people attended, what room it was in, ect..




Wow, apparently those people who say only 11 times must really be stupid. Thanks for your great investigative journalism.

The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

Fox Continues to Hype Fake Story About IRS Commissioner Visiting White House | Video Cafe

Well either they're stupid or the White House is stupid for having false information on their website.

You tell me.

Well, rightwinger will really be surprised.

Douglas Shulman White House Visits Reveal Meetings To Implement Health Care Law
Why is it that Shulman only signed in for 11 visits to the White House?

More than 50 of Douglas Shulman's scheduled visits are described as "health care meetings" or "health care reform meetings," according to the visitor logs. Arrival times are only listed for 11 of his visits, and it's not unusual for a person to appear on the visitor logs - which are derived from Secret Service clearance lists - without actually having visited the White House. The majority of the visits were set to be held in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which houses office suites for administration aides.

Did IRS chief really visit White House 157 times? ? CNN Political Ticker
The Daily Caller story that kicked off the latest round of finger-pointing and blame in the IRS “scandal” currently gripping the right blogosphere and Fox News was actually based on erroneous information. According to the Atlantic, the editorial staff at the Caller overestimated the number of visits by now-former IRS director Douglas Shulman by 146, claiming that Shulman visited the Obama White House 157 times rather than the 11 visits he is confirmed to have actually made.

'Daily Caller' story on IRS director's many White House visits a bust | The Raw Story
It won't be the first time the Democrat Supporting Media has backtracked on a story that was damning to their guy.

Way back when... The very first Sunday after the Monica story broke, Sam Donaldson and Cokie Roberts were discussing it. Sam said that if it were true, Clinton needed to resign. That a President who had sex with a girl young enough to be his daughter could not lead the country. Cokie was sitting there agreeing with him.

The very next week they went backwards on those statements and proceeded sticking with the Clinton Defense Team memos.
Just because you are cleared to go and visit the President, doesn't necessarily mean that you went.

Granted.......................he was given clearance to see the President (because hey.................if you're gonna see the most powerful man in the Western Hemisphere, don't you think they'd like to see if you're gonna be there?)

However.............compare the requests (and the grants) and see if he actually signed in to see Obama.

I'm guessing that he saw Obama a lot less times than what was granted.

The GOP has nothing yet again.
Why is it that Shulman only signed in for 11 visits to the White House?

More than 50 of Douglas Shulman's scheduled visits are described as "health care meetings" or "health care reform meetings," according to the visitor logs. Arrival times are only listed for 11 of his visits, and it's not unusual for a person to appear on the visitor logs - which are derived from Secret Service clearance lists - without actually having visited the White House. The majority of the visits were set to be held in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which houses office suites for administration aides.

Did IRS chief really visit White House 157 times? ? CNN Political Ticker

I don't know. Why did Nancy Pelosi only sign in once? Go ahead.. Look her up.
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Just because you are cleared to go and visit the President, doesn't necessarily mean that you went.

Granted.......................he was given clearance to see the President (because hey.................if you're gonna see the most powerful man in the Western Hemisphere, don't you think they'd like to see if you're gonna be there?)

However.............compare the requests (and the grants) and see if he actually signed in to see Obama.

I'm guessing that he saw Obama a lot less times than what was granted.

The GOP has nothing yet again.

So you're saying the White House website is propaganda?

You can clearly see on all 157 visits who Mr. Shulman met with, what the meeting was about, what room they met in, ect...

Again, this is all on the the White House's very own website. If you choose to believe some random, unknown website over this, then that kinda implies you believe the administration is lying. Because the records are clear.
Your link just confirms the 11 actual recorded visits.


when he was asked in a hearing, they knew of 118 visits. They stated the White House had not released the data for the number of visits he had made in 2012 yet. Upon the 2012 release by the White House it shows total 157 visits.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxQS280RgEA&feature=player_embedded]Former IRS Commish Shulman cites Easter Egg Roll for visiting White House 118 times - YouTube[/ame]
Okay.................so he went to the WH to see how he should do his job.

Nothing so far shows that he was told to target those who were against the President.

Sorry..................but this is a non issue.

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