Protesters in KC push back against Operation Legend

Kiss my butt clown face. Evil Eye is the one that said " Trump is just itching to really screw up...a violent clash with thousands...would be right up his alley! " in the opening of the thread. I am the one that answered pointing out his article was from last week, stating " Well, that was on the 10th or before. Today is the 13th and the weekend is over. He might like one, but he didn't get one this time." in post #8. So, suck my fat one and go bitch at him. And, If you can find some violence tonight or last night in KC, post it. Looks like trump wasted money sending agents for nothing, last week.
Better safe than sorry, commie.
Be glad it's the government and not the people.
When it's the people, the leftists are done. Shoeleather steak done.
You wouldn't know a commie if he helped rig and election, or she infiltrated the NRA to gain political influence in the republican party all the way to the president, and ended being convicted served time and sent back to Russia.
The fuck I wouldn't/don't, bitch. This ain't my 1st rodeo.
So you are saying that Putin and Russian operatives did not try to influence the election in 2016, despite Senate Intelligence committee finding and you do not think Butima should have been convicted, jailed and then deported back to Russia? You sure seem like a tinder foot to me.
Cram whatever BS you're spouting right up your ass, commie. :blahblah:
Eat crap you ignorant Putin puppet. :9:
Russians don't eat greens flavored with Salt Pork and pepper sauce, commie faggot.
Or Swamp Cabbage and Rabbit burgers.
When they say "Cracker"? I am the one they speak of. Any questions?
I can butcher a gator with a 30-year old small Case knife. Do you get it yet?
Well...what's going on in KC?

LOL..these guys are calling 100 agents, an "occupation"? Now..if they unduly fuck with these folks...they might get to see just what one is...Trump is just itching to really screw up...a violent clash with thousands...would be right up his alley!

In an opening act for the operation, a group of more than 100 FBI agents, U.S. Marshals, DEA agents and ATF agents will be dispatched to Kansas City, Missouri, in the coming weeks following a request from Missouri Gov. Mike Parson.

Well, that was on the 10th or before. Today is the 13th and the weekend is over. He might like one, but he didn't get one this time.
Repeating the question of post #2....What's your evidence that Trump wants a violent confrontation?
I said he might, not he did. That was the other guy. I don't think he wants one now. He wanted to be the strong-man, law-and order president, back during the riots. Now, not so much. That "Law and Order" thing went out when he pardon Stone, the guy who lied to congress for him. You can't get it back when you go against a jury of 12 peer unanimous verdict on 7 felony counts, before your personal cover up guy even starts serving his sentence. Law and order is for the little people, in trumps book.
I used to find it amazing that liberals parrot what the talking talking points should be. Yesterday i saw those very same words at least 100 times. Do you ever thing for yourself?
I said he might, not he did. That was the other guy. I don't think he wants one now. He wanted to be the strong-man, law-and order president, back during the riots. Now, not so much. That "Law and Order" thing went out when he pardon Stone, the guy who lied to congress for him. You can't get it back when you go against a jury of 12 peer unanimous verdict on 7 felony counts, before your personal cover up guy even starts serving his sentence. Law and order is for the little people, in trumps book.

Comrade Traitor, how does commuting the sentence of a political prisoner framed by the Khmer Rouge during one of the coup attempts affect Trump opposing democrats raping, looting, and burning across the nation?

The democrat plan for America:
You wouldn't know a commie if he helped rig and election, or she infiltrated the NRA to gain political influence in the republican party all the way to the president, and ended being convicted served time and sent back to Russia.

Rig the election by buying the dirty dossier from the Kremlin?

And it's cute how you lie that Hillary Clinton's agent who was working directly for Glenn Simpson had something to do with the NRA.

{One of the founders of the research firm behind the controversial Russian dossier met with a Kremlin-linked lawyer before and after she sat down with President Trump’s son and other campaign officials at the Trump Tower during the 2016 election, Fox News reported on Tuesday.

