Psalm 91 - God's Divine Protection Plan

Jeremiah, you need to reject the blasphemous christian cult you are currently entangled in.

And accept Islam which is the best religion for all of mankind.

You will be happier once you learn how to worship God and discover the 1 true God of Judaism and Islam.

Again, I invite you to escape the Hell fire and accept my invitation to convert to Islam.

And acknowledge that Muhammad is the last and final true prophet of God.

Now that we have gone over each verse one by one - let's go on to something that I just discovered today! Charles Spurgeon did the same thing with the Psalm! He broke it down verse by verse! I just found it less than 2 minutes ago as I wanted to review the history behind King David writing this Psalm - in the OP I said we'd review history first - but did the breakdown on the Psalm first - my apology - since Charles Spurgeon is a great minister of the Gospel and part of our Christian history we can review what he had to say here for a far greater understanding of Psalm 91. Psalm 91 is probably one of the most powerful Psalms out of the book - Along with Psalm 23! Here is Spurgeons' description of Psalm 91. What a masterpiece! Enjoy!

Treasury of David 151 Psalm 91
In the whole collection there is not a more cheering Psalm, its tone is elevated and sustained throughout, faith is at its best, and speaks nobly. A German physician was wont to speak of it as the best preservative in times of cholera, and in truth, it is a heavenly medicine against plague and pest. He who can live in its spirit will be fearless, even if once again London should become a lazar-house, and the grave be gorged with carcases.
DIVISION. On this occasion we shall follow the divisions which our translators have placed at the head of the Psalm, for they are pithy and suggestive.
Ps 91:1-2—The state of the godly.
Ps 91:3-8—Their safety.
Ps 91:9-10—Their habitation.
Ps 91:11-13—Their servants.
Ps 91:14-16—Their friend; with the effects of them all
Click the link to read more! You will truly be blessed by Spurgeon as he defines each verse...
I would like to expound on Spurgeon referencing the German physician that said Psalm 91 was the best preservative in times of cholera, and in truth, it was a heavenly medicine against plague and pest. He who can live in the spirit will be fearless...........

Of course the German physician was right. That is precisely what Psalm 91 is for among other things - you see in King David's day the people knew what a plague was - in the time of Egypt and Moses confronting Pharoah to let Gods people go - they knew what a plague was and today? Today we know what a plague is and we are seeing one come upon the earth quite rapidly - the plague of Ebola. Now Psalm 91 is God's preservative - but how do we enter into that blessing?

By believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and being born again. Repenting of our sins. Staying out of sin and embracing the new nature and desires God puts in our hearts to obey Him - which is evidence of the new birth. No longer will we desire to watch evil movies, satans gateway for demons coming into your home is watching movies that have horror in them (most are written by those in the occult) you will avoid reading horror books ( those are also written by those in the occult) you won't have any part in Satan's holidays such as Halloween because it celebrates evil and evil is real.

You will no longer listen to rock music which is another gateway to demons coming into your home / your car - you will have nothing to do with evil and will not laugh at godless chatter, base and foul talk, satanic comedy shows that debase God's creation - His Highest creation - Man - you will not be a part of evil but rather you will expose it and pray against it. Your desire will be to share the love of Jesus Christ with others and see them receive Christ! Then they will also go out and share the Good News!

