Psalm 91 - God's Divine Protection Plan

Verse 7

A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right side, but it shall not come nigh thee.

A thousand what? A thousand people will fall at thy side - and ten thousand at thy right side? King David is talking about a full on battle here. A thousand shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right side - but it shall not come near to you. You will survive. You are not going to die. If this plague goes full on and spreads like the black plague - God says - I am able to keep you - abide under the shadow of the Almighty - Abide in Jesus and let his Word abide in you and you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you. Don't believe it? Look up John 15:7 what did Jesus say? You see that? That is for you if you are abiding in Christ. Are you backslidden? Then repent and return to the LORD because John 15 is the life of a believer personified. That is your life in living color. Embrace it! That is the promises of God to you. Jesus didn't come to do away with the Law - He came to fulfill it! Abiding In Christ and obeying His Word? Psalm 91 is yours. Don't know Jesus? Call upon the name of the LORD and be saved - Romans 10:9,10 and Psalms 91 is yours immediately.

God isn't looking for bible scholars. God is looking for people who will take Him at His Word and live for Him - obey Him, honor Him and TRUST IN HIM. It's just that simple.

A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at your right side but it won't come near you. That is Gods promise to you. Do you want that promise to be yours? Do you want to belong to the LORD? Call on him to night and be saved. Amen? Amen!
Jesus did not come to condemn people. Jesus came to save people.
It is written:

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
-John 3:16,17,18

Listen to what Jesus said! What an invitation! Who is invited? Anyone who will come!

Matthew 11 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls.

[URL='']Rest for the Weary

28"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30"For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."[/URL]

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was with God in the beginning. All things were made by him; and without him not anything was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. - John 1: 1 - 5

What beauty Jesus created for us on this earth. As for heaven? We simply cannot comprehend it - it is too beautiful to describe with words I am sure!
While I appreciate your fervent presentation, many do not so represent the passages as do you. Nor do many "live" the passages as you represent them. While not Christian, I do attempt to live my life adhering to a "do unto others" dialectic. I appreciate your presentation, and respect your faith. Thank you, most heartily.

God bless you! I pray for you, Gallantwarrior and believe Gods' best for you. I am committed to praying for you every single day of my life. May God help me to fulfill my vows for prayer. While you may not be a believer yet I believe that you will be and in the meanwhile I am pleading the Blood of Jesus over you to protect you and asking God for a hedge of protection to keep you - I ask God to keep you alive and let no harm come to you and I do that over the people on this board because I believe in the power of prayer and that God will answer my prayers. I trust Him and I know He loves you very much. I had to write down all of your names because there are so many of you. Some weeks ago I had to add more and now I have to condense them on a few pages because there are new people and then some who I already had written down got written down again. So I need to do that this evening - this is me reminding myself of what I need to do!

I read your names off at church meeting I visited - to have a whole congregation agree with me in prayer for all of you and when the Pastor saw how long the list was he said here! You read off all these names! I told my husband he just didn't want to have to read all those names! lol! Bless his heart. I have also gone to the altar before at church meetings to stand in the gap for bloggers on this board who were in need of a miracle - I was believing for them because they didn't believe in God at all! (but in the end I believe they will)

You should see the expressions on some of my prayer partners when I start calling out your names! Oh my gosh - they try not to show it but I know they are just amazed at some of the screen names! Now I shut my eyes so I don't have to see their expressions.

I also believe God put me on this board because I didn't want to write here - I was asked to come over here by a Jewish woman who wanted me to come here and as I know this particular Jewish woman has been repeatedly used by God to speak to me I figured I had better listen to her and I did. (at first I didn't but after awhile I figured I better do it as it was probably God - and it was! )

So even after I leave this board? The prayer list goes with me and I will continue to pray over you all, each day, until God tells me otherwise. I consider this is what God has called me to do and it may not seem like a big ministry to some people but to me it is everything. I want to make sure I do what God wants me to do and that I do not mess it up.

Thanks for your kind words, Gallantwarrior. May the LORD bless you mightily.

When I am with my prayer partners who are street preachers I ask them to read the list of names while we pray and then they get a burden for you too - then I leave the list with them and make myself up another one. Then they keep praying for you because they have got your screen names. God knows who each one of you are by your screen names. He knows every hair on your head and which number it is!
The King James Bible contains a corrupted old English translation of the Jewish version of the Psalms and therefore cannot be trusted as authentic or accurate. ...... :cool:

Not according to your prophet. Your prophet said the bible was the Word of God - it wasn't until our Book exposed the contradictions and mistakes in your book - I believe that some of your teachers - (long after death of Mohammad) began the claim that the bible was corrupted. How could Mohammad have died saying it was not corrupted and your later teachers claiming it was both be right? Are you saying Mohammad changed his mind after he was dead? You do realize there was no Qur'an until some 10 years after Mohammad's death, right?