Glenn Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter and co-founder of Fusion GPS, was with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at a Manhattan federal courtroom just hours before the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, Fox News reported, citing a source. He met with her again after the meeting, the report said. }

Hey, you're a traitor and fucking liar, but that's just part of being democrat.


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So you are saying that Putin and Russian operatives did not try to influence the election in 2016,

Sure, they sold Obama the dirty dossier that he used to rig the election and then as the foundation of several coup attempts.

No one denies that you traitors were conspiring with Russia and China to defraud our elections and overthrow the government.

You ARE Communists after all.
So you are saying that Putin and Russian operatives did not try to influence the election in 2016, despite Senate Intelligence committee finding and you do not think Butima should have been convicted, jailed and then deported back to Russia? You sure seem like a tinder foot to me.
Putin tried and failed. So what? There is zero evidence Putin had any effect on our elections at all.
So says Robert Mueller. Get new talking points.
Well...what's going on in KC?

LOL..these guys are calling 100 agents, an "occupation"? Now..if they unduly fuck with these folks...they might get to see just what one is...Trump is just itching to really screw up...a violent clash with thousands...would be right up his alley!

In an opening act for the operation, a group of more than 100 FBI agents, U.S. Marshals, DEA agents and ATF agents will be dispatched to Kansas City, Missouri, in the coming weeks following a request from Missouri Gov. Mike Parson.

Wait, the Governor requested them?

So what does this have to do with Trump?
Nothing actually..... But these guys are so distorted in their obsession that they blame Trump every time he belches for the increase of the CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere.
I see a handful of indoctrinated idiot college kids. I guess the rioters have not been bused in yet.
I suggest live ammo and headshots.
They put one down in St. Louis last week.
Stupid undisciplined grown brats need to realize this is serious business.
This is not fun and games or a winnable position they are taking.

Those stupid little fuckers want a war?

I say we give 'em one...
Wonder how many, or few, Girl Scout troops we’ll have to send in to crush these assholes?
Well...what's going on in KC?

LOL..these guys are calling 100 agents, an "occupation"? Now..if they unduly fuck with these folks...they might get to see just what one is...Trump is just itching to really screw up...a violent clash with thousands...would be right up his alley!

In an opening act for the operation, a group of more than 100 FBI agents, U.S. Marshals, DEA agents and ATF agents will be dispatched to Kansas City, Missouri, in the coming weeks following a request from Missouri Gov. Mike Parson.

Well, that was on the 10th or before. Today is the 13th and the weekend is over. He might like one, but he didn't get one this time.
Repeating the question of post #2....What's your evidence that Trump wants a violent confrontation?
I said he might, not he did. That was the other guy. I don't think he wants one now. He wanted to be the strong-man, law-and order president, back during the riots. Now, not so much. That "Law and Order" thing went out when he pardon Stone, the guy who lied to congress for him. You can't get it back when you go against a jury of 12 peer unanimous verdict on 7 felony counts, before your personal cover up guy even starts serving his sentence. Law and order is for the little people, in trumps book.

Lying to Congress put Stone in some very high company. Obama, Biden, Mueller, Strozk..... The list goes on and on. Try getting a standard that's not a double standard.

Wait, the Governor requested them?

So what does this have to do with Trump?
We could use a dozen more of these operations, at least, all over the country. The only problem is getting Communist sympathetic democrat governors out of the way.

Right now all the governors are convinced that the voting numbers rest with the rebels. Once they begin to see the trend toward law and order they will personally pin on a sheriff's badge and join the NRA. Career politicians in nothing but pieces of shit who are the ultimate chameleon creatures in search of the next vote.

Well...what's going on in KC?

LOL..these guys are calling 100 agents, an "occupation"? Now..if they unduly fuck with these folks...they might get to see just what one is...Trump is just itching to really screw up...a violent clash with thousands...would be right up his alley!

In an opening act for the operation, a group of more than 100 FBI agents, U.S. Marshals, DEA agents and ATF agents will be dispatched to Kansas City, Missouri, in the coming weeks following a request from Missouri Gov. Mike Parson.

