Proud Boys Paying Price for Following Trump's Will on Jan 6

Trump asked the Jan 6 crowd to protest peacefully. He also offered Nancy Pelosi ten thousand National Guards.

She declined his offer so she could control a false scenario followed by a false narrative about what "really happened."

Her decision got a veteran of foreign wars killed by cops she could control with worst-case scenario orders. That travesty would not have happened had she accepted the right thing to do--bring in the trained National Guards.

Then she made up a false statement that Trump had intentionally caused people to riot. No he didn't he requested a peaceful and a patriotic protest. He specifically emphasized the allowance the Constitution suggests about the people's rights to engage in a peaceful protest.

Ep. 15 Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals what really happened on January 6th​

The corruption is too damn high.

January 6 Protesters Tried To STOP Others From Breaching Capitol!​

(Undercover Video) Capitol Police Say They Were SET UP On January 6!​

The Proud Boys could have been the new Oath Keepers.
Americas brightest and best picketing drag time story hours all over the US and saving "the kids".
And now those dreams of glory wither on the vine after listening to trump.
The Proud Boys could have been the new Oath Keepers.
Americas brightest and best picketing drag time story hours all over the US and saving "the kids".
And now those dreams of glory wither on the vine after listening to trump.
If poverty increases in the Western World, who do you think that eh totalitarian leaders are going to push for their homelands, traditional families or drag queens? The agendas now are designed to weaken us, and they have. Human history is full of total destruction when we become too self-absorbed. The ignorance of people who screw with others who live differently did not help the situation. And now that that those who lived differently is pushed as normal, they have achieved power and are reeking vengeance on anyone who disagrees. Massive wars are now possible with the use of nuclear weapons.
If poverty increases in the Western World, who do you think that eh totalitarian leaders are going to push for their homelands, traditional families or drag queens? The agendas now are designed to weaken us, and they have. Human history is full of total destruction when we become too self-absorbed. The ignorance of people who screw with others who live differently did not help the situation. And now that that those who lived differently is pushed as normal, they have achieved power and are reeking vengeance on anyone who disagrees. Massive wars are now possible with the use of nuclear weapons.
And the proud boys are still in jail.
The Proud Boys could have been the new Oath Keepers.
Americas brightest and best picketing drag time story hours all over the US and saving "the kids".
And now those dreams of glory wither on the vine after listening to trump.
Please view the video I just posted, Tommy. It's long, but it's horrendous how the Capitol police were used by other agencies who had received absolute orders to stay away. They had never before denied the chief of Capitol Hill police. They followed their orders from the House Speaker and the Senate Leader. One was Democrat, and one was Republican. That was a political whammy when you consider the outcome of blaming an innocent man of causing what they damn ordered to all agents who declined to help the Capitol Police when requested as a life or death request. At its best light, something is very, very politically fishy. It's just horrifying what had to have been a political order to "get Trump." And the lying that follows is typical of that day's House Speaker, who controls the Capitol Police with malice aforethought and no concern whatsoever for police and citizen, and she got on the horn early to fire the Capitol Police Chief and choke Donald Trump with lies, lies, and more lies to cover her lying butt. If you really care about the United States, you will spend the hour that video takes to tell the truth. Pelosi screwed everybody else who beat themselves up trying to do the right thing, but her orders were specific to make sure she could "get Trump," with peaceful protester Ashli Babbitt's loss of life, when actually, she was trying to get to the front to turn people back. My bet is former Army Officer Ashli Babbitt's life meant absolutely nothing to a corrupt House Speaker who was determined to destroy President Donald Trump. She went over the bounds of separating the legislative branch to damage the executive branch of the United States of America on and after her planned killing Trump on January 6. Her conspiracy to destroy the President of the United States is disdainful. She planned and executed his destruction. No wonder the Vatican didn't allow her to take communion any more. She's not only a violator of the United States Constitution, she's living it up on inserting communism, of which she was a card-carrying member before getting herself elected to Congress. I'm shocked that she's still a member of Congress. She's in there beating up on President Trump who is innocent of her multiple attempts to destroy him by claiming he broke this law and that through her minions in Georgia and other Democrat States with a pussified press supporting this vicious, evil woman who thinks changing the Constitution from being a guide to follow to giving her party more power with each and every demonic act (like tearing up President Trump's speech) in front of the nation, God, and everybody. What a hateful creep Nancy Pelosi has turned herself into to get more power. I think she should spend the rest of her life in the Federal slammer with a rag in her mouth tied behind her coiffed head.
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Reawakened? How about Brainwashed?
Trump’s will, of course, was to defraud the American people, overturn a fair, honest, and accurate election, destroy America’s democracy, and install himself as despot and dictator.

