Proof that the temperature readings showing global warming are bogus!

So the US absorbs all the 5.3 billion plus 2.8 billion tons of the rest of the world.
We are doing our share.

But the point though of the thread was global warming is a hoax.
You tell me you can see this thermometer discretely enough to tell 1 degree difference between 76 and 77 degrees?
View attachment 55928

With 12.5% of the land mass missing in temperature readings for the last 70 years don't you think that biases the temperature readings?
Finally here is a number for:
Earth's trees number 'three trillion'
Earth's trees number 'three trillion' - BBC News
So average tree absorbs 48 lbs of carbon per year... or 72 billion tons absorbed by trees alone..
Carbon emissions reach 40 billion ton high: World faces 'dangerous climate change' - and China, the US and India are the worst offenders
China, US, India push world carbon emissions up

So let's see... Trees alone 3 trillion absorb 48 lbs or 72 billion tons. hmmmm did I answer your query something you could have done!
Total sequester by trees: 72 billion tons
total carbons emitted: 40 billion tons
Have an excess of 32 billion!

PLUS grasslands/pastures total acres in the world: 8,501,932,660 at .46 tons per acre sequester equals 3.91 billion tons.
So that means there is nearly 36 billion tons of EXTRA carbon that can be sequestered!

What the hell is this concern???

That is amusing. Damn the way you figure it atmospheric CO2 % must be decreasing.......except it's not.

Next quackpot theory.

You provided NOTHING to substantiate your crackpot statement!
Prove to me with research that CO2% is InCREASING because all I'm showing are the facts that:
1) 3 trillion trees absorb 72 billion tons of carbon.
2) Total carbons emitted 40 billion a year.
3) DUH... that leaves 32 billion that can be absorbed!

Prove otherwise...

Trees are a part of the natural carbon cycle, unless the wood is sequestered all the CO2 they absorb during their lifetime will be released back into the air.

Look up carbon cycle.

WOW... that is your proof? You are f...king dumb!
Trees USE CO2 to create what ?? Oxygen!
How hard is it to use the Internet to get the facts you idiot?

"A single mature tree can absorb carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 lbs./year and release enough oxygen back into the atmosphere to support 2 human beings."
- McAliney, Mike. Arguments for Land Conservation: Documentation and Information Sources for Land Resources Protection, Trust for Public Land, Sacramento, CA, December, 1993

"One acre of trees annually consumes the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to that produced by driving an average car for 26,000 miles. That same acre of trees also produces enough oxygen for 18 people to breathe for a year."
- New York Times
How Much Oxygen Does One Tree Produce?

Oxygen was created inside a star, it is not created inside a tree. What do trees emit when there is no sunlight?

MY goodness are you STUPID!

"One acre of trees annually consumes the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to that produced by driving an average car for 26,000 miles.
That same acre of trees also produces enough oxygen for 18 people to breathe for a year."
- New York Times
How Much Oxygen Does One Tree Produce?[/QUOTE]
Averaged over all land and ocean surfaces, temperatures warmed roughly 1.53°F (0.85ºC) from 1880 to 2012, How much has the global temperature risen in the last 100 years? | UCAR - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

If you are using data from 100’s of thermometers scattered over a wide area, with data being recorded by hand, by dozens of different people, the observational resolution should be reduced.
In the oil industry it is common to accept an error margin of 2-4% when using manually acquired data for example.

As far as I am aware, historical raw multiple temperature data from weather stations has never attempted to account for observer error.

We should also consider the accuracy of the typical mercury and alcohol thermometers that have been in use for the last 120 years. Glass thermometers are calibrated by immersing them in ice/water at 0c and a steam bath at 100c.
View attachment 55922
The Metrology of Thermometers

So not only over the past 120 years human observers have been logging their error prone readings manually into logs and then re-copied into another log but the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has closed some 600 out of nearly 9,000 weather stations over the past two years that it has deemed problematic or unnecessary, after a long campaign by one critic highlighting the problem of using unreliable data. Distorted data? Feds close 600 weather stations amid criticism they're situated to report warming | Fox News

Finally just a simple question that in light of that 12.5% of the Earth's land mass was NOT included in the 60 years of temperature readings?

When "The number of [Siberian] stations increased from 8 in 1901 to 23 in 1951 and then decreased to 12 from 1989 to present only four (4) stations, those at Irkutsk, Bratsk, Chita and Kirensk, cover the entire 20th century.
IEA analysts say climatologists use the data of stations located in large populated centers that are influenced by the urban-warming effect more frequently than the correct data of remote stations…
The scale of global warming was exaggerated due to temperature distortions for Russia accounting for 12.5% of the world’s land mass.
The IEA said it was necessary to recalculate all global-temperature data in order to assess the scale of such exaggeration.
Climategatekeeping: Siberia

We see that you work in the oil industry.

