Proud Boys - Pretty Awesome Actually

The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

They were not ok with it. THey had nothing to do with it.

And your strongest, indeed so far ONLY evidence, is a man who was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for ws associations.

That is insanely backwards logic.
You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

You've already been shown a Proud Boy co-sponsored Unite the Right. You've been shown Proud Boys participated in the racist rally. You've been shown the Proud Boys founder knew that and went along with it until a rightwingnut ran over 19 protesters and murdered one of them.

Now you’re just stuck in absolute denial mode.

Oh, a couple pages ago the claim was he was "THE ORGANIZER? and now he is just one of the "co-sponsors"?

And that guy was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for his association with ws, which is counter to the Proud Boys mission statement.

So, that is some weak ass shit you go there.

What is your second strongest evidence? Cause after all, if they really are a nation wide organization, doing all this terrible stuff, you should have no problem finding additional evidence of it, right?
You're lying again, con.

Kessler was not thrown out for associations with white supremacists. He was thrown out because an event he co-sponsored led to murder.

The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

So... a former member is all you got.

Talk about couldn't care less of a damn. The founder said he is not interested, which part do you not understand?

Can someone show me where do I sign up?
The founder was interested. He knew about the Unite the Right rally in advance. He knew Proud Boys were involved. He did nothing to stop the rally, nothing to distance his Proud Boys from it, said nothing negative about it ....

.... until ....

.... a woman was murdered by a rightwingnut at the event. Then he kicked Kessler out and did everything he could to distance his Proud Boys from it.

Other than disavow it, distance his Proud Boys from it and say negative shit about it. He is in no position to stop the Free Speech of others, and why would you want him to?
Dumbfuck, he supported the rally until someone was murdered.

No, he did not. You are the dumbfuck here, believing the shit the media feeds you.
Dumbfuck, read & learn...

But they did show up, which McInnes evidently expected. In the first episode of his Compound Media show after the August rally, McInnes said he had been “just combing through all the media reports going, ‘Don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys,’” hoping the “lunatic Nazi” who allegedly killed Heather Heyer wasn’t a member of his group. He wasn’t, but the white nationalist Jason Kessler — who has been filmed undergoing his second-degree Proud Boy initiation — was the rally’s principal organizer. Less than two months earlier, Kessler had been a guest on “The Gavin McInnes Show,” where he promoted Unite the Right and, in a chummy interview, laid out the ideological overlap he and McInnes shared. “What’s really under attack is if you say, ‘I want to stand up for white people. I want to stand up for western civilization. I want to stand up for men. I want to stand up for Christians,’” to which McInnes nodded in agreement and added other examples: “I’m against immigration…I’m against jihadis. I’m against radical Islam.”
After Charlottesville, in a move to protect the fratty and innocuous Proud Boys’ brand he’s worked so hard to cultivate, McInnes ejected Kessler from the organization and insisted he had never really been a Proud Boy. “I’m suspicious of you, coming to Proud Boys meetings saying you’re not alt-right…and I think you were there to try to recruit guys,” McInnes told Kessler when they spoke on his show two days after the rally. It was only after the violence in Charlottesville, when any doubts about the true nature of the movement were stripped away, that Mcinnes attempted to earnestly distance the Proud Boys from the alt-right label. Before that, he seemed content to let the Proud Boys brand appear more ideologically ambiguous, profiting off the alt-right’s rising popularity until things got ugly.[/i]​

So, the leader of the group, threw the guy out of the group for being "alt-right" and to you that is evidence they are ws?

Mmm, right. That makes no sense.

And that is the best you have? LOL!!!
Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

No, he didn't throw Kessler out for being alt-right. McInnes threw the guy out because someone was murdered at the event his Proud Boy co-sponsored. Kessler wasn't thrown out during the months leading up to the event. The event and what it represented wasn't the problem for McInnes. The problem for McInnes was that he didn't want his organization to be associated with a riot that resulted in murder. Only after a rightwingnut murdered Heather Heyer and ran over 19 people did he finally try to distance himself from Kessler and the Unite the Right rally.

You are just making up shit, based on your need to believe that the Proud Boys are bad, that is not supported by anything, other than your hate.

Kessler was thrown out of the Proud Boys. Using a ex-member who was thrown out for his associations with ws, as your best proof that the Proud Boys are ws,

is you losing the argument.

Why don't you give us your SECOND strongest evidence or example to support your position, since this one was not very convincing.

After all, if they are a large, nation wide ws organization, there must be tons of evidence, videos of their leaders saying ws shit, or them doing ws stuff....
You're lying again, con. I made nothing up. Everything I posted on this comes from the Southern Poverty Law Center, who tracks and monitors hate groups.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that. :eusa_naughty:

The SPLC is a bunch of partisan lefty hacks with no credibility. Your appeal to Authority is dismissed as the logical fallacy it is.

YOu are unable to support your claims. YOu lose.
My claims are supported and it matters not what you think of my source. Not to mention, you have absolutely nothing to refute any of it.

And you look riduculous claiming victory when you can't stop lying.

So, your supporting argument is, "The SPLC says so".

That's you not being able to give any evidence. Someone else "SAYS SO" is not a valid supporting argument.
Like it or not, they're a leafing group in monitoring hate groups. Your pouting doesn't actually change that.

Like it or not, saying "someone says so" is you admitting that you cannot support your position.

That is not cause to call someone anything.

YOu need to post a mission statement or a public policy statement with clear racist policies, or actions.

You have, "someone I like said so".
My position is confirmed. Yours is nothing but you saying, nuh-uh. Let's see the evidence on which you're basing your bullshit...?

Citing an Authority is not confirming your position. It is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. IN this case, an Authority known to be unreliable.

My position? Is based on the millions of videos showing Proud Boys marching in dem strongholds and being attacked by you animals.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

So... a former member is all you got.

Talk about couldn't care less of a damn. The founder said he is not interested, which part do you not understand?

Can someone show me where do I sign up?
The founder was interested. He knew about the Unite the Right rally in advance. He knew Proud Boys were involved. He did nothing to stop the rally, nothing to distance his Proud Boys from it, said nothing negative about it ....

.... until ....

.... a woman was murdered by a rightwingnut at the event. Then he kicked Kessler out and did everything he could to distance his Proud Boys from it.

Other than disavow it, distance his Proud Boys from it and say negative shit about it. He is in no position to stop the Free Speech of others, and why would you want him to?
Dumbfuck, he supported the rally until someone was murdered.

No, he did not. You are the dumbfuck here, believing the shit the media feeds you.
Dumbfuck, read & learn...

But they did show up, which McInnes evidently expected. In the first episode of his Compound Media show after the August rally, McInnes said he had been “just combing through all the media reports going, ‘Don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys,’” hoping the “lunatic Nazi” who allegedly killed Heather Heyer wasn’t a member of his group. He wasn’t, but the white nationalist Jason Kessler — who has been filmed undergoing his second-degree Proud Boy initiation — was the rally’s principal organizer. Less than two months earlier, Kessler had been a guest on “The Gavin McInnes Show,” where he promoted Unite the Right and, in a chummy interview, laid out the ideological overlap he and McInnes shared. “What’s really under attack is if you say, ‘I want to stand up for white people. I want to stand up for western civilization. I want to stand up for men. I want to stand up for Christians,’” to which McInnes nodded in agreement and added other examples: “I’m against immigration…I’m against jihadis. I’m against radical Islam.”
After Charlottesville, in a move to protect the fratty and innocuous Proud Boys’ brand he’s worked so hard to cultivate, McInnes ejected Kessler from the organization and insisted he had never really been a Proud Boy. “I’m suspicious of you, coming to Proud Boys meetings saying you’re not alt-right…and I think you were there to try to recruit guys,” McInnes told Kessler when they spoke on his show two days after the rally. It was only after the violence in Charlottesville, when any doubts about the true nature of the movement were stripped away, that Mcinnes attempted to earnestly distance the Proud Boys from the alt-right label. Before that, he seemed content to let the Proud Boys brand appear more ideologically ambiguous, profiting off the alt-right’s rising popularity until things got ugly.[/i]​

So, the leader of the group, threw the guy out of the group for being "alt-right" and to you that is evidence they are ws?