You see, Sunni man. Either way you are fighting a losing battle. You need to come to Jesus and be born again. That is what Jesus said, Ye must be born again. Follow Jesus. Jesus died on the cross for you. Not Mohammad. Follow Jesus, Sunni Man. Mohammad does not want you to be in hell - he would surely want you to call on Jesus and be saved. If he had the chance to do it himself he would but it is too late for him. It isn't too late for you. Call on Jesus and be saved.
Verse 8

Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

This verse is self explanatory. Though a thousand fall at your side and ten thousand at your right side it shall not come near you ......... you'll only see it with your eyes..........

Only with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked. The reward of the wicked is destruction. We will see the destruction of the wicked - this is true - we see it every time we see evil forces dying because they fell into the pit that they had dug for others to fall into. Our God shows himself pure to the pure but he also shows himself Shrewd with the Shrewd. No man is going to out think God - out - do God - pull the wool over God's eyes. God sees all things! God knows all things! God is omnipresent - omniscient - he knows the thoughts of man before he even begins to do what he is plotting in his heart to do... God knows all things. He surely knows! When the end comes and we see the LORD we will find out just how much He rescued us from! At the present we only know what he shows us but one day we shall know these things. I believe the reason the LORD says the wicked are destroyed "SUDDENLY" is because it emphasizes they are caught by surprise - not expecting it - they are blindsided. There is no opportunity to respond, to repent, it is too late then.
Verse 9

Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation.

Here the Psalmist emphasizes that the reason no evil shall befall your dwelling place or you - is because you have made the LORD your refuge and your habitation. You are abiding in the LORD. Read John 15:7 for an emphasis on this also.

So what if you are not living for the LORD but you were saved as a child? You could come back to the LORD right now - repent and give your heart fully to him and turn from your sin and God will forget your past as if it never happened. Then Psalm 91 is yours. Say you were never saved and have a hard time believing? With an act of your will you can say LORD I believe - help my unbelief! And He will answer that prayer - a broken and a contrite heart God will not despise - God is desiring that none would perish and that all would turn from evil - see 2 Chronicles 7: 14... it is written.
Not according to your prophet. Your prophet said the bible was the Word of God - it wasn't until our Book exposed the contradictions and mistakes in your book - I believe that some of your teachers - (long after death of Mohammad) began the claim that the bible was corrupted. How could Mohammad have died saying it was not corrupted and your later teachers claiming it was both be right? Are you saying Mohammad changed his mind after he was dead? You do realize there was no Qur'an until some 10 years after Mohammad's death, right?
The King James Bible contains a corrupted old English translation of the Jewish version of the Psalms and therefore cannot be trusted as authentic or accurate. ...... :cool:

Not according to your prophet. Your prophet said the bible was the Word of God - it wasn't until our Book exposed the contradictions and mistakes in your book - I believe that some of your teachers - (long after death of Mohammad) began the claim that the bible was corrupted. How could Mohammad have died saying it was not corrupted and your later teachers claiming it was both be right? Are you saying Mohammad changed his mind after he was dead? You do realize there was no Qur'an until some 10 years after Mohammad's death, right?

You see, Sunni man. Either way you are fighting a losing battle. You need to come to Jesus and be born again. That is what Jesus said, Ye must be born again. Follow Jesus. Jesus died on the cross for you. Not Mohammad. Follow Jesus, Sunni Man. Mohammad does not want you to be in hell - he would surely want you to call on Jesus and be saved. If he had the chance to do it himself he would but it is too late for him. It isn't too late for you. Call on Jesus and be saved.
Sorry Jeremiah, but you are the person who will be going to Hell for worshiping a mortal man named Jesus and calling him God.

That is a very grave sin and you need to repent and ask Allah's forgiveness. ....... :cool:

Verse 10

There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

Once again the Psalmist is assuring us that God will not permit any evil to fall upon us, neither will God permit any plague to come near our dwelling place. What is a plague? I'll go get a link for Webster dictionary and give you definition.

Webster s Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1913 - The ARTFL ProjectPlague (Page: 1093)
Plague (?), n. [L. plaga a blow, stroke, plague; akin to Gr. , fr. to strike; cf. L. plangere to strike, beat. Cf. Plaint.]

1. That which smites, wounds, or troubles; a blow; a calamity; any afflictive evil or torment; a great trail or vexation. Shak.

