Proud Boys - Pretty Awesome Actually

In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

One only need look at their arrest records to see what they've done wrong, or the weaponry they carry to their "rallies". They are a right wing domestic terrorist group, who like stomping on people. Basically they're thugs, who dress up their their thuggery as "patriotism".
But after reading up on them I found out what Biden and MSM said is a lie, they denounce White Supremacy and claim not to be white supremicist and the actual beef was only that they had ties or members who might have been (but even that was selective recognition and tainted by the source And fake news spin). Antifa has members who are former skin heads, so isn't that deflecting?
When radicals kvetch and moan about a political rival as radical it's not exactly a valid point as 2 negatives = a positive. It's like hearing Saddam called the US the great Satan=a compliment coming from such an adversary.
Militants against a commie coup is not a bad thing, it would be like Meduro's men kvetching against those who rose up against socialist totalitarianist Meduro who refused to accept the election and people's wishes to go back to democracy.
Furthermore do you really want to go by arrests?
Are Meduro's prisoners a revealing factor?
Like arresting the St Louis Couple is that a factor, all it shows is the fascist arresting them abused their power and used politics not law.

So you accept what they "say", without looking into what they "do". The Proud Boys deny they're white supremacists, but their actions after Charlottesville were really "rebranding" and changes in marketing strategies, rather than repudiation of the white supremacist values.

They denounce "white supremacy" on paper, but support white supremacist ideals including "white only immigration", banning Muslims and other non-Christians, and other goals of the toxic males only white supremacist subculture, calling them "Western European values". Kind of like how the Republican Party has denied the racism at the core of the party, while decrying "urban" crime, social problems as not being due to systemic racism and poverty, and instead blame the inner city "thugs", and lazy, drug addicted "welfare queens" for the problems.

Those whose goals, aims and tactics are so odious and despicable that they cannot tell you honestly and directly what they are doing because you would be repulsed by what they would really mean, frequently hire marketing and public relations firms to teach them how to cover their sliminess with a shield of inoffensive language, which their supporters recognize as calls to the cause. Dog whistles.

The Proud Boys are basically a group of white thugs who get their jollies beating people up, and calling themselves defenders of "Western European Values". It sounds so innocent and patriotic until you read the definition of "Western European Values" and discover they are basically white supremacist values with the references to race removed, and replaced with references to "western European culture" or "western European values". They are proud of their "Western Culture" and want to defend it against "socialism" and "communism" hence they are "Proud Boys".

They want people to respect and fear them when they walk down the street with their brass nuckles and AR15's, and paramilitary gear. Their targets for beatings and abuse are liberals, socialists, and "commies", preferably liberal protestors, because they have the best opportuity to be able to beat up unarmed liberal protestors. They're easy targets, they can claim self defence or protecting property, but mostly because there is less likelihood that they'll be arrested if they do, or convicted using self defence.

They can claim they were attacked first and just fought back (Charlottesville), but with few of the militias getting hurt or requiring hospitalization, that story doesn't hold up. Also, the level of deaths and injuries being visited upon the protestors, and those suffered by the Proud Boys where ever they go, show what a piece of fiction that one is.

The FBI has classed the Proud Boys as a "radical right wing, terrorist" group. I believe the FBI and the police reports of their activities over what these criminals are posting on their website.
YOU GOT CAUGHT LYING, I found the FBI info which contradicts what you said.
I don't believe you intentionally lied, you just are only as good as your news source that lied to you.
So I'm leaving you the FBI evaluation from a left wing source you for whatever reason trust to prove you've been bamboozled yet again.
This discussion is closed, I'd advise that you expand your mind and get news from cspan and other views that are not within the propaganda spin zone.

Where did I lie? Did you read the article or just the headline. From your link - I've bolded the important part:

. . . the FBI had not intended to designate the group as extremist during a slide show with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. That office later released a report that said the FBI considers the group to have ties to white nationalism, an assertion to which the Proud Boys objected.

So the FBI have in fact issued multiple reports tying the Proud Boys to white nationalism. They walked back the 2018 designation, because the "Proud Boys objected".

That was also in 2018, after Charlottesville, when they "rebranding" and on a massive public relations campaign trying to convince law enforcement and media they aren't white supremacist thugs.

I'm talking last week, in Congress:

He [Wray] said the F.B.I. averaged roughly 1,000 domestic terrorism investigations annually and had recorded about 120 arrests on domestic terrorism suspicions this year. But he made it clear that white supremacist and anti-government groups were the primary threats.

This from the Wall Street Journal:

In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.
Charlottesville had 2 crowds, one for tearing down statues and one for protecting them. The first day Nazis marched along with the statue protectors does not make the whole crowd White Supremacist, just as not everyone wanting to see them torn down was marxist with motive to wipe out American history.
The second day was mostly normal for or against statues crowd no longer with those set nazis groups marching, but perhaps in the mix we can't know because MSM calls everyone they disagree with white supremicist.
When the President made his speech about good and bad people on both sides, it was the second day without the Nazis march and he denounced them when making his comment but MSM left that out and fooled the liberals by blending the days, so people like you spread false news and narrative.
You should be offended that they think you are too stupid to notice the spin, and guess what, you proved them right, you are gullible.
Congrats, here's your sign:
View attachment 398500

That being said, most of us never heard of the proud boys, and we'd like to know who they are, but not by the commies protecting antifa telling us who they are for demonization political tactical motive. Chris Wallace was using Dem propaganda talking points from liberal parroted script making him exposed as a compromised journalist/reporter, just as Anderson Cooper did making false statements instead of questions in 2016 that's what Chris Wallace did so he'd always have a job at CNN if he gets fired. *L*

They’re a right wing vigilante hate group. And POTUS told them to stand by.
I AM FOR VIGILANTES DURING LAWLESSNESS, if it was a problem then why does your party allow lawlessness, how does one lawlessness get protected by you but counter that not? Must be nice to be living in a bubble of selective recognition where you get to be totalitarian control others.
What do they hate besides commies/and antifa?
Can you prove it without commie progressive liberal sources of media info?
You had your chance to convince me and you blew it with radical leftwing talking points instead of facts.
Now if Trump denounced Nazis at those statue marches then how can he be calling them nice?
This means you are the "some are not so nice"
And have become the hate group.

The President being pro vigilante is not acceptable...agree?
No not in certain context, in this case the left argues for removal of police, so they tried and failed when Chaz were the police authority and became worse when they beat people to a pulp for stealing. A script writer could never come up with this stuff, it just writes itself in irony.
So when the left decides self policing is the norm then a Vigilante is within the rights of the people defending against this wild wild west ideology.
Where you have mayors like DeBlasio forcing police to stand down then defending and protecting property is once again the right of the people when no law and order exists or hands are tied by policy or by a sociopathic mayor's orders.
SO your reply shows you are selective about law and order and want to do whatever you want but others can't defend against you in order to make that easier for you. Once again showing the nation that you would abuse power in the worst way.
Case Closed!

Wow. The Chief Executive--whose Constitutional duty is to enforce laws--Telling an independent vigilante group to stand acceptable to you.

Not exactly the MAGA you envisioned, I hope.

They should stand by, and kick antifa asses if they show up again. Where is the condemnation of Antifa, is condemning a death cult too difficult for the leftists? Only president Trump is capable of doing it?

Its sad that the blob can't give us an environment of safety and has to tell people you now admit are vigilantes to "stand by".

How pathetic you and he are.

Your dem mayors are ordering the cops to stand down and your dem da's are refusing to prosecute arrested criminals.

This is your actions.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

That never happened. Antifa attacked the event, and the people defended themselves. Again, defending onself from Antifa is a plus.

- Associating with white nationalist Biden supporters is a minus, but the founder condemned the idiots, and did not attend the rally for their presence. Anything with socialist in its name can not be right wing so falling for this leftist diversion was dumb indeed.
- Driving over people in an accident is a minus even if chased by Antifa. Only Antifa should be driven over. Proud boy was not on the driver seat, if he was Antifa would have been driven over instead.