That you have such lovely reference material to look at and that Google searches find loads more, tell me that what you think some undiscovered issue is something that's been well known since... well, since the invention of the fucking thermometer. The folks maintaining the GHCN regularly deal with problems a great deal more esoteric than the thermometer reading lessons one would get in grade school.

Averaged over all land and ocean surfaces, temperatures warmed roughly 1.53°F (0.85ºC) from 1880 to 2012, How much has the global temperature risen in the last 100 years? | UCAR - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

If you are using data from 100’s of thermometers scattered over a wide area, with data being recorded by hand, by dozens of different people, the observational resolution should be reduced.
In the oil industry it is common to accept an error margin of 2-4% when using manually acquired data for example.

As far as I am aware, historical raw multiple temperature data from weather stations has never attempted to account for observer error.

We should also consider the accuracy of the typical mercury and alcohol thermometers that have been in use for the last 120 years. Glass thermometers are calibrated by immersing them in ice/water at 0c and a steam bath at 100c.
View attachment 55922
The Metrology of Thermometers

So not only over the past 120 years human observers have been logging their error prone readings manually into logs and then re-copied into another log but the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has closed some 600 out of nearly 9,000 weather stations over the past two years that it has deemed problematic or unnecessary, after a long campaign by one critic highlighting the problem of using unreliable data. Distorted data? Feds close 600 weather stations amid criticism they're situated to report warming | Fox News

Finally just a simple question that in light of that 12.5% of the Earth's land mass was NOT included in the 60 years of temperature readings?

When "The number of [Siberian] stations increased from 8 in 1901 to 23 in 1951 and then decreased to 12 from 1989 to present only four (4) stations, those at Irkutsk, Bratsk, Chita and Kirensk, cover the entire 20th century.
IEA analysts say climatologists use the data of stations located in large populated centers that are influenced by the urban-warming effect more frequently than the correct data of remote stations…
The scale of global warming was exaggerated due to temperature distortions for Russia accounting for 12.5% of the world’s land mass.
The IEA said it was necessary to recalculate all global-temperature data in order to assess the scale of such exaggeration.
Climategatekeeping: Siberia

We see that you work in the oil industry.

That you have such lovely reference material to look at and that Google searches find loads more, tell me that what you think some undiscovered issue is something that's been well known since... well, since the invention of the fucking thermometer. The folks maintaining the GHCN regularly deal with problems a great deal more esoteric than the thermometer reading lessons one would get in grade school.


First of all you jumped like people like you do to conclusions before reading carefully!

I did not say this:
"If you are using data from 100’s of thermometers scattered over a wide area, with data being recorded by hand, by dozens of different people, the observational resolution should be reduced. In the oil industry it is common to accept an error margin of 2-4% when using manually acquired data for example.

As far as I am aware, historical raw multiple temperature data from weather stations has never attempted to account for observer error.

This is the Source: The Metrology of Thermometers

NO where was the quote made by me!

But read this article closely and you tell me the conclusions that temperature readings with the discrimination necessary from the crude thermometers
like these are possible. Tell me the exact temperature in the below thermometer is 43° or 44° celsius?
Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 7.17.08 AM.png
That is amusing. Damn the way you figure it atmospheric CO2 % must be decreasing.......except it's not.

Next quackpot theory.

You provided NOTHING to substantiate your crackpot statement!
Prove to me with research that CO2% is InCREASING because all I'm showing are the facts that:
1) 3 trillion trees absorb 72 billion tons of carbon.
2) Total carbons emitted 40 billion a year.
3) DUH... that leaves 32 billion that can be absorbed!

Prove otherwise...

Trees are a part of the natural carbon cycle, unless the wood is sequestered all the CO2 they absorb during their lifetime will be released back into the air.

Look up carbon cycle.

WOW... that is your proof? You are f...king dumb!
Trees USE CO2 to create what ?? Oxygen!
How hard is it to use the Internet to get the facts you idiot?

"A single mature tree can absorb carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 lbs./year and release enough oxygen back into the atmosphere to support 2 human beings."
- McAliney, Mike. Arguments for Land Conservation: Documentation and Information Sources for Land Resources Protection, Trust for Public Land, Sacramento, CA, December, 1993

"One acre of trees annually consumes the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to that produced by driving an average car for 26,000 miles. That same acre of trees also produces enough oxygen for 18 people to breathe for a year."
- New York Times
How Much Oxygen Does One Tree Produce?

Oxygen was created inside a star, it is not created inside a tree. What do trees emit when there is no sunlight?

MY goodness are you STUPID!

"One acre of trees annually consumes the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to that produced by driving an average car for 26,000 miles.
That same acre of trees also produces enough oxygen for 18 people to breathe for a year."
- New York Times
How Much Oxygen Does One Tree Produce?