And men blasphemed God for the plague of hail. Wyclif.The different plague of each calamity. Shak.
2. (Med.) An acute malignant contagious fever, that often prevails in Egypt, Syria, and Turkey, and has at times visited the large cities of Europe with frightful mortality; hence, any pestilence; as, the great London plague. A plague upon the people fell." Tennyson. Cattle plague. See
Rinderpest. -- Plague mark, Plague spot, a spot or mark of the plague; hence, a token of something incurable.

Plague (Page:
Plague, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Plagued (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Plaguing.]

1. To infest or afflict with disease, calamity, or natural evil of any kind.

Thus were they plagued And worn with famine. Milton.
2. Fig.: To vex; to tease; to harass.

She will plague the man that loves her most. Spenser.Syn. -- To vex; torment; distress; afflict; harass; annoy; tease; tantalize; trouble; molest; embarrass; perplex.Displaying 1 result(s) from the 1828 edition:
PLAGUE, n. plag. [L. plaga, a stroke; Gr. See Lick and Lay. The primary sense is a stroke or striking. So afflict is from the root of flog, and probably of the same family as plague.]
1. Any thing troublesome or vexatious; but in this sense, applied to the vexations we suffer from men, and not to the unavoidable evils inflicted on us by Divine Providence. The application of the word to the latter, would now be irreverent and reproachful.
2. A pestilential disease; an acute, malignant and contagious disease that often prevails in Egypt, Syria and Turkey, and has at times infected the large cities of Europe with frightful mortality.
3. A state of misery. Ps.38.
4. Any great natural evil or calamity; as the ten plagues of Egypt.
PLAGUE, v.t. plag.

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Not according to your prophet. Your prophet said the bible was the Word of God - it wasn't until our Book exposed the contradictions and mistakes in your book - I believe that some of your teachers - (long after death of Mohammad) began the claim that the bible was corrupted. How could Mohammad have died saying it was not corrupted and your later teachers claiming it was both be right? Are you saying Mohammad changed his mind after he was dead? You do realize there was no Qur'an until some 10 years after Mohammad's death, right?
The King James Bible contains a corrupted old English translation of the Jewish version of the Psalms and therefore cannot be trusted as authentic or accurate. ...... :cool:

Not according to your prophet. Your prophet said the bible was the Word of God - it wasn't until our Book exposed the contradictions and mistakes in your book - I believe that some of your teachers - (long after death of Mohammad) began the claim that the bible was corrupted. How could Mohammad have died saying it was not corrupted and your later teachers claiming it was both be right? Are you saying Mohammad changed his mind after he was dead? You do realize there was no Qur'an until some 10 years after Mohammad's death, right?

You see, Sunni man. Either way you are fighting a losing battle. You need to come to Jesus and be born again. That is what Jesus said, Ye must be born again. Follow Jesus. Jesus died on the cross for you. Not Mohammad. Follow Jesus, Sunni Man. Mohammad does not want you to be in hell - he would surely want you to call on Jesus and be saved. If he had the chance to do it himself he would but it is too late for him. It isn't too late for you. Call on Jesus and be saved.
Sorry Jeremiah, but you are the person who will be going to Hell for worshiping a mortal man named Jesus and calling him God.

That is a very grave sin and you need to repent and ask Allah's forgiveness. ....... :cool:


I do not pray to demons or bow down to them, Sunni man. Allah is a demon god. You are the one who needs to repent and ask the Lord Jesus for forgiveness. I would not wait too long. There is a plague upon the land and it is growing steadily. Repent and call upon the LORD and be saved.
Verse 11

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

This is the divine protection God gives His people - that he has assigned angels to watch over us and protect us. I believe the LORD also sends angels to watch over those who He knows will come but have yet to come - that he watches over them and has people praying for them until they come into the kingdom of God. Think back to times when you could have been killed in a car accident, but miraculously - you survived - even walked away without any major damage - think of the times you could have died - choked to death - but didn't - got very sick were in the hospital - were not give a good prognosis but yet you are still alive - God has kept you alive - there is a reason for this! God has a plan for your life and it includes your salvation! Today is the day of Salvation. Call upon the LORD and be saved!
I do not pray to demons or bow down to them, Sunni man. Allah is a demon god. You are the one who needs to repent and ask the Lord Jesus for forgiveness. I would not wait too long. There is a plague upon the land and it is growing steadily. Repent and call upon the LORD and be saved.
Actually Jeremiah, you are the person who has believed Satan's lies and now worship a mere man as a God.

Which is a very grave and serious sin.