No members of Anti-FA were arrested for violence so the idea that "anti-fa attacked the event" is utterly false. The housewives, office clerks and counter-protestors were not "anti-fa". None of the more than 30 left wing protestors who went to hospital, were members of anti-fa.

The man wasn't convicted of "driving over people by accident". He was convicted of murder. Of deliberately ploughing his car into a crowd injuring 17 people and killing Heather Heyer.

Of course you worship mouth breathing Neanderthals who hate women and travel in well armed gangs and acting tough and beat people up. You'd be one if you weren't scared of getting hurt.

Of course they were not arrested by the leftist prosecutors, you fucking idiot.

Everyone can use their eyes. Antifa was there without a permit, while the organizers did have a permit. Even the cops sided with Antifa, since the mayor is a hard leftist.

Unfortunately DragonicMoron, people have eyes. Now condemn Antifa or get the fuck out of here Canadian.

Well aren't you the pissy little shit. Stomping your tiny feet and making demands of a Dragon. Who the fuck do you think you are?

The anti-facist march had a permit. But keep trying to peddle your lies and deflect from your support of the beatings and murder, and the deaths of two police officers (Heyer wasn't the only person killed that weekend) and terrorizing tika torch marches.

As a final note, Norman. Last night, Mike Pence sealed the election for Donald Trump, by talking over Kamala Harris, lying, condescending to her, and demanding that she answer his questions, while refusing to answer hers questions, or those being asked by the female commentator. No woman in America will ever vote for this bullshit. Those of us who have worked in business, have seen this dynamic all of our working lives. Incompetent idiot men who try to mansplain, bully and dominate more capable and competent women.

So as for your demand that I answer your question, or acquiesce to your ridiculous demands, I don't think so. Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

An American. Who the fuck do you think you are colluding in American organizations and supporting anti-American death cults in an American forum, as a Canadian?

Mike Pence destroyed Kamala Harris. More examples of zero substance from you.
Pence got his bitch ass kicked. Dragonlady spoke truth to your fascist white racist ass.

Ah, a black supremacist appears... as if we did not have enough retards here.

Yes, I do condemn black supremacists totally, especially in the nation built by whites on what could be classified as white western values... and of course, FREEDOM!

However, you are in luck as there are some black supremacists nations that exist, where whiteness is outlawed. Liberia comes to mind. Haul your supremacist ass there, we won't miss.

The nation wasn't "built by whites". Black slave labour built the south. Mexicans explored, settled and built the South West - Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. California chose to join the USA rather than Mexico. The USA was built by whites, blacks, Mexicans, and native Americans. White men controlled the government.

Why don't you haul your white ass off to Russia? Your racist, homophobic, mysogynistic and quite frankly backward views of the world would be much more at home living under Putin, than in a nation which believes that all people are equal regardless of race, creed, colour or religion, and all peole should have equal rights. You'd be so much happier watching gays get beat up, and anyone who criticizes Putin thrown in jail and tortured.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.
Charlottesville had 2 crowds, one for tearing down statues and one for protecting them. The first day Nazis marched along with the statue protectors does not make the whole crowd White Supremacist, just as not everyone wanting to see them torn down was marxist with motive to wipe out American history.
The second day was mostly normal for or against statues crowd no longer with those set nazis groups marching, but perhaps in the mix we can't know because MSM calls everyone they disagree with white supremicist.
When the President made his speech about good and bad people on both sides, it was the second day without the Nazis march and he denounced them when making his comment but MSM left that out and fooled the liberals by blending the days, so people like you spread false news and narrative.
You should be offended that they think you are too stupid to notice the spin, and guess what, you proved them right, you are gullible.
Congrats, here's your sign:
View attachment 398500

That being said, most of us never heard of the proud boys, and we'd like to know who they are, but not by the commies protecting antifa telling us who they are for demonization political tactical motive. Chris Wallace was using Dem propaganda talking points from liberal parroted script making him exposed as a compromised journalist/reporter, just as Anderson Cooper did making false statements instead of questions in 2016 that's what Chris Wallace did so he'd always have a job at CNN if he gets fired. *L*

They’re a right wing vigilante hate group. And POTUS told them to stand by.
I AM FOR VIGILANTES DURING LAWLESSNESS, if it was a problem then why does your party allow lawlessness, how does one lawlessness get protected by you but counter that not? Must be nice to be living in a bubble of selective recognition where you get to be totalitarian control others.
What do they hate besides commies/and antifa?
Can you prove it without commie progressive liberal sources of media info?
You had your chance to convince me and you blew it with radical leftwing talking points instead of facts.
Now if Trump denounced Nazis at those statue marches then how can he be calling them nice?
This means you are the "some are not so nice"
And have become the hate group.

The President being pro vigilante is not acceptable...agree?
No not in certain context, in this case the left argues for removal of police, so they tried and failed when Chaz were the police authority and became worse when they beat people to a pulp for stealing. A script writer could never come up with this stuff, it just writes itself in irony.
So when the left decides self policing is the norm then a Vigilante is within the rights of the people defending against this wild wild west ideology.
Where you have mayors like DeBlasio forcing police to stand down then defending and protecting property is once again the right of the people when no law and order exists or hands are tied by policy or by a sociopathic mayor's orders.
SO your reply shows you are selective about law and order and want to do whatever you want but others can't defend against you in order to make that easier for you. Once again showing the nation that you would abuse power in the worst way.
Case Closed!

Wow. The Chief Executive--whose Constitutional duty is to enforce laws--Telling an independent vigilante group to stand acceptable to you.

Not exactly the MAGA you envisioned, I hope.

They should stand by, and kick antifa asses if they show up again. Where is the condemnation of Antifa, is condemning a death cult too difficult for the leftists? Only president Trump is capable of doing it?

Its sad that the blob can't give us an environment of safety and has to tell people you now admit are vigilantes to "stand by".

How pathetic you and he are.

Your dem mayors are ordering the cops to stand down and your dem da's are refusing to prosecute arrested criminals.

This is your actions.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

That never happened. Antifa attacked the event, and the people defended themselves. Again, defending onself from Antifa is a plus.

- Associating with white nationalist Biden supporters is a minus, but the founder condemned the idiots, and did not attend the rally for their presence. Anything with socialist in its name can not be right wing so falling for this leftist diversion was dumb indeed.
- Driving over people in an accident is a minus even if chased by Antifa. Only Antifa should be driven over. Proud boy was not on the driver seat, if he was Antifa would have been driven over instead.

No members of Anti-FA were arrested for violence so the idea that "anti-fa attacked the event" is utterly false. The housewives, office clerks and counter-protestors were not "anti-fa". None of the more than 30 left wing protestors who went to hospital, were members of anti-fa.

The man wasn't convicted of "driving over people by accident". He was convicted of murder. Of deliberately ploughing his car into a crowd injuring 17 people and killing Heather Heyer.

Of course you worship mouth breathing Neanderthals who hate women and travel in well armed gangs and acting tough and beat people up. You'd be one if you weren't scared of getting hurt.

Of course they were not arrested by the leftist prosecutors, you fucking idiot.

Everyone can use their eyes. Antifa was there without a permit, while the organizers did have a permit. Even the cops sided with Antifa, since the mayor is a hard leftist.

Unfortunately DragonicMoron, people have eyes. Now condemn Antifa or get the fuck out of here Canadian.

Well aren't you the pissy little shit. Stomping your tiny feet and making demands of a Dragon. Who the fuck do you think you are?

The anti-facist march had a permit. But keep trying to peddle your lies and deflect from your support of the beatings and murder, and the deaths of two police officers (Heyer wasn't the only person killed that weekend) and terrorizing tika torch marches.