Well, that was on the 10th or before. Today is the 13th and the weekend is over. He might like one, but he didn't get one this time.
Repeating the question of post #2....What's your evidence that Trump wants a violent confrontation?
I said he might, not he did. That was the other guy. I don't think he wants one now. He wanted to be the strong-man, law-and order president, back during the riots. Now, not so much. That "Law and Order" thing went out when he pardon Stone, the guy who lied to congress for him. You can't get it back when you go against a jury of 12 peer unanimous verdict on 7 felony counts, before your personal cover up guy even starts serving his sentence. Law and order is for the little people, in trumps book.

Lying to Congress put Stone in some very high company. Obama, Biden, Mueller, Strozk..... The list goes on and on. Try getting a standard that's not a double standard.

Clinton..Bush..both of them! be real..more than half the Presidents--Everything from the Tonkin Gulf Incident to Saddam's Yellow Cake fissionables. Ike told them the truth..but they didn't listen.

I don't quite get the outcry over Stone...there is a long history of Presidential political pardons..I admit..usually they wait until they are leaving office. I think Trump is going to discover just why that is so...LOL!
Wait, the Governor requested them?

So what does this have to do with Trump?
We could use a dozen more of these operations, at least, all over the country. The only problem is getting Communist sympathetic democrat governors out of the way.

Right now all the governors are convinced that the voting numbers rest with the rebels. Once they begin to see the trend toward law and order they will personally pin on a sheriff's badge and join the NRA. Career politicians in nothing but pieces of shit who are the ultimate chameleon creatures in search of the next vote.

LOL@trend to law and order! 100 people is a good-sized task force--not an invading army of enforcement, retribution or punishment.. This is nothing but optics..pure and simple. they will find a high-profile case and jump on it--probably the little girl shot..hit some targets of opportunity--and issue frequent press releases!

Also you amuse me greatly with "the rebels"..most people would hang that appellation on the right-wing tin foil hats.
Kiss my butt clown face. Evil Eye is the one that said " Trump is just itching to really screw up...a violent clash with thousands...would be right up his alley! " in the opening of the thread. I am the one that answered pointing out his article was from last week, stating " Well, that was on the 10th or before. Today is the 13th and the weekend is over. He might like one, but he didn't get one this time." in post #8. So, suck my fat one and go bitch at him. And, If you can find some violence tonight or last night in KC, post it. Looks like trump wasted money sending agents for nothing, last week.
Better safe than sorry, commie.
Be glad it's the government and not the people.
When it's the people, the leftists are done. Shoeleather steak done.
You wouldn't know a commie if he helped rig and election, or she infiltrated the NRA to gain political influence in the republican party all the way to the president, and ended being convicted served time and sent back to Russia.
The fuck I wouldn't/don't, bitch. This ain't my 1st rodeo.
So you are saying that Putin and Russian operatives did not try to influence the election in 2016, despite Senate Intelligence committee finding and you do not think Butima should have been convicted, jailed and then deported back to Russia? You sure seem like a tinder foot to me.
Cram whatever BS you're spouting right up your ass, commie. :blahblah:
Eat crap you ignorant Putin puppet. :9:
Russians don't eat greens flavored with Salt Pork and pepper sauce, commie faggot.
Or Swamp Cabbage and Rabbit burgers.
When they say "Cracker"? I am the one they speak of. Any questions?
I can butcher a gator with a 30-year old small Case knife. Do you get it yet?
This is not politically correct but, does this mean your are a good Louisianan aged coonass boy, white supremacist trump supporter? If you get thrown in jail, should be call trudy on the telephone?:auiqs.jpg:
Well...what's going on in KC?

LOL..these guys are calling 100 agents, an "occupation"? Now..if they unduly fuck with these folks...they might get to see just what one is...Trump is just itching to really screw up...a violent clash with thousands...would be right up his alley!

In an opening act for the operation, a group of more than 100 FBI agents, U.S. Marshals, DEA agents and ATF agents will be dispatched to Kansas City, Missouri, in the coming weeks following a request from Missouri Gov. Mike Parson.

