Proudly out teen banned from school bus for saying ‘I’m a lesbian’

Democrats always have to tell you they're gay
Righties always have to tell you they're NOT GAY! to make up for their lack of security in their sexuality.

Yes, cuz faggots are so secure they run around calling themselves euphemisms like 'gay' instead of homosexual fetishists. Great point, Tard.
Case in point ^

^ Case in point. Doesn't have a sane answer, as usual. Why do faggots call themselves 'gay', instead of 'cum guzzling butt pirates', or 'pussy licking diesel dykes', something a lot more descriptive of what they are? Why is this such a hard question for the deviants to answer?
So because this girl is a lesbian you approve of the conspiray to lie about her. What prize did you win ?

Well lucky for this girl that the episode was caught on film. The driver was proven to be a liar and the school official who backed up the driver was proven to be a liar.

As we shall soon see on this thread it appears that it is fine to lie in the age of Trump if you are lying about "bad people". IE minorities. What a cauldron of hate the right is stirring.
I'm surprised it took this long for the father to lose faith in the Kansas school system.
Maybe he is a Christian and believes that people are fundamentally decent. You know, one of those fake Christian hippy types.
Democrats always have to tell you they're gay
Righties always have to tell you they're NOT GAY! to make up for their lack of security in their sexuality.

Yes, cuz faggots are so secure they run around calling themselves euphemisms like 'gay' instead of homosexual fetishists. Great point, Tard.
Case in point ^

^ Case in point. Doesn't have a sane answer, as usual. Why do faggots call themselves 'gay', instead of 'cum guzzling butt pirates', or 'pussy licking diesel dykes', something a lot more descriptive of what they are? Why is this such a hard question for the deviants to answer?
So because this girl is a lesbian you approve of the conspiray to lie about her. What prize did you win ?
lol so because this girl is mentally ill she has a right to annoy and molest the other kids? What prize do you win, sick fuck?
Democrats always have to tell you they're gay
Righties always have to tell you they're NOT GAY! to make up for their lack of security in their sexuality.

Yes, cuz faggots are so secure they run around calling themselves euphemisms like 'gay' instead of homosexual fetishists. Great point, Tard.
Case in point ^

^ Case in point. Doesn't have a sane answer, as usual. Why do faggots call themselves 'gay', instead of 'cum guzzling butt pirates', or 'pussy licking diesel dykes', something a lot more descriptive of what they are? Why is this such a hard question for the deviants to answer?
So because this girl is a lesbian you approve of the conspiray to lie about her. What prize did you win ?
lol so because this girl is mentally ill she has a right to annoy and molest the other kids? What prize do you win, sick fuck?
Where does it say that ?
Democrats always have to tell you they're gay
Righties always have to tell you they're NOT GAY! to make up for their lack of security in their sexuality.

Why is it okay for lefties to proclaim their homosexuality, but not okay for righties to state that they're heterosexual?

How's that hypocrisy taste?
I worked with a man who was in the process of transferring to being a woman. He told us he was still attracted to women.
Well sometimes your announcement of aberration doesn’t not get you wrapped in a safe space blanket

Well lucky for this girl that the episode was caught on film. The driver was proven to be a liar and the school official who backed up the driver was proven to be a liar.

As we shall soon see on this thread it appears that it is fine to lie in the age of Trump if you are lying about "bad people". IE minorities. What a cauldron of hate the right is stirring.

If I was the parents of that child, I would be suing the school, the bus company and the driver.

The sad truth is, that girl and her parents aren't safe in Kansas. They will be harassed and terrorized in Kansas.

Their best bet is to move to a more free and tolerant state that actually tries to follow our constitution and laws.

Well lucky for this girl that the episode was caught on film. The driver was proven to be a liar and the school official who backed up the driver was proven to be a liar.

As we shall soon see on this thread it appears that it is fine to lie in the age of Trump if you are lying about "bad people". IE minorities. What a cauldron of hate the right is stirring.

If I was the parents of that child, I would be suing the school, the bus company and the driver.

The sad truth is, that girl and her parents aren't safe in Kansas. They will be harassed and terrorized in Kansas.

Their best bet is to move to a more free and tolerant state that actually tries to follow our constitution and laws.
Emotively absurd fact absent
Lucky that this incident was caught on video, which shows that the girl did nothing wrong. The two lying monkeys who did this to her need to be disciplined harshly. They obviously can't be trusted. Sad.
They should be sacked. The teacher especially. He has lost all credibility. None of our right wing friends have a problem with their actions because the girl was a lesbian.

Reactions like that tend to vindicate the LGBT fight for equality.

The right-wingers are a funny lot. They have an amusing habit of criticizing any movement that protests a social injustice, and then providing a perfect example of why this movement is necessary and justified.
If I was there I'll admit I'd want her thrown off the bus also, but I wouldn't do it of course but I would most definitely be sitting there thinking "just shut the fuck up. No one cares if you're a lesbian. It doesn't make you special or unique. If someone wants to know what genitals you like they will ask you".

But what they did was wrong.
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Well lucky for this girl that the episode was caught on film. The driver was proven to be a liar and the school official who backed up the driver was proven to be a liar.

As we shall soon see on this thread it appears that it is fine to lie in the age of Trump if you are lying about "bad people". IE minorities. What a cauldron of hate the right is stirring.
Conservative rightwing Republican "freedom" means "freedom for me, not freedom for thee."
She gets no special prize for being a pervert.
I second this. If I had been there, I would have gone right back to whatever I was doing before the "announcement" was made.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. One thing that I will say though is that it isn't like a complete and total expulsion from the school is what happened in response. In other words, a worse punishment could've been issued.

Well lucky for this girl that the episode was caught on film. The driver was proven to be a liar and the school official who backed up the driver was proven to be a liar.

As we shall soon see on this thread it appears that it is fine to lie in the age of Trump if you are lying about "bad people". IE minorities. What a cauldron of hate the right is stirring.
Was the driver a Tranny? Because I know that Trans women do not get along with Lesbians.

Nobody has ever been able to truthfully tell me how gay marriage hurts my traditional marriage. To each his own. My Christianity tells me not to judge.
Why do lefties think it's a great thing when kids shout out their sexual preference on a freaking school bus? It's disruptive and violates a handful of regulations pertaining to sexual behavior that seem to apply only to heterosexual boys.
There is zero tolerance for sexual conduct in High Schools to the point that a (white?) heterosexual boy could be charged with about a dozen offenses for whistling at a girl. Yet it's cause for celebration among lefties if a disturbed girl disrupts a school bus load of kids by shouting "I'm a lesbian".

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