As a final note, Norman. Last night, Mike Pence sealed the election for Donald Trump, by talking over Kamala Harris, lying, condescending to her, and demanding that she answer his questions, while refusing to answer hers questions, or those being asked by the female commentator. No woman in America will ever vote for this bullshit. Those of us who have worked in business, have seen this dynamic all of our working lives. Incompetent idiot men who try to mansplain, bully and dominate more capable and competent women.

So as for your demand that I answer your question, or acquiesce to your ridiculous demands, I don't think so. Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

An American. Who the fuck do you think you are colluding in American organizations and supporting anti-American death cults in an American forum, as a Canadian?

Mike Pence destroyed Kamala Harris. More examples of zero substance from you.
Pence got his bitch ass kicked. Dragonlady spoke truth to your fascist white racist ass.

Ah, a black supremacist appears... as if we did not have enough retards here.

Yes, I do condemn black supremacists totally, especially in the nation built by whites by white western values... and of course, FREEDOM!

However, you are in luck as there are some black supremacists nations that exist where whiteness is outlawed. Liberia comes to mind. Haul your supremacist ass there, we won't miss.
There are no black supremacist here. There are no such nations as you described. I was born in America and if you can't handle me using my first amendment rights, put your white ass on a plane and find an all white country.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.

Do you have any evidence that the proud boys are pals with the Biden voting white nationalists?

I doubt any of them votes child sniffer.

White nationalists are firmly in the camp of the blob along with the other racist and macho pissants.

Reichtard - the person behind your Charlottesville - says otherwise.

He is quite the mama's boy, fits perfectly in the party of soy based life forms.

The Proud Boys organized the neo-Nazi charlottesville riots.

Those are the facts, now back to the stream of bullshit you're spewing.

The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

You're either incredibly mis-informed or lying.

Or both.

Here is what the leader said:

Gavin McInnes, the leader of the self-described "Western chauvinist" Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness "to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis".

It's from wikipedia, he condemned the event afterwards as well. When has Biden condemned Antifa, and when is he going to stop kneeling for BLM? They have killed dozens of people now, and are responsible for dozens of more deaths. Burn, Loot, Murder, is that what you stand for?

I thought the leader was some black guy they installed to look less racist? Oh well, I'm sure you'll figure out what sounds best regardless of truthfulness and post that.

Anyway, the proud boys organized the riot, the tiki torch parade, and violence ensued--as it always does with blob supporters
Gavin Innes is a racial realist. That another fancy term for white supremacisi.
So you are pro fascism?

Let's look at this logically.

" Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of ... authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy "

antifa is "Anti-Fascism". That would be against authoritarian dictators that forcibly suppress opposition

So, it you are against anti-fascism then you are for fascism.

Antifa means ANTI-FAscism. Antifa is anti-fascist.

If you are against Antifa that is anti-fascist, you are for fascism.

You are a fascist.

You're telling me you are a fascist?

This is the argument that an ill-informed child would make regarding Antifa.

Anyone with a precursory knowledge of the group should understand that they aren't simply "anti-fascists".

You obviously possess zero ability to understand context, or nuance when discussing Antifa.. if you are just going to say, " their name it says anti if you oppose them.. you are a fascist."

Grow the fuck up, and get a grip on reality.
ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

So you grow up. Because white supremacists have been asking for this.

Burning cities is opposing white supremacists?

You guys are just as deluded as I expected.

But Trump has to condemn white supremacists.... leftists don't need to condemn communists because... they were the good guys... believe me...
White supremacists are doing the burning junior. 11,000 protests x 93 percent peaceful=10, 230 peaceful protests. 770 with violence. Over 500 of the violent incidents were cased by white supremacists. 270 ANTIFA or BLM supporters. 65 percent of the violent interactions were done by white supremacists. 500/770=65 percent. So like I said:

ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

White supremacists... yeah, they are doing the burning.


Antifa and BLM should be condemned totally.

You are not willing to do it because you are a far left cuck who likes BBC.
Yes, I do condemn black supremacists totally, especially in the nation built by whites by white western values... and of course, FREEDOM!
We built this country and whites watched. That's the reality of America son. All whites like you have created is psychosis.
Yes, I do condemn black supremacists totally, especially in the nation built by whites by white western values... and of course, FREEDOM!
We built this country and whites watched. That's the reality of America son. All whites like you have created is psychosis.

Didn't I already condemn your black supremacy totally?

I did, now GET THE FUCK out of the great nation to your Liberian utopia. Black supremacy is the future!
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.

Do you have any evidence that the proud boys are pals with the Biden voting white nationalists?

I doubt any of them votes child sniffer.

White nationalists are firmly in the camp of the blob along with the other racist and macho pissants.

Reichtard - the person behind your Charlottesville - says otherwise.

He is quite the mama's boy, fits perfectly in the party of soy based life forms.

The Proud Boys organized the neo-Nazi charlottesville riots.

Those are the facts, now back to the stream of bullshit you're spewing.

The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

You're either incredibly mis-informed or lying.

Or both.

Here is what the leader said:

Gavin McInnes, the leader of the self-described "Western chauvinist" Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness "to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis".

It's from wikipedia, he condemned the event afterwards as well. When has Biden condemned Antifa, and when is he going to stop kneeling for BLM? They have killed dozens of people now, and are responsible for dozens of more deaths. Burn, Loot, Murder, is that what you stand for?

I thought the leader was some black guy they installed to look less racist? Oh well, I'm sure you'll figure out what sounds best regardless of truthfulness and post that.

Anyway, the proud boys organized the riot, the tiki torch parade, and violence ensued--as it always does with blob supporters
Gavin Innes is a racial realist. That another fancy term for white supremacisi.
So you are pro fascism?

Let's look at this logically.

" Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of ... authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy "

antifa is "Anti-Fascism". That would be against authoritarian dictators that forcibly suppress opposition

So, it you are against anti-fascism then you are for fascism.

Antifa means ANTI-FAscism. Antifa is anti-fascist.

If you are against Antifa that is anti-fascist, you are for fascism.

You are a fascist.

You're telling me you are a fascist?

This is the argument that an ill-informed child would make regarding Antifa.

Anyone with a precursory knowledge of the group should understand that they aren't simply "anti-fascists".

You obviously possess zero ability to understand context, or nuance when discussing Antifa.. if you are just going to say, " their name it says anti if you oppose them.. you are a fascist."

Grow the fuck up, and get a grip on reality.
ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

So you grow up. Because white supremacists have been asking for this.

Burning cities is opposing white supremacists?

You guys are just as deluded as I expected.

But Trump has to condemn white supremacists.... leftists don't need to condemn communists because... they were the good guys... believe me...
White supremacists are doing the burning junior. 11,000 protests x 93 percent peaceful=10, 230 peaceful protests. 770 with violence. Over 500 of the violent incidents were cased by white supremacists. 270 ANTIFA or BLM supporters. 65 percent of the violent interactions were done by white supremacists. 500/770=65 percent. So like I said:

ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

White supremacists... yeah, they are doing the burning.


Antifa and BLM should be condemned totally.

You are not willing to do it because you are a far left cuck who likes BBC.

The facts show what they show. White supremacists are the problem. I'm 59, 35-40 years ago, I was body slamming cucks like you on the street. Today, I do my fighting in city halls. That's where you finish the job. I'm a closer little boy, I turn over mayors and city council members, not statues.
Yes, I do condemn black supremacists totally, especially in the nation built by whites by white western values... and of course, FREEDOM!
We built this country and whites watched. That's the reality of America son. All whites like you have created is psychosis.

Didn't I already condemn your black supremacy totally?