Mmm, right. That makes no sense.

And that is the best you have? LOL!!!
Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

No, he didn't throw Kessler out for being alt-right. McInnes threw the guy out because someone was murdered at the event his Proud Boy co-sponsored. Kessler wasn't thrown out during the months leading up to the event. The event and what it represented wasn't the problem for McInnes. The problem for McInnes was that he didn't want his organization to be associated with a riot that resulted in murder. Only after a rightwingnut murdered Heather Heyer and ran over 19 people did he finally try to distance himself from Kessler and the Unite the Right rally.

You are just making up shit, based on your need to believe that the Proud Boys are bad, that is not supported by anything, other than your hate.

Kessler was thrown out of the Proud Boys. Using a ex-member who was thrown out for his associations with ws, as your best proof that the Proud Boys are ws,

is you losing the argument.

Why don't you give us your SECOND strongest evidence or example to support your position, since this one was not very convincing.

After all, if they are a large, nation wide ws organization, there must be tons of evidence, videos of their leaders saying ws shit, or them doing ws stuff....
You're lying again, con. I made nothing up. Everything I posted on this comes from the Southern Poverty Law Center, who tracks and monitors hate groups.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that. :eusa_naughty:

The SPLC is a bunch of partisan lefty hacks with no credibility. Your appeal to Authority is dismissed as the logical fallacy it is.

YOu are unable to support your claims. YOu lose.
My claims are supported and it matters not what you think of my source. Not to mention, you have absolutely nothing to refute any of it.

And you look riduculous claiming victory when you can't stop lying.

So, your supporting argument is, "The SPLC says so".

That's you not being able to give any evidence. Someone else "SAYS SO" is not a valid supporting argument.
Like it or not, they're a leafing group in monitoring hate groups. Your pouting doesn't actually change that.

Like it or not, saying "someone says so" is you admitting that you cannot support your position.

That is not cause to call someone anything.

YOu need to post a mission statement or a public policy statement with clear racist policies, or actions.

You have, "someone I like said so".
My position is confirmed. Yours is nothing but you saying, nuh-uh. Let's see the evidence on which you're basing your bullshit...?

Citing an Authority is not confirming your position. It is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. IN this case, an Authority known to be unreliable.

My position? Is based on the millions of videos showing Proud Boys marching in dem strongholds and being attacked by you animals.

Do you happen to have the video of the proud boy one hit KOing the antifa soy boy? That one was freaking awesome!
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

That never happened. Antifa attacked the event, and the people defended themselves. Again, defending onself from Antifa is a plus.

- Associating with white nationalist Biden supporters is a minus, but the founder condemned the idiots, and did not attend the rally for their presence. Anything with socialist in its name can not be right wing so falling for this leftist diversion was dumb indeed.
- Driving over people in an accident is a minus even if chased by Antifa. Only Antifa should be driven over. Proud boy was not on the driver seat, if he was Antifa would have been driven over instead.
"Driving over people in an accident..."

You're truly fucked in the head, con. Sad, really. :(

You are a true moron. The driver crashed to a car, which hit the person who died. He did not even drive over people.

True fucking imbecile far left shill who pretends he has no eyes because begging for a handout from his masters while taking it up the ass is all he has.
You're lying again. It was proven in court that Fields' car hit Heyer.

All lives splatter.

Note: That is not the driver's car, the car hits the car on this clip from behind.

It should be legal to drive over the antifa fucks who don't keep off the damn streets. Florida has the right idea regarding this.

Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not. You are whining over one splatter death over a person who was protesting on the streets. Communists love death, don't they? Just admit it, you love death cults as long as they promote the wicked, evil and anti-American like you.

Despite your hysterics, Fields' car hit and killer Heyer. Neither she nor Fields' car can be seen in that image because they're obstructed by a building. So who knows why you posted it?

"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."

Asked and answered.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

They were not ok with it. THey had nothing to do with it.

And your strongest, indeed so far ONLY evidence, is a man who was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for ws associations.

That is insanely backwards logic.
You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

You've already been shown a Proud Boy co-sponsored Unite the Right. You've been shown Proud Boys participated in the racist rally. You've been shown the Proud Boys founder knew that and went along with it until a rightwingnut ran over 19 protesters and murdered one of them.

Now you’re just stuck in absolute denial mode.

Oh, a couple pages ago the claim was he was "THE ORGANIZER? and now he is just one of the "co-sponsors"?

And that guy was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for his association with ws, which is counter to the Proud Boys mission statement.

So, that is some weak ass shit you go there.

What is your second strongest evidence? Cause after all, if they really are a nation wide organization, doing all this terrible stuff, you should have no problem finding additional evidence of it, right?

Nah, the Proud Boys organized it. The march, the deaths, the beatings. They only disavowed the widely publicized event when Blobbers went all violent as they always do. Such is the life of an INCEL.

No, they didn't. Even faun is walking that stupid shit back.

And ws do not always get violent. They are almost always greatly outnumbered and protected by local police.

But in this case, as we have seen more and more, the cops were ordered to stand down so the larger mob of lefties could assault and hopefully intimidate the ws.
I walked nothing back, ya freak con.

Sure you did. Just a few pages ago, Kessler was "THE ORGANIZER" and now, magically, he has been reduced to "co-sponsor".

Say, Faun, how many "co-sponsors" were there? 2? 3? 30?

Just how big was Kessler's role?
Quote me saying Kessler was the sole organizer....

I did not say YOU personally said it. I repeat my question. YOU did claim he wa
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

They were not ok with it. THey had nothing to do with it.

And your strongest, indeed so far ONLY evidence, is a man who was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for ws associations.

That is insanely backwards logic.
You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

You've already been shown a Proud Boy co-sponsored Unite the Right. You've been shown Proud Boys participated in the racist rally. You've been shown the Proud Boys founder knew that and went along with it until a rightwingnut ran over 19 protesters and murdered one of them.

Now you’re just stuck in absolute denial mode.

Oh, a couple pages ago the claim was he was "THE ORGANIZER? and now he is just one of the "co-sponsors"?

And that guy was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for his association with ws, which is counter to the Proud Boys mission statement.

So, that is some weak ass shit you go there.

What is your second strongest evidence? Cause after all, if they really are a nation wide organization, doing all this terrible stuff, you should have no problem finding additional evidence of it, right?

Nah, the Proud Boys organized it. The march, the deaths, the beatings. They only disavowed the widely publicized event when Blobbers went all violent as they always do. Such is the life of an INCEL.

No, they didn't. Even faun is walking that stupid shit back.

And ws do not always get violent. They are almost always greatly outnumbered and protected by local police.

But in this case, as we have seen more and more, the cops were ordered to stand down so the larger mob of lefties could assault and hopefully intimidate the ws.
I walked nothing back, ya freak con.

Sure you did. Just a few pages ago, Kessler was "THE ORGANIZER" and now, magically, he has been reduced to "co-sponsor".

Say, Faun, how many "co-sponsors" were there? 2? 3? 30?

Just how big was Kessler's role?

Who even cares, he is not in the group anymore, and proud boys condemned the rally entirely. Particularly playing with socialism is of course, a giant red flag.