The fulfillment of judgment is being poured out even now but God's mercy is still crying out - It is not too late! Come to Jesus! Let Psalm 91 be yours! Let Psalm 91 be a covering over your household. Depart from evil and have nothing to do with it. Call on the LORD and be saved.
Pertaining to the history of Psalm 91 Spurgeon considered that perhaps Moses is the author of this Psalm - here is what he states:
Treasury of David 151 Psalm 91
Whole Psalm. The Talmud writers ascribe not only the ninety-first Psalm, but the nine ensuing, to the pen of Moses; but from a rule which will in no respect hold, that all the psalms which are without the name of an author in their respective titles are the production of the poet whose name is given in the nearest preceding title. And though it is impossible to prove that this highly beautiful ode was not written by David, the general drift of its scenery and allusions rather concur in showing that, like the last, we are indebted for it to the muse of Moses: that it was composed by him during the journey through the wilderness, shortly after the plague of the fiery serpents; when the children of Israel, having returned to a better spirit, were again received into the favour of JEHOVAH. Besides political enemies, the children of Israel in the wilderness had other evils in great numbers to encounter, from the nature and diseases of the climate, which exposed them to coups de soleil, or sun smiting, during the heat of the day; and to pestilential vapours, moon smiting, during the damp of the night, so as to render the miraculous canopy of the cloud that hung over them in the former season, and the miraculous column of fire that cheered and purified them in the latter, equally needful and refreshing. In Egypt, they had seen so much of the plague, and they had been so fearfully threatened with it as a punishment for disobedience, that they could not but be in dread of its reappearance, from the incessant fatigues of their journeying. In addition to all which, they had to be perpetually on their guard against the insidious attacks of the savage monsters and reptiles of "that great and terrible wilderness", as Moses describes it on another occasion, "wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought; where there was no water" (De 8:15); and where, also, as we learn from other parts of Scripture, bears, lions, leopards or tigers, and "the wolf of the evening", as Jeremiah has beautifully expressed it, prowled without restraint. Now in the Psalm before us, and especially in Ps 91:6-13, we have so clear and graphic a description of the whole of these evils presented to us, as to bring its composition directly home to the circumstances and the period here pitched upon, and to render it at least needless to hunt out for any other occasion. J. M. Good's "Historical Outline of the Book of Psalms", 1842.
It might be interesting to review J.M. Good's"Historical Outline of the Book of Psalms. I had not heard this before - so this is news to me!
I am compelled to believe David wrote the Psalm although he perhaps gleaned some of it from the experiences of Moses as well as his own experience of God's divine protection. I feel inclined to believe it had to do with his time fleeing from Saul - which endured many years! I would say that one of the defining qualities about David was his awareness of what it meant when God had anointed someone - he didn't want to touch Saul - he left the matter completely in God's hands - although he did show Saul that he could have taken his life - he was revealing his own character - great mercy! Great mercy!

Also David did have great reverence for the LORD - his honoring Gods Word - Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm - surely David knew of those who had attempted to do such a thing and death was the result for those who didn't heed that warning. He never considered ( or so it seems) that he was the Lord's anointed and that it was Saul who would die as a result of trying to hunt David down. What a lesson that should be for some folks today!
The King James Bible contains a corrupted old English translation of the Jewish version of the Psalms and therefore cannot be trusted as authentic or accurate. ...... :cool:

oh look, how original.

Christians and Muslims share many beliefs in common. Both accept only one God, the Creator and Source of all Revelation, the Merciful Judge who will punish the wicked and reward the good. With materialism gaining the upper hand and in many parts of the world, it is important that believers stress what they have in common rather than intensify mutual opposition. This means that unfounded prejudice on both sides should be removed. In February 1976, 1200 delegates from sixty countries took part in a seminar on `Islamic-Christian Dialogue'. The Christians asked the Muslims to make a deeper study of the New Testament and to drop the charge of falsification. Dialogue requires that each party accepts the authenticity of the other person's Scriptures on which his faith is based.13

Many of the great Muslim thinkers have, indeed, accepted the authenticity of the New Testament text. Listing the names of these men seems a fitting conclusion to this essay. Their testimony proves that Christian-Muslim dialogue need not for ever be stymied by the allegation introduced by Ibn-Khazem. Two great historians, Al-Mas'udi (died 956) and Ibn-Khaldun (died 1406), held the authenticity of the Gospel text. Four well-known theologians agreed with this: Ali at-Tabari (died 855), Qasim al-Khasani (died 860), 'Amr al-Ghakhiz (died 869) and, last but not least, the famous Al-Ghazzali (died 1111).14 Their view is shared by Abu Ali Husain Ibn Sina, who is known in the West as Avicenna (died 1037). Bukhari (died 870), who acquired a great name by his collection of early traditions, quoted the Qur'an itself (Sura 3:72,78) to prove that the text of the Bible was not falsified.15 Finally, Muhammad Abduh Sayyid Ahmad Khan, a religious and social reformer of modem times (died 1905), accepted the findings of modern science. He said:

As far as the text of the Bible is concerned. it has not been altered ... No attempt was made to present a diverging text as the authentic one.16

Can we trust the Gospels
Psalms in the Ketuvim portion of the Old Testament is the only book which the Quran mentions is suitable for muslim's to read and believe.