I did, now GET THE FUCK out of the great nation to your Liberian utopia. Black supremacy is the future!
You wrote some words that don't apply to me and made no sense. So shut the fuck up or leave the country.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.
Charlottesville had 2 crowds, one for tearing down statues and one for protecting them. The first day Nazis marched along with the statue protectors does not make the whole crowd White Supremacist, just as not everyone wanting to see them torn down was marxist with motive to wipe out American history.
The second day was mostly normal for or against statues crowd no longer with those set nazis groups marching, but perhaps in the mix we can't know because MSM calls everyone they disagree with white supremicist.
When the President made his speech about good and bad people on both sides, it was the second day without the Nazis march and he denounced them when making his comment but MSM left that out and fooled the liberals by blending the days, so people like you spread false news and narrative.
You should be offended that they think you are too stupid to notice the spin, and guess what, you proved them right, you are gullible.
Congrats, here's your sign:
View attachment 398500

That being said, most of us never heard of the proud boys, and we'd like to know who they are, but not by the commies protecting antifa telling us who they are for demonization political tactical motive. Chris Wallace was using Dem propaganda talking points from liberal parroted script making him exposed as a compromised journalist/reporter, just as Anderson Cooper did making false statements instead of questions in 2016 that's what Chris Wallace did so he'd always have a job at CNN if he gets fired. *L*

They’re a right wing vigilante hate group. And POTUS told them to stand by.
Bullshit. BLM and antifa are destroying businesses and cities, assaulting citizens. Are they hate groups?

You don't think people that take the law into their own hands are vigilantes? Its the very definition of a vigilante. That is what the Proud Boys do.
You didn't answer my question. Are BLM and antifa hate groups?

I love it when assholes demand women answer them. By what right do you demand answers? Who the fuck do you think you are, a$$hole?

You make as assertion that anti-fa and BLM are the cause of the looting damage and violence, when there is absolutely noo
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

One only need look at their arrest records to see what they've done wrong, or the weaponry they carry to their "rallies". They are a right wing domestic terrorist group, who like stomping on people. Basically they're thugs, who dress up their their thuggery as "patriotism".
But after reading up on them I found out what Biden and MSM said is a lie, they denounce White Supremacy and claim not to be white supremicist and the actual beef was only that they had ties or members who might have been (but even that was selective recognition and tainted by the source And fake news spin). Antifa has members who are former skin heads, so isn't that deflecting?
When radicals kvetch and moan about a political rival as radical it's not exactly a valid point as 2 negatives = a positive. It's like hearing Saddam called the US the great Satan=a compliment coming from such an adversary.
Militants against a commie coup is not a bad thing, it would be like Meduro's men kvetching against those who rose up against socialist totalitarianist Meduro who refused to accept the election and people's wishes to go back to democracy.
Furthermore do you really want to go by arrests?
Are Meduro's prisoners a revealing factor?
Like arresting the St Louis Couple is that a factor, all it shows is the fascist arresting them abused their power and used politics not law.

So you accept what they "say", without looking into what they "do". The Proud Boys deny they're white supremacists, but their actions after Charlottesville were really "rebranding" and changes in marketing strategies, rather than repudiation of the white supremacist values.

They denounce "white supremacy" on paper, but support white supremacist ideals including "white only immigration", banning Muslims and other non-Christians, and other goals of the toxic males only white supremacist subculture, calling them "Western European values". Kind of like how the Republican Party has denied the racism at the core of the party, while decrying "urban" crime, social problems as not being due to systemic racism and poverty, and instead blame the inner city "thugs", and lazy, drug addicted "welfare queens" for the problems.

Those whose goals, aims and tactics are so odious and despicable that they cannot tell you honestly and directly what they are doing because you would be repulsed by what they would really mean, frequently hire marketing and public relations firms to teach them how to cover their sliminess with a shield of inoffensive language, which their supporters recognize as calls to the cause. Dog whistles.

The Proud Boys are basically a group of white thugs who get their jollies beating people up, and calling themselves defenders of "Western European Values". It sounds so innocent and patriotic until you read the definition of "Western European Values" and discover they are basically white supremacist values with the references to race removed, and replaced with references to "western European culture" or "western European values". They are proud of their "Western Culture" and want to defend it against "socialism" and "communism" hence they are "Proud Boys".

They want people to respect and fear them when they walk down the street with their brass nuckles and AR15's, and paramilitary gear. Their targets for beatings and abuse are liberals, socialists, and "commies", preferably liberal protestors, because they have the best opportuity to be able to beat up unarmed liberal protestors. They're easy targets, they can claim self defence or protecting property, but mostly because there is less likelihood that they'll be arrested if they do, or convicted using self defence.

They can claim they were attacked first and just fought back (Charlottesville), but with few of the militias getting hurt or requiring hospitalization, that story doesn't hold up. Also, the level of deaths and injuries being visited upon the protestors, and those suffered by the Proud Boys where ever they go, show what a piece of fiction that one is.

The FBI has classed the Proud Boys as a "radical right wing, terrorist" group. I believe the FBI and the police reports of their activities over what these criminals are posting on their website.
You did not read what I said, I clearly stated I do not accept the fake news account of the statue marches that you merely regurgetate from your news sources and parrot the same miss information about the marches and what Trump said in it's entirely whole commentary and full context meaning. Your whole basis is through known pathelogical lisrs always caught spinning and you allow them to make you look foolish.
I asked for non communist non dissinformation oroof and all you gave me from the propaganda argument. Please feel free to post actual proof not opinions based on your brainwashing. Don't insult me with your propaganda I want facts.
Where is this FBI info document and reasoning, not housed on a propaganda left wing media web site? You leave no evidence just words that sound deflective & have no validity especially since portions of the FBI are politicized and you magically and selectively use what they say to fit your needs to avoid prosecution of your elected "radical anti-American hate group political figures"

You do not accept the truth. There is nothing more to say to you. You're allowed your own opinion but not your own set of facts. The "facts" I reguritated were from the arrest records and applications for permits for the protests, both of which are publically available.

I watched and heard Donald Trump's spirited defence of the "very good people on both sides" press conference, and his botched clean up attempt later. There was also his "hostage video" condemnation of white supremacists, read in an unemotional monotone off the telepromter - the polar opposite of his emotional and spirited defence earlier. Just the fact that you believe Donald Trump shows your gullibility.

Then you go on to spout other Trumpian lies about the FBI being "politicized", and then descend into hate mongering and blither.

Christopher Wray's comments on the Proud Boys and other right wing extemists was in his recent testimony to Congress, which you won't believe because it's reported in the "fake news".

I have no time for idiot fuck boys who don't know their asses from a hole the ground, or truth from lies.
Hateful ignorant kunt.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.

Do you have any evidence that the proud boys are pals with the Biden voting white nationalists?

I doubt any of them votes child sniffer.

White nationalists are firmly in the camp of the blob along with the other racist and macho pissants.

Reichtard - the person behind your Charlottesville - says otherwise.

He is quite the mama's boy, fits perfectly in the party of soy based life forms.

The Proud Boys organized the neo-Nazi charlottesville riots.

Those are the facts, now back to the stream of bullshit you're spewing.

The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

You're either incredibly mis-informed or lying.

Or both.

Here is what the leader said:

Gavin McInnes, the leader of the self-described "Western chauvinist" Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness "to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis".

It's from wikipedia, he condemned the event afterwards as well. When has Biden condemned Antifa, and when is he going to stop kneeling for BLM? They have killed dozens of people now, and are responsible for dozens of more deaths. Burn, Loot, Murder, is that what you stand for?

I thought the leader was some black guy they installed to look less racist? Oh well, I'm sure you'll figure out what sounds best regardless of truthfulness and post that.

Anyway, the proud boys organized the riot, the tiki torch parade, and violence ensued--as it always does with blob supporters
Gavin Innes is a racial realist. That another fancy term for white supremacisi.
So you are pro fascism?

Let's look at this logically.

" Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of ... authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy "

antifa is "Anti-Fascism". That would be against authoritarian dictators that forcibly suppress opposition

So, it you are against anti-fascism then you are for fascism.

Antifa means ANTI-FAscism. Antifa is anti-fascist.

If you are against Antifa that is anti-fascist, you are for fascism.

You are a fascist.

You're telling me you are a fascist?