This is like saying that the whole democrat party is responsible for the democrat shootings, because the shooter happened to be a democrat.
The Proud Boys didn't condemn the Unite the Right rally leading up to it and only condemned it after a rightwingnut at the rally murdered someone.

Why would they have to condemn a random ws rally that they had nothing to do with?
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

They were not ok with it. THey had nothing to do with it.

And your strongest, indeed so far ONLY evidence, is a man who was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for ws associations.

That is insanely backwards logic.
You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

You've already been shown a Proud Boy co-sponsored Unite the Right. You've been shown Proud Boys participated in the racist rally. You've been shown the Proud Boys founder knew that and went along with it until a rightwingnut ran over 19 protesters and murdered one of them.

Now you’re just stuck in absolute denial mode.

Oh, a couple pages ago the claim was he was "THE ORGANIZER? and now he is just one of the "co-sponsors"?

And that guy was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for his association with ws, which is counter to the Proud Boys mission statement.

So, that is some weak ass shit you go there.

What is your second strongest evidence? Cause after all, if they really are a nation wide organization, doing all this terrible stuff, you should have no problem finding additional evidence of it, right?

Nah, the Proud Boys organized it. The march, the deaths, the beatings. They only disavowed the widely publicized event when Blobbers went all violent as they always do. Such is the life of an INCEL.

No, they didn't. Even faun is walking that stupid shit back.

And ws do not always get violent. They are almost always greatly outnumbered and protected by local police.

But in this case, as we have seen more and more, the cops were ordered to stand down so the larger mob of lefties could assault and hopefully intimidate the ws.
I walked nothing back, ya freak con.

Sure you did. Just a few pages ago, Kessler was "THE ORGANIZER" and now, magically, he has been reduced to "co-sponsor".

Say, Faun, how many "co-sponsors" were there? 2? 3? 30?

Just how big was Kessler's role?
Quote me saying Kessler was the sole organizer....

I did not say YOU personally said it. I repeat my question. YOU did claim he wa
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

They were not ok with it. THey had nothing to do with it.

And your strongest, indeed so far ONLY evidence, is a man who was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for ws associations.

That is insanely backwards logic.
You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

You've already been shown a Proud Boy co-sponsored Unite the Right. You've been shown Proud Boys participated in the racist rally. You've been shown the Proud Boys founder knew that and went along with it until a rightwingnut ran over 19 protesters and murdered one of them.

Now you’re just stuck in absolute denial mode.

Oh, a couple pages ago the claim was he was "THE ORGANIZER? and now he is just one of the "co-sponsors"?

And that guy was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for his association with ws, which is counter to the Proud Boys mission statement.

So, that is some weak ass shit you go there.

What is your second strongest evidence? Cause after all, if they really are a nation wide organization, doing all this terrible stuff, you should have no problem finding additional evidence of it, right?

Nah, the Proud Boys organized it. The march, the deaths, the beatings. They only disavowed the widely publicized event when Blobbers went all violent as they always do. Such is the life of an INCEL.

No, they didn't. Even faun is walking that stupid shit back.

And ws do not always get violent. They are almost always greatly outnumbered and protected by local police.

But in this case, as we have seen more and more, the cops were ordered to stand down so the larger mob of lefties could assault and hopefully intimidate the ws.
I walked nothing back, ya freak con.

Sure you did. Just a few pages ago, Kessler was "THE ORGANIZER" and now, magically, he has been reduced to "co-sponsor".

Say, Faun, how many "co-sponsors" were there? 2? 3? 30?

Just how big was Kessler's role?

Who even cares, he is not in the group anymore, and proud boys condemned the rally entirely. Particularly playing with socialism is of course, a giant red flag.

This is like saying that the whole democrat party is responsible for the democrat shootings, because the shooter happened to be a democrat.
The Proud Boys didn't condemn the Unite the Right rally leading up to it and only condemned it after a rightwingnut at the rally murdered someone.

Why would they have to condemn a random ws rally that they had nothing to do with?

Faun has not been able to condemn antifa or BLM yet, but other people need to condemn this and that to be credible apparently.

Classic brain dead frothing at mouth leftist.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

So... a former member is all you got.

Talk about couldn't care less of a damn. The founder said he is not interested, which part do you not understand?

Can someone show me where do I sign up?
The founder was interested. He knew about the Unite the Right rally in advance. He knew Proud Boys were involved. He did nothing to stop the rally, nothing to distance his Proud Boys from it, said nothing negative about it ....

.... until ....

.... a woman was murdered by a rightwingnut at the event. Then he kicked Kessler out and did everything he could to distance his Proud Boys from it.

Other than disavow it, distance his Proud Boys from it and say negative shit about it. He is in no position to stop the Free Speech of others, and why would you want him to?
Dumbfuck, he supported the rally until someone was murdered.

No, he did not. You are the dumbfuck here, believing the shit the media feeds you.
Dumbfuck, read & learn...

But they did show up, which McInnes evidently expected. In the first episode of his Compound Media show after the August rally, McInnes said he had been “just combing through all the media reports going, ‘Don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys,’” hoping the “lunatic Nazi” who allegedly killed Heather Heyer wasn’t a member of his group. He wasn’t, but the white nationalist Jason Kessler — who has been filmed undergoing his second-degree Proud Boy initiation — was the rally’s principal organizer. Less than two months earlier, Kessler had been a guest on “The Gavin McInnes Show,” where he promoted Unite the Right and, in a chummy interview, laid out the ideological overlap he and McInnes shared. “What’s really under attack is if you say, ‘I want to stand up for white people. I want to stand up for western civilization. I want to stand up for men. I want to stand up for Christians,’” to which McInnes nodded in agreement and added other examples: “I’m against immigration…I’m against jihadis. I’m against radical Islam.”
After Charlottesville, in a move to protect the fratty and innocuous Proud Boys’ brand he’s worked so hard to cultivate, McInnes ejected Kessler from the organization and insisted he had never really been a Proud Boy. “I’m suspicious of you, coming to Proud Boys meetings saying you’re not alt-right…and I think you were there to try to recruit guys,” McInnes told Kessler when they spoke on his show two days after the rally. It was only after the violence in Charlottesville, when any doubts about the true nature of the movement were stripped away, that Mcinnes attempted to earnestly distance the Proud Boys from the alt-right label. Before that, he seemed content to let the Proud Boys brand appear more ideologically ambiguous, profiting off the alt-right’s rising popularity until things got ugly.[/i]​

So, the leader of the group, threw the guy out of the group for being "alt-right" and to you that is evidence they are ws?

Mmm, right. That makes no sense.

And that is the best you have? LOL!!!
Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

No, he didn't throw Kessler out for being alt-right. McInnes threw the guy out because someone was murdered at the event his Proud Boy co-sponsored. Kessler wasn't thrown out during the months leading up to the event. The event and what it represented wasn't the problem for McInnes. The problem for McInnes was that he didn't want his organization to be associated with a riot that resulted in murder. Only after a rightwingnut murdered Heather Heyer and ran over 19 people did he finally try to distance himself from Kessler and the Unite the Right rally.

You are just making up shit, based on your need to believe that the Proud Boys are bad, that is not supported by anything, other than your hate.

Kessler was thrown out of the Proud Boys. Using a ex-member who was thrown out for his associations with ws, as your best proof that the Proud Boys are ws,

is you losing the argument.

Why don't you give us your SECOND strongest evidence or example to support your position, since this one was not very convincing.

