Protesters defy police presence in Ottawa after officers warn of crackdown

As I look to our friendly neighbors to the north, I am in amazement of the fascist measures Trudeau is taking when this whole thing could be settled with a meeting with the Truckers...

Trudeau is acting like a fascist dictator....Today they announced that if their truck is impounded any pets in the truck will be taken and the owner may never see it again....What's next from these pigs?
I watched game of throne’s , they were nicer to the peasants in that show, and that was filmed in a point of time thousand years ago. Tru-dick should be proud. Take those peasants out
Thats a very arbritary opinion

Either civil disobedience is a right or it isnt
Is it a right for white people and not a right for black people?

Because you love talking about how black people need to shut up and comply with the government before or else the government will execute them on the spot.
As I look to our friendly neighbors to the north, I am in amazement of the fascist measures Trudeau is taking when this whole thing could be settled with a meeting with the Truckers...

Trudeau is acting like a fascist dictator....Today they announced that if their truck is impounded any pets in the truck will be taken and the owner may never see it again....What's next from these pigs?
Anyone takes my dog away. They will soon meet God or the devil. No questions asked.
Progressive are amazingly ignorant of history. First they ignore it, then they actively prevent it being taught.
Because blockading roads with rigs is so much like boycotting paying to ride a pubic bus system that discriminate and force you to ride in the back as second class citizens. Totally the same.

Thanks for breaking the Irony meter,
It's amazing to me how people just sit back and just watch. I can't understand if they are cowards, or stupid, or a measure of both. Here in Nevada, and where I can carry a gun, that is my first resort. If I am unfortunate to find myself in a State that protects criminals I use whatever tool is available.
It depends on who is there

assume half are women and its likely they would be afraid for themselves and do nothing

but the men should hang their head in shame
Because blockading roads with rigs is so much like boycotting paying to ride a pubic bus system that discriminate and force you to ride in the back as second class citizens. Totally the same.

Thanks for breaking the Irony meter,

:itsok: :itsok: :itsok: I know. It sucks to be you.
Choosing not to ride the bus is not civil disobedience.

It is when done en masse, when blacks were the majority user of the transportation, and their boycott resulted in the service being untenable economically.

The operator was private, but the franchise to run the busses was via government.
Is it a right for white people and not a right for black people?
I could ask you the same question

black people were allowed to go much farther peaceful civil disobedience even looting, burning rape and murder while the canadian truckers have done none of that
They made the bus service uneconomically viable. The government responded by harassing them with trivial law enforcement.

Sound familiar?
By comparing the response to the actions doesn't make the action comparable. Noting illegal in not riding a bus in protest to pool your economic recourses to fight for change. Parking rigs to block all traffic to fight for change is illegal.
Why do blm and antifa shut down Seattle, Minneapolis, Kenosha? You must be ill

None of those places are shut down. There were no convoys of Cadillac's and Low Riders shutting things down in those cities and I guarantee if they did the authorities would have not put up with that shit for long,

Ops, was that inappropriate? Damn me all to hell!
None of those places are shut down. There were no convoys of Cadillac's and Low Riders shutting things down in those cities and I guarantee if they did the authorities would have not put up with that shit for long,

Ops, was that inappropriate? Damn me all to hell!
You need the head lines? Btw, Ottawa isn’t shut down
I could ask you the same question

black people were allowed to go much farther peaceful civil disobedience even looting, burning rape and murder while the canadian truckers have done none of that
Black people are given 10 seconds to comply. The truckers have been given 3 weeks. If black people do not comply, they're beaten or shot. If the truckers do not comply, the police will ask again tomorrow.
Black people are given 10 seconds to comply. The truckers have been given 3 weeks. If black people do not comply, they're beaten or shot. If the truckers do not comply, the police will ask again tomorrow.
Black people took over an entire sectipn of Seattle and kept it for months

thats the US not Canada, bit Trudeau was very friendly with the Black LIES Matter there

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