And treasonous rightwing domestic terrorists such as the ‘proud’ boys were willing to carry out Trump’s attack on democracy.
Please view the video I just posted, Tommy. It's long, but it's horrendous how the Capitol police were used by other agencies who had received absolute orders to stay away. They had never before denied the chief of Capitol Hill police. They followed their orders from the House Speaker and the Senate Leader. One was Democrat, and one was Republican. That was a political whammy when you consider the outcome of blaming an innocent man of causing what they damn ordered to all agents who declined to help the Capitol Police when requested as a life or death request. At its best light, something is very, very politically fishy. It's just horrifying what had to have been a political order to "get Trump." And the lying that follows is typical of that day's House Speaker, who controls the Capitol Police with malice aforethought and no concern whatsoever for police and citizen, and she got on the horn early to fire the Capitol Police Chief and choke Donald Trump with lies, lies, and more lies to cover her lying butt. If you really care about the United States, you will spend the hour that video takes to tell the truth. Pelosi screwed everybody else who beat themselves up trying to do the right thing, but her orders were specific to make sure she could "get Trump," with peaceful protester Ashli Babbitt's loss of life, when actually, she was trying to get to the front to turn people back. My bet is former Army Officer Ashli Babbitt's life meant absolutely nothing to a corrupt House Speaker who was determined to destroy President Donald Trump. She went over the bounds of separating the legislative branch to damage the executive branch of the United States of America on and after her planned killing Trump on January 6. Her conspiracy to destroy the President of the United States is disdainful. She planned and executed his destruction. No wonder the Vatican didn't allow her to take communion any more. She's not only a violator of the United States Constitution, she's living it up on inserting communism, of which she was a card-carrying member before getting herself elected to Congress. I'm shocked that she's still a member of Congress. She's in there beating up on President Trump who is innocent of her multiple attempts to destroy him by claiming he broke this law and that through her minions in Georgia and other Democrat States with a pussified press supporting this vicious, evil woman who thinks changing the Constitution from being a guide to follow to giving her party more power with each and every demonic act (like tearing up President Trump's speech) in front of the nation, God, and everybody. What a hateful creep Nancy Pelosi has turned herself into to get more power. I think she should spend the rest of her life in the Federal slammer with a rag in her mouth tied behind her coiffed head.
This is insane. You are blaming the authorities for not anticipating that his antics would cause a riot.
he has responsibility for his actions and now he is going to pay for them.
This is insane. You are blaming the authorities for not anticipating that his antics would cause a riot.
he has responsibility for his actions and now he is going to pay for them.
If you're talking about President Trump, his caring for the people who were peacefully protesting was for him to tell them to be sure to protest peacefully and patriotically. The insane thing is that Democrats continually and forcefully ignore the truth and insert their false and hateful narrative because of Democrat poor sportsmanship. They're running off the decent people who don't think a country should be run on the basis of lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after stinking lie repeated so often simple people believe the lie, and ignore the truth.

Our Constitution means something to Americans. That's why there's a flood of Democrats exodusing the Democrat (especially timed lies) Party. Good Americans do not tolerate evil and hateful lie after lie. The press has done one of the worst smarming by emphasizing the lies of the leftist Democrat Deep State who have gotten elected by secrecy at the polls, lies about "correct" counts when a ton of false votes sent through the sudden and quick lying mail just after it was clear Trump was winning, and the mailed-in votes were clearly for only Joe Biden and were not consistent with those who showed up at the polls. Yes, we're distrustful of this no cancel people's pictured id to vote gave the criminally-inclined false votes after the first one. Votes 2-150 should never be counted, and we have every reason to think it was far worse than 150 each. This was preceded by astonishingly false "survey results." That supported the mail in false votes for Biden oh, yes, and hundreds of the batch were in the same person's handwriting, that was verified by handwriting analysts from the forensics sector. That's what is insane. And we're not taking it anymore. :cranky:

If you think Trump "antics" caused a riot, which were phone calls or less, wait until Biden lies cause a civil war if the lies don't stop. It's around the corner if the damn lies don't stop. Stop the lies, no incivilities will occur. Support the lies, what the hell do you care? You're a Canadian and you mock good Americans who have been cheated and mistreated by commie-leaning far left President Joe Biden and his crime family who rake in the moolah with a huge percentage going to the Big Guy. We're sick of crime in the White House and we're going to end crime in the Legislature too. The same false ballots for Biden were also vote-all-Democrats for people running for congress, which took away the will of the American people and replaced it with the will of the hell-bound Deep State who hate conservatives with a dervish misbehavioral answer to almost everything the Founders stood for--freedom for all, no monarchs, no oligarches. One man, one vote, that's us. We don't go for sleaze and the Deep State made it their pride and joy, and they also brainwashed naive college kids who worshipped their communist university professors, which tore up families and family values; and they intentionally inserted communist university professors with under-the-table guarantees--better jobs, higher pay, kickbacks, department head jobs, and a lot more than that. Real estate? Offshore accounts? WH invitations? The deep state headed by Hillary Clinton are fully prepared to destroy the free speech for conservatives into law, and we're not taking that justice-for-Democrats-only crap anymore either. Get it?
If you're talking about President Trump, his caring for the people who were peacefully protesting was for him to tell them to be sure to protest peacefully and patriotically. The insane thing is that Democrats continually and forcefully ignore the truth and insert their false and hateful narrative because of Democrat poor sportsmanship. They're running off the decent people who don't think a country should be run on the basis of lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after stinking lie repeated so often simple people believe the lie, and ignore the truth.