After all, if they are a large, nation wide ws organization, there must be tons of evidence, videos of their leaders saying ws shit, or them doing ws stuff....
You're lying again, con. I made nothing up. Everything I posted on this comes from the Southern Poverty Law Center, who tracks and monitors hate groups.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that. :eusa_naughty:

The SPLC is a bunch of partisan lefty hacks with no credibility. Your appeal to Authority is dismissed as the logical fallacy it is.

YOu are unable to support your claims. YOu lose.
My claims are supported and it matters not what you think of my source. Not to mention, you have absolutely nothing to refute any of it.

And you look riduculous claiming victory when you can't stop lying.

So, your supporting argument is, "The SPLC says so".

That's you not being able to give any evidence. Someone else "SAYS SO" is not a valid supporting argument.
Like it or not, they're a leafing group in monitoring hate groups. Your pouting doesn't actually change that.

Like it or not, saying "someone says so" is you admitting that you cannot support your position.

That is not cause to call someone anything.

YOu need to post a mission statement or a public policy statement with clear racist policies, or actions.

You have, "someone I like said so".
My position is confirmed. Yours is nothing but you saying, nuh-uh. Let's see the evidence on which you're basing your bullshit...?

Citing an Authority is not confirming your position. It is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. IN this case, an Authority known to be unreliable.

My position? Is based on the millions of videos showing Proud Boys marching in dem strongholds and being attacked by you animals.

Your denials are again noted and dismissed. nuh-uh doesn't refute anything.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

So... a former member is all you got.

Talk about couldn't care less of a damn. The founder said he is not interested, which part do you not understand?

Can someone show me where do I sign up?
The founder was interested. He knew about the Unite the Right rally in advance. He knew Proud Boys were involved. He did nothing to stop the rally, nothing to distance his Proud Boys from it, said nothing negative about it ....

.... until ....

.... a woman was murdered by a rightwingnut at the event. Then he kicked Kessler out and did everything he could to distance his Proud Boys from it.

Other than disavow it, distance his Proud Boys from it and say negative shit about it. He is in no position to stop the Free Speech of others, and why would you want him to?
Dumbfuck, he supported the rally until someone was murdered.

No, he did not. You are the dumbfuck here, believing the shit the media feeds you.
Dumbfuck, read & learn...

But they did show up, which McInnes evidently expected. In the first episode of his Compound Media show after the August rally, McInnes said he had been “just combing through all the media reports going, ‘Don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys,’” hoping the “lunatic Nazi” who allegedly killed Heather Heyer wasn’t a member of his group. He wasn’t, but the white nationalist Jason Kessler — who has been filmed undergoing his second-degree Proud Boy initiation — was the rally’s principal organizer. Less than two months earlier, Kessler had been a guest on “The Gavin McInnes Show,” where he promoted Unite the Right and, in a chummy interview, laid out the ideological overlap he and McInnes shared. “What’s really under attack is if you say, ‘I want to stand up for white people. I want to stand up for western civilization. I want to stand up for men. I want to stand up for Christians,’” to which McInnes nodded in agreement and added other examples: “I’m against immigration…I’m against jihadis. I’m against radical Islam.”
After Charlottesville, in a move to protect the fratty and innocuous Proud Boys’ brand he’s worked so hard to cultivate, McInnes ejected Kessler from the organization and insisted he had never really been a Proud Boy. “I’m suspicious of you, coming to Proud Boys meetings saying you’re not alt-right…and I think you were there to try to recruit guys,” McInnes told Kessler when they spoke on his show two days after the rally. It was only after the violence in Charlottesville, when any doubts about the true nature of the movement were stripped away, that Mcinnes attempted to earnestly distance the Proud Boys from the alt-right label. Before that, he seemed content to let the Proud Boys brand appear more ideologically ambiguous, profiting off the alt-right’s rising popularity until things got ugly.[/i]​

So, the leader of the group, threw the guy out of the group for being "alt-right" and to you that is evidence they are ws?

Mmm, right. That makes no sense.

And that is the best you have? LOL!!!
Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

No, he didn't throw Kessler out for being alt-right. McInnes threw the guy out because someone was murdered at the event his Proud Boy co-sponsored. Kessler wasn't thrown out during the months leading up to the event. The event and what it represented wasn't the problem for McInnes. The problem for McInnes was that he didn't want his organization to be associated with a riot that resulted in murder. Only after a rightwingnut murdered Heather Heyer and ran over 19 people did he finally try to distance himself from Kessler and the Unite the Right rally.

You are just making up shit, based on your need to believe that the Proud Boys are bad, that is not supported by anything, other than your hate.

Kessler was thrown out of the Proud Boys. Using a ex-member who was thrown out for his associations with ws, as your best proof that the Proud Boys are ws,

is you losing the argument.

Why don't you give us your SECOND strongest evidence or example to support your position, since this one was not very convincing.

After all, if they are a large, nation wide ws organization, there must be tons of evidence, videos of their leaders saying ws shit, or them doing ws stuff....
You're lying again, con. I made nothing up. Everything I posted on this comes from the Southern Poverty Law Center, who tracks and monitors hate groups.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that. :eusa_naughty:

The SPLC is a bunch of partisan lefty hacks with no credibility. Your appeal to Authority is dismissed as the logical fallacy it is.

YOu are unable to support your claims. YOu lose.
My claims are supported and it matters not what you think of my source. Not to mention, you have absolutely nothing to refute any of it.

And you look riduculous claiming victory when you can't stop lying.

So, your supporting argument is, "The SPLC says so".

That's you not being able to give any evidence. Someone else "SAYS SO" is not a valid supporting argument.
Like it or not, they're a leafing group in monitoring hate groups. Your pouting doesn't actually change that.

Like it or not, saying "someone says so" is you admitting that you cannot support your position.

That is not cause to call someone anything.

YOu need to post a mission statement or a public policy statement with clear racist policies, or actions.

You have, "someone I like said so".
My position is confirmed. Yours is nothing but you saying, nuh-uh. Let's see the evidence on which you're basing your bullshit...?

Citing an Authority is not confirming your position. It is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. IN this case, an Authority known to be unreliable.

My position? Is based on the millions of videos showing Proud Boys marching in dem strongholds and being attacked by you animals.

Do you happen to have the video of the proud boy one hit KOing the antifa soy boy? That one was freaking awesome!

It was.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

They were not ok with it. THey had nothing to do with it.

And your strongest, indeed so far ONLY evidence, is a man who was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for ws associations.

That is insanely backwards logic.
You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

You've already been shown a Proud Boy co-sponsored Unite the Right. You've been shown Proud Boys participated in the racist rally. You've been shown the Proud Boys founder knew that and went along with it until a rightwingnut ran over 19 protesters and murdered one of them.

Now you’re just stuck in absolute denial mode.

Oh, a couple pages ago the claim was he was "THE ORGANIZER? and now he is just one of the "co-sponsors"?

And that guy was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for his association with ws, which is counter to the Proud Boys mission statement.

So, that is some weak ass shit you go there.

What is your second strongest evidence? Cause after all, if they really are a nation wide organization, doing all this terrible stuff, you should have no problem finding additional evidence of it, right?

Nah, the Proud Boys organized it. The march, the deaths, the beatings. They only disavowed the widely publicized event when Blobbers went all violent as they always do. Such is the life of an INCEL.

No, they didn't. Even faun is walking that stupid shit back.

And ws do not always get violent. They are almost always greatly outnumbered and protected by local police.

But in this case, as we have seen more and more, the cops were ordered to stand down so the larger mob of lefties could assault and hopefully intimidate the ws.
I walked nothing back, ya freak con.

Sure you did. Just a few pages ago, Kessler was "THE ORGANIZER" and now, magically, he has been reduced to "co-sponsor".

Say, Faun, how many "co-sponsors" were there? 2? 3? 30?

