Proud Boy Leader Charged 6/1 Attack

From the charging statement

Between December 30 and December 31, 2020, TARRIO communicated multiple times with an individual whose identity is known to the grand jury. On December 30, 2020, this individual sent TARRIO a nine-page document titled, “1776 Returns.” The document set forth a plan to occupy a few “crucial buildings” in Washington, D.C ., on January 6, including House and Senate office buildings around the Capitol, with as “many people as possible” to “show our politicians We the People are in charge.” After sending the document, the individual stated, “The revolution is important than anything.” TARRIO responded, “That’s what every waking moment consists of . . . I’m not playing games.”
He even threatened his own family for Gods sake.
Kind of like the intellectual dishonesty of saying men can menstruate?

Same old progressive shit, everyone to the right of Mitt Romney is a white supremacist.

Progressive racism is the soft racism of thinking groups are identified by what they are, instead of who they are and what they do, as well as thinking because of what they are they are incapable of taking care of themselves.

Soy boys menstruate.

We see it on this site evey day.
A large segment of the Proud Boys are very much white supremacists...but its pretty hard to get mainstream appeal and have any sort of acceptance if you are blatant white supremacists..they are media savvy enough to try to claim they aren't racists -- and then point to a "colored guy" and say "See look, we aren't racists"

Kinda like how when Putin and you reactionary right-wing morons were claiming Ukraine are a bunch of neo-nazis...even tho they have a Jewish president and Jewish prime minister

"Colored guy'.....and what color was that?

Some my best friends are Negro's.

How can you tell one from another without a program?

Dude.......the new mantra from Joy Reid is we are defending whitey in Ukraine.....and its racist.
No...he was charged with CONSPIRACY

Conspiracy -- -- -- in other words, he agreed that he planned to go into the Capitol to raise a little hell well in advance as one of the chief proponents, so it did not have anything at all to do with Trump giving a speech down the strret that same day.

Now what about that Fred FBI guy, his pals, the police who waved them all in and the nut who dragged that little toy gallows there?
Conspiracy -- -- -- in other words, he agreed that he planned to go into the Capitol to raise a little hell well in advance as one of the chief proponents, so it did not have anything at all to do with Trump giving a speech down the strret that same day.

Now what about that Fred FBI guy, his pals, the police who waved them all in and the nut who dragged that little toy gallows there?
Far more than that

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