Proof the cover story for 9/111 began immediately after the attacks

wow your handlers sure sent you back real soon to fart again candyass.they sure are getting desperate.:clap2: tell them for me they are doing me a favor by sending you back to troll by helping me keep this thread alive.:D
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candyass you just had the last fart on that page.congrats.:poop::clap2:
here's your memorial, shit for brains!!!!


whY do you debwunkers keep posting stuff from onion ? It has no relevance it just makes you look even more idiotic,,you paid trolls do a horrible job and should be fired

Hey agent candyass,I see your getting very mad and upset that the word is getting out around the country.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D You sure are funny when you have your meltdowns and blow a gasket that your lies your handlers pay you to post are being seen by so many people.:D keep up the entertainment for us.:D:clap2:

Now I can understand why the other truthers such as eots dont put you on ignore,you guys provide priceless entertainment when you get angry and have your meltdowns and sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:lol::lol::D:clap2::clap2:
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It's not enough that there was a huge conspiracy to perpetrate the 9/11 attacks, apparently there is also a conspiracy to 'infiltrate' all the political websites on the web in order to discredit truthers. Sounds reasonable! :lol:

Let's be clear : no one needs to get paid to come here and reply to your posts in disagreement. There are plenty of people who don't believe 9/11 was an inside job who also like to post on message boards. This insistence that the people arguing against the idea are being paid to do so is either an overdone bad joke, or a clear indication of your need to try and make yourselves seem more important than you are.

Not that I expect to change any minds, but sometimes you just get a really strong urge to respond to crazy. Hell, that's probably how you truthers feel as well, just from the other side. :tongue:
It's not enough that there was a huge conspiracy to perpetrate the 9/11 attacks, apparently there is also a conspiracy to 'infiltrate' all the political websites on the web in order to discredit truthers. Sounds reasonable! :lol:

Let's be clear : no one needs to get paid to come here and reply to your posts in disagreement. There are plenty of people who don't believe 9/11 was an inside job who also like to post on message boards. This insistence that the people arguing against the idea are being paid to do so is either an overdone bad joke, or a clear indication of your need to try and make yourselves seem more important than you are.

Not that I expect to change any minds, but sometimes you just get a really strong urge to respond to crazy. Hell, that's probably how you truthers feel as well, just from the other side. :tongue:
(cue winner intro) " a clear indication of your need to try and make yourselves seem more important than you are."-Montrovant
It's not enough that there was a huge conspiracy to perpetrate the 9/11 attacks, apparently there is also a conspiracy to 'infiltrate' all the political websites on the web in order to discredit truthers. Sounds reasonable! :lol:

Let's be clear : no one needs to get paid to come here and reply to your posts in disagreement. There are plenty of people who don't believe 9/11 was an inside job who also like to post on message boards. This insistence that the people arguing against the idea are being paid to do so is either an overdone bad joke, or a clear indication of your need to try and make yourselves seem more important than you are.

Not that I expect to change any minds, but sometimes you just get a really strong urge to respond to crazy. Hell, that's probably how you truthers feel as well, just from the other side. :tongue:

Man are you ever dense.Thanks for proving like all Bush dupes in denial and afraid of the truth that you only see what you want to see.Because if you had bothered to read throughout this whole thread,you would notice videos Eots had posted of how the goverment in fact has paid shills everywhere on message boards.thanks for showing you ignored that little detail and you only see what you want to see.:clap2:

Its not an overdone bad joke,its just that your ignorant and in denial is all.

You obviously forgot what i said earlier that of course not ALL people that come on here and argue it are paid shills.Many of them are like you,Just brainwashed Bush dupes afraid of the truth and only see what they want to see.

You forgot where I said only posters that come on here and defend the fairy tales of the government night and day constantly everyday like they always do are paid shills.You obviously are not one of them.They are the same cast of characters that come here everyday and post non stop bullshit and lies day after day,week after week,month after month.

