Protests have erupted on the streets of Brazil after a black man was killed by two white security guards

it shouldn't happen out there, my friends!

How could they tell he was "black"? Everybody in Brazil looks like some shade of black to me. I have a Taurus C2C pistol that was made in Brazil, and it's even black.
the top 2 soccer stars in Brazil, Neymar and Ganso, Neymar is black, Ganso is white
Brazil being a firm ally is under attack in all ways possible. China is after their beef industry too.

It makes sense that the globalists would turn their attention to Brazil, after mucking up our own election. They consider Bolsonaro to be the "Tropical Hitler."

They're also still miffed over being dropped out of helicopters in Chile, awhile back. Globalists and commies just don't have a sense of humor.
from the Economist:

"⁠In Brazil people of colour can expect to live three years fewer than white people.⁠

In America, where the black-white health gap is at its narrowest ever, black men still live for four-and-a-half fewer years than their white counterparts. ⁠

Covid-19 has magnified such differences.⁠

Few countries collect and publish specific data about health and ethnicity. Of those that do, it is clear that covid-19 has hit ethnic minorities harder than white people.⁠

Doctors have long argued about the extent to which racial disparities in health are the result of broader inequalities compared with other factors, such as racism or biology.⁠

The pandemic has thrown those questions into stark relief. To read why better data is needed to unpick the causes of racial gaps in health outcomes"

it shouldn't happen out there, my friends!

How could they tell he was "black"? Everybody in Brazil looks like some shade of black to me. I have a Taurus C2C pistol that was made in Brazil, and it's even black.
the top 2 soccer stars in Brazil, Neymar and Ganso, Neymar is black, Ganso is white

Is he the token white player?
it shouldn't happen out there, my friends!

How could they tell he was "black"? Everybody in Brazil looks like some shade of black to me. I have a Taurus C2C pistol that was made in Brazil, and it's even black.
the top 2 soccer stars in Brazil, Neymar and Ganso, Neymar is black, Ganso is white

Is he the token white player?
Brazil being a firm ally is under attack in all ways possible. China is after their beef industry too.

It makes sense that the globalists would turn their attention to Brazil, after mucking up our own election. They consider Bolsonaro to be the "Tropical Hitler."

They're also still miffed over being dropped out of helicopters in Chile, awhile back. Globalists and commies just don't have a sense of humor.
Progressive fascist always accuse others of what they are actually guilty of.
it shouldn't happen out there, my friends!

How could they tell he was "black"? Everybody in Brazil looks like some shade of black to me. I have a Taurus C2C pistol that was made in Brazil, and it's even black.
the top 2 soccer stars in Brazil, Neymar and Ganso, Neymar is black, Ganso is white
South America and Central America have an interesting past. With people from Africa, people from Europe and people Native to that area. There has been blending also. This over the last 500 years or so.
it shouldn't happen out there, my friends!

How could they tell he was "black"? Everybody in Brazil looks like some shade of black to me. I have a Taurus C2C pistol that was made in Brazil, and it's even black.
the top 2 soccer stars in Brazil, Neymar and Ganso, Neymar is black, Ganso is white
South America and Central America have an interesting past. With people from Africa, people from Europe and people Native to that area. There has been blending also. This over the last 500 years or so.

They should, since South America got 90% of the black Africans that came over here on the slave ships. We only got a measly 10%.

I feel cheated.
...How could they tell he was "black"? Everybody in Brazil looks like some shade of black to me. ...

Have you met many people from Brazil?

Why would I want to? I heard they're all bank robbers, car jackers, and druggers.

But Brazil does make some fine firearms, and that Bolsonaro guy sounds pretty cool.

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