proof that cops are not hunting blacks to kill.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
everyday we hear lying guilt ridden liberals [cowards] and black leaders and citizens spouting the lie that cops are targeting blacks and are hunting them down to kill... these hateful despicable liars also vomit the myth that the law enforcement system and the entire country is systemically racist ! but all of the claims are outright lies being claimed by blacks and liberal leaders that view racism as a vehicle to gain power ... how can this be proven ? it can be proven very easily with facts and logic [something dems hate].... its very simple if cops are actively targeting blacks to kill then why are over twice as many whites killed on average every year by cops.... now the 1st thing blacks and lying dems will scream when asked that question is there are more whites in this country so of course more whites are killed ... but what they dont talk about is the amount of police interactions ... you see the interactions are the numbers that really count ..... over 500 whites were killed by police last yr and a little over 200 blacks .... so apparently [according to dem logic] cops are not hunting blacks to kill they are hunting whites ! and the old argument about demographics and blacks and whites per capita doesnt hold water ... it never does when it comes to hunting and killing ! notice i said hunting and killing not murder .... if cops are out to kill blacks then why are so few killed by them ? and why are twice as many whites killed .... so if cops really are on the hunt to kill people it seems that whites are much easier to target and kill. twice as easy .but take heart black people you will get your wish because police are going to either quit or stop policing in your communities! and the whole world is going to watch the inner cities devolve into a much more violent crime ridden hell.
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thats all youve got to say ? actually i think its about time the left gets what they have been screaming about ! the cops are leaving black neighborhoods .... there will finally no way these democrat run shitholes can place false blame when crime skyrockets ! they will be begging for the polices help when that starts.
Someone has been triggered.
thats all youve got to say ? actually i think its about time the left gets what they have been screaming about ! the cops are leaving black neighborhoods .... there will finally no way these democrat run shitholes can place false blame when crime skyrockets ! they will be begging for the polices help when that starts.

The cops aren't going anywhere. You are easily triggered.
Someone has been triggered.
thats all youve got to say ? actually i think its about time the left gets what they have been screaming about ! the cops are leaving black neighborhoods .... there will finally no way these democrat run shitholes can place false blame when crime skyrockets ! they will be begging for the polices help when that starts.

The cops aren't going anywhere. You are easily triggered.
a lot are leaving pal.... and the ones staying are not going to do as much proactive policing .... i know a few cops and thats what theyre saying ..nice try at deflection .... i see you are unable to refute the op about cops not hunting blacks to kill.
While I never thought 99% of police were anything but hard working individuals that tried to do a good job in what has become a very thankless job. I don't think that they will be as interested in doing the job after this. You will manly get those that could not find any other work. They will show up when they have to and will be more inclined to stay out of sight and out of mind.
everyday we hear lying guilt ridden liberals [cowards] and black leaders and citizens spouting the lie that cops are targeting blacks and are hunting them down to kill... these hateful despicable liars also vomit the myth that the law enforcement system and the entire country is systemically racist ! but all of the claims are outright lies being claimed by blacks and liberal leaders that view racism as a vehicle to gain power ... how can this be proven ? it can be proven very easily with facts and logic [something dems hate].... its very simple if cops are actively targeting blacks to kill then why are over twice as many whites killed on average every year by cops.... now the 1st thing blacks and lying dems will scream when asked that question is there are more whites in this country so of course more whites are killed ... but what they dont talk about is the amount of police interactions ... you see the interactions are the numbers that really count ..... over 500 whites were killed by police last yr and a little over 200 blacks .... so apparently [according to dem logic] cops are not hunting blacks to kill they are hunting whites ! and the old argument about demographics and blacks and whites per capita doesnt hold water ... it never does when it comes to hunting and killing ! notice i said hunting and killing not murder .... if cops are out to kill blacks then why are so few killed by them ? and why are twice as many whites killed .... so if cops really are on the hunt to kill people it seems that whites are much easier to target and kill. twice as easy .but take heart black people you will get your wish because police are going to either quit or stop policing in your communities! and the whole world is going to watch the inner cities devolve into a much more violent crime ridden hell.