During their lifetimes, plants generally give off about half of the carbon dioxide (CO2), that they absorb, although this varies a great deal between different kinds of plants. Once they die, almost all of the carbon that they stored up in their bodies is released again into the atmosphere.
As you may know, plants use the energy in sunlight to convert CO2(from the air) and water (from the soil) into sugars. This is called photosynthesis.Plants use some of these sugars as food to stay alive, and some of them to build new stems and leaves so they can grow. When plants burn their sugars for food, CO2 is produced as a waste product, just like the CO2 that we exhale is a waste product from the food we burn for energy. This happens day and night, but since photosynthesis is powered by sunlight, plants absorb much more CO2 than they give off during the daytime. At night, when photosynthesis is not happening, they give off much more CO2 than they absorb. While they're alive, overall, about half of the CO2 that plants absorb is given off as waste.
When you look at a tree, almost all of the body of the tree is made of sugars, which are made from carbon (from CO2) and hydrogen and oxygen (from water). When the tree dies, it rots as decomposers, like bacteria, fungi,and insects eat away at it. Those decomposers gradually release almost all of the tree's stored carbon back into the atmosphere as CO2. Only a very small portion of the carbon in the tree ends up staying in the soil or washing out to sea without changing back into CO2.

UCSB Science Line
Hey what does the burning of all that stored carbon (oil and coal) DO to the enviroment?

Do you think that carbon smply disappears when it is burnt?

Why did God make it so that all that carbon was stored underground to begin with?

If we cut down all the oxygen generating forests and burn all the carbon we can dig up and drill for, what will happen in the long term?

FACTS not guesses, not hyperbole as you depend on... come on do some research before you comment! That's how you learn!

A) More trees than there were 100 years ago? It's true!
In the United States, which contains 8 percent of the world's forests, there are more trees than there were 100 years ago. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), "Forest growth nationally has exceeded harvest since the 1940s. By 1997, forest growth exceeded harvest by 42 percent and the volume of forest growth was 380 percent greater than it had been in 1920." The greatest gains have been seen on the East Coast (with average volumes of wood per acre almost doubling since the '50s) which was the area most heavily logged by European settlers beginning in the 1600s, soon after their arrival.
More trees than there were 100 years ago? It's true!

So, we have an awful lot of short trees.

B) A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old. [1]

And how many of these trees are 48 years old? And how many of them sequester the maximum amount of carbon?
One large tree can provide a supply of oxygen for two people. [2]

American Forests has estimated that our tree planting projects average 450 trees per acre, which leaves us with one final calculation:
753 million acres of forested and other lands benefit from some kind of protection.
450 trees per acre or 338.9 billion trees . At 48 pounds per tree.. or 8.132 billion tons of Carbon sequestered.

My goodness, maximum assumed for every figure. Mathematical chicanery at it's finest.

C) More lawns..How much carbon is actually stored in lawn?
Sahu’s report combines data from several studies to produce this averaged result (stated on page 12, if you’re looking for it): one acre of managed turfgrass will hold about 1.03 Mg/ha/yr. In regular language, this is 0.46 tons, or 920 lbs. of carbon in a year.
Is Lawn a Carbon Sink?
in 2005, researchers estimated there are 40 million acres of turf grass in the U.S., covering 1.9 percent of the land.
Lawns vs. crops in the continental U.S. » Scienceline
So 40 million acres sequester 20 million tons of carbon.

And how much of this went back to CO2 in the present Western US drought?

So with the United States emitting 5.3 billion tons which are absorbed by the 8.155 billion tons sequestered by trees and lawns.

So, in the US we have many people that are capable of playing fast and loose with numbers.
Hey what does the burning of all that stored carbon (oil and coal) DO to the enviroment?

Do you think that carbon smply disappears when it is burnt?

Why did God make it so that all that carbon was stored underground to begin with?

If we cut down all the oxygen generating forests and burn all the carbon we can dig up and drill for, what will happen in the long term?

FACTS not guesses, not hyperbole as you depend on... come on do some research before you comment! That's how you learn!

A) More trees than there were 100 years ago? It's true!
In the United States, which contains 8 percent of the world's forests, there are more trees than there were 100 years ago. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), "Forest growth nationally has exceeded harvest since the 1940s. By 1997, forest growth exceeded harvest by 42 percent and the volume of forest growth was 380 percent greater than it had been in 1920." The greatest gains have been seen on the East Coast (with average volumes of wood per acre almost doubling since the '50s) which was the area most heavily logged by European settlers beginning in the 1600s, soon after their arrival.
More trees than there were 100 years ago? It's true!

So, we have an awful lot of short trees.