Our Constitution means something to Americans. That's why there's a flood of Democrats exodusing the Democrat (especially timed lies) Party. Good Americans do not tolerate evil and hateful lie after lie. The press has done one of the worst smarming by emphasizing the lies of the leftist Democrat Deep State who have gotten elected by secrecy at the polls, lies about "correct" counts when a ton of false votes sent through the sudden and quick lying mail just after it was clear Trump was winning, and the mailed-in votes were clearly for only Joe Biden and were not consistent with those who showed up at the polls. Yes, we're distrustful of this no cancel people's pictured id to vote gave the criminally-inclined false votes after the first one. Votes 2-150 should never be counted, and we have every reason to think it was far worse than 150 each. This was preceded by astonishingly false "survey results." That supported the mail in false votes for Biden oh, yes, and hundreds of the batch were in the same person's handwriting, that was verified by handwriting analysts from the forensics sector. That's what is insane. And we're not taking it anymore. :cranky:

If you think Trump "antics" caused a riot, which were phone calls or less, wait until Biden lies cause a civil war if the lies don't stop. It's around the corner if the damn lies don't stop. Stop the lies, no incivilities will occur. Support the lies, what the hell do you care? You're a Canadian and you mock good Americans who have been cheated and mistreated by commie-leaning far left President Joe Biden and his crime family who rake in the moolah with a huge percentage going to the Big Guy. We're sick of crime in the White House and we're going to end crime in the Legislature too. The same false ballots for Biden were also vote-all-Democrats for people running for congress, which took away the will of the American people and replaced it with the will of the hell-bound Deep State who hate conservatives with a dervish misbehavioral answer to almost everything the Founders stood for--freedom for all, no monarchs, no oligarches. One man, one vote, that's us. We don't go for sleaze and the Deep State made it their pride and joy, and they also brainwashed naive college kids who worshipped their communist university professors, which tore up families and family values; and they intentionally inserted communist university professors with under-the-table guarantees--better jobs, higher pay, kickbacks, department head jobs, and a lot more than that. Real estate? Offshore accounts? WH invitations? The deep state headed by Hillary Clinton are fully prepared to destroy the free speech for conservatives into law, and we're not taking that justice-for-Democrats-only crap anymore either. Get it?
Your whole post is incredibly partisan, Trump lost and couldnt face it. thats the whole story.
Your whole post is incredibly partisan,

Well, to be honest, poster beautress, I think poster TommyT above is being diplomatic. Courteous, if you will.

I don't think that.
Rather, I think you are OD'g on Q-Anon conspiracy-think.
But that's just me.

Still, let's kick your tires. K?

  • with peaceful protester Ashli Babbitt's loss of life, when actually, she was trying to get to the front to turn people back.
I'll be gobsmacked, beautress! I had never heard that suggestion. That Babbitt was charging through that breached barricade in order to then turn back to warn people to not enter.
OK, let' go along.
How do you know that? Why do you suggest that?
What sources ground your suggestion?

  • after her planned killing Trump on January 6.
By the way, that is Speaker Pelosi that beautress is referencing. That Pelosi planned on killing Trump on J6.
Tell us more. Why do you allege that?
Again, what sources can you provide the forum so we can do our own due diligence?

  • communism, of which she was a card-carrying member before getting herself elected to Congress.
Pelosi "was a card carrying (Communist) member?
Do tell.
Show us your sources.

  • ... for him to tell them to be sure to protest peacefully and patriotically.

Indeed, Don Trump at the Ellipse on J6 did tell protestors to go to the Capitol peacefully.

He said that once.
But, the context is that he said "fight" over 20 times.

Some can understandably think that fighting was more the essence of the communication than was peace.
On just quantitative messaging alone.

Numbers can matter. In context. No?
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"I'll be gobsmacked, beautress! I had never heard that suggestion."

I know it is early on a Monday morning, poster beautress, but......

...but I am eager to hear your explanations for what was asked of you up in post #30.

So, whatcha got, gurlfriend?

This is Adult Swim. Water is deeper here. We are looking for your head above water.
This is insane. You are blaming the authorities for not anticipating that his antics would cause a riot.
he has responsibility for his actions and now he is going to pay for them.
Trump called for the protesters to act in a way that was peaceful and patriotic. You're just pissed off because the communists hiding behind an American political party over here are losers. You are sooooooooo good at ignoring the elephant sitting in the living room by throwing idiotic haymakers.
Trump called for the protesters to act in a way that was peaceful and patriotic. You're just pissed off because the communists hiding behind an American political party over here are losers. You are sooooooooo good at ignoring the elephant sitting in the living room by throwing idiotic haymakers.
He told them to be peaceful once and to fight 30 times. He tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power after a fair election.
He should be in jail.

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