Trust us when we reiterate: all American democrat voters capable of adult level thought process well know the police, either locally or nationally, are not out there on the streets hunting black people for trophies or meat for the freezer. Wait a sec, got to get a toothpick. Nevertheless, so many cable news talking heads are spewing so many lies to the contrary that mindless democrat voters just sort of can no longer resist believing their anti-human propaganda. If enough "official" news outlets are reporting the same bullshit meta-narrative, then it must be true: the police all across America must be gunning for black folk. People are stupid, collectively and as the herd mind goes. We shouldn't interrupt their smart device time, right? Definitely not to tell them the truth.
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Someone has been triggered.
thats all youve got to say ? actually i think its about time the left gets what they have been screaming about ! the cops are leaving black neighborhoods .... there will finally no way these democrat run shitholes can place false blame when crime skyrockets ! they will be begging for the polices help when that starts.

The cops aren't going anywhere. You are easily triggered.
a lot are leaving pal.... and the ones staying are not going to do as much proactive policing .... i know a few cops and thats what theyre saying ..nice try at deflection .... i see you are unable to refute the op about cops not hunting blacks to kill.

You don't know any cops that tell you they are leaving. None.
Someone has been triggered.
thats all youve got to say ? actually i think its about time the left gets what they have been screaming about ! the cops are leaving black neighborhoods .... there will finally no way these democrat run shitholes can place false blame when crime skyrockets ! they will be begging for the polices help when that starts.

The cops aren't going anywhere. You are easily triggered.
a lot are leaving pal.... and the ones staying are not going to do as much proactive policing .... i know a few cops and thats what theyre saying ..nice try at deflection .... i see you are unable to refute the op about cops not hunting blacks to kill.

You don't know any cops that tell you they are leaving. None.
so now you are a mind reader ..... the fact that i am telling the truth does not faze socialist liars like you ..the only truth that matters to you and your comrades is the [your truth] mantra ...a mantra that ignores facts. Former NYPD commissioner claims 600 officers considering exit from the force amid George Floyd protests
Someone has been triggered.
thats all youve got to say ? actually i think its about time the left gets what they have been screaming about ! the cops are leaving black neighborhoods .... there will finally no way these democrat run shitholes can place false blame when crime skyrockets ! they will be begging for the polices help when that starts.

The cops aren't going anywhere. You are easily triggered.
a lot are leaving pal.... and the ones staying are not going to do as much proactive policing .... i know a few cops and thats what theyre saying ..nice try at deflection .... i see you are unable to refute the op about cops not hunting blacks to kill.

You don't know any cops that tell you they are leaving. None.
so now you are a mind reader ..... the fact that i am telling the truth does not faze socialist liars like you ..the only truth that matters to you and your comrades is the [your truth] mantra ...a mantra that ignores facts. Former NYPD commissioner claims 600 officers considering exit from the force amid George Floyd protests

Bunch of snowflakes.
Someone has been triggered.
thats all youve got to say ? actually i think its about time the left gets what they have been screaming about ! the cops are leaving black neighborhoods .... there will finally no way these democrat run shitholes can place false blame when crime skyrockets ! they will be begging for the polices help when that starts.

The cops aren't going anywhere. You are easily triggered.
a lot are leaving pal.... and the ones staying are not going to do as much proactive policing .... i know a few cops and thats what theyre saying ..nice try at deflection .... i see you are unable to refute the op about cops not hunting blacks to kill.
You think they would have been doing that some years ago. They have been getting enough warnings. Its not worth the aggravation.
Someone has been triggered.
thats all youve got to say ? actually i think its about time the left gets what they have been screaming about ! the cops are leaving black neighborhoods .... there will finally no way these democrat run shitholes can place false blame when crime skyrockets ! they will be begging for the polices help when that starts.

The cops aren't going anywhere. You are easily triggered.

They already are demwit.
Someone has been triggered.
thats all youve got to say ? actually i think its about time the left gets what they have been screaming about ! the cops are leaving black neighborhoods .... there will finally no way these democrat run shitholes can place false blame when crime skyrockets ! they will be begging for the polices help when that starts.