That seems to be a common trait that both you Bush dupes and the paid shills have is alzhemiers diseace,you cant never remember anything told to you.:cuckoo:

Dawgshit and Moron In the hat are paid trolls.They are constantly coming back here seeking attention trying to derail these threads EVERYDAY posting lies and propaganda and the most absurd nonsense ignoring credible experts in their fields.Only paid shills have THAT mush time on their hands to devote themselves to come on here and seek attention constantly like they do and troll constantly month after month like they do.they have a common denonimater,gang tackler the messenger,its a typical tactic they use contantly just like they are taught and paid to do.yep no paid trolls here.:cuckoo:
It's not enough that there was a huge conspiracy to perpetrate the 9/11 attacks, apparently there is also a conspiracy to 'infiltrate' all the political websites on the web in order to discredit truthers. Sounds reasonable! :lol:

Let's be clear : no one needs to get paid to come here and reply to your posts in disagreement. There are plenty of people who don't believe 9/11 was an inside job who also like to post on message boards. This insistence that the people arguing against the idea are being paid to do so is either an overdone bad joke, or a clear indication of your need to try and make yourselves seem more important than you are.

Not that I expect to change any minds, but sometimes you just get a really strong urge to respond to crazy. Hell, that's probably how you truthers feel as well, just from the other side. :tongue:

Man are you ever dense.Thanks for proving like all Bush dupes in denial and afraid of the truth that you only see what you want to see.Because if you had bothered to read throughout this whole thread,you would notice videos Eots had posted of how the goverment in fact has paid shills everywhere on message boards.thanks for showing you ignored that little detail and you only see what you want to see.:clap2:

Its not an overdone bad joke,its just that your ignorant and in denial is all.

You obviously forgot what i said earlier that of course not ALL people that come on here and argue it are paid shills.Many of them are like you,Just brainwashed Bush dupes afraid of the truth and only see what they want to see.

You forgot where I said only posters that come on here and defend the fairy tales of the government night and day constantly everyday like they always do are paid shills.You obviously are not one of them.They are the same cast of characters that come here everyday and post non stop bullshit and lies day after day,week after week,month after month.

That seems to be a common trait that both you Bush dupes and the paid shills have is alzhemiers diseace,you cant never remember anything told to you.:cuckoo:

Dawgshit and Moron In the hat are paid trolls.They are constantly coming back here seeking attention trying to derail these threads EVERYDAY posting lies and propaganda and the most absurd nonsense ignoring credible experts in their fields.Only paid shills have THAT mush time on their hands to devote themselves to come on here and seek attention constantly like they do and troll constantly month after month like they do.they have a common denonimater,gang tackler the messenger,its a typical tactic they use contantly just like they are taught and paid to do.

A video posted by id-eots said that the government has paid disinformation agents everywhere -- so that makes it true?



If you ever needed concrete proof that 9/11 Rimjob is too fucking stupid to breathe, there you have it.
Dawgshit and Moron In the hat are paid trolls.They are constantly coming back here seeking attention trying to derail these threads EVERYDAY posting lies and propaganda and the most absurd nonsense ignoring credible experts in their fields.Only paid shills have THAT mush time on their hands to devote themselves to come on here and seek attention constantly like they do and troll constantly month after month like they do.they have a common denonimater,gang tackler the messenger,its a typical tactic they use contantly just like they are taught and paid to do.yep no paid trolls here.:cuckoo:

That reminds me, you accused me of posting lies also. I called you on it and asked you to produce these "lies" that I told. I am still waiting.
Or is that too much to backing up what you claim?
It's not enough that there was a huge conspiracy to perpetrate the 9/11 attacks, apparently there is also a conspiracy to 'infiltrate' all the political websites on the web in order to discredit truthers. Sounds reasonable! :lol:

Let's be clear : no one needs to get paid to come here and reply to your posts in disagreement. There are plenty of people who don't believe 9/11 was an inside job who also like to post on message boards. This insistence that the people arguing against the idea are being paid to do so is either an overdone bad joke, or a clear indication of your need to try and make yourselves seem more important than you are.

Not that I expect to change any minds, but sometimes you just get a really strong urge to respond to crazy. Hell, that's probably how you truthers feel as well, just from the other side. :tongue:

Man are you ever dense.Thanks for proving like all Bush dupes in denial and afraid of the truth that you only see what you want to see.Because if you had bothered to read throughout this whole thread,you would notice videos Eots had posted of how the goverment in fact has paid shills everywhere on message boards.thanks for showing you ignored that little detail and you only see what you want to see.:clap2:

Its not an overdone bad joke,its just that your ignorant and in denial is all.

