"protecting" And "serving"

So in your retarded mind the producers of 'COPS' are going to 'edit' video tapes from the COPS to make the COPs appear to be constantly using "excessive force".
I didn't say the individual sequences are edited. But they are approved or disapproved for release by the command levels of the individual agencies.

And all those cops are going to agree to do a COPs show?
While I don't believe they have a choice if directed it is quite apparent the individual cops have no problem with it. In fact, some of them seem to be quite the ham in their performances.

Odd that there are any LEOs willing to put their careers on the line to do the show.
First, they have about as much choice in the matter as they have in wearing a body camera. They are told there will be a tv crew "riding along" and that's that. And any cop who is either so stupid or so insane, or both, that he needs to carefully measure his behavior deserves what comes of any unwanted revelations.

Not only that but do things on video that they could be later sued for.
Do you mean like the things you were in the habit of doing?

LEO use whatever force is necessary to 'secure the scene'.
Necessary is the operative word in this issue. But if you watch COPS you see quite a bit of unnecessary force being used, specifically in the take-down sequences.

I should mention there are occasional COPS segments in which the individual officers filmed demonstrate exemplary conduct and efficiency. Unfortunately this minority ultimately experiences the consequences of the negative publicity brought about by the actions and behavior of your category.
You stupid fucking idiot!!!!!!!!
NO LEO can be "directed" by ANYONE to be on the COPs show. NO ONE!!
The production company and the LE agency asks for LEO volunteers who are willing to appear on the show. The LEOs do not receive ANY money for appearing.
The LE department has 100% full vetting rights. Which they do. They have the Police Union or an incarnation of the Police Union review all the shows BEFORE they go on TV.
NO LE agency is EVER going to show ANY fucking LEO doing ANYTHING which IN ANY WAY could be used in ANY lawsuit EVER! you asshole! You are a fucking little coward pussy cop hater. That means you have been in serious and or habitual contact with LE. If you'd start acting like a man instead of a little punk you'd be better off.
And yes. Had you and I EVER crossed paths because you were committing a crime you would still remember our encounter vividly to this day.
You're fucking lucky. Maybe the next time you are acting like a fucking asshole punk the LEO won't have his body cam on. We can only hope.

You are exactly right. The department approves it. And each officer must volunteer and consent to be on TV.

And...the departments also must approve of the episode being aired AFTER its filmed due to investigations and crime scenes being recorded. So....if something looks wrong....they won't approve it.

It be surprised if there's more than 5 lawsuits from something regarding force seen on COPS that were successful.
Not even 5 successful lawsuits since 1989.
Our resident little cop hater punk is just another fucking loser.
No one who is innocent ever has anything to fear from LEOs. No one.
So...you are lying, or you stalked another poster. Which is it?

Neither. It was not hard to find out. He hasn't even denied it.
That's interesting.

Would you mind explaining the process you used to determine that? I am curious and would appreciate knowing how you did it.

Wasn't hard. He provided half the info by boasting about his kickboxing record, his home city, and...well...some other stuff. The other part is just basic PD stuff. Knowing a person here and there. Putting it all together.

But anyway. That's it. He got rejected and holds a grudge.
that's some creepy shit right there. Thanks for proving how easily corrupted cops can be.
So...you are lying, or you stalked another poster. Which is it?

Neither. It was not hard to find out. He hasn't even denied it.
That's interesting.

Would you mind explaining the process you used to determine that? I am curious and would appreciate knowing how you did it.

Wasn't hard. He provided half the info by boasting about his kickboxing record, his home city, and...well...some other stuff. The other part is just basic PD stuff. Knowing a person here and there. Putting it all together.

But anyway. That's it. He got rejected and holds a grudge.
that's some creepy shit right there. Thanks for proving how easily corrupted cops can be.

Haha corrupt? He gave half the info away. The rest was a couple computer clicks. Nothing corrupt about it. If he wants to spout identifying shit online that's his fault.
No one who is innocent ever has anything to fear from LEOs. No one.


Wrong-house shooting in DeKalb: ‘Why did they shoot me? My dog?’
So...you are lying, or you stalked another poster. Which is it?

Neither. It was not hard to find out. He hasn't even denied it.
That's interesting.

Would you mind explaining the process you used to determine that? I am curious and would appreciate knowing how you did it.

Wasn't hard. He provided half the info by boasting about his kickboxing record, his home city, and...well...some other stuff. The other part is just basic PD stuff. Knowing a person here and there. Putting it all together.

