PSA for Stupid leftists: Don't get caught helping possible deportees or you're going to prison (0;

Aiding and Abetting a criminal alien illegally in the country will get you a prison sentence, leftists. Don't let the ACLU get you in some deep shit with their nonsense. They can all be arrested for aiding and abetting illegal aliens too. They are not part of our government, they are not immune to the laws. They're just a bunch of activist lawyers...they are not invincible or infallible.
However, informing them of their rights under our Constitution is not illegal.
Aiding and Abetting a criminal alien illegally in the country will get you a prison sentence, leftists. Don't let the ACLU get you in some deep shit with their nonsense. They can all be arrested for aiding and abetting illegal aliens too. They are not part of our government, they are not immune to the laws. They're just a bunch of activist lawyers...they are not invincible or infallible.
However, informing them of their rights under our Constitution is not illegal.
They are not afforded the constitutional protection and privledges of American citizens. That right was hard fought and earned,not merely bestowed.
Aiding and Abetting a criminal alien illegally in the country will get you a prison sentence, leftists. Don't let the ACLU get you in some deep shit with their nonsense. They can all be arrested for aiding and abetting illegal aliens too. They are not part of our government, they are not immune to the laws. They're just a bunch of activist lawyers...they are not invincible or infallible.
However, informing them of their rights under our Constitution is not illegal.
They are not afforded the constitutional protection and privledges of American citizens. That right was hard fought and earned,not merely bestowed.
They don't have the same rights as citizens, that is true. However, citizens still have the right of free speech and can tell illegals whatever they wish. Illegals do have rights. If you don't believe me, shoot one and see what happens to you.

Roundin' up the wetbacks!!!

Go get 'em boys!

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Aiding and Abetting a criminal alien illegally in the country will get you a prison sentence, leftists. Don't let the ACLU get you in some deep shit with their nonsense. They can all be arrested for aiding and abetting illegal aliens too. They are not part of our government, they are not immune to the laws. They're just a bunch of activist lawyers...they are not invincible or infallible.
Sounds like how they used to threaten people who hid Jews

If you can't see the difference between hiding innocent Jews from death camp squads and hiding those that have broken the law once by entering illegally and a second time by skipping out on their court ordered deportation, there isn't much hope for you and your opinions should be ignored.

Let’s see...

Reporting your neighbors
Threatening those who help immigrants
Locking up children in cages

If you're not happy in the USA you're free to leave.

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