Protests in Syria

Anyway, I am going to take leave of posting on this thread.

Your exploiting poor souls like the one you pictured is disgusting.

And you are always the one talking about humanity........

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Anyway, I am going to take leave of posting on this thread.

Your exploiting poor souls like the one you pictured is disgusting.

And you are always the one talking about humanity........


You are on my ignore list Ropey

For your making fun of retarded and deformed people on another thread.

A very pathetic display of hatred indeed.


Then stop inbreeding them. :eusa_hand:

And calling for the removal of my people from humanity.


I'll believe that when you don't come back in this thread.

Let's see if you can stand to your own word better than that post where you said you would not be back in and came back in two posts later.

in the mid-50s, 1.4% of ashkenazis were married to either a first-cousin or were part of an uncle-niece marriage. on the other hand, 8.8% of sephardi jews were married to a first-cousin or were in an uncle-niece marriage.

then, in the late-60s, a study done in Petah Tiqwa found that 1.3% of ashkenazis were in a consanguineous marriage, while 14.3% of non-ashkenazi jews were in a consanguineous marriage.

jewish inbreeding « hbd* chick
^^ That is proof that inbreeding is not a good thing to do. The Jews were placed under edicts to not integrate.

With four generations the proof of inbreeding was clear and Jews still carry this coefficient. This was the reason for the mass Jewish movement from that arena in the mid 1800's - 1900's.

This is not the same as the 1,400 years of Arab inbreeding. The Arab governments not only allow this inbreeding, they further it by high support.

You make my point Jos.
You make your own point, I make mine
“Israel, with its many inbred ethnic groups, has proven a rich human laboratory for genetic detectives. It’s far easier to trace genetic anomalies in groups with homogeneous pedigrees.”

Jews are afflicted with their own particular disorders. Ashkenazim, who until some 40 years ago largely married within the group, carry a dozen recessive genetic anomalies in a relatively high frequency. The most widely known is Tay‑Sachs, a fatal neurodegenerative affliction that causes blindness, mental retardation and death, usually around age five.

One in 40 Ashkenazim carries the mutation that causes Canavan’s disease, which ravages its victims with failed mental development, weakened muscles and inability to speak, and victims usually die by age 10. About one in 100 Ashkenazim carry type A or B Niemann‑Pick disease, a crippling neurological disintegration that ends life well before the teens.

Familial dysautonomia, which leaves people unable to control their autonomic (involuntary) and sensory nervous systems, is carried by an estimated one in 30 Ashkenazim. One in 15 carries the mutation for Type 1 Gaucher, which is debilitating but not fatal. Mucolipidosis IV, cystic fibrosis, torsion dystonia, Fanconi anemia, Bloom syndrome and Von Gierke disease, all rare but utterly devastating, also appear more frequently among Ashkenazim than any other ethnic group.
Jewish Genetic Diseases - My Jewish Learning
I think research should continue to develop these disorders

Albert Einstein's second wife was Elsa Einstein, whose mother Fanny Koch was the sister of Albert's mother, and whose father Rudolf Einstein was the son of Raphael Einstein, a brother of Albert's paternal grandfather. Thus Albert and Elsa were first cousins through their mothers and second cousins through their fathers
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Where are the US Cruise missiles and French jets?

They must wait until Al Jazeera says the protesters are calling for the USA to save them.

sadly true. but the question is then: should the US intervene? many would say no we should not get involved especially in the middle east, others would say it is our moral duty to help.

The USA should not intervene in any more muslim conflicts until those we are pledging support to, denounce Sharia law, and PUBLICALLY vow to adopt the Bill of Rights as part of their govenment. How they set up the rest is up to them, but the right of the individual should be our first concern (all that bad stuff happens when people are not treated as individuals). Keep the 'pillars' and the spiritual part of islam if they want, but eliminate the Sharia.
You make your own point, I make mine
“Israel, with its many inbred ethnic groups, has proven a rich human laboratory for genetic detectives. It’s far easier to trace genetic anomalies in groups with homogeneous pedigrees.”

Jews are afflicted with their own particular disorders. Ashkenazim, who until some 40 years ago largely married within the group, carry a dozen recessive genetic anomalies in a relatively high frequency. The most widely known is Tay‑Sachs, a fatal neurodegenerative affliction that causes blindness, mental retardation and death, usually around age five.

One in 40 Ashkenazim carries the mutation that causes Canavan’s disease, which ravages its victims with failed mental development, weakened muscles and inability to speak, and victims usually die by age 10. About one in 100 Ashkenazim carry type A or B Niemann‑Pick disease, a crippling neurological disintegration that ends life well before the teens.