But anyway. That's it. He got rejected and holds a grudge.
that's some creepy shit right there. Thanks for proving how easily corrupted cops can be.

Haha corrupt? He gave half the info away. The rest was a couple computer clicks. Nothing corrupt about it. If he wants to spout identifying shit online that's his fault.

Except I'm not who you think I am. It's amusing, though, watching you rant.
Neither. It was not hard to find out. He hasn't even denied it.
That's interesting.

Would you mind explaining the process you used to determine that? I am curious and would appreciate knowing how you did it.

Wasn't hard. He provided half the info by boasting about his kickboxing record, his home city, and...well...some other stuff. The other part is just basic PD stuff. Knowing a person here and there. Putting it all together.

But anyway. That's it. He got rejected and holds a grudge.
that's some creepy shit right there. Thanks for proving how easily corrupted cops can be.

Haha corrupt? He gave half the info away. The rest was a couple computer clicks. Nothing corrupt about it. If he wants to spout identifying shit online that's his fault.

Except I'm not who you think I am. It's amusing, though, watching you rant.
You little punk. The hilarious thing YOU don't know who YOU are.
You didn't even make it to the first LEO interview.
Now you're making a fool of yourself on a regular basis here.
Quick! Get your satin glove ON! and the Vaseline ready! COPS is going on!
You little punk. The hilarious thing YOU don't know who YOU are.
You didn't even make it to the first LEO interview.

That's because I never requested one. I'm far too dignified and educated to be a thuggish enforcer for the government.

Now you're making a fool of yourself on a regular basis here.

Not even 5 successful lawsuits since 1989.

Our resident little cop hater punk is just another fucking loser.
No one who is innocent ever has anything to fear from LEOs. No one.
It is critical to the purpose of this discussion to establish what is meant by "innocent." Do you mean innocent in technical accordance with the criminal law, or innocent in the sense of humanistic morality (that is if you are capable of making such a determination)?

As I have previously stated, I don't care how technically justified Patrolman Darren Wilson was in shooting Michael Brown to death. I believe his action was justified because what I had learned about Brown is he was a bullying punk who would have harmed many innocent people had he not been disposed of. So even if Wilson's action had been adjudged unnecessary, even malicious and or racist, I believe he is innocent of any such charge.

But compare him to the reprehensible scumbag cop who participates in a buy/bust operation and arrests people who have done nothing more than purchase some marijuana from an undercover cop. I have no problem with saying cops who do this deserve anything harmful that could ever happen to them. Someone who has done nothing more than commit a drug offense (other than distribution to minors) is, according to my sense of humanistic morality, perfectly innocent! Because they have harmed no one. And if you watch COPS you know the vast majority of police activity involves enforcement of drug laws -- which is wholly counterproductive, seriously wasteful and quite often is extremely cruel and/or sadistic.

I respect cops whose actions affect only those who harm others -- and whose aggression occurs in proportion to the level and nature of the harm done by the offender.
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You little punk. The hilarious thing YOU don't know who YOU are.
You didn't even make it to the first LEO interview.

That's because I never requested one. I'm far too dignified and educated to be a thuggish enforcer for the government.

Now you're making a fool of yourself on a regular basis here.


You don't get to "request" an interview. They pick who gets one after applications and initial testing.

Las Vegas PD AND North Vegas PD turned you down and it's fueled your cop hate forever.

You should try again. Lots of cops have retired. Reno might....MIGHT....allow you to get past the testing phase and actually interview.
Not even 5 successful lawsuits since 1989.

Our resident little cop hater punk is just another fucking loser.
No one who is innocent ever has anything to fear from LEOs. No one.
It is critical to the purpose of this discussion to establish what is meant by "innocent." Do you mean innocent in technical accordance with the criminal law, or innocent in the sense of humanistic morality (that is if you are capable of making such a determination)?

As I have previously stated, I don't care how technically justified Patrolman Darren Wilson was in shooting Michael Brown to death. I believe his action was justified because what I had learned about Brown is he was a bullying punk who would have harmed many innocent people had he not been disposed of. So even if Wilson's action had been adjudged unnecessary, even malicious and or racist, I believe he is innocent of any such charge.