The cops aren't going anywhere. You are easily triggered.
a lot are leaving pal.... and the ones staying are not going to do as much proactive policing .... i know a few cops and thats what theyre saying ..nice try at deflection .... i see you are unable to refute the op about cops not hunting blacks to kill.
You think they would have been doing that some years ago. They have been getting enough warnings. Its not worth the aggravation.
and can anyone blame them ....and when they stop policing in those neighborhoods they will be once again labeled as racist for not being there when the violent crime skyrockets.
Someone has been triggered.
thats all youve got to say ? actually i think its about time the left gets what they have been screaming about ! the cops are leaving black neighborhoods .... there will finally no way these democrat run shitholes can place false blame when crime skyrockets ! they will be begging for the polices help when that starts.

The cops aren't going anywhere. You are easily triggered.

They already are demwit.

No they aren't and I have no clue what a "demwit" is.
Someone has been triggered.
thats all youve got to say ? actually i think its about time the left gets what they have been screaming about ! the cops are leaving black neighborhoods .... there will finally no way these democrat run shitholes can place false blame when crime skyrockets ! they will be begging for the polices help when that starts.

The cops aren't going anywhere. You are easily triggered.
a lot are leaving pal.... and the ones staying are not going to do as much proactive policing .... i know a few cops and thats what theyre saying ..nice try at deflection .... i see you are unable to refute the op about cops not hunting blacks to kill.

You don't know any cops that tell you they are leaving. None.

Use the Google.....
Someone has been triggered.
thats all youve got to say ? actually i think its about time the left gets what they have been screaming about ! the cops are leaving black neighborhoods .... there will finally no way these democrat run shitholes can place false blame when crime skyrockets ! they will be begging for the polices help when that starts.

The cops aren't going anywhere. You are easily triggered.

They already are demwit.

No they aren't and I have no clue what a "demwit" is.

Yes they are,even left leaning Google will tell you that.
Of course you have no're a demwit after all.
everyday we hear lying guilt ridden liberals [cowards] and black leaders and citizens spouting the lie that cops are targeting blacks and are hunting them down to kill... these hateful despicable liars also vomit the myth that the law enforcement system and the entire country is systemically racist ! but all of the claims are outright lies being claimed by blacks and liberal leaders that view racism as a vehicle to gain power ... how can this be proven ? it can be proven very easily with facts and logic [something dems hate].... its very simple if cops are actively targeting blacks to kill then why are over twice as many whites killed on average every year by cops.... now the 1st thing blacks and lying dems will scream when asked that question is there are more whites in this country so of course more whites are killed ... but what they dont talk about is the amount of police interactions ... you see the interactions are the numbers that really count ..... over 500 whites were killed by police last yr and a little over 200 blacks .... so apparently [according to dem logic] cops are not hunting blacks to kill they are hunting whites ! and the old argument about demographics and blacks and whites per capita doesnt hold water ... it never does when it comes to hunting and killing ! notice i said hunting and killing not murder .... if cops are out to kill blacks then why are so few killed by them ? and why are twice as many whites killed .... so if cops really are on the hunt to kill people it seems that whites are much easier to target and kill. twice as easy .but take heart black people you will get your wish because police are going to either quit or stop policing in your communities! and the whole world is going to watch the inner cities devolve into a much more violent crime ridden hell.

I always thought it would be super easy for cops to kill black people for fun if that was their objective. Just go outside and shoot. Go door to door and shoot.

It is weird to me that the ones who do get shot happen to be completely worthless pieces of shit with extensive criminal records that are resisting arrest for some reason. Is this all a coincidence? Wouldn't there be at least some black people that were just walking to the grocery store get shot by cops sometimes that have an 100% clean criminal record? Somebody is full of bull shenanigans and it stinks.