B) A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old. [1]

And how many of these trees are 48 years old? And how many of them sequester the maximum amount of carbon?
One large tree can provide a supply of oxygen for two people. [2]

American Forests has estimated that our tree planting projects average 450 trees per acre, which leaves us with one final calculation:
753 million acres of forested and other lands benefit from some kind of protection.
450 trees per acre or 338.9 billion trees . At 48 pounds per tree.. or 8.132 billion tons of Carbon sequestered.

My goodness, maximum assumed for every figure. Mathematical chicanery at it's finest.

C) More lawns..How much carbon is actually stored in lawn?
Sahu’s report combines data from several studies to produce this averaged result (stated on page 12, if you’re looking for it): one acre of managed turfgrass will hold about 1.03 Mg/ha/yr. In regular language, this is 0.46 tons, or 920 lbs. of carbon in a year.
Is Lawn a Carbon Sink?
in 2005, researchers estimated there are 40 million acres of turf grass in the U.S., covering 1.9 percent of the land.
Lawns vs. crops in the continental U.S. » Scienceline
So 40 million acres sequester 20 million tons of carbon.

And how much of this went back to CO2 in the present Western US drought?

So with the United States emitting 5.3 billion tons which are absorbed by the 8.155 billion tons sequestered by trees and lawns.

So, in the US we have many people that are capable of playing fast and loose with numbers.
Hey healthmyths, Is it a hoax of not? By your own numbers there is 36 billion more available tons of CO2 that we can look forward to adding to the atmosphere. Per year, forever I take it?

Is that a hoax or not?

These aren't my numbers...
1) Carbon emissions reach 40 billion ton high: World faces 'dangerous climate change' - and China, the US and India are the worst offenders
China, US, India push world carbon emissions up
2) Earth's trees number 'three trillion'
Earth's trees number 'three trillion' - BBC News
3) A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old. [1]
Tree Facts - American Forests

So multiply 3 trillion trees time 48 lbs divide by 2,000 lbs per ton equals 72 billion tons...

PLUS in addition to the above absorption of Carbon... total forgot this absorption:
Recent estimates have calculated that 26 percent of all the carbon released as CO2 from fossil fuel burning, cement manufacture, and land-use changes over the decade 2002–2011 was absorbed by the oceans. (About 28 percent went to plants and roughly 46 percent to the atmosphere.) During this time, the average annual total release of was 9.3 billion tons of carbon per year, thus on average 2.5 billion tons went into the ocean annually.
How Much CO2 Can The Oceans Take Up? | The Keeling Curve

So NOT only do trees and grassland have the capacity of 72 billion tons but the oceans absorb another 2.5 billion or a total of 74 billion to cover 40 billion emitted!
Facts sorry...
My goodness, all them thar 'facts', yet we have a 43% increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, and one of 250% of CH4. Now with all them thar absorbers, how did that get there? Or maybe your facts have been considerably 'massaged'.
All I know is the past two summers have been hotter then hell. Quite frankly this works out well with the "red" the noaa, giss(2-4c above normal) and others have placed over my area.
"Science" has stated:
The world's most current data for atmospheric CO2 is measured at the Mauna Loa Observatoy in Hawaii.
CO2 is well mixed in the atmosphere, so observations of concentrations from a single site like the Mauna Loa Observatory are an adequate indicator of world trends for atmospheric CO2.
Current Data for Atmospheric CO2 | CO2 Now | Current CO2

This place is the ONLY place in the world where the entire basis that CO2 emissions have increased.

View attachment 55946

So we are to believe that ONE site in the entire world is sufficient to indicate CO2 increasing.

At Mauna Loa, the remote location, undisturbed air, and minimal influences of human activity and vegetation are ideal for monitoring consituents in the atmosphere that can cause climate change.

"minimal influences of human activity..(no utilities in other words...) and "vegetation" (low amount of plant life to absorb CO2)
so based on this ONE and only site in the entire world WE have "scientific consensus" that CO2 is increasing over the ENTIRE
Yea Gods and Little Fishes, what a liar you are. Or terminally stupid. There are many measuring stations for CO2 and other GHGs around the world.

Atmospheric CO2 Research | Scripps CO2 Program

Atmospheric CO2 Research

Measurements of atmospheric CO2 concentration in our program began in 1957 at La Jolla, California and at the South Pole, and in 1958 at Mauna Loa Observatory. These measurements were gradually extended during the 1960's and 1970's to comprise sampling at an array of stations from the Arctic to Antarctica.


Solid circles denote locations of stations for flasks collected for CO2 and CO2 isotope measurements. Open circles denote locations of flasks collected for the parallel program Scripps O2 in atmospheric O2 measurements.

