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Protests in Syria

The latest is that Syria has already started mixing the chemicals.

What's obama gonna DO? Syria obviously doesn't take this blow hard seriously. No one in the world would take this joker seriously. obama has put the nation in the position of yelling then running under a rock to hide, or confronting Russia. He's going to choose hiding under a rock and everyone knows it.

You think Syria will just go ahead with this than?
U.S., Israel worry Syria rebels could get chemical weapons


BEIRUT -- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton indicated Wednesday that Washington is as concerned about Syria’s chemical weapons falling into the hands of Syrian rebels as it is about the possibility that Syrian President Bashar Assad may decide to deploy them.

“Our concerns are that an increasingly desperate Assad regime might turn to chemical weapons, or might lose control of them to one of the many groups that are now operating within Syria,” Clinton told reporters at the end of two days of NATO ministerial meetings in Brussels. “We have sent an unmistakable message that this would cross a red line and those responsible would be held to account.”

Rebels have been making substantial territorial gains in Syria and have overrun a number of Syrian military bases, capturing supplies of conventional weapons. U.S. officials have indicated that Syria’s chemical weapons stocks remain secure, but officials and experts have voiced concern that insurgents could seize facilities where chemical agents are stored.

Western and Israeli officials are believed to be closely monitoring known Syrian chemical weapons depots. An unanswered question is whether signs of a rebel approach on a chemical facility would trigger an international response to prevent toxic weaponry from falling into the hands of insurgent militias.

The fragmented Syrian rebel force includes many Islamist units and several brigades said to be linked to Al Qaeda. The presence of such militants is one reason why the Obama administration has thus far declined to provide weapons to the rebels fighting to oust Assad, whom Obama has called on to step down.

Assad took steps to keep chemical weapons out of the hands of militants, the news agency Reuters reported Wednesday, citing an interview with Israel’s vice prime minister, Moshe Yaalon.

"Clear messages were relayed to Assad on a number of opportunities, and in response Assad in fact gathered up the weaponry and separated the material," Reuters quoted Yaalon as telling the Israeli news website Walla.

The disposition of Syria’s chemical stockpiles is an especially sensitive issue in Israel, with its close proximity to Syria, leaving it potentially vulnerable to Syrian ballistic missiles and warplanes. “There is speculation that the chemical arsenal will fall into the hostile and irresponsible hands of the likes of Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups,” Yaalon said.

In the interview, Yaalon confirmed that Washington had spotted “suspicious activity” at Syria’s chemical stockpiles, prompting President Obama to issue a stern warning to Assad this week that use of chemical weapons would not be tolerated.

U.S., Israel worry Syria rebels could get chemical weapons - latimes.com
Gas Mask: Why Is Chemical Warfare Obama’s ‘Red Line’ in Syria?


Amid disturbing reports that Bashar al-Assad may be preparing to use chemical agents against insurgent opposition, the Obama administration is reiterating its position that such a step constitutes a “red line” the Syrian dictator dares not cross. “Today I want to make it absolutely clear to Assad and those under his command: The world is watching,” President Obama said on Monday. “The use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable. And if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons, there will be consequences and you will be held accountable.” Added Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: “we are certainly planning to take action” in such an event.

That seems like an uncontroversial position. Except when you consider that, in the nineteen months since the Syrian uprising began, Assad’s forces have killed the great majority of the more than 40,000 people to die in the conflict, many thousands of them innocent civilians. His men have indiscriminately shelled residential neighborhoods; tortured prisoners; allegedly burned infants in their beds and even buried men alive. All without crossing a red line.

So why draw a line at chemical weapons? “The international community has spelled out a specific set of rules and norms outlawing the use of chemical or biological weapons,” explains White House spokesman Tommy Vietor. “The death to civilians is indiscriminate and the human suffering they inflict is horrific.”

It certainly is. Assad is thought to have a stockpile of sarin gas, which, for instance, produces drooling, convulsions and vomiting before death. But conventional weapons are horrific, too. Explosives cause dismemberment, severe burns, collapsed lungs. And while the effects of poison gas are often likened to torture, countless Syrians have already endured torture–the kind with cables, whips and electric shocks to the genitals.

As Vietor notes, international law does treat chemical weapons differently. They were banned after World War I by the Geneva Protocol (which Syria signed), and again by the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention. (Syria is among a small and nasty club of states not to join that one). But Assad’s brutality has violated international law many times over; chemicals aren’t a game-changer.

Read more: Gas Mask: Why Is Chemical Warfare Obama’s ‘Red Line’ in Syria? | TIME.com
Syrian rebels gaining ground against Assad's air power


BEIRUT —The rocket man vows that his hometown will never again face aerial bombardment.

"I will not allow any airplane or helicopter to attack Daret Izza anymore," declares Abu Omeir, the Syrian rebel's nom de guerre.

The former schoolteacher, 26, became an insurgent celebrity after being credited with shooting down a pair of government aircraft — a helicopter and MIG fighter — within a 24-hour period in northern Aleppo province in late November.

