protestors shut down patrick lyoya meeting

Poster Badbrutha responds apropriately to both the lightning avatar and the prince.
If the cop woulda shot the bloke when they were fighting face to face, or even side to coulda been justified. IMHO
But that's not what happened.

The bloke was on his belly, the cop was on top, and then he reached around and grabbed his Glock and pressed it against the back of the bloke's head.......and let one fly.

The city of Grand Rapids is gonna pay big time for such an egregious violation of police training.

The guy is dead. That is a tragedy to his family. He fought with the cop....and that is seldom a good idea.
However, let us repeat it one more time: He was on his belly. The cop was on top. The cop pressed his Glock against the back of the head......and pulled the trigger.
Grand Rapids is gonna pay.

I scanned through several online Michigan newspapers....Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, Grand Rapids Press......and I personally found not a single mention of any Grand Rapids' neighborhoods burning down since this terrible killing.
If the good poster Mac-7 has different credible reportage....well, now is a good time to sidestep looking like an irresponsible internet ninny.
Batter up, Mac-7.

It bears repeating.

He shot him in the back of the friggin' head....while he was on his belly!
Show me the police training manual, class, seminar, or demonstration.....where that is taught as proper police procedure.

To repeat: The city of Grand Rapids Michigan is gonna pay big-time for these egregious shooting.

they dude was grabbing for his taser. if the cop stopped that black dude could killed him. black dude cause his own death.
" dude cause his own death."

Gee, I gotta admit that I am mildly surprised that it truly does bear repeating.
So here it is again:

"He shot him in the back of the friggin' head....while he was on his belly!
Show me the police training manual, class, seminar, or demonstration.....where that is taught as proper police procedure."

Gee, I gotta admit that I am mildly surprised that it truly does bear repeating.
So here it is again:
i'll repeat it because he was grabbing his tazer. cop had no choice. justified.
"cop had no choice. justified."

Well, clearly two posters have differing opinions.
One thinks it was purely a 'choice-less' act of self-defense to shoot the perp in the back of the head while he was flat on the ground.
The other thinks it was an egregious shooting not condoned by any training, and protocols, or standard police practices....for which the cop will be criminally liable, or the city financially liable.

So, perhaps we can watch the reportage to see if Grand Rapids pays a big award to the family for their liability for either a bad officer or for bad training. Or both.

and I personally found not a single mention of any Grand Rapids' neighborhoods burning down since this terrible killing.
There has been plenty of burning neighborhoods over the past 2 years after black criminals were shot resisting arrest

if you didnt notice any you need to get out more
The difference is that whites concede that stupid people exist and dont go nuts and burn down their neighborhood when a white knuckleheads gets what he deserves from resisting arrest

black people OTOH dont recognize the authority of the police want to blame society when one of their own ends up on a slab
It is scary to believe that folks who think like you do are probably in charge of a police department somewhere. I don't understand how you think it is ok to kill a black man for Jaywalking. Can you show me where an unarmed white man was shot in the back of the head?
I don't understand how you think it is ok to kill a black man for Jaywalking.
No one was shot for jaywalking

blacks are dying when they resist arrest

why disnt this guy go quietly like a normal person would have?
"There has been plenty of burning neighborhoods over the past 2 years after black criminals were shot resisting arrest"
No, poster Mac-7, while you attempt to CYA by generalizing "burning down neighborhoods" and applying it over a period of time and multiple incidents...... that was not the context of the discussion.

The forum was specifically discussing the incident in Grand Rapids, Michigan, when you irresponsibly implied that Grand Rapids was burning.

While you may duck and run over your irresponsible should know better. The forum should expect better.

Hopefully this venue can be more useful than simply be a display-board for irresponsible out-of-context racist comments trotted out as keyboard enemas.

No, poster Mac-7, while you attempt to CYA by generalizing "burning down neighborhoods" and applying it over a period of time and multiple incidents...... that was not the context of the discussion.

The forum was specifically discussing the incident in Grand Rapids, Michigan, when you irresponsibly implied that Grand Rapids was burning.

While you may duck and run over your irresponsible should know better. The forum should expect better.

Hopefully this venue can be more useful than simply be a display-board for irresponsible out-of-context racist comments trotted out as keyboard enemas.

Its impossible to ignore the many examples of black violence and street violence over the past 2 years
Its impossible to ignore the many examples of black violence and street violence over the past 2 years
How is it black violence when there are just as many whites involved? In Portland those are white folks not black, but you want to put a black face to it.
"Its impossible to ignore the many examples of black violence and street violence over the past 2 years...."

In Grand Rapids, Michigan?

ps.....I googled up the Floyd protests in Grand Rapids back in May of 2020 where retail windows were broke, police cars burned, and public buildings spray-painted.
And then I googled who got arrested for it.
It was white folks from the surrounding suburbs and small towns. Hair dressers, mechanics, fast-food workers, gym workers. White ones.
(those darn security cameras and police videographers on the rooftops...were instrumental in nabbing the knuckleheads.)

So, I say again, good poster Mac-7, your attempt to claim that Grand Rapids is burning down over this egregious shooting is irresponsible and smacks of racism, i.e., a black man gets shot in the back of the head by a white cop, his family and neighbors object loudly, but peacefully, and then white racists attempt to claim that grief is urban arson.

It is irresponsible and reckless.

Grand Rapids, Michigan:

"22-year-old Lyons was proudly recording and boasting about it all.
She was seen shattering a glass window by kicking it in. She also was heard encouraging people to throw bricks. And she even egged her fellow vandals on to break into an ATM."

How is it black violence when there are just as many whites involved? In Portland those are white folks not black, but you want to put a black face to it.
When they are burning and looting in the name of george floyd or some other black scumbag, and when 99 out of 100 looters exiting the target store are black, that makes it a black event
In Grand Rapids, Michigan?

ps.....I googled up the Floyd protests in Grand Rapids back in May of 2020 where retail windows were broke, police cars burned, and public buildings spray-painted.
And then I googled who got arrested for it.
It was white folks from the surrounding suburbs and small towns. Hair dressers, mechanics, fast-food workers, gym workers. White ones.
(those darn security cameras and police videographers on the rooftops...were instrumental in nabbing the knuckleheads.)

So, I say again, good poster Mac-7, your attempt to claim that Grand Rapids is burning down over this egregious shooting is irresponsible and smacks of racism, i.e., a black man gets shot in the back of the head by a white cop, his family and neighbors object loudly, but peacefully, and then white racists attempt to claim that grief is urban arson.

It is irresponsible and reckless.

I would be interested in your links to the rioting white hairdressers and other white working stiff you claim to have found

because the white fellow travelers to Black LIES Matter is ANTIFA and most of them do not hold steady jobs

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