The primary (in situ) record from Mauna Loa is based on measurements made with an analyzer at the site. At all other stations, the records are based on flask samples returned to our La Jolla laboratory for analysis. Flasks have also been redundantly collected at Mauna Loa. Isotopic measurements on flask samples of the 13C/12C and 18O/16O ratios of CO2, which we began in 1978, have gradually been expanded to include all stations where we measure the CO2 concentration.
Hey healthmyths, Is it a hoax of not? By your own numbers there is 36 billion more available tons of CO2 that we can look forward to adding to the atmosphere. Per year, forever I take it?

Is that a hoax or not?

These aren't my numbers...
1) Carbon emissions reach 40 billion ton high: World faces 'dangerous climate change' - and China, the US and India are the worst offenders
China, US, India push world carbon emissions up
2) Earth's trees number 'three trillion'
Earth's trees number 'three trillion' - BBC News
3) A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old. [1]
Tree Facts - American Forests

So multiply 3 trillion trees time 48 lbs divide by 2,000 lbs per ton equals 72 billion tons...

PLUS in addition to the above absorption of Carbon... total forgot this absorption:
Recent estimates have calculated that 26 percent of all the carbon released as CO2 from fossil fuel burning, cement manufacture, and land-use changes over the decade 2002–2011 was absorbed by the oceans. (About 28 percent went to plants and roughly 46 percent to the atmosphere.) During this time, the average annual total release of was 9.3 billion tons of carbon per year, thus on average 2.5 billion tons went into the ocean annually.
How Much CO2 Can The Oceans Take Up? | The Keeling Curve

So NOT only do trees and grassland have the capacity of 72 billion tons but the oceans absorb another 2.5 billion or a total of 74 billion to cover 40 billion emitted!
Facts sorry...
My goodness, all them thar 'facts', yet we have a 43% increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, and one of 250% of CH4. Now with all them thar absorbers, how did that get there? Or maybe your facts have been considerably 'massaged'.

Did you check the links?
NOT MY FACTS! I'm just doing a little more effort then YOU. Prove the FACTS wrong!
If there are 3 trillion trees and known CO2 absorption is 48 lbs that 72 billion tons of CO2 absorbed!
If according this link: China, US, India push world carbon emissions up
There are 40 billion tons of CO2... OK... Subtract 72 billion tons that trees can absorb there what is the problem with the math??
Please correct OK???
"Science" has stated:
The world's most current data for atmospheric CO2 is measured at the Mauna Loa Observatoy in Hawaii.
CO2 is well mixed in the atmosphere, so observations of concentrations from a single site like the Mauna Loa Observatory are an adequate indicator of world trends for atmospheric CO2.
Current Data for Atmospheric CO2 | CO2 Now | Current CO2

This place is the ONLY place in the world where the entire basis that CO2 emissions have increased.

View attachment 55946

So we are to believe that ONE site in the entire world is sufficient to indicate CO2 increasing.

At Mauna Loa, the remote location, undisturbed air, and minimal influences of human activity and vegetation are ideal for monitoring consituents in the atmosphere that can cause climate change.

"minimal influences of human activity..(no utilities in other words...) and "vegetation" (low amount of plant life to absorb CO2)
so based on this ONE and only site in the entire world WE have "scientific consensus" that CO2 is increasing over the ENTIRE
Yea Gods and Little Fishes, what a liar you are. Or terminally stupid. There are many measuring stations for CO2 and other GHGs around the world.

Atmospheric CO2 Research | Scripps CO2 Program

Atmospheric CO2 Research

Measurements of atmospheric CO2 concentration in our program began in 1957 at La Jolla, California and at the South Pole, and in 1958 at Mauna Loa Observatory. These measurements were gradually extended during the 1960's and 1970's to comprise sampling at an array of stations from the Arctic to Antarctica.


Solid circles denote locations of stations for flasks collected for CO2 and CO2 isotope measurements. Open circles denote locations of flasks collected for the parallel program Scripps O2 in atmospheric O2 measurements.

The primary (in situ) record from Mauna Loa is based on measurements made with an analyzer at the site. At all other stations, the records are based on flask samples returned to our La Jolla laboratory for analysis. Flasks have also been redundantly collected at Mauna Loa. Isotopic measurements on flask samples of the 13C/12C and 18O/16O ratios of CO2, which we began in 1978, have gradually been expanded to include all stations where we measure the CO2 concentration.

I DIDN"T say that... the link says it:
  • Throughout this website, references to average or mean CO2 levels for any month or year since March 1958 means data collected by continuous atmospheric monitoring at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, USA. At Mauna Loa, the remote location, undisturbed air, and minimal influences of human activity and vegetation are ideal for monitoring consituents in the atmosphere that can cause climate change.
  • The Mauna Loa Observatory is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL), Global Monitoring Division (GMD) in the USA. The continuous, high-precision measurement of changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations was started in March 1958 at the Mauna Loa Observatory by Charles David Keeling.

