Proof There Is A God!


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Oct 6, 2008
Ain't it great when folks get what they deserve???

1. "Here’s how Obamacare makes life hell for college profs

2. Universities are cutting back on adjunct professors’ work hours to comply with Obamacare–an unfortunate wake up call for some liberal academics who supported the law.

3. is frustrating to feel like, that in the face of this legislation designed to help people, that instead it’s hurting people,” said Amy Poff, an adjunct professor who teaches art classes at various Maryland colleges, in a statement to The Baltimore Sun.

4. ....employees who work 30 hours each week are eligible for health benefits. Since many adjunct professors teach enough classes to meet that bar, college administrators must choose between paying extra healthcare costs or cutting back adjunct work hours.

[Who knew those folks were capitalists???]

5. ....employees who work 30 hours each week are eligible for health benefits. Since many adjunct professors teach enough classes to meet that bar, college administrators must choose between paying extra healthcare costs or cutting back adjunct work hours.

6. ....the decision is an easy one: punish the adjuncts.

7. Some 48 percent of universities–including 49 percent of public universities–have decided to place limitations on the number of hours adjunct professors can work,...

8. Adjuncts are not the only academics facing new burdens under Obamacare. Some universities are considering imposing fines on employees who smoke, or fail to get regular checkups.

[Under regulations of the government....hmmmm.....fascism?]

9. Pennsylvania State University originally proposed a fine of $100 on employees who refused to submit to a battery of invasive, physical tests or answer questionnaires about their lifestyles and health habits.

10 .The College and University Professional Association for Human Resources,...recently announced that about 60 percent of its members believed health costs would increase under Obamacare. Some 40 percent expected costs to stay the same, and none thought they would decrease."
Here's how Obamacare makes life hell for college profs | The Daily Caller

Brothers and sisters......

.....can I get an "amen"!!!
(Natural News) – Finally, though too late, the chickens have come home to roost for many Obama supporters and apologists.

It isn’t from the endless invasions and occupations, Wall Street bailouts, drones, increased gestapo security measures, NSA or several other corrupt episodes swept into the memory holes of mainstream media.

Nope. The wake-up call that has many on the other side of the aisle saying “I told you so” is Obama’s “Affordable Care Act” insurance premium price hikes for those whose private plans are now more expensive than before.

Already, there have been several reports of tremendous premium hikes from Obama supporters upon enrolling for Obamacare, even though they haven’t had major health issues or medical care. They are truly shocked.
Sticker shock! Obamacare supporters floored by cost - Tea Party
Ain't it great when folks get what they deserve???

1. "Here’s how Obamacare makes life hell for college profs

2. Universities are cutting back on adjunct professors’ work hours to comply with Obamacare–an unfortunate wake up call for some liberal academics who supported the law.

3. is frustrating to feel like, that in the face of this legislation designed to help people, that instead it’s hurting people,” said Amy Poff, an adjunct professor who teaches art classes at various Maryland colleges, in a statement to The Baltimore Sun.

4. ....employees who work 30 hours each week are eligible for health benefits. Since many adjunct professors teach enough classes to meet that bar, college administrators must choose between paying extra healthcare costs or cutting back adjunct work hours.

[Who knew those folks were capitalists???]

5. ....employees who work 30 hours each week are eligible for health benefits. Since many adjunct professors teach enough classes to meet that bar, college administrators must choose between paying extra healthcare costs or cutting back adjunct work hours.

6. ....the decision is an easy one: punish the adjuncts.

7. Some 48 percent of universities–including 49 percent of public universities–have decided to place limitations on the number of hours adjunct professors can work,...

8. Adjuncts are not the only academics facing new burdens under Obamacare. Some universities are considering imposing fines on employees who smoke, or fail to get regular checkups.

[Under regulations of the government....hmmmm.....fascism?]

9. Pennsylvania State University originally proposed a fine of $100 on employees who refused to submit to a battery of invasive, physical tests or answer questionnaires about their lifestyles and health habits.

10 .The College and University Professional Association for Human Resources,...recently announced that about 60 percent of its members believed health costs would increase under Obamacare. Some 40 percent expected costs to stay the same, and none thought they would decrease."
Here's how Obamacare makes life hell for college profs | The Daily Caller

Brothers and sisters......

.....can I get an "amen"!!!
That's some of that "shared sacrifice" that only other people are required to share.
Ain't it great when folks get what they deserve???

1. "Here’s how Obamacare makes life hell for college profs

2. Universities are cutting back on adjunct professors’ work hours to comply with Obamacare–an unfortunate wake up call for some liberal academics who supported the law.