I cordially invite you Jeremiah to accept Islam in order to save yourself from the fire of Hell. ....... :cool:

Verse 12

They shall bear thee up in their hands, let thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Satan was quoting from this verse when he was tempting Jesus in the wilderness to throw himself off a cliff! Jesus answered Satan with the Word. It is written! It is written! It is written! Again this scripture speaks of the protection of angels to keep us. Now Satan petitioned God to have God take down the hedge of protection that was surrounding Job because he couldn't get Job to sin so that he could get through that hedge! So instead he accuses Job of only serving God because of his goodness towards him! Oh! Then Job spoke those famous words..............Thou he slay me, yet will I trust Him!

Job trusted God. Job was ready to accept the bad with the good because he loved God for God not for what God gave him! That is how we need to love God! We need to love God for God! If God never did another thing for us - not another single thing - He is still worthy of all praise and glory and that we should be thankful for all He has done. He gave us our children. Children are a gift from God. He gave us our very names. The LORD named us while we were in our mothers womb! He has given us our very lives - our living in America - our freedom - our freedom to own a bible - we are a blessed people.
I do not pray to demons or bow down to them, Sunni man. Allah is a demon god. You are the one who needs to repent and ask the Lord Jesus for forgiveness. I would not wait too long. There is a plague upon the land and it is growing steadily. Repent and call upon the LORD and be saved.
Actually Jeremiah, you are the person who has believed Satan's lies and now worship a mere man as a God.

Which is a very grave and serious sin.

I cordially invite you Jeremiah to accept Islam in order to save yourself from the fire of Hell. ....... :cool:

I will never accept Islam. I will never bow down to that demon god Allah. Not today, not tomorrow. Not ever. But you will bow down to Jesus Christ and confess Him as Lord one day. You may not do it today but one day you will bend you knee and you will confess with your tongue Jesus Christ is LORD. It is written!

It is written: "As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God." - Romans 14:11
Verse 13

Thou shalt tread upon the lion and the adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

This is referencing the authority of the Believer - you are the head and not the tail you are in Christ - you walk in the victory of the Cross because of what Jesus Christ did at the cross for you! The Word of God says you are more than a conqueror - more than - get a hold of that picture. You have been given back what the first Adam lost (dominion) through the second Adam who did not sin and went to the cross for you! In Luke 10:19 it is written:

Behold, I have given unto you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm you. - Luke 10:19

This is the authority given to us through Jesus Christ. To tread is to trample - to stomp - to crush - to destroy - this is the authority of the believer - you have been given power over all the power of the enemy and in that Christ has given you the victory. The dragon you shall trample under feet is Satan. He is also referred to as the dragon in Revelation 20:2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years.

So as you can see Psalm 91 is again a representation of What Christ came to fulfill and in Luke 10:19 you see the perfect example of that authority given to the believer.
Verse 14

Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore I will deliver him, I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

This is the vow God has made to His children that as we have set our love upon Him, He will deliver us, because we lift Him up and have known his name, he said He will deliver us. This is the relationship God desires to have with every human being on earth. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ not religion - not rituals - not praying to statues or moon rocks or some woman with a crown of stars on her head being hailed the queen of heaven - no, no , no.... God came in the flesh and hung on a cross for us and His name is Jesus Christ. Jesus hung on that cross for you. Not Mohammad, not Buddah, not Mary, not Hari Krishna or the Dali Lama! Jesus hung on that Cross! Jesus Christ is LORD. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus Christ is LORD. Amen.
Verse 15

He shall call upon me, and I will answer him, I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Is God faithful or what? This is what God is offering you! If you are backslidden God will forgive you right now! Come back to him and commit your life to Jesus to live for him now! Why wait? If you have never been saved do so tonight! Call upon the LORD and be saved! This promise is to all who have answered the call to follow Christ! This can be you tonight! Don't wait! Do it tonight!
Verse 16

With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

Guess what? God says I am going to give you a long life and satisfy you in it - and I am going to show you my salvation! How about that? Can anyone else tell you I am going to give you a long life and deliver on that promise? No. Only God can do this. Only God! Only God can satisfy you! Only God can show you His salvation! Call upon the name of the LORD and be saved tonight. Jesus loves you so much he went to the cross for you. Do not say no. Come to the LORD while there is time and give your life to him - repent of your sins, live holy, obey the LORD if you miss it? Repent! I've missed it - I have lost my patience before and had to repent and say God forgive me! He forgave me! Be sincere with the LORD and watch what He will do! Jesus loves you and that is Good News. If God be for you.......who can stand against you?

No one.

That's who.

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