  • The monthly CO2 reading is the most current and comprehensive indicator of how well we are doing, collectively, to address the root causes of global warming and climate change.
CO2 is well mixed in the atmosphere, so observations of concentrations from a single site like the Mauna Loa Observatory are an adequate indicator of world trends for atmospheric CO2.

Tell me how many trees are in New Zealand, Kermadec Islands, American Samoa, Christmas Island, Cape Kumukahi, La Jolla Pier, Baja Sur,.etc...
Where are the trees and the absorption they offer? Seems rather biased in the CO2 collection sites.
You provided NOTHING to substantiate your crackpot statement!
Prove to me with research that CO2% is InCREASING because all I'm showing are the facts that:
1) 3 trillion trees absorb 72 billion tons of carbon.
2) Total carbons emitted 40 billion a year.
3) DUH... that leaves 32 billion that can be absorbed!

Prove otherwise...

Trees are a part of the natural carbon cycle, unless the wood is sequestered all the CO2 they absorb during their lifetime will be released back into the air.

Look up carbon cycle.

WOW... that is your proof? You are f...king dumb!
Trees USE CO2 to create what ?? Oxygen!
How hard is it to use the Internet to get the facts you idiot?

"A single mature tree can absorb carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 lbs./year and release enough oxygen back into the atmosphere to support 2 human beings."
- McAliney, Mike. Arguments for Land Conservation: Documentation and Information Sources for Land Resources Protection, Trust for Public Land, Sacramento, CA, December, 1993

"One acre of trees annually consumes the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to that produced by driving an average car for 26,000 miles. That same acre of trees also produces enough oxygen for 18 people to breathe for a year."
- New York Times
How Much Oxygen Does One Tree Produce?

Oxygen was created inside a star, it is not created inside a tree. What do trees emit when there is no sunlight?

MY goodness are you STUPID!

"One acre of trees annually consumes the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to that produced by driving an average car for 26,000 miles.
That same acre of trees also produces enough oxygen for 18 people to breathe for a year."
- New York Times
How Much Oxygen Does One Tree Produce?

During their lifetimes, plants generally give off about half of the carbon dioxide (CO2), that they absorb, although this varies a great deal between different kinds of plants. Once they die, almost all of the carbon that they stored up in their bodies is released again into the atmosphere.
As you may know, plants use the energy in sunlight to convert CO2(from the air) and water (from the soil) into sugars. This is called photosynthesis.Plants use some of these sugars as food to stay alive, and some of them to build new stems and leaves so they can grow. When plants burn their sugars for food, CO2 is produced as a waste product, just like the CO2 that we exhale is a waste product from the food we burn for energy. This happens day and night, but since photosynthesis is powered by sunlight, plants absorb much more CO2 than they give off during the daytime. At night, when photosynthesis is not happening, they give off much more CO2 than they absorb. While they're alive, overall, about half of the CO2 that plants absorb is given off as waste.
When you look at a tree, almost all of the body of the tree is made of sugars, which are made from carbon (from CO2) and hydrogen and oxygen (from water). When the tree dies, it rots as decomposers, like bacteria, fungi,and insects eat away at it. Those decomposers gradually release almost all of the tree's stored carbon back into the atmosphere as CO2. Only a very small portion of the carbon in the tree ends up staying in the soil or washing out to sea without changing back into CO2.

UCSB Science Line[/QUOTE]

"One acre of trees annually consumes the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to that produced by driving an average car for 26,000 miles.
That same acre of trees also produces enough oxygen for 18 people to breathe for a year."
- New York Times
How Much Oxygen Does One Tree Produce?[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

"A single mature tree can absorb carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 lbs./year and release enough oxygen back into the atmosphere to support 2 human beings."
- McAliney, Mike. Arguments for Land Conservation: Documentation and Information Sources for Land Resources Protection, Trust for Public Land, Sacramento, CA, December, 1993
Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 11.54.43 AM.png

About AEA

Hey!!! Tell it to the above people not me... I'm just consolidating the facts.
Hey healthmyths, Is it a hoax of not? By your own numbers there is 36 billion more available tons of CO2 that we can look forward to adding to the atmosphere. Per year, forever I take it?

Is that a hoax or not?

These aren't my numbers...
1) Carbon emissions reach 40 billion ton high: World faces 'dangerous climate change' - and China, the US and India are the worst offenders
China, US, India push world carbon emissions up
2) Earth's trees number 'three trillion'
Earth's trees number 'three trillion' - BBC News
3) A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old. [1]
Tree Facts - American Forests

So multiply 3 trillion trees time 48 lbs divide by 2,000 lbs per ton equals 72 billion tons...