You obviously forgot what i said earlier that of course not ALL people that come on here and argue it are paid shills.Many of them are like you,Just brainwashed Bush dupes afraid of the truth and only see what they want to see.

You forgot where I said only posters that come on here and defend the fairy tales of the government night and day constantly everyday like they always do are paid shills.You obviously are not one of them.They are the same cast of characters that come here everyday and post non stop bullshit and lies day after day,week after week,month after month.

That seems to be a common trait that both you Bush dupes and the paid shills have is alzhemiers diseace,you cant never remember anything told to you.:cuckoo:

Dawgshit and Moron In the hat are paid trolls.They are constantly coming back here seeking attention trying to derail these threads EVERYDAY posting lies and propaganda and the most absurd nonsense ignoring credible experts in their fields.Only paid shills have THAT mush time on their hands to devote themselves to come on here and seek attention constantly like they do and troll constantly month after month like they do.they have a common denonimater,gang tackler the messenger,its a typical tactic they use contantly just like they are taught and paid to do.yep no paid trolls here.:cuckoo:
It's not enough that there was a huge conspiracy to perpetrate the 9/11 attacks, apparently there is also a conspiracy to 'infiltrate' all the political websites on the web in order to discredit truthers. Sounds reasonable! :lol:

Let's be clear : no one needs to get paid to come here and reply to your posts in disagreement. There are plenty of people who don't believe 9/11 was an inside job who also like to post on message boards. This insistence that the people arguing against the idea are being paid to do so is either an overdone bad joke, or a clear indication of your need to try and make yourselves seem more important than you are.

Not that I expect to change any minds, but sometimes you just get a really strong urge to respond to crazy. Hell, that's probably how you truthers feel as well, just from the other side. :tongue:

Man are you ever dense.Thanks for proving like all Bush dupes in denial and afraid of the truth that you only see what you want to see.Because if you had bothered to read throughout this whole thread,you would notice videos Eots had posted of how the goverment in fact has paid shills everywhere on message boards.thanks for showing you ignored that little detail and you only see what you want to see.:clap2:

Its not an overdone bad joke,its just that your ignorant and in denial is all.

You obviously forgot what i said earlier that of course not ALL people that come on here and argue it are paid shills.Many of them are like you,Just brainwashed Bush dupes afraid of the truth and only see what they want to see.

You forgot where I said only posters that come on here and defend the fairy tales of the government night and day constantly everyday like they always do are paid shills.You obviously are not one of them.They are the same cast of characters that come here everyday and post non stop bullshit and lies day after day,week after week,month after month.

That seems to be a common trait that both you Bush dupes and the paid shills have is alzhemiers diseace,you cant never remember anything told to you.:cuckoo:

Dawgshit and Moron In the hat are paid trolls.They are constantly coming back here seeking attention trying to derail these threads EVERYDAY posting lies and propaganda and the most absurd nonsense ignoring credible experts in their fields.Only paid shills have THAT mush time on their hands to devote themselves to come on here and seek attention constantly like they do and troll constantly month after month like they do.they have a common denonimater,gang tackler the messenger,its a typical tactic they use contantly just like they are taught and paid to do.yep no paid trolls here.:cuckoo:

I guess you forgot me mentioning that the posters you call paid agents also post in other forums on this site. Is this unrelated posting also something they are being paid for? Or is it just possible they have these threads on subscribe, and don't mind spending 5 minutes reading and maybe making a quick reply a few times a day?

I come to USMB multiple times a day. I have a couple of threads in the conspiracy forum on subscribe. The main difference between me and these supposed paid agents is I don't usually post quick little one-liners or short insults. It doesn't mean I believe your ridiculous posts, nor does it mean I don't often think the same things.

