Protestors Outside Supreme Court: Gorsuch Nominee


Jan 21, 2017
Yawn! Protestors outside the Supreme Court Tuesday evening 1-31-17, complaining about whoever Trump would select as his nominee, whom we now know is Neil Gorsuch. Please do your due diligence before opposing this man, his upstanding career and his wonderful family.

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When do these people actually work? They run from one protest to another on a moments notice. Where the hell do they come from and who is paying them?
Let them protest. Every interview shows them short of independence and long on repetitive talking points. You only see these kind of people because real Americans are going to work everyday, have done their duty in voting for trump, and do not seek daily tv time to vent against the country. Rush said today that the libs can't keep up this level of hate forever and he is right.

So Americans are tiring of the lefts endless whining and complaining. It's like watching the same episode over and over again. Leftists are becoming a laughing stock, which means their message is shrinking more every day. Keep this up and Dems will make themselves irrelevant sooner rather than later. Let them protest, please, protest more.

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