PLUS in addition to the above absorption of Carbon... total forgot this absorption:
Recent estimates have calculated that 26 percent of all the carbon released as CO2 from fossil fuel burning, cement manufacture, and land-use changes over the decade 2002–2011 was absorbed by the oceans. (About 28 percent went to plants and roughly 46 percent to the atmosphere.) During this time, the average annual total release of was 9.3 billion tons of carbon per year, thus on average 2.5 billion tons went into the ocean annually.
How Much CO2 Can The Oceans Take Up? | The Keeling Curve

So NOT only do trees and grassland have the capacity of 72 billion tons but the oceans absorb another 2.5 billion or a total of 74 billion to cover 40 billion emitted!
Facts sorry...
My goodness, all them thar 'facts', yet we have a 43% increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, and one of 250% of CH4. Now with all them thar absorbers, how did that get there? Or maybe your facts have been considerably 'massaged'.

Did you check the links?
NOT MY FACTS! I'm just doing a little more effort then YOU. Prove the FACTS wrong!
If there are 3 trillion trees and known CO2 absorption is 48 lbs that 72 billion tons of CO2 absorbed!
If according this link: China, US, India push world carbon emissions up
There are 40 billion tons of CO2... OK... Subtract 72 billion tons that trees can absorb there what is the problem with the math??
Please correct OK???

Nearly all the carbon trees absorb from the air eventually gets released back into the air unless measures are taken to sequester the wood. Furniture, lumbers .......
Hey healthmyths, Is it a hoax of not? By your own numbers there is 36 billion more available tons of CO2 that we can look forward to adding to the atmosphere. Per year, forever I take it?

Is that a hoax or not?

These aren't my numbers...
1) Carbon emissions reach 40 billion ton high: World faces 'dangerous climate change' - and China, the US and India are the worst offenders
China, US, India push world carbon emissions up
2) Earth's trees number 'three trillion'
Earth's trees number 'three trillion' - BBC News
3) A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old. [1]
Tree Facts - American Forests

So multiply 3 trillion trees time 48 lbs divide by 2,000 lbs per ton equals 72 billion tons...

PLUS in addition to the above absorption of Carbon... total forgot this absorption:
Recent estimates have calculated that 26 percent of all the carbon released as CO2 from fossil fuel burning, cement manufacture, and land-use changes over the decade 2002–2011 was absorbed by the oceans. (About 28 percent went to plants and roughly 46 percent to the atmosphere.) During this time, the average annual total release of was 9.3 billion tons of carbon per year, thus on average 2.5 billion tons went into the ocean annually.
How Much CO2 Can The Oceans Take Up? | The Keeling Curve

So NOT only do trees and grassland have the capacity of 72 billion tons but the oceans absorb another 2.5 billion or a total of 74 billion to cover 40 billion emitted!
Facts sorry...
My goodness, all them thar 'facts', yet we have a 43% increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, and one of 250% of CH4. Now with all them thar absorbers, how did that get there? Or maybe your facts have been considerably 'massaged'.

Did you check the links?
NOT MY FACTS! I'm just doing a little more effort then YOU. Prove the FACTS wrong!
If there are 3 trillion trees and known CO2 absorption is 48 lbs that 72 billion tons of CO2 absorbed!
If according this link: China, US, India push world carbon emissions up
There are 40 billion tons of CO2... OK... Subtract 72 billion tons that trees can absorb there what is the problem with the math??
Please correct OK???

Nearly all the carbon trees absorb from the air eventually gets released back into the air unless measures are taken to sequester the wood. Furniture, lumbers .......

PLEASE tell that to these people!!!

About AEA
Hey what does the burning of all that stored carbon (oil and coal) DO to the enviroment?

Do you think that carbon smply disappears when it is burnt?

Why did God make it so that all that carbon was stored underground to begin with?

If we cut down all the oxygen generating forests and burn all the carbon we can dig up and drill for, what will happen in the long term?
Hey what does the burning of all that stored carbon (oil and coal) DO to the enviroment?

Do you think that carbon smply disappears when it is burnt?

Why did God make it so that all that carbon was stored underground to begin with?

If we cut down all the oxygen generating forests and burn all the carbon we can dig up and drill for, what will happen in the long term?

FACTS not guesses, not hyperbole as you depend on... come on do some research before you comment! That's how you learn!

A) More trees than there were 100 years ago? It's true!
In the United States, which contains 8 percent of the world's forests, there are more trees than there were 100 years ago. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), "Forest growth nationally has exceeded harvest since the 1940s. By 1997, forest growth exceeded harvest by 42 percent and the volume of forest growth was 380 percent greater than it had been in 1920." The greatest gains have been seen on the East Coast (with average volumes of wood per acre almost doubling since the '50s) which was the area most heavily logged by European settlers beginning in the 1600s, soon after their arrival.
More trees than there were 100 years ago? It's true!
B) A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old. [1]
One large tree can provide a supply of oxygen for two people. [2]
American Forests has estimated that our tree planting projects average 450 trees per acre, which leaves us with one final calculation:
753 million acres of forested and other lands benefit from some kind of protection.
450 trees per acre or 338.9 billion trees . At 48 pounds per tree.. or 8.132 billion tons of Carbon sequestered.