This is the argument that an ill-informed child would make regarding Antifa.

Anyone with a precursory knowledge of the group should understand that they aren't simply "anti-fascists".

You obviously possess zero ability to understand context, or nuance when discussing Antifa.. if you are just going to say, " their name it says anti if you oppose them.. you are a fascist."

Grow the fuck up, and get a grip on reality.
ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

So you grow up. Because white supremacists have been asking for this.

Burning cities is opposing white supremacists?

You guys are just as deluded as I expected.

But Trump has to condemn white supremacists.... leftists don't need to condemn communists because... they were the good guys... believe me...
White supremacists are doing the burning junior. 11,000 protests x 93 percent peaceful=10, 230 peaceful protests. 770 with violence. Over 500 of the violent incidents were cased by white supremacists. 270 ANTIFA or BLM supporters. 65 percent of the violent interactions were done by white supremacists. 500/770=65 percent. So like I said:

ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

White supremacists... yeah, they are doing the burning.


Antifa and BLM should be condemned totally.

You are not willing to do it because you are a far left cuck who likes BBC.

A cuck?? You mean a guy who lets other men fuck his wife while he watches. Apparently Roger Stone likes doing that. Jerry Falwell Jr., Paul Manafort, and a whole lot of other guys.

A "cuckhold" is a man whose wife is having sex with other men. Since Melania has been carrying on an affair with Hank Siemen's for years, and Trump know it, that makes Donald Trump the very definition of a "cuck".
Yes, I do condemn black supremacists totally, especially in the nation built by whites by white western values... and of course, FREEDOM!
We built this country and whites watched. That's the reality of America son. All whites like you have created is psychosis.

Didn't I already condemn your black supremacy totally?

I did, now GET THE FUCK out of the great nation to your Liberian utopia. Black supremacy is the future!
You wrote some words that don't apply to me and made no sense. So shut the fuck up or leave the country.

Yep, some words that said something, now get the fuck out.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.

Do you have any evidence that the proud boys are pals with the Biden voting white nationalists?

I doubt any of them votes child sniffer.

White nationalists are firmly in the camp of the blob along with the other racist and macho pissants.

Reichtard - the person behind your Charlottesville - says otherwise.

He is quite the mama's boy, fits perfectly in the party of soy based life forms.

The Proud Boys organized the neo-Nazi charlottesville riots.

Those are the facts, now back to the stream of bullshit you're spewing.

The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

You're either incredibly mis-informed or lying.

Or both.

Here is what the leader said:

Gavin McInnes, the leader of the self-described "Western chauvinist" Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness "to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis".

It's from wikipedia, he condemned the event afterwards as well. When has Biden condemned Antifa, and when is he going to stop kneeling for BLM? They have killed dozens of people now, and are responsible for dozens of more deaths. Burn, Loot, Murder, is that what you stand for?

I thought the leader was some black guy they installed to look less racist? Oh well, I'm sure you'll figure out what sounds best regardless of truthfulness and post that.

Anyway, the proud boys organized the riot, the tiki torch parade, and violence ensued--as it always does with blob supporters
Gavin Innes is a racial realist. That another fancy term for white supremacisi.
So you are pro fascism?

Let's look at this logically.

" Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of ... authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy "

antifa is "Anti-Fascism". That would be against authoritarian dictators that forcibly suppress opposition

So, it you are against anti-fascism then you are for fascism.

Antifa means ANTI-FAscism. Antifa is anti-fascist.

If you are against Antifa that is anti-fascist, you are for fascism.

You are a fascist.

You're telling me you are a fascist?

This is the argument that an ill-informed child would make regarding Antifa.

Anyone with a precursory knowledge of the group should understand that they aren't simply "anti-fascists".

You obviously possess zero ability to understand context, or nuance when discussing Antifa.. if you are just going to say, " their name it says anti if you oppose them.. you are a fascist."

Grow the fuck up, and get a grip on reality.
ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

So you grow up. Because white supremacists have been asking for this.

Burning cities is opposing white supremacists?

You guys are just as deluded as I expected.

But Trump has to condemn white supremacists.... leftists don't need to condemn communists because... they were the good guys... believe me...
White supremacists are doing the burning junior. 11,000 protests x 93 percent peaceful=10, 230 peaceful protests. 770 with violence. Over 500 of the violent incidents were cased by white supremacists. 270 ANTIFA or BLM supporters. 65 percent of the violent interactions were done by white supremacists. 500/770=65 percent. So like I said:

ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

White supremacists... yeah, they are doing the burning.


Antifa and BLM should be condemned totally.

You are not willing to do it because you are a far left cuck who likes BBC.

The facts show what they show. White supremacists are the problem. I'm 59, 35-40 years ago, I was body slamming cucks like you on the street. Today, I do my fighting in city halls. That's where you finish the job. I'm a closer little boy, I turn over mayors and city council members, not statues.
You squat when you piss, huh.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.

Do you have any evidence that the proud boys are pals with the Biden voting white nationalists?

I doubt any of them votes child sniffer.

White nationalists are firmly in the camp of the blob along with the other racist and macho pissants.

Reichtard - the person behind your Charlottesville - says otherwise.

He is quite the mama's boy, fits perfectly in the party of soy based life forms.

The Proud Boys organized the neo-Nazi charlottesville riots.

Those are the facts, now back to the stream of bullshit you're spewing.

The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

You're either incredibly mis-informed or lying.

Or both.

Here is what the leader said:

Gavin McInnes, the leader of the self-described "Western chauvinist" Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness "to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis".

It's from wikipedia, he condemned the event afterwards as well. When has Biden condemned Antifa, and when is he going to stop kneeling for BLM? They have killed dozens of people now, and are responsible for dozens of more deaths. Burn, Loot, Murder, is that what you stand for?

I thought the leader was some black guy they installed to look less racist? Oh well, I'm sure you'll figure out what sounds best regardless of truthfulness and post that.

Anyway, the proud boys organized the riot, the tiki torch parade, and violence ensued--as it always does with blob supporters
Gavin Innes is a racial realist. That another fancy term for white supremacisi.
So you are pro fascism?

Let's look at this logically.

" Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of ... authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy "

antifa is "Anti-Fascism". That would be against authoritarian dictators that forcibly suppress opposition

So, it you are against anti-fascism then you are for fascism.

Antifa means ANTI-FAscism. Antifa is anti-fascist.

If you are against Antifa that is anti-fascist, you are for fascism.

You are a fascist.

You're telling me you are a fascist?

This is the argument that an ill-informed child would make regarding Antifa.

Anyone with a precursory knowledge of the group should understand that they aren't simply "anti-fascists".

You obviously possess zero ability to understand context, or nuance when discussing Antifa.. if you are just going to say, " their name it says anti if you oppose them.. you are a fascist."

Grow the fuck up, and get a grip on reality.
ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

So you grow up. Because white supremacists have been asking for this.

Burning cities is opposing white supremacists?

You guys are just as deluded as I expected.

But Trump has to condemn white supremacists.... leftists don't need to condemn communists because... they were the good guys... believe me...
White supremacists are doing the burning junior. 11,000 protests x 93 percent peaceful=10, 230 peaceful protests. 770 with violence. Over 500 of the violent incidents were cased by white supremacists. 270 ANTIFA or BLM supporters. 65 percent of the violent interactions were done by white supremacists. 500/770=65 percent. So like I said:

ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

White supremacists... yeah, they are doing the burning.


Antifa and BLM should be condemned totally.

You are not willing to do it because you are a far left cuck who likes BBC.

A cuck?? You mean a guy who lets other men fuck his wife while he watches. Apparently Roger Stone likes doing that. Jerry Falwell Jr., Paul Manafort, and a whole lot of other guys.

A "cuckhold" is a man whose wife is having sex with other men. Since Melania has been carrying on an affair with Hank Siemen's for years, and Trump know it, that makes Donald Trump the very definition of a "cuck".
Did you read that in the National Enquirer?
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.