Provided they have access to the original text. ..... :cool:


Surprising, although I quess it makes sense, that Islam would recognize any Jewish texts.
Psalms in the Ketuvim portion of the Old Testament is the only book which the Quran mentions is suitable for muslim's to read and believe.

Provided they have access to the original text. ..... :cool:


So, does the Islamic 'Only legitimate Qur'an is one in Arabic' hold true for which ever Jewish texts you recognize? Gotta read them in Hebrew? :)
KJV by the by isn't Old English. Old English wuold be as a foreign language to our eyes. It's actually Elizabethian English (the language of Shakespeare.) Old and Middle English are defacto foreign languages. Biblegateway has a Middle English Wycliffe Bible that I've take a look at and it's totally foreign to my eyes.
Psalms in the Ketuvim portion of the Old Testament is the only book which the Quran mentions is suitable for muslim's to read and believe.

Provided they have access to the original text. ..... :cool:


Surprising, although I quess it makes sense, that Islam would recognize any Jewish texts.

Thank you for reminding me, Delta! I told Sunni man I would post the Psalms thread here as he said that he was reading the Psalms I was posting from my King James Version bible and that the Muslims read King David's Psalms. I am thinking this must be a very new development as he was reading it just this very year! (I haven't been here quite a year yet!) Hold on. I also want to post the Proverbs link as I have more to add to this thread yet! I'll be working on that today - God willing!
I cannot find my Book of Psalms thread, Delta! Any ideas on how I can find it without going through all of my threads? Let me know. In the meantime I found Pentacostal Fire thread which has the entire Book of Acts written on it and I also typed out the Book of Romans and the Book of Corinthians on this board and would like to bring those back up as well. Thanks. This link Pentacostal Fire has many great sermons, scriptures, much to edify the reader with - a lot of the praise and worship music links didn't transfer to this format however... I'll post some new music later. Here is the link for that: Pentacostal Fire Page 35 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Psalms in the Ketuvim portion of the Old Testament is the only book which the Quran mentions is suitable for muslim's to read and believe.

Provided they have access to the original text. ..... :cool:


So, does the Islamic 'Only legitimate Qur'an is one in Arabic' hold true for which ever Jewish texts you recognize? Gotta read them in Hebrew? :)

I didn't know Sunni Man could read in Hebrew! Interesting question I have for you, Delta. There are Muslims who stated that the only true Qur'an is written in Arabic - not English - does this mean that the Muslims reading the Qu'ran in English are not reading the true Qu'ran? It just came to me that perhaps that would be a conflict of interests of sorts.
The Quran was originally given to Muhammad orally in Arabic and later written down in Arabic..

Although it has been translated into various languages for people to read.

Muslims are still encouraged to learn to read the Quran in Arabic.

Which gives an even deeper spiritual understanding of the text. ..... :cool:

I can understand your interest in the Qur'an, Sunni Man and you are free on USMB to write a thread about it but this is about Psalm 91 and the prayer that I am praying to my God about protection for people - and for my God to reveal His love to the people of USMB and even to the people who are visiting USMB. Jesus is God and my desire is for all those reading to understand that when Scripture declares the LORD is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and they are safe - this is referencing Jesus Christ. He is the strong tower. Jesus Christ is God. He is our refuge from every storm, plague, enemy attack - He is our refuge in everything! I am still looking for the Book of Psalms on USMB as their search engine could not find it the other day - it may not be working right now.
The LORD is our refuge and our Safety. Jesus Christ is LORD over all the earth. Jesus Christ is LORD. This is what it means - for thine is the Kingdom, the Power, the Glory, yes it all belongs to Jesus Christ who is LORD! Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus Christ is LORD.

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