C) More lawns..How much carbon is actually stored in lawn?
Sahu’s report combines data from several studies to produce this averaged result (stated on page 12, if you’re looking for it): one acre of managed turfgrass will hold about 1.03 Mg/ha/yr. In regular language, this is 0.46 tons, or 920 lbs. of carbon in a year.
Is Lawn a Carbon Sink?
in 2005, researchers estimated there are 40 million acres of turf grass in the U.S., covering 1.9 percent of the land.
Lawns vs. crops in the continental U.S. » Scienceline
So 40 million acres sequester 20 million tons of carbon.

So with the United States emitting 5.3 billion tons which are absorbed by the 8.155 billion tons sequestered by trees and lawns.

In other words, on a global scale, you and your NO buddy have no fucking idea what buring all that carbon and cutting down rain forests will do to the long term climate forecast.

Why didnt you just say so? I know the two of you werent climate scientists but you seem to think you know everything. But not this time eh? Thats ok, no one else knows for sure either.

But it does look like putting all that carbon back into the atmosphere is not doing good things.

You and your buddy are just to fucking stubborn and stupid to admit it.
But it does look like putting all that carbon back into the atmosphere is not doing good things.

What is it that you have that shows it is not doing good things? name something bubba.
Tell me the exact temperature in the below thermometer is 43° or 44° celsius?

Tell us what that weird question has to do with anything. I can guess what bonehead error you're blindly groping towards, but I'd like to hear it directly from you.

Those who know what they're talking about can state a point clearly and succinctly. You can't. One of my points is that you just regurgitate disjointed garbage, demonstrating you don't know what you're talking about. And another point is that you fail at basic statistics, so you shouldn't be bothering the grownups.
Tell me the exact temperature in the below thermometer is 43° or 44° celsius?

Tell us what that weird question has to do with anything. I can guess what bonehead error you're blindly groping towards, but I'd like to hear it directly from you.

Those who know what they're talking about can state a point clearly and succinctly. You can't. One of my points is that you just regurgitate disjointed garbage, demonstrating you don't know what you're talking about. And another point is that you fail at basic statistics, so you shouldn't be bothering the grownups.
Tell me the exact temperature in the below thermometer is 43° or 44° celsius?
I believe the question was a challenge question which you lost.

I just laugh. You are clearly unable to participate in any type of discussion. You are just a person on a message board looking for a place to unload your stupid.

It is what the thread is about. hmmm imagine that you dis-railing a thread. how typical of you.
Hey healthmyths, Is it a hoax of not? By your own numbers there is 36 billion more available tons of CO2 that we can look forward to adding to the atmosphere. Per year, forever I take it?

Is that a hoax or not?

These aren't my numbers...
1) Carbon emissions reach 40 billion ton high: World faces 'dangerous climate change' - and China, the US and India are the worst offenders
China, US, India push world carbon emissions up
2) Earth's trees number 'three trillion'
Earth's trees number 'three trillion' - BBC News
3) A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old. [1]
Tree Facts - American Forests

So multiply 3 trillion trees time 48 lbs divide by 2,000 lbs per ton equals 72 billion tons...

PLUS in addition to the above absorption of Carbon... total forgot this absorption:
Recent estimates have calculated that 26 percent of all the carbon released as CO2 from fossil fuel burning, cement manufacture, and land-use changes over the decade 2002–2011 was absorbed by the oceans. (About 28 percent went to plants and roughly 46 percent to the atmosphere.) During this time, the average annual total release of was 9.3 billion tons of carbon per year, thus on average 2.5 billion tons went into the ocean annually.
How Much CO2 Can The Oceans Take Up? | The Keeling Curve

So NOT only do trees and grassland have the capacity of 72 billion tons but the oceans absorb another 2.5 billion or a total of 74 billion to cover 40 billion emitted!
Facts sorry...
My goodness, all them thar 'facts', yet we have a 43% increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, and one of 250% of CH4. Now with all them thar absorbers, how did that get there? Or maybe your facts have been considerably 'massaged'.

Did you check the links?
NOT MY FACTS! I'm just doing a little more effort then YOU. Prove the FACTS wrong!
If there are 3 trillion trees and known CO2 absorption is 48 lbs that 72 billion tons of CO2 absorbed!
If according this link: China, US, India push world carbon emissions up
There are 40 billion tons of CO2... OK... Subtract 72 billion tons that trees can absorb there what is the problem with the math??
Please correct OK???

How do you gibe the conclusions you're drawing with these facts:

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