I haven't noticed these supposed paid agents posting on these 9/11 threads any more than you do. I have also seen you posting on other threads. So, your hypothesis that "Only paid shills have THAT mush time on their hands to devote themselves to come on here and seek attention constantly like they do and troll constantly month after month like they do.". I guess that makes YOU a paid shill as well, huh? :cuckoo:

Everyone who disagrees with you is not lying. Everyone who disagrees with you regularly is not paid by the government to do so. It is your own issue that you can't believe anyone can honestly disagree with you. It is your own issue that you can't come up with any of the myriad reasons (retired, unemployed, stay-at-home parent, work from home, post from work, etc.) that someone might be on this message board a lot. It is your own issue that you somehow think your constant posting in this thread, very often much longer posts than the people you complain about, does not indicate a lot of time spent here. And it is your own issue that you believe the government is paying multiple people to shadow you around the conspiracy theory section of a message board, presumably so you don't get 'the truth' out to the masses (who, apparently, are likely to accept the ramblings and youtube videos of some anonymous posters with poor writing skills in the conspiracy section of a message board).

And you think I am crazy?
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
It's not enough that there was a huge conspiracy to perpetrate the 9/11 attacks, apparently there is also a conspiracy to 'infiltrate' all the political websites on the web in order to discredit truthers. Sounds reasonable! :lol:

Let's be clear : no one needs to get paid to come here and reply to your posts in disagreement. There are plenty of people who don't believe 9/11 was an inside job who also like to post on message boards. This insistence that the people arguing against the idea are being paid to do so is either an overdone bad joke, or a clear indication of your need to try and make yourselves seem more important than you are.

Not that I expect to change any minds, but sometimes you just get a really strong urge to respond to crazy. Hell, that's probably how you truthers feel as well, just from the other side. :tongue:

Man are you ever dense.Thanks for proving like all Bush dupes in denial and afraid of the truth that you only see what you want to see.Because if you had bothered to read throughout this whole thread,you would notice videos Eots had posted of how the goverment in fact has paid shills everywhere on message boards.thanks for showing you ignored that little detail and you only see what you want to see.:clap2:

Its not an overdone bad joke,its just that your ignorant and in denial is all.

You obviously forgot what i said earlier that of course not ALL people that come on here and argue it are paid shills.Many of them are like you,Just brainwashed Bush dupes afraid of the truth and only see what they want to see.

You forgot where I said only posters that come on here and defend the fairy tales of the government night and day constantly everyday like they always do are paid shills.You obviously are not one of them.They are the same cast of characters that come here everyday and post non stop bullshit and lies day after day,week after week,month after month.

That seems to be a common trait that both you Bush dupes and the paid shills have is alzhemiers diseace,you cant never remember anything told to you.:cuckoo:

Dawgshit and Moron In the hat are paid trolls.They are constantly coming back here seeking attention trying to derail these threads EVERYDAY posting lies and propaganda and the most absurd nonsense ignoring credible experts in their fields.Only paid shills have THAT mush time on their hands to devote themselves to come on here and seek attention constantly like they do and troll constantly month after month like they do.they have a common denonimater,gang tackler the messenger,its a typical tactic they use contantly just like they are taught and paid to do.yep no paid trolls here.:cuckoo:

I guess you forgot me mentioning that the posters you call paid agents also post in other forums on this site. Is this unrelated posting also something they are being paid for? Or is it just possible they have these threads on subscribe, and don't mind spending 5 minutes reading and maybe making a quick reply a few times a day?

I come to USMB multiple times a day. I have a couple of threads in the conspiracy forum on subscribe. The main difference between me and these supposed paid agents is I don't usually post quick little one-liners or short insults. It doesn't mean I believe your ridiculous posts, nor does it mean I don't often think the same things.

I haven't noticed these supposed paid agents posting on these 9/11 threads any more than you do. I have also seen you posting on other threads. So, your hypothesis that "Only paid shills have THAT mush time on their hands to devote themselves to come on here and seek attention constantly like they do and troll constantly month after month like they do.". I guess that makes YOU a paid shill as well, huh? :cuckoo:

Everyone who disagrees with you is not lying. Everyone who disagrees with you regularly is not paid by the government to do so. It is your own issue that you can't believe anyone can honestly disagree with you. It is your own issue that you can't come up with any of the myriad reasons (retired, unemployed, stay-at-home parent, work from home, post from work, etc.) that someone might be on this message board a lot. It is your own issue that you somehow think your constant posting in this thread, very often much longer posts than the people you complain about, does not indicate a lot of time spent here. And it is your own issue that you believe the government is paying multiple people to shadow you around the conspiracy theory section of a message board, presumably so you don't get 'the truth' out to the masses (who, apparently, are likely to accept the ramblings and youtube videos of some anonymous posters with poor writing skills in the conspiracy section of a message board).

