PSA Bizarre Subliminal Message About 'Martial Law?'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Hmm? What do ya think? Please resist the kneejerk urge to regurgitate the old predictable 'Tinfoil Hat' insults. Watch it with an open mind. Thanks.

There is a rant about Jade Helm in that video, so I am sorry but you are going to have to keep that tin foil hat loony toon label on yourself anyway.
Explanation behind "nationwide riots" audio makes little sense

The Ad Council has responded to concerns about a bizarre PSA it created in partnership with AARP that features a news broadcast reporting on the announcement of martial law following nationwide riots.

The commercial, which promotes the Ad Council’s Caregiver Assistance program, includes the background audio of a TV news anchor announcing, “Riots nationwide have prompted local governments to declare martial law….the President is asking that citizens find safety and remain calm….authorities are working to contain the outbreak.”

The audio cannot be picked up consciously and is only heard with the volume turned up.

After numerous people contacted the Ad Council on Twitter asking for an explanation, the organizationpublishedthe following response;

“We appreciate those of you who have taken the time to voice your concerns about our Caregivers Assistance PSA and concerns about the background audio file. Our pro bono ad agency who created this video, used a pre-existing, fictional vintage audio file as ambient background noise to invoke an earlier era; it was not intended to provide any additional messaging or for any additional purpose.”
I guess just note the timing and see why a subliminal message instilling fear of rioting would have been released just now. And then trace the bread crumbs back to the editors who assembled this ad. Seems simple enough.
Please resist the kneejerk urge to regurgitate the old predictable 'Tinfoil Hat' insults.

AD Council is a propaganda organization; and this subliminal submit to your master message is right up their alley.
Hmm? What do ya think? Please resist the kneejerk urge to regurgitate the old predictable 'Tinfoil Hat' insults. Watch it with an open mind. Thanks.

I think this is seeing a pattern where there isn't any along with a healthy dose of confirmation bias where one is more likely to see evidence that supports one's preferred hypotheses than see evidence against it. I'm curious: if someone were to offer you a $25 bet on whether there will be martial law in at least a third of the US in one year would you take it? What about if they made the same bet for 5 years?

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