Just how big was Kessler's role?
Quote me saying Kessler was the sole organizer....

I did not say YOU personally said it. I repeat my question. YOU did claim he wa
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

They were not ok with it. THey had nothing to do with it.

And your strongest, indeed so far ONLY evidence, is a man who was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for ws associations.

That is insanely backwards logic.
You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

You've already been shown a Proud Boy co-sponsored Unite the Right. You've been shown Proud Boys participated in the racist rally. You've been shown the Proud Boys founder knew that and went along with it until a rightwingnut ran over 19 protesters and murdered one of them.

Now you’re just stuck in absolute denial mode.

Oh, a couple pages ago the claim was he was "THE ORGANIZER? and now he is just one of the "co-sponsors"?

And that guy was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for his association with ws, which is counter to the Proud Boys mission statement.

So, that is some weak ass shit you go there.

What is your second strongest evidence? Cause after all, if they really are a nation wide organization, doing all this terrible stuff, you should have no problem finding additional evidence of it, right?

Nah, the Proud Boys organized it. The march, the deaths, the beatings. They only disavowed the widely publicized event when Blobbers went all violent as they always do. Such is the life of an INCEL.

No, they didn't. Even faun is walking that stupid shit back.

And ws do not always get violent. They are almost always greatly outnumbered and protected by local police.

But in this case, as we have seen more and more, the cops were ordered to stand down so the larger mob of lefties could assault and hopefully intimidate the ws.
I walked nothing back, ya freak con.

Sure you did. Just a few pages ago, Kessler was "THE ORGANIZER" and now, magically, he has been reduced to "co-sponsor".

Say, Faun, how many "co-sponsors" were there? 2? 3? 30?

Just how big was Kessler's role?

Who even cares, he is not in the group anymore, and proud boys condemned the rally entirely. Particularly playing with socialism is of course, a giant red flag.

This is like saying that the whole democrat party is responsible for the democrat shootings, because the shooter happened to be a democrat.
The Proud Boys didn't condemn the Unite the Right rally leading up to it and only condemned it after a rightwingnut at the rally murdered someone.

Why would they have to condemn a random ws rally that they had nothing to do with?

Faun has not been able to condemn antifa or BLM yet, but other people need to condemn this and that to be credible apparently.

Classic brain dead frothing at mouth leftist.
You're lying again.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

So... a former member is all you got.

Talk about couldn't care less of a damn. The founder said he is not interested, which part do you not understand?

Can someone show me where do I sign up?
The founder was interested. He knew about the Unite the Right rally in advance. He knew Proud Boys were involved. He did nothing to stop the rally, nothing to distance his Proud Boys from it, said nothing negative about it ....

.... until ....

.... a woman was murdered by a rightwingnut at the event. Then he kicked Kessler out and did everything he could to distance his Proud Boys from it.

Other than disavow it, distance his Proud Boys from it and say negative shit about it. He is in no position to stop the Free Speech of others, and why would you want him to?
Dumbfuck, he supported the rally until someone was murdered.

No, he did not. You are the dumbfuck here, believing the shit the media feeds you.
Dumbfuck, read & learn...

But they did show up, which McInnes evidently expected. In the first episode of his Compound Media show after the August rally, McInnes said he had been “just combing through all the media reports going, ‘Don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys,’” hoping the “lunatic Nazi” who allegedly killed Heather Heyer wasn’t a member of his group. He wasn’t, but the white nationalist Jason Kessler — who has been filmed undergoing his second-degree Proud Boy initiation — was the rally’s principal organizer. Less than two months earlier, Kessler had been a guest on “The Gavin McInnes Show,” where he promoted Unite the Right and, in a chummy interview, laid out the ideological overlap he and McInnes shared. “What’s really under attack is if you say, ‘I want to stand up for white people. I want to stand up for western civilization. I want to stand up for men. I want to stand up for Christians,’” to which McInnes nodded in agreement and added other examples: “I’m against immigration…I’m against jihadis. I’m against radical Islam.”
After Charlottesville, in a move to protect the fratty and innocuous Proud Boys’ brand he’s worked so hard to cultivate, McInnes ejected Kessler from the organization and insisted he had never really been a Proud Boy. “I’m suspicious of you, coming to Proud Boys meetings saying you’re not alt-right…and I think you were there to try to recruit guys,” McInnes told Kessler when they spoke on his show two days after the rally. It was only after the violence in Charlottesville, when any doubts about the true nature of the movement were stripped away, that Mcinnes attempted to earnestly distance the Proud Boys from the alt-right label. Before that, he seemed content to let the Proud Boys brand appear more ideologically ambiguous, profiting off the alt-right’s rising popularity until things got ugly.[/i]​

So, the leader of the group, threw the guy out of the group for being "alt-right" and to you that is evidence they are ws?

Mmm, right. That makes no sense.

And that is the best you have? LOL!!!
Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

No, he didn't throw Kessler out for being alt-right. McInnes threw the guy out because someone was murdered at the event his Proud Boy co-sponsored. Kessler wasn't thrown out during the months leading up to the event. The event and what it represented wasn't the problem for McInnes. The problem for McInnes was that he didn't want his organization to be associated with a riot that resulted in murder. Only after a rightwingnut murdered Heather Heyer and ran over 19 people did he finally try to distance himself from Kessler and the Unite the Right rally.

You are just making up shit, based on your need to believe that the Proud Boys are bad, that is not supported by anything, other than your hate.

Kessler was thrown out of the Proud Boys. Using a ex-member who was thrown out for his associations with ws, as your best proof that the Proud Boys are ws,

is you losing the argument.

Why don't you give us your SECOND strongest evidence or example to support your position, since this one was not very convincing.

After all, if they are a large, nation wide ws organization, there must be tons of evidence, videos of their leaders saying ws shit, or them doing ws stuff....
You're lying again, con. I made nothing up. Everything I posted on this comes from the Southern Poverty Law Center, who tracks and monitors hate groups.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that. :eusa_naughty:

The SPLC is a bunch of partisan lefty hacks with no credibility. Your appeal to Authority is dismissed as the logical fallacy it is.

YOu are unable to support your claims. YOu lose.
My claims are supported and it matters not what you think of my source. Not to mention, you have absolutely nothing to refute any of it.

And you look riduculous claiming victory when you can't stop lying.

So, your supporting argument is, "The SPLC says so".

That's you not being able to give any evidence. Someone else "SAYS SO" is not a valid supporting argument.
Like it or not, they're a leafing group in monitoring hate groups. Your pouting doesn't actually change that.

Like it or not, saying "someone says so" is you admitting that you cannot support your position.

That is not cause to call someone anything.

YOu need to post a mission statement or a public policy statement with clear racist policies, or actions.

You have, "someone I like said so".
My position is confirmed. Yours is nothing but you saying, nuh-uh. Let's see the evidence on which you're basing your bullshit...?

Citing an Authority is not confirming your position. It is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. IN this case, an Authority known to be unreliable.

My position? Is based on the millions of videos showing Proud Boys marching in dem strongholds and being attacked by you animals.

Your denials are again noted and dismissed. nuh-uh doesn't refute anything.

YOur inability to support your position is noted. You lose.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

They were not ok with it. THey had nothing to do with it.

And your strongest, indeed so far ONLY evidence, is a man who was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for ws associations.

That is insanely backwards logic.
You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

You've already been shown a Proud Boy co-sponsored Unite the Right. You've been shown Proud Boys participated in the racist rally. You've been shown the Proud Boys founder knew that and went along with it until a rightwingnut ran over 19 protesters and murdered one of them.

Now you’re just stuck in absolute denial mode.