Familial dysautonomia, which leaves people unable to control their autonomic (involuntary) and sensory nervous systems, is carried by an estimated one in 30 Ashkenazim. One in 15 carries the mutation for Type 1 Gaucher, which is debilitating but not fatal. Mucolipidosis IV, cystic fibrosis, torsion dystonia, Fanconi anemia, Bloom syndrome and Von Gierke disease, all rare but utterly devastating, also appear more frequently among Ashkenazim than any other ethnic group.
Jewish Genetic Diseases - My Jewish Learning

Jos said:
I think research should continue to develop these disorders

I think you expressed confusion above as we've more than enough disorders in this world that are developed by man already. Anyway,...

Your point is that Jews have also inbred. My point is that inbreeding is bad so I agree our points are different.

But I don't confuse some generations of European Jews in Russia and Germany who were not allowed to interbreed with non-Jews, with the Muslim allowance, NAY encouragement for the same form of inbreeding for ~1400 years.

Here's my link.

Genetic Diseases in Jews

Albert Einstein's second wife was Elsa Einstein, whose mother Fanny Koch was the sister of Albert's mother, and whose father Rudolf Einstein was the son of Raphael Einstein, a brother of Albert's paternal grandfather. Thus Albert and Elsa were first cousins through their mothers and second cousins through their fathers
Einstein family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From the same link of yours:

There were no children from that marriage. It was a marriage born of youthful love repatriated when all the children and marriages to non relatives were complete.


Excuse my theft of your thread HG.
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, facing over three months of demonstrations against his rule, acknowledged for the first time on Monday the existence of protesters with legitimate demands, but continued to blame recent violence on "saboteurs" and a foreign plot.


"We must repair what has been destroyed and reform the destroyers," Mr. Assad said. He praised Syrians for their awareness of foreign conspiracies and their patriotism, thanking them for defending their towns against attacks on policemen and military members and preventing the situation in Syria from being "much worse than it is now."

Wearing a black suit and dark grey tie, Mr. Assad appeared tense, stumbling on his words several times in the hour-long speech, in contrast to two previous public addresses made since the start of Syria's uprising. He started the speech by dismissing "rumors" related to his absence in public, saying the delay in addressing the public was due to extensive meetings and consultations with local delegations, including the youth.

Assad Addresses Protests, Sticks to Hard Line -


[ame=]YouTube - ‪Syrian army cuts supply lifeline for refugees‬‏[/ame]

Pretty clear.
Stories of Mass Rape: Sifting Through Rumor and Taboo in Syria


Everybody, it seemed, had heard the stories, and could relay the same horrific details about Syrian soldiers allegedly raping women and girls with cruel impunity. There were ugly accounts, told by many refugees from the northern Syrian town of Jisr al-Shughour, some of whom had crossed into nearby Turkey, and by others who remained in a strip of Syrian territory hugging the Turkish border.

Soldiers had abducted several beautiful young women from the town, they said, enslaved them in the sugar refinery, raped them and forced them to remain naked and serve them tea and coffee. There were other, uglier stories of several women reportedly mutilated after being gang-raped by soldiers, their breasts sliced off in a final sadistic act. But few had encountered any of the alleged victims, and fewer still knew their names.

That's hardly surprising. Sexual assault is a difficult subject to raise in any society, but especially so in conservative rural Arab communities — like those of northern Syria — where a family's honor is often tied to the virtue of its women. The mere suggestion of compromised chastity, even if it was stolen, is a shameful stain, one that can make the victim and her entire family outcasts. The refugees on the Syrian side who spoke of these acts said they heard the victims had been taken to a particular Turkish camp. Calls to several camp residents seemed to confirm the claims. They had heard that there were raped women among them.

It's not usually that difficult to get into a refugee camp, but these days, there is nothing about covering the Syria story that is not difficult. Barred from the tightly controlled country, foreign journalists have been forced to rely on telephone calls, tweets, Facebook posts, YouTube videos and stray secondhand testimony in a bid to piece together what has been happening since antigovernment protests first erupted in mid-March.

So when thousands of Syrian refugees started streaming into southern Turkey recently, the opportunity to conduct face-to-face interviews, to hear firsthand testimony and see how it was conveyed was just what we had been waiting for. Turkish authorities, however, have different ideas. They have blocked media from entering the refugee camps in southern Turkey's Hatay province on grounds of protecting the privacy of the more than 9,500 Syrians quartered there.

Read more: Syria: In Search of the Rape Victims Among the Refugees - TIME
this was a shame. i understand he wanted to do it for a "good cause", but there was plenty other TRUE stories out there waiting to be told
There are no homos in Syria.