But the most significant development is his weapon, a shoulder-fired SA-16 antiaircraft surface-to-air missile, a Soviet-designed update of the SA-7.

Rebels say they seized dozens of such shoulder-fired missile systems in late November when fighters overran a sprawling government garrison outside the city of Aleppo known as Base 46, after a two-month siege. Analysts who have seen video evidence say the assertion appears credible.

The takeover of Base 46 yielded "the largest seizure of weapons that we have seen to date," including shoulder-fired missiles and traditional weapons, said Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director for Human Rights Watch, who closely monitors arms proliferation.

"It's definitely a game-changer," he said Monday via telephone from Geneva. "Day by day, the ability of the Assad regime to use air power is diminished."

Syrian government air resources nonetheless remain formidable. Aircraft can fire flares and use other countermeasures to thwart heat-seeking, shoulder-fired missiles. In recent weeks, the air campaign has continued, pounding targets in the Aleppo and Damascus areas and elsewhere.

But the capture of more advanced weaponry suggests that the opposition may be developing a robust response to the Syrian fighter jets and helicopters that have attacked at will. In addition, experts say, the beleaguered government of President Bashar Assad has been losing air bases to rebels and, with spare parts in short supply, has been unable to properly maintain its aging, overworked fleet.

Syrian rebels gaining ground against Assad's air power - latimes.com
Russia says Syrian rebels might win


MOSCOW/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian rebels are gaining ground and might win, Russia's Middle East envoy said on Thursday, in the starkest such admission from a major ally of President Bashar al-Assad in 20 months of conflict.

"One must look the facts in the face," Russia's state-run RIA quoted Mikhail Bogdanov as saying. "Unfortunately, the victory of the Syrian opposition cannot be ruled out."

Bogdanov, a deputy foreign minister and the Kremlin's special envoy for Middle East affairs, said the Syrian government was "losing control of more and more territory" and Moscow was preparing to evacuate Russian citizens if necessary.

Syria has relied on war planes and helicopters to bombard rebel districts but Damascus denied accusations by U.S. and NATO officials that it had fired Scud missiles in recent days.

The foreign ministry said the long-range missiles were not used against "terrorist groups," a term it uses for the rebels, who now hold an almost continuous arc of territory from the east to the southwest of Damascus.

The head of NATO said he thought Assad's government was nearing collapse and the new leader of Syria's opposition told Reuters the people of Syria no longer needed international forces to protect them.

"The horrific conditions which the Syrian people endured prompted them to call on the international community for military intervention at various times," said Mouaz al-Khatib, a preacher who heads Syria's National Coalition.

Russia says Syrian rebels might win - Yahoo! News
Russia says Syrian rebels might win

Says Western media that braught you "WMD in Iraq", "9/11 in Afghanistan", "popular uprising in Libya" and other marvels.

From Marat Musin. Elimination of a group of foreign "freedom fighters" in Syria

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1zADDehDv8M]Уничтожение иностранных наемников - YouTube[/ame]

Mercenaries burn their own dead to avoid identification.
Apparently, many captured mercenaries from Afghanistan are under impression they are fighting in Israel for freedom of Palestinians.
Last edited:
Mercenaries burn their own dead to avoid identification.
Apparently, many captured mercenaries from Afghanistan are under impression they are fighting in Israel for freedom of Palestinians.

^^^ oh gee were that not so MACABRE----it would be funny----in fact
despite the fact that it is MACABRE-----it IS FUNNY
Latest from Syria:

Former Syrian Army General Mustafa ash-Sheik and other members of the so called Opposition High Military Council were arrested in Syria yesterday!

Also, 4 Turkish pilots were captured in Aleppo!

Well done, Syrians!
Some reality from FREED by US, UK, France and Qatar DEMOCRATIC Libya for better understanding why Syrian people don't want to be "liberated" by the West, and why people see US as the most evil nation in the history of humankind:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JLu_N8XpEq8]Реальность разрушенной Западом Ливии.(Eng.sub) - YouTube[/ame]
Latest from Syria:

Former Syrian Army General Mustafa ash-Sheik and other members of the so called Opposition High Military Council were arrested in Syria yesterday!

Also, 4 Turkish pilots were captured in Aleppo!

Well done, Syrians!

Genelkurmay Baskanligi Resmi Kurumsal Internet Sitesidir - Anasayfa - Turkish General Staff Official Web Site - Main Page

Has been denied.
Each time some Syrian general defects into Turkey, there comes some bullshit-stories from the Syrian side.
Latest from Syria:

Former Syrian Army General Mustafa ash-Sheik and other members of the so called Opposition High Military Council were arrested in Syria yesterday!

Also, 4 Turkish pilots were captured in Aleppo!

Well done, Syrians!

Genelkurmay Baskanligi Resmi Kurumsal Internet Sitesidir - Anasayfa - Turkish General Staff Official Web Site - Main Page

Has been denied.
Each time some Syrian general defects into Turkey, there comes some bullshit-stories from the Syrian side.

Turkey can deny whatever it wants.
Watch TV.

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