proof positive that the average democrat voter is less informed than conservative voters !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
just listen to the call in segment on the Washington Journal on C SPAN ! now admittedly there are idiots calling in from both sides of the political spectrum ,but the difference in the knowledge gap is stark !! it is clear to anyone that on average the conservatives are much much more astute when it comes to the issues ! you see one of the lefts most effective tool is the ignorance of their voter base ! and when it comes to people waking up and seeing the light and switching parties its nearly always a democrat switching over to the republican party ! except for a few rare exceptions you rarely hear of a conservative switching over to the democratic party ....when it comes to the idiots on the left the phrase you cant fix stupid is proven to be true .
Democrats have evolved into a party of pussies who are too fragile to accept our countries history. They also can't seem to envision living their lives without government help from cradle to grave. While Republicans are trying to live the dream, Democrats are just living to bitch and alibi. Viva Trump.
Facts are like Kryptonite to lefties. It’s amazing how they only commicate in emotional platitudes.
A sample of five people calling into a television show and giving an opinion is not proof of anything
A sample of five people calling into a television show and giving an opinion is not proof of anything
madam i have been watching that show for yrs ! the facts are the facts your parties base is stupid !

I believe you meant "party's" and what party would you be referring to? And who is this madam you are addressing?

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