Do you have any evidence that the proud boys are pals with the Biden voting white nationalists?

I doubt any of them votes child sniffer.

White nationalists are firmly in the camp of the blob along with the other racist and macho pissants.

Reichtard - the person behind your Charlottesville - says otherwise.

He is quite the mama's boy, fits perfectly in the party of soy based life forms.

The Proud Boys organized the neo-Nazi charlottesville riots.

Those are the facts, now back to the stream of bullshit you're spewing.

The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

You're either incredibly mis-informed or lying.

Or both.

Here is what the leader said:

Gavin McInnes, the leader of the self-described "Western chauvinist" Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness "to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis".

It's from wikipedia, he condemned the event afterwards as well. When has Biden condemned Antifa, and when is he going to stop kneeling for BLM? They have killed dozens of people now, and are responsible for dozens of more deaths. Burn, Loot, Murder, is that what you stand for?

I thought the leader was some black guy they installed to look less racist? Oh well, I'm sure you'll figure out what sounds best regardless of truthfulness and post that.

Anyway, the proud boys organized the riot, the tiki torch parade, and violence ensued--as it always does with blob supporters
Gavin Innes is a racial realist. That another fancy term for white supremacisi.
So you are pro fascism?

Let's look at this logically.

" Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of ... authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy "

antifa is "Anti-Fascism". That would be against authoritarian dictators that forcibly suppress opposition

So, it you are against anti-fascism then you are for fascism.

Antifa means ANTI-FAscism. Antifa is anti-fascist.

If you are against Antifa that is anti-fascist, you are for fascism.

You are a fascist.

You're telling me you are a fascist?

This is the argument that an ill-informed child would make regarding Antifa.

Anyone with a precursory knowledge of the group should understand that they aren't simply "anti-fascists".

You obviously possess zero ability to understand context, or nuance when discussing Antifa.. if you are just going to say, " their name it says anti if you oppose them.. you are a fascist."

Grow the fuck up, and get a grip on reality.
ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

So you grow up. Because white supremacists have been asking for this.

Burning cities is opposing white supremacists?

You guys are just as deluded as I expected.

But Trump has to condemn white supremacists.... leftists don't need to condemn communists because... they were the good guys... believe me...
White supremacists are doing the burning junior. 11,000 protests x 93 percent peaceful=10, 230 peaceful protests. 770 with violence. Over 500 of the violent incidents were cased by white supremacists. 270 ANTIFA or BLM supporters. 65 percent of the violent interactions were done by white supremacists. 500/770=65 percent. So like I said:

ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

White supremacists... yeah, they are doing the burning.


Antifa and BLM should be condemned totally.

You are not willing to do it because you are a far left cuck who likes BBC.

A cuck?? You mean a guy who lets other men fuck his wife while he watches. Apparently Roger Stone likes doing that. Jerry Falwell Jr., Paul Manafort, and a whole lot of other guys.

A "cuckhold" is a man whose wife is having sex with other men. Since Melania has been carrying on an affair with Hank Siemen's for years, and Trump know it, that makes Donald Trump the very definition of a "cuck".
As you know, we ain't dealing with top flight minds here at USMB.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.

Do you have any evidence that the proud boys are pals with the Biden voting white nationalists?

I doubt any of them votes child sniffer.

White nationalists are firmly in the camp of the blob along with the other racist and macho pissants.

Reichtard - the person behind your Charlottesville - says otherwise.

He is quite the mama's boy, fits perfectly in the party of soy based life forms.

The Proud Boys organized the neo-Nazi charlottesville riots.

Those are the facts, now back to the stream of bullshit you're spewing.

The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

You're either incredibly mis-informed or lying.

Or both.

Here is what the leader said:

Gavin McInnes, the leader of the self-described "Western chauvinist" Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness "to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis".

It's from wikipedia, he condemned the event afterwards as well. When has Biden condemned Antifa, and when is he going to stop kneeling for BLM? They have killed dozens of people now, and are responsible for dozens of more deaths. Burn, Loot, Murder, is that what you stand for?

I thought the leader was some black guy they installed to look less racist? Oh well, I'm sure you'll figure out what sounds best regardless of truthfulness and post that.

Anyway, the proud boys organized the riot, the tiki torch parade, and violence ensued--as it always does with blob supporters
Gavin Innes is a racial realist. That another fancy term for white supremacisi.
So you are pro fascism?

Let's look at this logically.

" Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of ... authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy "

antifa is "Anti-Fascism". That would be against authoritarian dictators that forcibly suppress opposition

So, it you are against anti-fascism then you are for fascism.

Antifa means ANTI-FAscism. Antifa is anti-fascist.

If you are against Antifa that is anti-fascist, you are for fascism.

You are a fascist.

You're telling me you are a fascist?

This is the argument that an ill-informed child would make regarding Antifa.

Anyone with a precursory knowledge of the group should understand that they aren't simply "anti-fascists".

You obviously possess zero ability to understand context, or nuance when discussing Antifa.. if you are just going to say, " their name it says anti if you oppose them.. you are a fascist."

Grow the fuck up, and get a grip on reality.
ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

So you grow up. Because white supremacists have been asking for this.

Burning cities is opposing white supremacists?

You guys are just as deluded as I expected.

But Trump has to condemn white supremacists.... leftists don't need to condemn communists because... they were the good guys... believe me...
White supremacists are doing the burning junior. 11,000 protests x 93 percent peaceful=10, 230 peaceful protests. 770 with violence. Over 500 of the violent incidents were cased by white supremacists. 270 ANTIFA or BLM supporters. 65 percent of the violent interactions were done by white supremacists. 500/770=65 percent. So like I said:

ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

White supremacists... yeah, they are doing the burning.


Antifa and BLM should be condemned totally.

You are not willing to do it because you are a far left cuck who likes BBC.

The facts show what they show. White supremacists are the problem. I'm 59, 35-40 years ago, I was body slamming cucks like you on the street. Today, I do my fighting in city halls. That's where you finish the job. I'm a closer little boy, I turn over mayors and city council members, not statues.

No wonder cops have to handle you with that record of "slamming people in the streets". Is this you?


Tough guy...

It would be quite a bit easier to just move to Liberia, the black supremacist nation. No more all of that white freedom loving American blood around. It is right there, waiting for you, calling you.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.

Do you have any evidence that the proud boys are pals with the Biden voting white nationalists?

I doubt any of them votes child sniffer.

White nationalists are firmly in the camp of the blob along with the other racist and macho pissants.

Reichtard - the person behind your Charlottesville - says otherwise.

He is quite the mama's boy, fits perfectly in the party of soy based life forms.

The Proud Boys organized the neo-Nazi charlottesville riots.

Those are the facts, now back to the stream of bullshit you're spewing.

The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

You're either incredibly mis-informed or lying.

Or both.

Here is what the leader said:

Gavin McInnes, the leader of the self-described "Western chauvinist" Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness "to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis".

It's from wikipedia, he condemned the event afterwards as well. When has Biden condemned Antifa, and when is he going to stop kneeling for BLM? They have killed dozens of people now, and are responsible for dozens of more deaths. Burn, Loot, Murder, is that what you stand for?

I thought the leader was some black guy they installed to look less racist? Oh well, I'm sure you'll figure out what sounds best regardless of truthfulness and post that.

Anyway, the proud boys organized the riot, the tiki torch parade, and violence ensued--as it always does with blob supporters
Gavin Innes is a racial realist. That another fancy term for white supremacisi.
So you are pro fascism?

Let's look at this logically.

" Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of ... authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy "

antifa is "Anti-Fascism". That would be against authoritarian dictators that forcibly suppress opposition

So, it you are against anti-fascism then you are for fascism.

Antifa means ANTI-FAscism. Antifa is anti-fascist.

If you are against Antifa that is anti-fascist, you are for fascism.

You are a fascist.

You're telling me you are a fascist?