Oh, a couple pages ago the claim was he was "THE ORGANIZER? and now he is just one of the "co-sponsors"?

And that guy was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for his association with ws, which is counter to the Proud Boys mission statement.

So, that is some weak ass shit you go there.

What is your second strongest evidence? Cause after all, if they really are a nation wide organization, doing all this terrible stuff, you should have no problem finding additional evidence of it, right?
You're lying again, con.

Kessler was not thrown out for associations with white supremacists. He was thrown out because an event he co-sponsored led to murder.

Already posted.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

So... a former member is all you got.

Talk about couldn't care less of a damn. The founder said he is not interested, which part do you not understand?

Can someone show me where do I sign up?
The founder was interested. He knew about the Unite the Right rally in advance. He knew Proud Boys were involved. He did nothing to stop the rally, nothing to distance his Proud Boys from it, said nothing negative about it ....

.... until ....

.... a woman was murdered by a rightwingnut at the event. Then he kicked Kessler out and did everything he could to distance his Proud Boys from it.

Other than disavow it, distance his Proud Boys from it and say negative shit about it. He is in no position to stop the Free Speech of others, and why would you want him to?
Dumbfuck, he supported the rally until someone was murdered.

No, he did not. You are the dumbfuck here, believing the shit the media feeds you.
Dumbfuck, read & learn...

But they did show up, which McInnes evidently expected. In the first episode of his Compound Media show after the August rally, McInnes said he had been “just combing through all the media reports going, ‘Don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys,’” hoping the “lunatic Nazi” who allegedly killed Heather Heyer wasn’t a member of his group. He wasn’t, but the white nationalist Jason Kessler — who has been filmed undergoing his second-degree Proud Boy initiation — was the rally’s principal organizer. Less than two months earlier, Kessler had been a guest on “The Gavin McInnes Show,” where he promoted Unite the Right and, in a chummy interview, laid out the ideological overlap he and McInnes shared. “What’s really under attack is if you say, ‘I want to stand up for white people. I want to stand up for western civilization. I want to stand up for men. I want to stand up for Christians,’” to which McInnes nodded in agreement and added other examples: “I’m against immigration…I’m against jihadis. I’m against radical Islam.”
After Charlottesville, in a move to protect the fratty and innocuous Proud Boys’ brand he’s worked so hard to cultivate, McInnes ejected Kessler from the organization and insisted he had never really been a Proud Boy. “I’m suspicious of you, coming to Proud Boys meetings saying you’re not alt-right…and I think you were there to try to recruit guys,” McInnes told Kessler when they spoke on his show two days after the rally. It was only after the violence in Charlottesville, when any doubts about the true nature of the movement were stripped away, that Mcinnes attempted to earnestly distance the Proud Boys from the alt-right label. Before that, he seemed content to let the Proud Boys brand appear more ideologically ambiguous, profiting off the alt-right’s rising popularity until things got ugly.[/i]​

So, the leader of the group, threw the guy out of the group for being "alt-right" and to you that is evidence they are ws?

Mmm, right. That makes no sense.

And that is the best you have? LOL!!!
Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

No, he didn't throw Kessler out for being alt-right. McInnes threw the guy out because someone was murdered at the event his Proud Boy co-sponsored. Kessler wasn't thrown out during the months leading up to the event. The event and what it represented wasn't the problem for McInnes. The problem for McInnes was that he didn't want his organization to be associated with a riot that resulted in murder. Only after a rightwingnut murdered Heather Heyer and ran over 19 people did he finally try to distance himself from Kessler and the Unite the Right rally.

You are just making up shit, based on your need to believe that the Proud Boys are bad, that is not supported by anything, other than your hate.

Kessler was thrown out of the Proud Boys. Using a ex-member who was thrown out for his associations with ws, as your best proof that the Proud Boys are ws,

is you losing the argument.

Why don't you give us your SECOND strongest evidence or example to support your position, since this one was not very convincing.

After all, if they are a large, nation wide ws organization, there must be tons of evidence, videos of their leaders saying ws shit, or them doing ws stuff....
You're lying again, con. I made nothing up. Everything I posted on this comes from the Southern Poverty Law Center, who tracks and monitors hate groups.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that. :eusa_naughty:

The SPLC is a bunch of partisan lefty hacks with no credibility. Your appeal to Authority is dismissed as the logical fallacy it is.

YOu are unable to support your claims. YOu lose.
My claims are supported and it matters not what you think of my source. Not to mention, you have absolutely nothing to refute any of it.

And you look riduculous claiming victory when you can't stop lying.

So, your supporting argument is, "The SPLC says so".

That's you not being able to give any evidence. Someone else "SAYS SO" is not a valid supporting argument.
Like it or not, they're a leafing group in monitoring hate groups. Your pouting doesn't actually change that.

Like it or not, saying "someone says so" is you admitting that you cannot support your position.

That is not cause to call someone anything.

YOu need to post a mission statement or a public policy statement with clear racist policies, or actions.

You have, "someone I like said so".
My position is confirmed. Yours is nothing but you saying, nuh-uh. Let's see the evidence on which you're basing your bullshit...?

Citing an Authority is not confirming your position. It is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. IN this case, an Authority known to be unreliable.

My position? Is based on the millions of videos showing Proud Boys marching in dem strongholds and being attacked by you animals.

Your denials are again noted and dismissed. nuh-uh doesn't refute anything.

YOur inability to support your position is noted. You lose.
You're lying again, con. I posted support of my position. You've posted no support of yours.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

They were not ok with it. THey had nothing to do with it.

And your strongest, indeed so far ONLY evidence, is a man who was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for ws associations.

That is insanely backwards logic.
You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

You've already been shown a Proud Boy co-sponsored Unite the Right. You've been shown Proud Boys participated in the racist rally. You've been shown the Proud Boys founder knew that and went along with it until a rightwingnut ran over 19 protesters and murdered one of them.

Now you’re just stuck in absolute denial mode.

Oh, a couple pages ago the claim was he was "THE ORGANIZER? and now he is just one of the "co-sponsors"?

And that guy was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for his association with ws, which is counter to the Proud Boys mission statement.

So, that is some weak ass shit you go there.

What is your second strongest evidence? Cause after all, if they really are a nation wide organization, doing all this terrible stuff, you should have no problem finding additional evidence of it, right?
You're lying again, con.

Kessler was not thrown out for associations with white supremacists. He was thrown out because an event he co-sponsored led to murder.

Already posted.

I didn't see it. Was it one of those links of just some other lib making the same unsupported allegations?

Cause, I know in your mind, that is proof, but in the real world, it just means there are two of you. And we knew that.
Has a single leftist on this thread condemned the true death cults - Antifa and BLM?
I condemn murders committed by BLM. I'm not aware of any by Antifa.

I don't give a toss whether you condemn "murders". Even the white nationalists condemn murder, so at this point you have not even passed the Biden voters in morality. Do you condemn the ORGANIZATION including the goals of DESTRUCTION OF FAMILY and SOCIALISM?

Condemning deaths is not even close to being good enough. The white nationalists are condemned over IDEOLOGICAL REASONS, not for causing deaths. In this case the ideology is communism, responsible over the deaths of over 100 million people, and being thoroughly anti-American.

Do note, the white nationalists were not intent on killing anyone, that is not what the gathering was for. And Antifa and the democrat leadership not keeping them away from the legal gathering is responsible for the disaster. On the other hand BLM and Antifa is burning cities and killing people because that very much IS their intention. The white nationalists are not a death cult, they are just anti-Americans. BLM and Antifa are death cults.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

So... a former member is all you got.

Talk about couldn't care less of a damn. The founder said he is not interested, which part do you not understand?