And you think I am crazy?
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
mush :lol::lol:
It's not enough that there was a huge conspiracy to perpetrate the 9/11 attacks, apparently there is also a conspiracy to 'infiltrate' all the political websites on the web in order to discredit truthers. Sounds reasonable! :lol:

Let's be clear : no one needs to get paid to come here and reply to your posts in disagreement. There are plenty of people who don't believe 9/11 was an inside job who also like to post on message boards. This insistence that the people arguing against the idea are being paid to do so is either an overdone bad joke, or a clear indication of your need to try and make yourselves seem more important than you are.

Not that I expect to change any minds, but sometimes you just get a really strong urge to respond to crazy. Hell, that's probably how you truthers feel as well, just from the other side. :tongue:

Man are you ever dense.Thanks for proving like all Bush dupes in denial and afraid of the truth that you only see what you want to see.Because if you had bothered to read throughout this whole thread,you would notice videos Eots had posted of how the goverment in fact has paid shills everywhere on message boards.thanks for showing you ignored that little detail and you only see what you want to see.:clap2:

Its not an overdone bad joke,its just that your ignorant and in denial is all.

You obviously forgot what i said earlier that of course not ALL people that come on here and argue it are paid shills.Many of them are like you,Just brainwashed Bush dupes afraid of the truth and only see what they want to see.

You forgot where I said only posters that come on here and defend the fairy tales of the government night and day constantly everyday like they always do are paid shills.You obviously are not one of them.They are the same cast of characters that come here everyday and post non stop bullshit and lies day after day,week after week,month after month.

That seems to be a common trait that both you Bush dupes and the paid shills have is alzhemiers diseace,you cant never remember anything told to you.:cuckoo:

Dawgshit and Moron In the hat are paid trolls.They are constantly coming back here seeking attention trying to derail these threads EVERYDAY posting lies and propaganda and the most absurd nonsense ignoring credible experts in their fields.Only paid shills have THAT mush time on their hands to devote themselves to come on here and seek attention constantly like they do and troll constantly month after month like they do.they have a common denonimater,gang tackler the messenger,its a typical tactic they use contantly just like they are taught and paid to do.yep no paid trolls here.:cuckoo:

I guess you forgot me mentioning that the posters you call paid agents also post in other forums on this site. Is this unrelated posting also something they are being paid for? Or is it just possible they have these threads on subscribe, and don't mind spending 5 minutes reading and maybe making a quick reply a few times a day?

I come to USMB multiple times a day. I have a couple of threads in the conspiracy forum on subscribe. The main difference between me and these supposed paid agents is I don't usually post quick little one-liners or short insults. It doesn't mean I believe your ridiculous posts, nor does it mean I don't often think the same things.

I haven't noticed these supposed paid agents posting on these 9/11 threads any more than you do. I have also seen you posting on other threads. So, your hypothesis that "Only paid shills have THAT mush time on their hands to devote themselves to come on here and seek attention constantly like they do and troll constantly month after month like they do.". I guess that makes YOU a paid shill as well, huh? :cuckoo:

Everyone who disagrees with you is not lying. Everyone who disagrees with you regularly is not paid by the government to do so. It is your own issue that you can't believe anyone can honestly disagree with you. It is your own issue that you can't come up with any of the myriad reasons (retired, unemployed, stay-at-home parent, work from home, post from work, etc.) that someone might be on this message board a lot. It is your own issue that you somehow think your constant posting in this thread, very often much longer posts than the people you complain about, does not indicate a lot of time spent here. And it is your own issue that you believe the government is paying multiple people to shadow you around the conspiracy theory section of a message board, presumably so you don't get 'the truth' out to the masses (who, apparently, are likely to accept the ramblings and youtube videos of some anonymous posters with poor writing skills in the conspiracy section of a message board).