This is the argument that an ill-informed child would make regarding Antifa.

Anyone with a precursory knowledge of the group should understand that they aren't simply "anti-fascists".

You obviously possess zero ability to understand context, or nuance when discussing Antifa.. if you are just going to say, " their name it says anti if you oppose them.. you are a fascist."

Grow the fuck up, and get a grip on reality.
ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

So you grow up. Because white supremacists have been asking for this.

Burning cities is opposing white supremacists?

You guys are just as deluded as I expected.

But Trump has to condemn white supremacists.... leftists don't need to condemn communists because... they were the good guys... believe me...
White supremacists are doing the burning junior. 11,000 protests x 93 percent peaceful=10, 230 peaceful protests. 770 with violence. Over 500 of the violent incidents were cased by white supremacists. 270 ANTIFA or BLM supporters. 65 percent of the violent interactions were done by white supremacists. 500/770=65 percent. So like I said:

ANTIFA opposes white supremacists and any motherfucking way they get the job done is fine by me.

White supremacists... yeah, they are doing the burning.


Antifa and BLM should be condemned totally.

You are not willing to do it because you are a far left cuck who likes BBC.

A cuck?? You mean a guy who lets other men fuck his wife while he watches. Apparently Roger Stone likes doing that. Jerry Falwell Jr., Paul Manafort, and a whole lot of other guys.

A "cuckhold" is a man whose wife is having sex with other men. Since Melania has been carrying on an affair with Hank Siemen's for years, and Trump know it, that makes Donald Trump the very definition of a "cuck".

You would have no idea what that means. No man is even remotely interested in you, Canadian feminist cat lady. In the old days you would have been burned in witch trials for being totally useless, a net negative to society. Only whines and does not produce anything of value.

And of course, colludes in other nation's politics. DemonLady would be a more accurate name.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?
so youre saying white nationalists love Biden because he kneels to BLM.

White nationalists, like most democrats are not the most rational people. I suppose being racist is enough for them.

What is racist about being a white nationalist? Do you people even understand the words you use?
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.
They had tiki torches? Who gives a fuck? Did they go find a black guy and mob beat him in the streets? ...because, thats what black people are doing to white people.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.
Charlottesville had 2 crowds, one for tearing down statues and one for protecting them. The first day Nazis marched along with the statue protectors does not make the whole crowd White Supremacist, just as not everyone wanting to see them torn down was marxist with motive to wipe out American history.
The second day was mostly normal for or against statues crowd no longer with those set nazis groups marching, but perhaps in the mix we can't know because MSM calls everyone they disagree with white supremicist.
When the President made his speech about good and bad people on both sides, it was the second day without the Nazis march and he denounced them when making his comment but MSM left that out and fooled the liberals by blending the days, so people like you spread false news and narrative.
You should be offended that they think you are too stupid to notice the spin, and guess what, you proved them right, you are gullible.
Congrats, here's your sign:
View attachment 398500

That being said, most of us never heard of the proud boys, and we'd like to know who they are, but not by the commies protecting antifa telling us who they are for demonization political tactical motive. Chris Wallace was using Dem propaganda talking points from liberal parroted script making him exposed as a compromised journalist/reporter, just as Anderson Cooper did making false statements instead of questions in 2016 that's what Chris Wallace did so he'd always have a job at CNN if he gets fired. *L*

They’re a right wing vigilante hate group. And POTUS told them to stand by.
Bullshit. BLM and antifa are destroying businesses and cities, assaulting citizens. Are they hate groups?

You don't think people that take the law into their own hands are vigilantes? Its the very definition of a vigilante. That is what the Proud Boys do.
You didn't answer my question. Are BLM and antifa hate groups?

I love it when assholes demand women answer them. By what right do you demand answers? Who the fuck do you think you are, a$$hole?

You make as assertion that anti-fa and BLM are the cause of the looting damage and violence, when there is absolutely noo
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

One only need look at their arrest records to see what they've done wrong, or the weaponry they carry to their "rallies". They are a right wing domestic terrorist group, who like stomping on people. Basically they're thugs, who dress up their their thuggery as "patriotism".
But after reading up on them I found out what Biden and MSM said is a lie, they denounce White Supremacy and claim not to be white supremicist and the actual beef was only that they had ties or members who might have been (but even that was selective recognition and tainted by the source And fake news spin). Antifa has members who are former skin heads, so isn't that deflecting?
When radicals kvetch and moan about a political rival as radical it's not exactly a valid point as 2 negatives = a positive. It's like hearing Saddam called the US the great Satan=a compliment coming from such an adversary.
Militants against a commie coup is not a bad thing, it would be like Meduro's men kvetching against those who rose up against socialist totalitarianist Meduro who refused to accept the election and people's wishes to go back to democracy.
Furthermore do you really want to go by arrests?
Are Meduro's prisoners a revealing factor?
Like arresting the St Louis Couple is that a factor, all it shows is the fascist arresting them abused their power and used politics not law.

So you accept what they "say", without looking into what they "do". The Proud Boys deny they're white supremacists, but their actions after Charlottesville were really "rebranding" and changes in marketing strategies, rather than repudiation of the white supremacist values.

They denounce "white supremacy" on paper, but support white supremacist ideals including "white only immigration", banning Muslims and other non-Christians, and other goals of the toxic males only white supremacist subculture, calling them "Western European values". Kind of like how the Republican Party has denied the racism at the core of the party, while decrying "urban" crime, social problems as not being due to systemic racism and poverty, and instead blame the inner city "thugs", and lazy, drug addicted "welfare queens" for the problems.

Those whose goals, aims and tactics are so odious and despicable that they cannot tell you honestly and directly what they are doing because you would be repulsed by what they would really mean, frequently hire marketing and public relations firms to teach them how to cover their sliminess with a shield of inoffensive language, which their supporters recognize as calls to the cause. Dog whistles.

The Proud Boys are basically a group of white thugs who get their jollies beating people up, and calling themselves defenders of "Western European Values". It sounds so innocent and patriotic until you read the definition of "Western European Values" and discover they are basically white supremacist values with the references to race removed, and replaced with references to "western European culture" or "western European values". They are proud of their "Western Culture" and want to defend it against "socialism" and "communism" hence they are "Proud Boys".

They want people to respect and fear them when they walk down the street with their brass nuckles and AR15's, and paramilitary gear. Their targets for beatings and abuse are liberals, socialists, and "commies", preferably liberal protestors, because they have the best opportuity to be able to beat up unarmed liberal protestors. They're easy targets, they can claim self defence or protecting property, but mostly because there is less likelihood that they'll be arrested if they do, or convicted using self defence.

They can claim they were attacked first and just fought back (Charlottesville), but with few of the militias getting hurt or requiring hospitalization, that story doesn't hold up. Also, the level of deaths and injuries being visited upon the protestors, and those suffered by the Proud Boys where ever they go, show what a piece of fiction that one is.

The FBI has classed the Proud Boys as a "radical right wing, terrorist" group. I believe the FBI and the police reports of their activities over what these criminals are posting on their website.
You did not read what I said, I clearly stated I do not accept the fake news account of the statue marches that you merely regurgetate from your news sources and parrot the same miss information about the marches and what Trump said in it's entirely whole commentary and full context meaning. Your whole basis is through known pathelogical lisrs always caught spinning and you allow them to make you look foolish.
I asked for non communist non dissinformation oroof and all you gave me from the propaganda argument. Please feel free to post actual proof not opinions based on your brainwashing. Don't insult me with your propaganda I want facts.
Where is this FBI info document and reasoning, not housed on a propaganda left wing media web site? You leave no evidence just words that sound deflective & have no validity especially since portions of the FBI are politicized and you magically and selectively use what they say to fit your needs to avoid prosecution of your elected "radical anti-American hate group political figures"

You do not accept the truth. There is nothing more to say to you. You're allowed your own opinion but not your own set of facts. The "facts" I reguritated were from the arrest records and applications for permits for the protests, both of which are publically available.