Can someone show me where do I sign up?
The founder was interested. He knew about the Unite the Right rally in advance. He knew Proud Boys were involved. He did nothing to stop the rally, nothing to distance his Proud Boys from it, said nothing negative about it ....

.... until ....

.... a woman was murdered by a rightwingnut at the event. Then he kicked Kessler out and did everything he could to distance his Proud Boys from it.

Other than disavow it, distance his Proud Boys from it and say negative shit about it. He is in no position to stop the Free Speech of others, and why would you want him to?
Dumbfuck, he supported the rally until someone was murdered.

No, he did not. You are the dumbfuck here, believing the shit the media feeds you.
Dumbfuck, read & learn...

But they did show up, which McInnes evidently expected. In the first episode of his Compound Media show after the August rally, McInnes said he had been “just combing through all the media reports going, ‘Don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys,’” hoping the “lunatic Nazi” who allegedly killed Heather Heyer wasn’t a member of his group. He wasn’t, but the white nationalist Jason Kessler — who has been filmed undergoing his second-degree Proud Boy initiation — was the rally’s principal organizer. Less than two months earlier, Kessler had been a guest on “The Gavin McInnes Show,” where he promoted Unite the Right and, in a chummy interview, laid out the ideological overlap he and McInnes shared. “What’s really under attack is if you say, ‘I want to stand up for white people. I want to stand up for western civilization. I want to stand up for men. I want to stand up for Christians,’” to which McInnes nodded in agreement and added other examples: “I’m against immigration…I’m against jihadis. I’m against radical Islam.”
After Charlottesville, in a move to protect the fratty and innocuous Proud Boys’ brand he’s worked so hard to cultivate, McInnes ejected Kessler from the organization and insisted he had never really been a Proud Boy. “I’m suspicious of you, coming to Proud Boys meetings saying you’re not alt-right…and I think you were there to try to recruit guys,” McInnes told Kessler when they spoke on his show two days after the rally. It was only after the violence in Charlottesville, when any doubts about the true nature of the movement were stripped away, that Mcinnes attempted to earnestly distance the Proud Boys from the alt-right label. Before that, he seemed content to let the Proud Boys brand appear more ideologically ambiguous, profiting off the alt-right’s rising popularity until things got ugly.[/i]​

So, the leader of the group, threw the guy out of the group for being "alt-right" and to you that is evidence they are ws?

Mmm, right. That makes no sense.

And that is the best you have? LOL!!!
Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

No, he didn't throw Kessler out for being alt-right. McInnes threw the guy out because someone was murdered at the event his Proud Boy co-sponsored. Kessler wasn't thrown out during the months leading up to the event. The event and what it represented wasn't the problem for McInnes. The problem for McInnes was that he didn't want his organization to be associated with a riot that resulted in murder. Only after a rightwingnut murdered Heather Heyer and ran over 19 people did he finally try to distance himself from Kessler and the Unite the Right rally.

You are just making up shit, based on your need to believe that the Proud Boys are bad, that is not supported by anything, other than your hate.

Kessler was thrown out of the Proud Boys. Using a ex-member who was thrown out for his associations with ws, as your best proof that the Proud Boys are ws,

is you losing the argument.

Why don't you give us your SECOND strongest evidence or example to support your position, since this one was not very convincing.

After all, if they are a large, nation wide ws organization, there must be tons of evidence, videos of their leaders saying ws shit, or them doing ws stuff....
You're lying again, con. I made nothing up. Everything I posted on this comes from the Southern Poverty Law Center, who tracks and monitors hate groups.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that. :eusa_naughty:

The SPLC is a bunch of partisan lefty hacks with no credibility. Your appeal to Authority is dismissed as the logical fallacy it is.

YOu are unable to support your claims. YOu lose.
My claims are supported and it matters not what you think of my source. Not to mention, you have absolutely nothing to refute any of it.

And you look riduculous claiming victory when you can't stop lying.

So, your supporting argument is, "The SPLC says so".

That's you not being able to give any evidence. Someone else "SAYS SO" is not a valid supporting argument.
Like it or not, they're a leafing group in monitoring hate groups. Your pouting doesn't actually change that.

Like it or not, saying "someone says so" is you admitting that you cannot support your position.

That is not cause to call someone anything.

YOu need to post a mission statement or a public policy statement with clear racist policies, or actions.

You have, "someone I like said so".
My position is confirmed. Yours is nothing but you saying, nuh-uh. Let's see the evidence on which you're basing your bullshit...?

Citing an Authority is not confirming your position. It is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. IN this case, an Authority known to be unreliable.

My position? Is based on the millions of videos showing Proud Boys marching in dem strongholds and being attacked by you animals.

Your denials are again noted and dismissed. nuh-uh doesn't refute anything.

YOur inability to support your position is noted. You lose.
You're lying again, con. I posted support of my position. You've posted no support of yours.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.

Citing an Authority is not support it is a logical fallacy.

How many co-sponsors were there? Big difference between one of two, and one of thirty.

And can you support the claim he was really that important? I thought Richard Spencer was the primary organizer.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

They were not ok with it. THey had nothing to do with it.

And your strongest, indeed so far ONLY evidence, is a man who was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for ws associations.

That is insanely backwards logic.
You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

You've already been shown a Proud Boy co-sponsored Unite the Right. You've been shown Proud Boys participated in the racist rally. You've been shown the Proud Boys founder knew that and went along with it until a rightwingnut ran over 19 protesters and murdered one of them.

Now you’re just stuck in absolute denial mode.

Oh, a couple pages ago the claim was he was "THE ORGANIZER? and now he is just one of the "co-sponsors"?

And that guy was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for his association with ws, which is counter to the Proud Boys mission statement.

So, that is some weak ass shit you go there.

What is your second strongest evidence? Cause after all, if they really are a nation wide organization, doing all this terrible stuff, you should have no problem finding additional evidence of it, right?

Nah, the Proud Boys organized it. The march, the deaths, the beatings. They only disavowed the widely publicized event when Blobbers went all violent as they always do. Such is the life of an INCEL.

No, they didn't. Even faun is walking that stupid shit back.

And ws do not always get violent. They are almost always greatly outnumbered and protected by local police.

But in this case, as we have seen more and more, the cops were ordered to stand down so the larger mob of lefties could assault and hopefully intimidate the ws.
I walked nothing back, ya freak con.

Sure you did. Just a few pages ago, Kessler was "THE ORGANIZER" and now, magically, he has been reduced to "co-sponsor".

Say, Faun, how many "co-sponsors" were there? 2? 3? 30?

Just how big was Kessler's role?
Quote me saying Kessler was the sole organizer....

I did not say YOU personally said it.
Quote me posting some other source saying he was the sole organizer....

You can't because you're lying again.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

So... a former member is all you got.

Talk about couldn't care less of a damn. The founder said he is not interested, which part do you not understand?

Can someone show me where do I sign up?
The founder was interested. He knew about the Unite the Right rally in advance. He knew Proud Boys were involved. He did nothing to stop the rally, nothing to distance his Proud Boys from it, said nothing negative about it ....

.... until ....

.... a woman was murdered by a rightwingnut at the event. Then he kicked Kessler out and did everything he could to distance his Proud Boys from it.

Other than disavow it, distance his Proud Boys from it and say negative shit about it. He is in no position to stop the Free Speech of others, and why would you want him to?
Dumbfuck, he supported the rally until someone was murdered.

No, he did not. You are the dumbfuck here, believing the shit the media feeds you.
Dumbfuck, read & learn...