That's why the guy had to invent one. :cool:

No gays in Syria? if anything the gay people in Syria are scared to come out because they will be jailed or killed.
Bashar Assad Demonstrations End In Deadly Clashes In Syria


BEIRUT — Government supporters and opponents clashed in at least two Syrian cities on Tuesday, leaving three people dead, activists reported, as President Bashar Assad's regime sought to counter a 3-month-old pro-democracy uprising with mass demonstrations.

The Local Coordinating Committees, which tracks the Syrian protest movement, said two people were killed in the central city of Homs and one in the eastern city of Deir el Zour.

Assad's authoritarian regime mobilized tens of thousands of people to wave flags and pictures of Assad in several major cities on Tuesday, a day after he offered a vague plan for political reform in a speech that was rejected by opposition supporters who took to the streets shouting, "Liar!" He had shown no sign of readiness to end his family's long political domination in Syria, a key opposition demand.

An eyewitness in Homs told The Associated Press a pro-Assad protest with some 10,000 participants "descended" on the city on Tuesday. "Nobody knows them, they are strangers to the city, they were asking for directions," he said.

Anti-government demonstrators then emerged in Homs neighborhoods, gunfire broke out, and two people were killed and six wounded, he said.

"The security forces arrested the wounded. They stepped on them on the ground and arrested them," said this informant, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal, and who said gunfire continued.

Tens of thousands of Syrians took part in boisterous pro-regime demonstrations on Tuesday, shouting, "The people want Bashar Assad!" and releasing black, white and red balloons – colors of the Syrian flag.

The largest gathering appeared to be in Damascus, but Syrian state TV showed similar demonstrations in the northern cities of Aleppo and Latakia, Hasaka in the northeast, and the southern city of Daraa.

Assad's speech – and Tuesday's pro-regime display – showed the president clearly intends to try to ride out the wave of pro-democracy protests, showing the steely determination that has kept the Assad family in power for 40 years.

Bashar Assad Demonstrations End In Deadly Clashes In Syria
Syria's leaders have been a family dictatorship for 40 years, and for much of that time these 'leaders' meddled in Lebanese politics through murder, terror, etc. to keep control of their little neighborhood.

I see a Syria that will be run by the Islamists who want both war with Israel (once again and regardless of any peace with some Arabs living in Gaza/West Bank). The Islamists plus wrapping all the women in black and shutting down their schools, no music or displays of affection, etc.

Syria has very little real economy or future in the 21st century, so it would be worth it to hope that the demonstrations result in some improvement for the citizens and their economy. This is a kinship-based governing system, without a rule of law or government accountability; this is the fundamental problem in many Arab countries.

The ruling tribe continues to rule the other tribes and the others get very little. This culture predates Islam just as does their leadership sponsorship of first cousin marriage.
Syria's leaders have been a family dictatorship for 40 years, and for much of that time these 'leaders' meddled in Lebanese politics through murder, terror, etc. to keep control of their little neighborhood.

I see a Syria that will be run by the Islamists who want both war with Israel (once again and regardless of any peace with some Arabs living in Gaza/West Bank). The Islamists plus wrapping all the women in black and shutting down their schools, no music or displays of affection, etc.

Syria has very little real economy or future in the 21st century, so it would be worth it to hope that the demonstrations result in some improvement for the citizens and their economy. This is a kinship-based governing system, without a rule of law or government accountability; this is the fundamental problem in many Arab countries.

The ruling tribe continues to rule the other tribes and the others get very little. This culture predates Islam just as does their leadership sponsorship of first cousin marriage.

I also see the Islamists taking control of Syria, and the minority Alawite sect that Bashar Asad is from will be massacred and chased out of the country. Iran and Hezbollah are backing Asad in this for sure, Syria is the direct line from Beirut to Tehran.
I also see the Islamists taking control of Syria, and the minority Alawite sect that Bashar Asad is from will be massacred and chased out of the country. Iran and Hezbollah are backing Asad in this for sure, Syria is the direct line from Beirut to Tehran.

Ever has been the Muslim way.

One tribe slaughters its way to power and then subjugates all the other tribes. This is why they inbreed. To keep all of the power in the tribes within the tribes.

Regardless if they birth large portions of inbred morons from marrying their first cousins for ~1,400 years. All that is being done is helping them change tribes to begin slaughtering anew.

This inbreeding and tribalism predates Islam by the way. Add that to the mix of Islam though and this is what comes of it.
Syria Foreign Minister Lashes Out


(BEIRUT) — Syria's foreign minister vowed Wednesday to present "an unprecedented example of democracy" in the country within three months, an extraordinary promise in a nation facing an uprising against an authoritarian system in place for decades.

Speaking during a televised news conference, Foreign Minister Walid Moallem's comments were the latest attempt by the regime to blunt three months of widespread street protests against President Bashar Assad's autocratic rule.

"We will offer an example of democracy," Moallem said, when asked about his vision for Syria in three months. "There will be social justice, equality before the law and accountability."