But compare him to the reprehensible scumbag cop who participates in a buy/bust operation and arrests people who have done nothing more than purchase some marijuana from a u/c. I have no problem with saying cops who do this deserve anything harmful that could ever happen to them. Someone who has done nothing more than commit a drug offense (other than distribution to minors) is, according to my sense of humanistic morality, perfectly innocent! Because they have harmed no one. And if you watch COPS you know that the vast majority of police activity involves enforcement of drug laws -- which is wholly counterproductive, seriously wasteful and quite often is extremely cruel and/or sadistic.

I respect cops whose actions affect only those who harm others -- and whose aggression occurs in proportion to the level and nature of the harm done by the offender.

1. Drug deals are notorious for involving GUNS. Which is why on a buy/bust....they aggressively take them down. So they can't access any weapon. Hint: Drug dealers and buyers are often armed.

2. You just said a cop who gets killed doing this would've deserved it? Wow. You just got put on my permanent shit list. I used to like debating you. You were reasonable. Not anymore.
You little punk. The hilarious thing YOU don't know who YOU are.
You didn't even make it to the first LEO interview.

That's because I never requested one. I'm far too dignified and educated to be a thuggish enforcer for the government.

Now you're making a fool of yourself on a regular basis here.


You don't get to "request" an interview. They pick who gets one after applications and initial testing.

Las Vegas PD AND North Vegas PD turned you down and it's fueled your cop hate forever.

You should try again. Lots of cops have retired. Reno might....MIGHT....allow you to get past the testing phase and actually interview.

You can' t turn someone down who never applies. :p
You little punk. The hilarious thing YOU don't know who YOU are.
You didn't even make it to the first LEO interview.

That's because I never requested one. I'm far too dignified and educated to be a thuggish enforcer for the government.

Now you're making a fool of yourself on a regular basis here.


You don't get to "request" an interview. They pick who gets one after applications and initial testing.

Las Vegas PD AND North Vegas PD turned you down and it's fueled your cop hate forever.

You should try again. Lots of cops have retired. Reno might....MIGHT....allow you to get past the testing phase and actually interview.

You can' t turn someone down who never applies. :p

So you're giving up after 2 attempts huh? No wonder you chose striking over grappling....you give up too easily.
So...you are lying, or you stalked another poster. Which is it?

Neither. It was not hard to find out. He hasn't even denied it.
That's interesting.

Would you mind explaining the process you used to determine that? I am curious and would appreciate knowing how you did it.

Wasn't hard. He provided half the info by boasting about his kickboxing record, his home city, and...well...some other stuff. The other part is just basic PD stuff. Knowing a person here and there. Putting it all together.

But anyway. That's it. He got rejected and holds a grudge.
that's some creepy shit right there. Thanks for proving how easily corrupted cops can be.

Haha corrupt? He gave half the info away. The rest was a couple computer clicks. Nothing corrupt about it. If he wants to spout identifying shit online that's his fault.
Oh, it was you. I thought you got your info from a dirty cop. Did you get booted out of the force for tracking down people you don't like?
1. Drug deals are notorious for involving GUNS. Which is why on a buy/bust....they aggressively take them down. So they can't access any weapon. Hint: Drug dealers and buyers are often armed.
I don't know if you truly believe this or if it's something you pulled out of the bullshit bag most cops carry around to deal with questions and criticisms. But in response to the above I refer you to a recognized and highly qualified expert on the subject, Michael Levine, a former supervisory DEA agent who became disillusioned with his agency and with the drug war in general and wrote two excellent books about it. If you haven't already read either or both I highly recommend them to you. Because your comment clearly suggests you have a few things to learn.

The Big White Lie: The Deep Cover Operation That Exposed the CIA Sabotage of the Drug War: Michael Levine, Laura Kavanau-Levine: 9780985238629: Amazon.com: Books

Deep Cover: The Inside Story of How DEA Infighting, Incompetence and Subterfuge Lost Us the Biggest Battle of the Drug War: Michael Levine: 9780595092642: Amazon.com: Books

One of the things you will learn from The Big White Lie is that drug dealers are rarely armed to defend against police but rather to defend against being ripped off by "bandits." In support of that revelation I will ask you to cite some examples you are aware of in which cops are killed or seriously injured (except by other cops) during drug busts/raids. I know of none. Zero. And they often seize dozens of really badass guns -- which could have been used against the cops if that were the intent. .

2. You just said a cop who gets killed doing this would've deserved it? Wow. You just got put on my permanent shit list. I used to like debating you. You were reasonable. Not anymore.
It's too bad you feel this way because it seems I've given you too much credit.