Well, that was on the 10th or before. Today is the 13th and the weekend is over. He might like one, but he didn't get one this time.
Repeating the question of post #2....What's your evidence that Trump wants a violent confrontation?
I said he might, not he did. That was the other guy. I don't think he wants one now. He wanted to be the strong-man, law-and order president, back during the riots. Now, not so much. That "Law and Order" thing went out when he pardon Stone, the guy who lied to congress for him. You can't get it back when you go against a jury of 12 peer unanimous verdict on 7 felony counts, before your personal cover up guy even starts serving his sentence. Law and order is for the little people, in trumps book.
I used to find it amazing that liberals parrot what the talking talking points should be. Yesterday i saw those very same words at least 100 times. Do you ever thing for yourself?
You need to take your silly crap up with Evil Eye. I am not sure trump is that far gone, and like I said, that was the 10 and it is not the 14th. I don't think there is a big violent protest in KC. If it is there, they kept it awfully quite, so sending 100 agents was a waste of money, to say the least.
I said he might, not he did. That was the other guy. I don't think he wants one now. He wanted to be the strong-man, law-and order president, back during the riots. Now, not so much. That "Law and Order" thing went out when he pardon Stone, the guy who lied to congress for him. You can't get it back when you go against a jury of 12 peer unanimous verdict on 7 felony counts, before your personal cover up guy even starts serving his sentence. Law and order is for the little people, in trumps book.

Comrade Traitor, how does commuting the sentence of a political prisoner framed by the Khmer Rouge during one of the coup attempts affect Trump opposing democrats raping, looting, and burning across the nation?

The democrat plan for America:
View attachment 363272
go back to minsk you commie russian a-hole.
You wouldn't know a commie if he helped rig and election, or she infiltrated the NRA to gain political influence in the republican party all the way to the president, and ended being convicted served time and sent back to Russia.

Rig the election by buying the dirty dossier from the Kremlin?

And it's cute how you lie that Hillary Clinton's agent who was working directly for Glenn Simpson had something to do with the NRA.

{One of the founders of the research firm behind the controversial Russian dossier met with a Kremlin-linked lawyer before and after she sat down with President Trump’s son and other campaign officials at the Trump Tower during the 2016 election, Fox News reported on Tuesday.

Glenn Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter and co-founder of Fusion GPS, was with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at a Manhattan federal courtroom just hours before the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, Fox News reported, citing a source. He met with her again after the meeting, the report said. }

Hey, you're a traitor and fucking liar, but that's just part of being democrat.
Dumb ass, I never mentioned any of those people, you lying prick. You don't trust the Republican controlled Senate Intelligence committee, controlled by your own party, part of the Senate controlled by your own party and led by Moscow Mitch of your own party. Just how gullible are you anyway? They are right you are wrong, you lousy trump puppet. Get back to the Russian troll farm for retraining by your handler or the political officer.
So you are saying that Putin and Russian operatives did not try to influence the election in 2016, despite Senate Intelligence committee finding and you do not think Butima should have been convicted, jailed and then deported back to Russia? You sure seem like a tinder foot to me.
Putin tried and failed. So what? There is zero evidence Putin had any effect on our elections at all.
So says Robert Mueller. Get new talking points.
Talk to the Senate intelligence committee. I didn't write your party's report. I just read it, you trump/putin puppet.
Talk to the Senate intelligence committee. I didn't write your party's report. I just read it, you trump/putin puppet.
And where was the part about Putin controlling our election? I guess I missed that part and so did Robert
Mueller and everyone else.
Talk to the Senate intelligence committee. I didn't write your party's report. I just read it, you trump/putin puppet.
And where was the part about Putin controlling our election? I guess I missed that part and so did Robert
Mueller and everyone else.
Influencing not controlling, Dufus. Try to keep up. Everybody and his brother, including Mueller reported on it. Everybody knows it is true except for trumpers and Russsians, which may be the same in some cases.

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