The news conference appeared designed to portray regime confidence and to cast doubt on the opposition at a time when Assad is coming under increased attack at home and abroad.

Moallem lashed out at the government's critics, particularly Europe, which imposed sanctions on Assad and members of the leadership over its deadly crackdown on protesters.

The opposition estimates more than 1,400 Syrians have been killed and 10,000 detained as Damascus unleashed military and other security forces to crush the protest movement, which sprang to life in March inspired by the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt.

The U.S. also has imposed sanctions, but the European move was a personal blow to Assad, who studied in Britain and made a high priority of efforts to bring Syria back into the global mainstream.

"We will forget that Europe is on the map and we will look east, south and towards every hand that is extended to us," Moallem said. "The world is not just made up of Europe."

He also denied that Syrian allies Iran and Hezbollah are helping the regime put down unrest. The U.S. has accused Iran of sending reiforcements and equipment to Syria.

"There is Iranian and Hezbollah political support for Syria to transcend this crisis and support for the reforms announced by President Bashar Assad," he said. "But there is absolutely no military support on the ground."

Read more: Syria Foreign Minister Lashes Out at Critics - TIME
Syria Troops Enter Turkish Border Village: Activists


GUVECCI, Turkey -- Syrian activists said Thursday that troops backed by tanks and snipers have entered a village along the Turkish border as the regime expands its crackdown on a pro-democracy movement that has posed the gravest challenge to President Bashar Assad's rule.

Thousands of Syrian refugees have been flooding into Turkey as the government tries to crush the 3-month-old uprising. The regime blames foreign conspirators and thugs for the unrest, but the protesters deny any foreign influence in their pro-democracy movement.

The Local Coordinating Committees, which track the Syrian protest movement, said Thursday that tanks had entered Khirbet al-Jouz and snipers were spotted on rooftops. The group cited residents on the ground in the village.

Syria has banned foreign journalists and restricted local media, making it nearly impossible to independently confirm the accounts.

On Thursday, AP Television News journalists on the Turkish side of the border saw armed men near the village and an armored personnel carrier on its outskirts. It was not possible to see inside the village to confirm the activists' reports.

Nearly 100 Syrians who were living in makeshift tents on the Syrian side of the border fled into Turkey as the village was surrounded and Turkey deployed guards along the frontier.

The opposition estimates 1,400 people have been killed and 10,000 detained in the Syrian crackdown, drawing international condemnation and sanctions.

On Wednesday, the Syrian regime lashed out at European governments for threatening a new round of sanctions and accused the West of trying to sow chaos and conflict in the Arab nation.

But Foreign Minister Walid Moallem also reiterated the president's call for national dialogue and spoke of democracy over the horizon – a bold assertion after more than four decades of iron-fisted rule by the Assad family and months of bloody reprisals.

Syria Troops Enter Turkish Border Village: Activists
Syria Troops Enter Turkish Border Village: Activists


GUVECCI, Turkey -- Syrian activists said Thursday that troops backed by tanks and snipers have entered a village along the Turkish border as the regime expands its crackdown on a pro-democracy movement that has posed the gravest challenge to President Bashar Assad's rule.

Thousands of Syrian refugees have been flooding into Turkey as the government tries to crush the 3-month-old uprising. The regime blames foreign conspirators and thugs for the unrest, but the protesters deny any foreign influence in their pro-democracy movement.

The Local Coordinating Committees, which track the Syrian protest movement, said Thursday that tanks had entered Khirbet al-Jouz and snipers were spotted on rooftops. The group cited residents on the ground in the village.

Syria has banned foreign journalists and restricted local media, making it nearly impossible to independently confirm the accounts.

On Thursday, AP Television News journalists on the Turkish side of the border saw armed men near the village and an armored personnel carrier on its outskirts. It was not possible to see inside the village to confirm the activists' reports.

Nearly 100 Syrians who were living in makeshift tents on the Syrian side of the border fled into Turkey as the village was surrounded and Turkey deployed guards along the frontier.

The opposition estimates 1,400 people have been killed and 10,000 detained in the Syrian crackdown, drawing international condemnation and sanctions.

On Wednesday, the Syrian regime lashed out at European governments for threatening a new round of sanctions and accused the West of trying to sow chaos and conflict in the Arab nation.

But Foreign Minister Walid Moallem also reiterated the president's call for national dialogue and spoke of democracy over the horizon – a bold assertion after more than four decades of iron-fisted rule by the Assad family and months of bloody reprisals.

Syria Troops Enter Turkish Border Village: Activists

Wonder where all those muslim demonstrators are in the western countries? If some one said a quran was disrespected, they would be out by the thousands. When it is some muslim dictor murdering their own, the silence is deafening.???

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