I will elaborate on my statement by saying I do not regard drug cops as being police officers in the accepted sense of the title. Instead, in the words of a former NYPD detective, "narcs and vice cops are the scumbags of law enforcement and they give the job a bad name." With the single exception of those who distribute drugs to children, there is no good reason to go on enforcing drug laws which have proven to be massively wasteful, useless, and wholly counterproductive. And in the simplest terms, I don't know about you but enforcing drug laws is not what my tax dollars are intended to support.

Cops who enforce drug laws are hurting people who are not harming innocents. These cops are engaging in what is best described as an unjustifiable farce. If they get killed while doing it, serves them right. They put themselves in that position -- and for no good reason. So they get no sympathy from me.

Cops who are killed while legitimately protecting and serving deserve a parade. Cops who are killed while engaging in the drug war deserve my applause. Aside from appealing to the ignorant delusions of the brainwashed authoritarian segment of the American public, there is no way they can justify what they do.
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So in your retarded mind the producers of 'COPS' are going to 'edit' video tapes from the COPS to make the COPs appear to be constantly using "excessive force".
I didn't say the individual sequences are edited. But they are approved or disapproved for release by the command levels of the individual agencies.

And all those cops are going to agree to do a COPs show?
While I don't believe they have a choice if directed it is quite apparent the individual cops have no problem with it. In fact, some of them seem to be quite the ham in their performances.

Odd that there are any LEOs willing to put their careers on the line to do the show.
First, they have about as much choice in the matter as they have in wearing a body camera. They are told there will be a tv crew "riding along" and that's that. And any cop who is either so stupid or so insane, or both, that he needs to carefully measure his behavior deserves what comes of any unwanted revelations.

Not only that but do things on video that they could be later sued for.
Do you mean like the things you were in the habit of doing?

LEO use whatever force is necessary to 'secure the scene'.
Necessary is the operative word in this issue. But if you watch COPS you see quite a bit of unnecessary force being used, specifically in the take-down sequences.

I should mention there are occasional COPS segments in which the individual officers filmed demonstrate exemplary conduct and efficiency. Unfortunately this minority ultimately experiences the consequences of the negative publicity brought about by the actions and behavior of your category.
You stupid fucking idiot!!!!!!!!
NO LEO can be "directed" by ANYONE to be on the COPs show. NO ONE!!
The production company and the LE agency asks for LEO volunteers who are willing to appear on the show. The LEOs do not receive ANY money for appearing.
The LE department has 100% full vetting rights. Which they do. They have the Police Union or an incarnation of the Police Union review all the shows BEFORE they go on TV.
NO LE agency is EVER going to show ANY fucking LEO doing ANYTHING which IN ANY WAY could be used in ANY lawsuit EVER! you asshole! You are a fucking little coward pussy cop hater. That means you have been in serious and or habitual contact with LE. If you'd start acting like a man instead of a little punk you'd be better off.
And yes. Had you and I EVER crossed paths because you were committing a crime you would still remember our encounter vividly to this day.
You're fucking lucky. Maybe the next time you are acting like a fucking asshole punk the LEO won't have his body cam on. We can only hope.

You are exactly right. The department approves it. And each officer must volunteer and consent to be on TV.

And...the departments also must approve of the episode being aired AFTER its filmed due to investigations and crime scenes being recorded. So....if something looks wrong....they won't approve it.

It be surprised if there's more than 5 lawsuits from something regarding force seen on COPS that were successful.
Not even 5 successful lawsuits since 1989.
Our resident little cop hater punk is just another fucking loser.
No one who is innocent ever has anything to fear from LEOs. No one.

How long did it take you to learn to deep-throat that nightstick?
Neither. It was not hard to find out. He hasn't even denied it.
That's interesting.

Would you mind explaining the process you used to determine that? I am curious and would appreciate knowing how you did it.

Wasn't hard. He provided half the info by boasting about his kickboxing record, his home city, and...well...some other stuff. The other part is just basic PD stuff. Knowing a person here and there. Putting it all together.

But anyway. That's it. He got rejected and holds a grudge.
that's some creepy shit right there. Thanks for proving how easily corrupted cops can be.

Haha corrupt? He gave half the info away. The rest was a couple computer clicks. Nothing corrupt about it. If he wants to spout identifying shit online that's his fault.
Oh, it was you. I thought you got your info from a dirty cop. Did you get booted out of the force for tracking down people you don't like?

Well....we hunted criminals. And we didn't like criminals.

Didn't get booted. Medically retired. Got 35%. Not too shabby.

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