But they did show up, which McInnes evidently expected. In the first episode of his Compound Media show after the August rally, McInnes said he had been “just combing through all the media reports going, ‘Don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys, don’t say Proud Boys,’” hoping the “lunatic Nazi” who allegedly killed Heather Heyer wasn’t a member of his group. He wasn’t, but the white nationalist Jason Kessler — who has been filmed undergoing his second-degree Proud Boy initiation — was the rally’s principal organizer. Less than two months earlier, Kessler had been a guest on “The Gavin McInnes Show,” where he promoted Unite the Right and, in a chummy interview, laid out the ideological overlap he and McInnes shared. “What’s really under attack is if you say, ‘I want to stand up for white people. I want to stand up for western civilization. I want to stand up for men. I want to stand up for Christians,’” to which McInnes nodded in agreement and added other examples: “I’m against immigration…I’m against jihadis. I’m against radical Islam.”
After Charlottesville, in a move to protect the fratty and innocuous Proud Boys’ brand he’s worked so hard to cultivate, McInnes ejected Kessler from the organization and insisted he had never really been a Proud Boy. “I’m suspicious of you, coming to Proud Boys meetings saying you’re not alt-right…and I think you were there to try to recruit guys,” McInnes told Kessler when they spoke on his show two days after the rally. It was only after the violence in Charlottesville, when any doubts about the true nature of the movement were stripped away, that Mcinnes attempted to earnestly distance the Proud Boys from the alt-right label. Before that, he seemed content to let the Proud Boys brand appear more ideologically ambiguous, profiting off the alt-right’s rising popularity until things got ugly.[/i]​

So, the leader of the group, threw the guy out of the group for being "alt-right" and to you that is evidence they are ws?

Mmm, right. That makes no sense.

And that is the best you have? LOL!!!
Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

No, he didn't throw Kessler out for being alt-right. McInnes threw the guy out because someone was murdered at the event his Proud Boy co-sponsored. Kessler wasn't thrown out during the months leading up to the event. The event and what it represented wasn't the problem for McInnes. The problem for McInnes was that he didn't want his organization to be associated with a riot that resulted in murder. Only after a rightwingnut murdered Heather Heyer and ran over 19 people did he finally try to distance himself from Kessler and the Unite the Right rally.

You are just making up shit, based on your need to believe that the Proud Boys are bad, that is not supported by anything, other than your hate.

Kessler was thrown out of the Proud Boys. Using a ex-member who was thrown out for his associations with ws, as your best proof that the Proud Boys are ws,

is you losing the argument.

Why don't you give us your SECOND strongest evidence or example to support your position, since this one was not very convincing.

After all, if they are a large, nation wide ws organization, there must be tons of evidence, videos of their leaders saying ws shit, or them doing ws stuff....
You're lying again, con. I made nothing up. Everything I posted on this comes from the Southern Poverty Law Center, who tracks and monitors hate groups.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that. :eusa_naughty:

The SPLC is a bunch of partisan lefty hacks with no credibility. Your appeal to Authority is dismissed as the logical fallacy it is.

YOu are unable to support your claims. YOu lose.
My claims are supported and it matters not what you think of my source. Not to mention, you have absolutely nothing to refute any of it.

And you look riduculous claiming victory when you can't stop lying.

So, your supporting argument is, "The SPLC says so".

That's you not being able to give any evidence. Someone else "SAYS SO" is not a valid supporting argument.
Like it or not, they're a leafing group in monitoring hate groups. Your pouting doesn't actually change that.

Like it or not, saying "someone says so" is you admitting that you cannot support your position.

That is not cause to call someone anything.

YOu need to post a mission statement or a public policy statement with clear racist policies, or actions.

You have, "someone I like said so".
My position is confirmed. Yours is nothing but you saying, nuh-uh. Let's see the evidence on which you're basing your bullshit...?

Citing an Authority is not confirming your position. It is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. IN this case, an Authority known to be unreliable.

My position? Is based on the millions of videos showing Proud Boys marching in dem strongholds and being attacked by you animals.

Your denials are again noted and dismissed. nuh-uh doesn't refute anything.

YOur inability to support your position is noted. You lose.
I can't lose when you're incapable of refuting a word I say. Nuh-uh is not a rebuttal.

The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

They were not ok with it. THey had nothing to do with it.

And your strongest, indeed so far ONLY evidence, is a man who was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for ws associations.

That is insanely backwards logic.
You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

You've already been shown a Proud Boy co-sponsored Unite the Right. You've been shown Proud Boys participated in the racist rally. You've been shown the Proud Boys founder knew that and went along with it until a rightwingnut ran over 19 protesters and murdered one of them.

Now you’re just stuck in absolute denial mode.

Oh, a couple pages ago the claim was he was "THE ORGANIZER? and now he is just one of the "co-sponsors"?

And that guy was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for his association with ws, which is counter to the Proud Boys mission statement.

So, that is some weak ass shit you go there.

What is your second strongest evidence? Cause after all, if they really are a nation wide organization, doing all this terrible stuff, you should have no problem finding additional evidence of it, right?
You're lying again, con.

Kessler was not thrown out for associations with white supremacists. He was thrown out because an event he co-sponsored led to murder.

Already posted.

I didn't see it. Was it one of those links of just some other lib making the same unsupported allegations?

Cause, I know in your mind, that is proof, but in the real world, it just means there are two of you. And we knew that.
My post is still there with the link. You're always welcome to go back and look at it.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

Former member did something that the group disavowed and in your mind that defines the group?

Trump used to be a dem. Does that mean that his actions today, define the Democratic Party? LOL!!!!

That is fucking stupid.
They didn't disavow of the Unite the Right rally until someone on the right murdered a counter-protester.

Quite true.

He organized the event and the Proud Boys were fine with it until Blob supporters started beating and killing people. They were okay with the Nazi slogan shouting Tiki-Torch parade.

They were not ok with it. THey had nothing to do with it.

And your strongest, indeed so far ONLY evidence, is a man who was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for ws associations.

That is insanely backwards logic.
You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

You've already been shown a Proud Boy co-sponsored Unite the Right. You've been shown Proud Boys participated in the racist rally. You've been shown the Proud Boys founder knew that and went along with it until a rightwingnut ran over 19 protesters and murdered one of them.

Now you’re just stuck in absolute denial mode.

Oh, a couple pages ago the claim was he was "THE ORGANIZER? and now he is just one of the "co-sponsors"?

And that guy was thrown out of the Proud BOys, for his association with ws, which is counter to the Proud Boys mission statement.

So, that is some weak ass shit you go there.

What is your second strongest evidence? Cause after all, if they really are a nation wide organization, doing all this terrible stuff, you should have no problem finding additional evidence of it, right?

Nah, the Proud Boys organized it. The march, the deaths, the beatings. They only disavowed the widely publicized event when Blobbers went all violent as they always do. Such is the life of an INCEL.

No, they didn't. Even faun is walking that stupid shit back.

And ws do not always get violent. They are almost always greatly outnumbered and protected by local police.

But in this case, as we have seen more and more, the cops were ordered to stand down so the larger mob of lefties could assault and hopefully intimidate the ws.
I walked nothing back, ya freak con.

Sure you did. Just a few pages ago, Kessler was "THE ORGANIZER" and now, magically, he has been reduced to "co-sponsor".

Say, Faun, how many "co-sponsors" were there? 2? 3? 30?

Just how big was Kessler's role?
Quote me saying Kessler was the sole organizer....

I did not say YOU personally said it.
Quote me posting some other source saying he was the sole organizer....

You can't because you're lying again.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.

Time to get back to topic, he is not a member of the organization anymore, and what he did in his private life is not in any way important as to what proud boys, the organization, is doing.

The fact is, you can't find any evidence what so ever that they are white supremacists. Americans will never condemn proud Americans, but will always condemn your death cults.

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