I watched and heard Donald Trump's spirited defence of the "very good people on both sides" press conference, and his botched clean up attempt later. There was also his "hostage video" condemnation of white supremacists, read in an unemotional monotone off the telepromter - the polar opposite of his emotional and spirited defence earlier. Just the fact that you believe Donald Trump shows your gullibility.

Then you go on to spout other Trumpian lies about the FBI being "politicized", and then descend into hate mongering and blither.

Christopher Wray's comments on the Proud Boys and other right wing extemists was in his recent testimony to Congress, which you won't believe because it's reported in the "fake news".

I have no time for idiot fuck boys who don't know their asses from a hole the ground, or truth from lies.
Hateful ignorant kunt.

Yeah, I get a lot triggered assholes calling me names. Rude, ignorant and conservative is no way to go through life, son.

In other words, you've got nothing. You can't refute anything I said. You can just sit there and throw you monkey shit at the passers by.
[QUOTE="Dragonlady, post: 25657828]

-Queen of Gaffes-
I see your problem now, reading comprehension, that Sheriff's office was debunked by the FBI and you used a quote by that office not the FBI.
I went over this already and you keep making the same error. You lie by saying FBI claims they are a white supremacist group then post the words mere ties which is not FBI findings, which is very dishonest of your label and deflection in regards to antifas ties to white supremacists, Bidens ties to Senator Byrd makes Biden a white supremacist using your dishonest labeling, makes Pelosi a mobster for her mob ties,
Half of hollywood and Dem politicians sexual predators for having ties to Spacey and Weinstein, and Bill Clinton, should I go on or do you get how intellectually dishonest and corrupt you are?
Last edited:
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.
Charlottesville had 2 crowds, one for tearing down statues and one for protecting them. The first day Nazis marched along with the statue protectors does not make the whole crowd White Supremacist, just as not everyone wanting to see them torn down was marxist with motive to wipe out American history.
The second day was mostly normal for or against statues crowd no longer with those set nazis groups marching, but perhaps in the mix we can't know because MSM calls everyone they disagree with white supremicist.
When the President made his speech about good and bad people on both sides, it was the second day without the Nazis march and he denounced them when making his comment but MSM left that out and fooled the liberals by blending the days, so people like you spread false news and narrative.
You should be offended that they think you are too stupid to notice the spin, and guess what, you proved them right, you are gullible.
Congrats, here's your sign:
View attachment 398500

That being said, most of us never heard of the proud boys, and we'd like to know who they are, but not by the commies protecting antifa telling us who they are for demonization political tactical motive. Chris Wallace was using Dem propaganda talking points from liberal parroted script making him exposed as a compromised journalist/reporter, just as Anderson Cooper did making false statements instead of questions in 2016 that's what Chris Wallace did so he'd always have a job at CNN if he gets fired. *L*

They’re a right wing vigilante hate group. And POTUS told them to stand by.
I AM FOR VIGILANTES DURING LAWLESSNESS, if it was a problem then why does your party allow lawlessness, how does one lawlessness get protected by you but counter that not? Must be nice to be living in a bubble of selective recognition where you get to be totalitarian control others.
What do they hate besides commies/and antifa?
Can you prove it without commie progressive liberal sources of media info?
You had your chance to convince me and you blew it with radical leftwing talking points instead of facts.
Now if Trump denounced Nazis at those statue marches then how can he be calling them nice?
This means you are the "some are not so nice"
And have become the hate group.

The President being pro vigilante is not acceptable...agree?
No not in certain context, in this case the left argues for removal of police, so they tried and failed when Chaz were the police authority and became worse when they beat people to a pulp for stealing. A script writer could never come up with this stuff, it just writes itself in irony.
So when the left decides self policing is the norm then a Vigilante is within the rights of the people defending against this wild wild west ideology.
Where you have mayors like DeBlasio forcing police to stand down then defending and protecting property is once again the right of the people when no law and order exists or hands are tied by policy or by a sociopathic mayor's orders.
SO your reply shows you are selective about law and order and want to do whatever you want but others can't defend against you in order to make that easier for you. Once again showing the nation that you would abuse power in the worst way.
Case Closed!

Wow. The Chief Executive--whose Constitutional duty is to enforce laws--Telling an independent vigilante group to stand acceptable to you.

Not exactly the MAGA you envisioned, I hope.

They should stand by, and kick antifa asses if they show up again. Where is the condemnation of Antifa, is condemning a death cult too difficult for the leftists? Only president Trump is capable of doing it?

Its sad that the blob can't give us an environment of safety and has to tell people you now admit are vigilantes to "stand by".

How pathetic you and he are.

Your dem mayors are ordering the cops to stand down and your dem da's are refusing to prosecute arrested criminals.

This is your actions.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

That never happened. Antifa attacked the event, and the people defended themselves. Again, defending onself from Antifa is a plus.

- Associating with white nationalist Biden supporters is a minus, but the founder condemned the idiots, and did not attend the rally for their presence. Anything with socialist in its name can not be right wing so falling for this leftist diversion was dumb indeed.
- Driving over people in an accident is a minus even if chased by Antifa. Only Antifa should be driven over. Proud boy was not on the driver seat, if he was Antifa would have been driven over instead.

No members of Anti-FA were arrested for violence so the idea that "anti-fa attacked the event" is utterly false. The housewives, office clerks and counter-protestors were not "anti-fa". None of the more than 30 left wing protestors who went to hospital, were members of anti-fa.

The man wasn't convicted of "driving over people by accident". He was convicted of murder. Of deliberately ploughing his car into a crowd injuring 17 people and killing Heather Heyer.

Of course you worship mouth breathing Neanderthals who hate women and travel in well armed gangs and acting tough and beat people up. You'd be one if you weren't scared of getting hurt.

Of course they were not arrested by the leftist prosecutors, you fucking idiot.

Everyone can use their eyes. Antifa was there without a permit, while the organizers did have a permit. Even the cops sided with Antifa, since the mayor is a hard leftist.

Unfortunately DragonicMoron, people have eyes. Now condemn Antifa or get the fuck out of here Canadian.

Well aren't you the pissy little shit. Stomping your tiny feet and making demands of a Dragon. Who the fuck do you think you are?

The anti-facist march had a permit. But keep trying to peddle your lies and deflect from your support of the beatings and murder, and the deaths of two police officers (Heyer wasn't the only person killed that weekend) and terrorizing tika torch marches.

As a final note, Norman. Last night, Mike Pence sealed the election for Donald Trump, by talking over Kamala Harris, lying, condescending to her, and demanding that she answer his questions, while refusing to answer hers questions, or those being asked by the female commentator. No woman in America will ever vote for this bullshit. Those of us who have worked in business, have seen this dynamic all of our working lives. Incompetent idiot men who try to mansplain, bully and dominate more capable and competent women.

So as for your demand that I answer your question, or acquiesce to your ridiculous demands, I don't think so. Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

An American. Who the fuck do you think you are colluding in American organizations and supporting anti-American death cults in an American forum, as a Canadian?

Mike Pence destroyed Kamala Harris. More examples of zero substance from you.
Pence got his bitch ass kicked. Dragonlady spoke truth to your fascist white racist ass.

Ah, a black supremacist appears... as if we did not have enough retards here.

Yes, I do condemn black supremacists totally, especially in the nation built by whites by white western values... and of course, FREEDOM!

However, you are in luck as there are some black supremacists nations that exist where whiteness is outlawed. Liberia comes to mind. Haul your supremacist ass there, we won't miss.
There are no black supremacist here. There are no such nations as you described. I was born in America and if you can't handle me using my first amendment rights, put your white ass on a plane and find an all white country.
Ahhh right there you just proved my former arguments that you are a racist-self reflect(Rosh Hashanah was recently here for you to do that) the prejudice & your hate is in your own heart.

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