And you think I am crazy?
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I'm glad to see another rational thinking person on here. I have posted similar statements about the whole "paid shill" accusations. I don't understand the mindset that the government, or anybody for that matter, is trolling these forums to prevent somebody from "getting the truth out".
And thank you for pointing out the hypocrisy of someone that is on this board all the time, claiming that other people that are here all time, are being paid, simply because they disagree.
I thought that was the whole point of a message board, to share ideas and opinions. Even when those opinions are opposing others opinions.
There are people on here, that once you disagree with them enough, they put you on their "ignore" list. That action alone, tells you that they have no interest in a discussion that may challenge their stance on an issue. They only want to talk to like-minded people and not have to answer any questions.
Man are you ever dense.Thanks for proving like all Bush dupes in denial and afraid of the truth that you only see what you want to see.Because if you had bothered to read throughout this whole thread,you would notice videos Eots had posted of how the goverment in fact has paid shills everywhere on message boards.thanks for showing you ignored that little detail and you only see what you want to see.:clap2:

Its not an overdone bad joke,its just that your ignorant and in denial is all.

You obviously forgot what i said earlier that of course not ALL people that come on here and argue it are paid shills.Many of them are like you,Just brainwashed Bush dupes afraid of the truth and only see what they want to see.

You forgot where I said only posters that come on here and defend the fairy tales of the government night and day constantly everyday like they always do are paid shills.You obviously are not one of them.They are the same cast of characters that come here everyday and post non stop bullshit and lies day after day,week after week,month after month.

That seems to be a common trait that both you Bush dupes and the paid shills have is alzhemiers diseace,you cant never remember anything told to you.:cuckoo:

Dawgshit and Moron In the hat are paid trolls.They are constantly coming back here seeking attention trying to derail these threads EVERYDAY posting lies and propaganda and the most absurd nonsense ignoring credible experts in their fields.Only paid shills have THAT mush time on their hands to devote themselves to come on here and seek attention constantly like they do and troll constantly month after month like they do.they have a common denonimater,gang tackler the messenger,its a typical tactic they use contantly just like they are taught and paid to do.yep no paid trolls here.:cuckoo:

I guess you forgot me mentioning that the posters you call paid agents also post in other forums on this site. Is this unrelated posting also something they are being paid for? Or is it just possible they have these threads on subscribe, and don't mind spending 5 minutes reading and maybe making a quick reply a few times a day?

I come to USMB multiple times a day. I have a couple of threads in the conspiracy forum on subscribe. The main difference between me and these supposed paid agents is I don't usually post quick little one-liners or short insults. It doesn't mean I believe your ridiculous posts, nor does it mean I don't often think the same things.

I haven't noticed these supposed paid agents posting on these 9/11 threads any more than you do. I have also seen you posting on other threads. So, your hypothesis that "Only paid shills have THAT mush time on their hands to devote themselves to come on here and seek attention constantly like they do and troll constantly month after month like they do.". I guess that makes YOU a paid shill as well, huh? :cuckoo:

Everyone who disagrees with you is not lying. Everyone who disagrees with you regularly is not paid by the government to do so. It is your own issue that you can't believe anyone can honestly disagree with you. It is your own issue that you can't come up with any of the myriad reasons (retired, unemployed, stay-at-home parent, work from home, post from work, etc.) that someone might be on this message board a lot. It is your own issue that you somehow think your constant posting in this thread, very often much longer posts than the people you complain about, does not indicate a lot of time spent here. And it is your own issue that you believe the government is paying multiple people to shadow you around the conspiracy theory section of a message board, presumably so you don't get 'the truth' out to the masses (who, apparently, are likely to accept the ramblings and youtube videos of some anonymous posters with poor writing skills in the conspiracy section of a message board).

And you think I am crazy?
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I'm glad to see another rational thinking person on here. I have posted similar statements about the whole "paid shill" accusations. I don't understand the mindset that the government, or anybody for that matter, is trolling these forums to prevent somebody from "getting the truth out".
And thank you for pointing out the hypocrisy of someone that is on this board all the time, claiming that other people that are here all time, are being paid, simply because they disagree.
I thought that was the whole point of a message board, to share ideas and opinions. Even when those opinions are opposing others opinions.
There are people on here, that once you disagree with them enough, they put you on their "ignore" list. That action alone, tells you that they have no interest in a discussion that may challenge their stance on an issue. They only want to talk to like-minded people and not have to answer any questions.
spot on .
the twoofers are like a club...strike that....a pity party!

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