If cops were hunting down black people and killing them for fun, wouldn't that be super easy? For me personally if I had enough guns I could easily kill 50 black people every single day if killing black people was my goal in life. So if I could easily do it then cops could do it even more efficiently so why aren't they? Killing black people probably isn't their goal. It could just be that the cops are purely incompetent at reaching their goals of killing black people for fun. Who knows?
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everyday we hear lying guilt ridden liberals [cowards] and black leaders and citizens spouting the lie that cops are targeting blacks and are hunting them down to kill... these hateful despicable liars also vomit the myth that the law enforcement system and the entire country is systemically racist ! but all of the claims are outright lies being claimed by blacks and liberal leaders that view racism as a vehicle to gain power ... how can this be proven ? it can be proven very easily with facts and logic [something dems hate].... its very simple if cops are actively targeting blacks to kill then why are over twice as many whites killed on average every year by cops.... now the 1st thing blacks and lying dems will scream when asked that question is there are more whites in this country so of course more whites are killed ... but what they dont talk about is the amount of police interactions ... you see the interactions are the numbers that really count ..... over 500 whites were killed by police last yr and a little over 200 blacks .... so apparently [according to dem logic] cops are not hunting blacks to kill they are hunting whites ! and the old argument about demographics and blacks and whites per capita doesnt hold water ... it never does when it comes to hunting and killing ! notice i said hunting and killing not murder .... if cops are out to kill blacks then why are so few killed by them ? and why are twice as many whites killed .... so if cops really are on the hunt to kill people it seems that whites are much easier to target and kill. twice as easy .but take heart black people you will get your wish because police are going to either quit or stop policing in your communities! and the whole world is going to watch the inner cities devolve into a much more violent crime ridden hell.

Here is proof they are.

None of the four officials named by Stitt could be reached for comment, but late Monday the McCurtain County Sheriff's Office said in a statement that the recording was "illegally obtained," appears to have been altered, and may have been produced in violation of state law prohibiting secret recordings by third parties.

This is proof Republicans hate the Free Press and black people

This is how Republicans talk behind closed doors. I know because I'm a white man. They say these things in front of me.

When the talk turned to who might run for sheriff against Clardy, Jenning recalled how a former sheriff "would take a damned Black guy and whoop their ass and throw them in the cell."

"Yeah," Clardy replied, according to the newspaper. "It's not like that no more."

"I know," said Jennings. "Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a damned rope. But you can't do that anymore. They've got more rights than we've got."

Two more batches of recordings made by Willingham are to be released soon, his lawyers said.
Here is proof they are.

None of the four officials named by Stitt could be reached for comment, but late Monday the McCurtain County Sheriff's Office said in a statement that the recording was "illegally obtained," appears to have been altered, and may have been produced in violation of state law prohibiting secret recordings by third parties.

This is proof Republicans hate the Free Press and black people

This is how Republicans talk behind closed doors. I know because I'm a white man. They say these things in front of me.

When the talk turned to who might run for sheriff against Clardy, Jenning recalled how a former sheriff "would take a damned Black guy and whoop their ass and throw them in the cell."

"Yeah," Clardy replied, according to the newspaper. "It's not like that no more."

"I know," said Jennings. "Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a damned rope. But you can't do that anymore. They've got more rights than we've got."

Two more batches of recordings made by Willingham are to be released soon, his lawyers said.
what they said was despicable ...and all involved should be fired ! but that doesnt mean they are hunting blacks ... how many blacks have the officers involved killed ?
what they said was despicable ...and all involved should be fired ! but that doesnt mean they are hunting blacks ... how many blacks have the officers involved killed ?

Can you at least admit that cops are treating blacks like second class citizens? How can you listen to a sheriff speaking honestly in private with his fellow Republicans when he says he wishes for the good old days where he could hang blacks and you still think cops treat black people fairly?

Or the guy who was "afraid" so she shot through his locked door at that black boy

Perhaps hunting isn't the right word. You're afraid. So you certainly aren't hunting. But we see you are afraid of black people. Unhappy with them. Wish they'd go back to Africa. Right?

I believe you are hunting liberals. Look at the guy found guilty in Texas of murdering a BLM protester and the Republican governor is going to pardon the murderer. Why? The jury found him guilty.

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