3. is frustrating to feel like, that in the face of this legislation designed to help people, that instead it’s hurting people,” said Amy Poff, an adjunct professor who teaches art classes at various Maryland colleges, in a statement to The Baltimore Sun.

4. ....employees who work 30 hours each week are eligible for health benefits. Since many adjunct professors teach enough classes to meet that bar, college administrators must choose between paying extra healthcare costs or cutting back adjunct work hours.

[Who knew those folks were capitalists???]

5. ....employees who work 30 hours each week are eligible for health benefits. Since many adjunct professors teach enough classes to meet that bar, college administrators must choose between paying extra healthcare costs or cutting back adjunct work hours.

6. ....the decision is an easy one: punish the adjuncts.

7. Some 48 percent of universities–including 49 percent of public universities–have decided to place limitations on the number of hours adjunct professors can work,...

8. Adjuncts are not the only academics facing new burdens under Obamacare. Some universities are considering imposing fines on employees who smoke, or fail to get regular checkups.

[Under regulations of the government....hmmmm.....fascism?]

9. Pennsylvania State University originally proposed a fine of $100 on employees who refused to submit to a battery of invasive, physical tests or answer questionnaires about their lifestyles and health habits.

10 .The College and University Professional Association for Human Resources,...recently announced that about 60 percent of its members believed health costs would increase under Obamacare. Some 40 percent expected costs to stay the same, and none thought they would decrease."
Here's how Obamacare makes life hell for college profs | The Daily Caller

Brothers and sisters......

.....can I get an "amen"!!!
That's some of that "shared sacrifice" that only other people are required to share.

So, lots of these Obama supporters are about to 'pay their fair share.'
So, lots of these Obama supporters are about to 'pay their fair share.'

?I Was All for Obamacare Until I Found Out I Was Paying for It? | FrontPage Magazine
It’s an old familiar story. You think that you’re getting a free lunch. Only to find out that you’re paying double. Because free is expensive as hell.

Middle-income consumers face an estimated 30% rate increase, on average, in California due to several factors tied to the healthcare law.

Pam Kehaly, president of Anthem Blue Cross in California, said she received a recent letter from a young woman complaining about a 50% rate hike related to the healthcare law.

“She said, ‘I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it,’” Kehaly said.​

But who did the nice young lady think was going to pay for it?​
So are you a regular peruser of David Horowitz's white supremicist rag, or only an occasional browser at FrontPage?
So are you a regular peruser of David Horowitz's white supremicist rag, or only an occasional browser at FrontPage?

Would you provide a sample of Horowitz's white supremacy?

In represent the typical Liberal gutter snipe.

There's a landfill nearby....check it out: you might feel right at home.
So whose white supremacist website do you spend more time at, Davie's or Pam Geller's? That is, which flavor is more to your liking?
So whose white supremacist website do you spend more time at, Davie's or Pam Geller's? That is, which flavor is more to your liking?

I just love it when low intellects like you's just so darn east to show that you are a lying sack of effluvia.

You ran away from your slander about Horowitz being a white supremacist....

....and here you are trying to change the subject.

I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers to let you know how I really feel.
Okay, you can't decide which style of white supremacism you like better. Fair enough.
So whose white supremacist website do you spend more time at, Davie's or Pam Geller's? That is, which flavor is more to your liking?

I just love it when low intellects like you's just so darn east to show that you are a lying sack of effluvia.

Here is a suggestion: When you're criticizing someone's intelligence, don't make stupid mistakes while doing so.
So are you a regular peruser of David Horowitz's white supremicist rag, or only an occasional browser at FrontPage?

Look, I know it's hard for you, being confronted with the utter failure that is Obamacare. You're so heavily emotionally invested it in.

What's EASY for you is lying. That's why you never stop.
Okay, you can't decide which style of white supremacism you like better. Fair enough.

The supreme insult, smear, slander is 'white supremacist'?

On a scale of one to ten.....which is worse, being someone with the attitude of a white supremacist.....

......or being a President who is responsible for 10.5 million Americans losing their healthcare insurance?

"Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance"
Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance - Investigations

Really....who is the real snake.....not including you, for the moment.
So whose white supremacist website do you spend more time at, Davie's or Pam Geller's? That is, which flavor is more to your liking?

DEFLECT... DEFLECT... DEFLECT... right out of sal alinsky's rules for radicals.
this article is perfect to post to another board where i know a very liberal adjunct professor who loves obama and obamacare

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